Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1344 94. Once You Learn It, You Will Learn It! Bu Laike Teaches You How To Weave Your Destin

Chapter 1344 94. Once you learn it, you will learn it! Bu Laike teaches you how to weave your destiny

The orcs gathered to collect the bones for Bo Rocks and Ner'zhul.

Bu Rocks is lucky to say that there is at least one pitch-black charred bone that can be remembered, but Ner'zhul is much more miserable. After completing the ascension ceremony, he has no trace of flesh and blood, so everyone can only gather up the clothes of the old orc and put them in In an urn.

Next, they will go to Nagrand, where they will hold a grand condolence ceremony for the two orc heroes at Oshu'gu, the holy mountain of orcs, and all the orc clans will send people to attend.

But this ceremony is only in the preparatory stage, and there is a conflict among the orcs because of the whereabouts of the two old orcs.

Ner'zhul's urn will be taken to Oshu'gun, and after a period of rest, it will be brought back to the necropolis in Shadowmoon Valley, where the shadowmoon chieftains have come to rest.

Nobody disagrees with that.

Only in the choice of the burial place of Bu Rocks, the two factions launched a fierce confrontation. Shamans like Drek'Thar believed that Bu Rocks had paid sacrifices for Dellano and should be buried in the holy mountain of Nagrand. Down.

But Chief Red and his henchmen obviously have different opinions.

The quarrel between the two sides has reached a fever pitch, and even some draenei who are enjoying the victory are lying on the sidelines to watch the excitement.

Boo Laike was also drawn.

He had just finished drinking with a group of Mag'har pirates, and drank alone with a group of chickens, which made the pirates feel happy. It would be a lot of fun to see the green skins quarreling, but after a while it became boring.

Because the quarrels of the orcs are too boring, and the vocabulary of green-skinned curses is so poor, there is no wisdom to be learned from such quarrels, and there is no joy to speak of.

"Bo Rocks Saurfang is actually dead, it's just that no one dared to tell him the fact"

The drunken stinky pirate said something suddenly, and then amused himself.

With a weird smile on his face, he walked to the other side, ready to have some drinks with those hoof girl garrison officers with cute little tails in the next hall.

As a result, as soon as he left this lively hall, he saw Prophet Velen sitting in a high quiet courtyard meditating from afar.

The Prophet held his purple crystal that never left his hand, frowning as if he was trying to comprehend the future. He was so attentive that he didn't even notice the approach of the drunken Bo Laike.

"It's painful, isn't it? Prophet, I see that you are being disturbed by the illusion of the future. It seems that there is an important matter that cannot be decided. Do you need to find a colleague to talk about the distress in your heart?"

The stinky pirate took down his pipe and asked a question suddenly, awakening Velen who was contemplating the future.

The latter put down the shining crystal in his hand, and he took a complicated look at Bu Laike, who smelled of alcohol. After a few seconds, he nodded.


"I've never had anyone to talk to about this agony, but perhaps you can understand my burden, Lord Laike, for being such an eminent prophet, you have just demonstrated to me with your own hands the miracles you have wrought.

I really want to ask you, how on earth do you take the changeable future into your hands and use it for your own use? "

Velen, who also suffered ups and downs today, looked very haggard. He stroked his beard and sighed, and asked for advice in a sincere tone:

"Looking at how you are so skillful in undulating the thread of fate, making everything move forward according to your plan really makes me very envious, and even gave me a new understanding of the profession of prophet.

If I had one-tenth of your abilities, I might be able to avoid the disasters of the past ten years, and my clansmen and I would not have to go through such rough pain.

Maybe you can teach me?

I heard that you have been working on spreading your dark wisdom in Azeroth? Can you share some with me? "

"Of course, I am willing to share my experience with my outstanding colleagues."

Hearing that Velen was blowing his rainbow farts, the pirate felt complacent. He grinned and pulled out his chair to sit in front of Velen.

After adjusting his expression, he said to Velen seriously:

"Describe your problem, Prophet, I need to know where your concerns are?

Also, stop taking the draenei disaster on Dellano on your shoulders.

