Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1345 95. The King Of Outland Visits His Loyal Dark Temple Today

Chapter 1345 95. The King of Outland Visits His Loyal Dark Temple Today

"The orthodox tribe is still stationed in Blackrock Mountain, and Bu Rocks Saurfang is our Kor'Kron Warlord, his remains should be sent back to Blackrock Mountain for burial!

Otherwise, my soldiers will say that I, the warchief, have no skills!

They will spread gossip that I, a good-for-nothing chief, can't even bring back the heroes of our orthodox tribe! "

Leaning on his dark hands at the gate of the Karabor Temple, the fat Great Chief Red scolded Drek'Thar and other orc shamans:

"This is not only because the orthodox tribe also remembers the passing of a hero, but also has a more realistic meaning!

Bu Rocks supported my great idea during his lifetime, we want to let all orcs return to their hometown.

Dellano has now entered recovery, which also represents the great ideal of the orthodox tribe to be put into practice. It is really at this time that the existence of Bu Rocks is needed to give the orcs confidence!

Elder Drek'Thar, you have also stayed in Blackrock Mountain, you should know that many veterans are afraid of their hometown.

Like you, they all feel guilty about their hometown.

I need to bring Boo Rocks back to Blackrock Mountain to stabilize people's hearts, and to encourage our people with his heroism and legend. "

"That's right."

Dellano Pirate King Maim also helped his big brother speak.

However, the angle of his opinion is more tricky, he said:

"Almost all friends of Warlord Bu Rocks died in the war, and the remains of those brave warriors are sleeping in the cemetery of Black Rock Mountain. If Warlord Izumi knows, he will also hope that he can stay with his past companions.

Besides, it's not like we don't allow the souls of Warlord Rocks to return to their hometowns!

When the orthodox tribe returns to Dellano, the bones of those heroic spirits will be brought back by us, and there is no rush for these few years. "

"Azeroth is not our homeland!"

Shaoxia Hou, who was following Elder Drek'Thar, still has red eyes. As an excellent fighter, he can empathize with the sacrifice made by Bu Rocks, so he naturally disagrees with Chief Red. The act of a hero putting on a show.

he roared:

"If Warlord Rocks can still speak, he certainly doesn't want to go back to the world that made him sad. He will be willing to go home."

"The Saurfang family's ancestral home in Gorgrond is long gone! It's full of bugs now, do you want him to expose his corpse to the wilderness?"

Red's eyes widened, and the great chief who had gone through a life and death also had a vicious breath, he raised his leg and kicked towards Shaoxia Hou, but the kick was in vain.

Then he cursed:

"My lord, please don't interrupt me! Your father is not dead yet, and the Warsong clan is not yet your turn to represent it!"

After finishing speaking, the great chief looked at the silent elder Frostwolf again. He looked around and said in a low voice:

"I know this is a political imperative, and somewhat insulting to the honor of the Rocks, but we're talking about the future of so many peoples stranded in Azeroth.

If Bu Rocks' coffin stays in Blackrock Mountain, there are so many humans promoting his great achievements, and our voices will be louder when we discuss the release of orc prisoners with those human kingdoms.

Elder Drek'Thar, this is all for the sake of the tribe.

You are not so naive as to think that everyone is facing the threat of demons, so humans will unconditionally release our clansmen who have been imprisoned for more than two years, right?

If Treig is here, I believe he will support me. "

Hearing that the great chief was so confiding, Elder Drek'Thar was also a little hesitant.

In terms of emotion and reason, he couldn't even refute Reid's reason.

Now all the kingdoms in the Eastern Continent have shelters for detaining orcs. Except for the Gilneans who sold the orc prisoners to the Nazaras Academy as coolies, all the orc prisoners in other kingdoms are being held there.

Under the hatred accumulated in the past seven years of war, it is really not that easy to persuade humans to let them go, and the sacrifice Rocks made this time to protect the world is just a breakthrough.

At least there will be a wave of goodwill from the Church of the Holy Light.

"Whatever you say, I just don't agree!"

Shaoxia Hou bared his teeth and complained:

"My father will die sooner or later. That bad old man can't even swing an ax now. He won't live long. I will be Warsong Warchief from now on. If I say no, I won't!"

"No, Garrosh, the warchief may be right this time."

As the nephew of Bu Rocks, Della Nuosh is sad but still thinking calmly. He took Shaoxia Hou by the wrist and said to him:

"We really have to think about those clansmen who are still in custody. This incident is a good opportunity."

"That's right."

The young orc Thrall also persuaded:

"If Warlord Rocks was still alive, he would agree to this choice that is beneficial to the tribe, and I don't think we should say anything about it!"

Thrall looked at Va Locke Saurfang, who had been silent all this time, and said:

"Warlord Locke is the one who calls the shots."