You lost your ability to predict when the draenei fell into this world, and you didn't recover until a few years ago. You have been hiding this news for the safety of your people.

But it doesn't fool me.

You didn't predict the massacre of the orcs at all, perhaps because of the malicious Kil'jaeden's manipulation in secret, in short, you can't blame it all on your head. "

Velen nodded.

He didn't refute Laike's excuse, and he didn't seem to want to talk about it, so he straightened his tone, raised the purple crystal in his hand, and said:

"I have the ability to predict since I was a child, and after getting this 'song of soul' crystal that can reveal the future, I have a more delicate control over the future.

I can see many kinds of future trends in my dream, but this makes me more and more at a loss.

Because I know the future is uncertain, I cannot make a choice.

For me, when I see the future not going in the direction I predicted, I always feel anxious, and that kind of uncertainty can make me lose ground.

Many times, that means a false start.

And one mistake will lead to many mistakes until things can't be closed. I've been blaming myself for making this mistake more than once in past Stars in Exile, even resulting in the death of a noble naaru.

Although they all said that it was not my fault, as a prophet, I failed to grasp the correct context, which itself was a fatal mistake that could not be refuted. "

Having said this, the old prophet sighed, and said:

"I even feel that predicting the future is not a kind of happiness for me, but a terrible burden. The more I know, the more painful it will be.

The more you understand, the more you understand the weakness of manpower in the face of fate.

I want to change.

But I am afraid of change.

The shackles built by fate surround me, and every thread of those shackles is as heavy as Mount Tai.

I can only be like a mouse trying to understand everything but completely unable to understand the true meaning of fate, looking for a respite for my people in the dark crevice. "

"Yeah, I was stuck with this kind of thinking for a while, but it's a normal thing."

Bu Laike immediately understood the prophet's distress.

With the tone of someone who has been there, he hypocritically comforted:

"When I first became a prophet, I was also very hesitant and timid to change the future, because I was afraid that seeing the future I knew was messed up by myself would make me lose control of the future.

This means that I will personally destroy the biggest advantage for me.

Changing destiny is a dangerous thing for a prophet, it means that we are actively giving up our advantages and being pushed to the bottom by chaotic destiny.

You must be in pain, right?

Knowing what will happen in the future but unable to stop it, he can only watch the tragedy happen.

If you step forward, you will fall into a trap, and if you step back, you will fall into a dead end.

You can only choose to stop in place.

So many futures, so many changes, you can see and hear, but you can't grasp the pulse of change.

Choices are always difficult.

More choices means more losses.

What's more, you shoulder the fate of a race. "

"That's right! That's it!"

Velen's eyes lit up at Bu Laike's words, and the old prophet nodded and said:

"That's what bothers me the most.

I want to lead the tribe forward to avoid danger in advance, so I can't lose my vision of the future, but if I do too much, once my fate is disrupted by me, it will make me truly 'blind', and I will no longer be able to see those hidden dangers. crisis.

It's like a balance, you have to work hard to maintain a balance at both ends, but this balance is really difficult to grasp.

You summed it up really well.

So how on earth do you get past this annoying dilemma? "

The prophet's reaction also made the pirate shrug his shoulders. He rubbed his chin and comforted him:

"Don't worry, let's talk slowly.

First of all, make sure that things have turned out like this does not mean that you are not good enough, Your Excellency the Prophet.

In fact, you are suffering so much because you are too good, but in my opinion, Lord Velen is an excellent prophet but not an excellent 'Fate Weaver'.

Being able to see the future does not mean being a good prophet, it is just the basic skills of our profession.

If everything walks according to the established destiny, then the ability to see the future is the same as if there is no ability. In that way, we regard the thread of fate as an untouchable golden rule, and we can only toss and turn in the cracks left by fate.

That's not called a prophet.

That's called 'Prisoner of Fate'. "

The pirate said to the frowning Velen in a tone of sharing professional experience:

"You may not have that kind of experience, but there are bronze dragons in Azeroth. They are the defenders of timeline and destiny. Any attempt to change destiny in that world will attract the attack of bronze dragons.

The first time I changed my destiny was forced, because if I didn't change it, I would die.

I was also terrified under the threat of death.