In the next moment, everyone's eyes were on Wa Locke. This old orc was silently stroking the big brother's wooden coffin.

After a few seconds, he said:

"Go back to Azeroth!

My big brother has been fulfilling the will of the great chief of Orgrim, and the final order given to him by the great chief is to help the tribe as much as possible.

What Red said was right, the territory of the Saurfang family has long been destroyed by the flames of war. Before the ancestral land is rebuilt, I don't want my big brother to stay in the wilderness.

But he will eventually return to his hometown.

Come back to the simple and magnificent hometown in his memory. "

"Of course, I promise!"

Red grinned, clenched his fists and patted his chest. After everything was discussed, Red, as a representative of the orcs, was going to discuss with humans about the orc prisoners of war.

He walked towards the human resident of the Dark Temple, and after walking through a corridor, he saw the stinky pirate leaning against the corridor and smoking a pipe.

Red looked left and right and walked over, whispering to Bo Laike:

"It's done, Captain.

It took a while to convince them, but the results are good. But I don't know what's the point of you asking me to bring Warlord Rocks back to Azeroth?

He died like a hero, even if I don't like the guy who misses Orgrim, I have to admit that he is indeed a great man.

Do you have any plans for his fate? "

"Don't ask too much."

The pirate exhaled the smoke ring, glanced at Red, and said:

"Because Bu Rocks is a hero, so he can't fall here. His story just ushered in a small peak. Do you think he is so powerful that he can cut a warrior who can cut the gods, and he will be stopped by mere death?"

Hearing what Bo Laike said, Red was startled.

The great chief was not as stupid as he looked, he immediately realized something, he looked at the stinky pirate with fear in his eyes, and begged:

"You don't want to do this, captain, you will arouse the anger of all the orcs! At that time, Maim and I will not be able to suppress it."

"What are you afraid of?"

Bu Laike pouted and said:

"I have my own plan. You can go about your business. When the time comes, adapt to the situation and pick yourself out, understand?"


Red nodded.

He wanted to persuade the stinky pirate, but after thinking about it, he turned and left without opening his mouth.

The pirate watched Chief Red go away. He rubbed his hands, with an expression of anticipation and eagerness on his face.

Now everyone is drinking and having fun. Soldiers after a great battle want to use this kind of indulgence to relax their tense mood. After all, a world has been saved. This is a real good thing. .

Tonight's Karabo Temple is bound to be a sea of ​​joy, and we all know that when everyone is having fun, they always let down their vigilance to leave a gap for some saboteurs to take advantage of.

"My dear ancient venerable, get ready."

Bu Laike said in the will:

"We will do it tonight. If everything goes well, we will be done before they react."

"I don't think it's going to go well."

Xal'atath whispered:

"Don't forget those vengeful Nathrezim, you ruined their plans, they will not let it go, I suspect there are at least a few hundred dreadlords hiding in the crowd.

They're waiting for you to make the move, and then, just as you surprised them, they'll surprise you! "

"Dread Lord?"

Bu Laike sneered and said:

"If they dare to appear here, don't think about leaving again. The current Karabo Temple is not the place where the defenses were loose before. Let's pay our respects to our 'King of Outland'."

The pirate adjusted his clothes, let off the smell of alcohol, and disappeared in place. Soon he walked all the way to the top of the dark temple through the "employee passage" formed by the huge magic steel chains connecting the ground and the temple dome.

In the past not long ago, Bu Laike slaughtered the high-ranking demon Kazak here. Today's dome still has the traces of that day's battle, and the ground corroded by demon blood is pitted and ugly.

But it did not affect the good mood of the Illidari who were gathering here.

Anyway, they can't see the stains, so they pretend they don't exist.

"My evil and powerful master, why did you come here?"

As soon as Bu Laike appeared, the charming Mistress Shahras, the demon witch of Shivara, rushed over. Her body was trembling. Insecure.

The smelly pirate is her only support here.

The Xivara demon who knows how to serve people is also very winking. When he approached Bu Laike, he held the smashed head of Imonar the Soul Hunter in six hands as a gift.

But Bo Laike, who has a high demand for collectibles, lost interest after glancing at the shattered head. He is a famous belt collector in Azeroth! Such a poor quality skull would have seriously damaged the quality of his collection.

"Keep it to yourself."

Bu Laike waved his hand, threw a demon contract to Shahras, and said:

"This matter is not bad, so from today on, you will be my contract devil. From now on, you will walk sideways in Dellano, and no one will dare to bully you."

"Thanks to the evil master."

Shahras tore the scroll without hesitation, dripped his own blood, and made the contract come true. It was not until she was reversely strengthened by Bu Laike's void magic that the cowardly Xivara demon had a bit of confidence.

Feeling that he has someone to back him up, this guy even becomes flamboyant when he walks.