If I fail, I will usher in a fate worse than death.

But after I set a trap for the Bronze Dragon using my crude techniques at the time, I realized the real usage of the 'prophet ability'.

Destiny is there, it's a complex framework, but not untouchable.

It's like a large pile of gorgeous building blocks, as long as you find the right way, you can pile them up at will and make the future what you want!

With the first experience, I began to drastically change my destiny, I personally messed up the future, I no longer resisted the change but accepted it with a more open mind.

I am no longer afraid that the chaos of the future will make me weak, because every time I change the future, I will plant a powerful seed for myself at the same time.

I'm like a spider lying on the web of fate, unraveling the threads of old fate bit by bit, and using those materials to carefully fabricate a future that belongs only to me and advances only according to my ideas!

Many people are curious, when I do something crazy, don't I worry about my failure?

I'll answer them, I'm not worried!

Because before I decide to do something, I already know that I will definitely win!

It may look like I'm gambling, but in reality I'm just reaping the fruits of victory from seeds I've planted in the past. For when my enemies have not killed me in the past, I have won in the future. "

Bo Laike paused.

He looked at Velen and concluded:

"As prophets, we have a different understanding of reality than others, their 'now' is our 'past', and their 'future' is our 'now'.

We are always one step ahead, which is the biggest advantage.

Understanding this is the key point we need to grasp accurately. We must plant the seeds now, and let them take root and germinate when we need them in the future, and become our help.

As long as you plant enough seeds, you can support a future that you can gallop.

It's like playing a game of chess.

Prophet, when others can only predict the next step, what we have to consider is how to end it. In my opinion, obtaining the maximum benefit with the minimum damage is the true style of action that a prophet should have.

Others are gamblers of fate.

But we are the dealers of fate. "

The pirate took out his Titan luck dice and put it in front of the prophet. He said:

"It's like this dice, the moment ordinary people throw it, they will leave everything to fate.

But every good prophet is the best gambler, when we roll the dice of fate, we can roll the number of times we want, not because we are lucky

Just because the dice is filled with lead.

We are indeed cheating, but in reality the truth of the Prophet is as simple as that. "

Velen frowned.

He understood, but what Bo Laike said conflicted with his style of conduct, so he was hesitant to adopt this very utilitarian suggestion.

But the smelly pirate doesn't care about that.

He raised his eyebrows and said to Velen:

"Your Excellency the Prophet, I have given you the dark wisdom you seek, and it is up to you to use it or not, but my dark wisdom is not free."

"Well, I'll pay for this amazing experience."

The Prophet smiled.

The next second, Bu Laike shook his head.

He took off his pipe, stared into Velen's eyes, and said seriously:

"I don't want money."

"I know, you have seen some silhouettes about the future of Frostmourne and Bu Rocks, Your Excellency, there is no need to deny that I have noticed the changes in your expression.

You see what I'm going to do next, and you're annoyed by it.

This is what I want for my reward! "

The pirate said in a deep voice:

"Don't reveal it, don't say a word!

In the future, when you see any future related to me, don't say a word to others, and I will not reveal any future about you and your people.

This is an agreement between the Prophets.

You have to know, if the two prophets want to go to war, the whole world will have no peace. Deal? "

Velen fell silent.

The old prophet whispered:

"What you are about to do is terrible."

"I will give you a chance to recover Argus!"

Bu Laike took out his chips without hesitation.

These words caused Velen to raise his head suddenly, and the old prophet saw the determination on the pirate's face and the gesture of holding the sword on his waist.

Obviously, this is a choice.


Or peace?

"I agreed."

Velen nodded, and the pirate smiled again. He winked at Velen and said:

"Look, you got it!

The 'seed' of Frostmourne was planted by you in the present, so another piece of firewood will be added to the precarious future. It is actually not difficult to weave the future, right?

Just kick the wheel of fate hard at the right time. We don't need brakes, we want to make it fall faster! "

The old prophet was stunned for a moment, and then a smile appeared in the corner of his eyes.

The smile became more and more intense, and finally turned into a cheerful smile.


Weaving fate is not as difficult as he imagined.

(end of this chapter)

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