She even wanted to provoke the surrounding demon hunters who were "watching" her. It can only be said that she is worthy of being a demon witch who is afraid of chaos in the world, and she is really professional in sowing dissension.

"Master, let's leave this ghost place quickly."

Mistress Shahraz leaned against Laike's ear, licked her tongue and suggested in a low voice:

"Staying with these blind people makes me feel uncomfortable. Why don't we find a good place and let me show you my 'ability'."

"Very well, such a motivated demon like you is rare now, and I just need your excellent ability to serve me."

Bu Laike snapped his fingers and said something to Shahras behind him.

The devil witch hesitated for a moment, then whispered:

"Is it right here? Although they are all blind, but my little master, are you really sure that you want to be in front of so many people? I don't care, it's really exciting, but"

"Enough! You dirty-minded bastard!"

The pirate scolded:

"We're doing business!"

"Ah, so you are doing business?"

With a disappointed look on her face, Shahras pulled up her half-taken robe again, and she whispered:

"I thought it was just for fun."

"Hey, Illidan!"

Laike didn't want to pay attention to this female demon whose brain was burned by lust anymore, he called out to Illidan Stormrage who was squatting on the edge of the dome of Karabor Temple in a domineering and sad posture.

The latter immediately put away a small yellow flower in his hand like magic, coughed a few more times and stood up, turning his head to look at Bu Laike in a "cool cover" gesture.

"I found you an adjutant!"

Pirates are welcome too.

Pointing to Matron Shahlas who was trembling behind her, he said to Illidan Stormrage:

"She is very familiar with this temple, and she also has a way in the Twisting Nether to help you summon some obedient demons to serve, and she will be resident in Illidari as a liaison officer between you and me.

If there is any important news, I will let her pass it on to you.

In addition, this Karabor Temple will be handed over to the local Ashtongue Deathsworn and some Draenei garrison officers to jointly manage it, so we will adopt the model we have in Hellfire Citadel, and you will demarcate the control area among yourself.

is that OK? "

"How did you know I was going to use this temple as my base camp?"

Illidan sneered and said:

"Maybe I want to go back to Azeroth for development?"

"Of course you can go back, no one is stopping you."

Bu Laike rolled his eyes and said:

"Anyway, the Kaldorei's anti-magic alliance has been reorganized, and the high priest Tyrande is the nominal leader. You will inevitably have to deal with her after you go back.

You will be very excited, right? After all, sour secret love is the most beautiful and purest feeling. "

"You are so annoying!"

Illidan gritted his teeth and said this, as a tacit consent that he would stay in Dellano to meet the challenge from the demons. The pirate laughed and waved his hands and said:

"Don't be angry, I have some good news to tell you, when I go back to Azeroth to connect and connect, there will be a powerful reinforcement coming to support you to board Argus together.

The next battle is to be fought on the territory of the devil. "


Brother Dan immediately grinned when he heard the news, obviously he was very interested in the matter.

He asked:

"You said very powerful reinforcements, how powerful?"

"My two lieutenants are two titan guardians and demigods. How powerful do you think the reinforcements are? As long as Aggramar doesn't take action, they will count us and the cannon fodder that may appear!

We can flatten the entire Argus! "

The pirate snorted triumphantly, looking very high-spirited. His words made Illidan more satisfied, who wouldn't want such an ally?

"I left a group of Naga in the Zangar Sea. I heard that they are developing well. You can send someone to contact them."

The pirate again warned:

"I have a little friendship with Ms. Vashj, she will sell me this face, and the Breakers of the Ashtongue Deathsworn, you have already conquered the Kroku of Argus, and you should form an alliance with Akama easy.

In short, train as many troops as possible, Illidan, when we board Argus, we still need you as a 'guide' to lead the way.

Also, keep an eye out for the Legion of the Light, I highly doubt they will also be secretly contacting the draenei in Dellano, you've been in contact with them too, you should know how annoying they are.

That 'Holy Light idiot', Zela, has been thinking about you, 'Evil old bacon'.

So, if you really find their whereabouts, please send a message to the Pirate King I stayed in the local area, and he will take care of it.

Oh, right. "

Bu Laike casually said:

"It seems that there are some nasty dreadlords hiding in this temple now, ready to poke and make trouble secretly."


Illidan licked his lips and said:

"Leave it to me. Are you going back? Don't you want to ask me what happened ten thousand years ago?"

"It's not necessary."

Bu Laike waved his hand and said casually:

"In the future, I don't want the current me to know that there must be reasons for it. No one understands me better than me, so I will naturally follow the advice I left for myself.

Also, it might be a bit loud tonight, I'm going to choose some unique ways to 'have fun'.

Hope your sleep quality is good enough.

If you hear someone yelling 'Help', don't come out to join in the fun, lest you get blood splashed all over your body and it will end badly. "

(end of this chapter)

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