Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1346 96. After Get Off Work, Overtime Is Not Allowed!

Chapter 1346 96. After get off work, overtime is not allowed!

The Karabor Temple was very lively this evening. In order to celebrate the great victory of the Anti-Demon War, the local people held a grand bonfire party here.

Their joy and joy are understandable, after all, the dying world of Dellano has begun to revitalize, especially after Cenarion Expeditionary Team Archdruid Hisaly Crow announced that the vitality of the Everblooming Forest has begun to grow. Both the orcs and the Draenei were immersed in the happiness of the rest of their lives.

Even the elements of the world came to join in the fun.

Tonight's shamans, no matter where the population comes from, can feel the abnormal activity of the elemental power, even without their request, the elemental ones took the initiative to help light the big bonfire for cheering and enjoying.

The Dellano pirates in the Ashland Peninsula got all kinds of fine wine from somewhere, and the Draenei took out the food and supplies they had stored. Zhou Zhuo, a lorewalker who had no shortcomings except for fighting and cheap hands, was invited. Be a chef.

The entire Karabor Temple became a sea of ​​joy.

The always serious paladins made an exception today and drank to their heart's content, and the lads of paladins who followed Turalyon to the other world quickly got lost in the hot style of the passionate hoof girls.

Less than an hour after the joyful banquet began, several paladins were invited out for a "walk around" by their fellow Draenei vindicators.

For this ambiguous invitation, Turalyon just pretended not to see it.

Interrupting other people's enjoyment is to be hated. Don't think that becoming a paladin will make you immune to "righteous black guns".

And the big knight is also very sad now. He is thinking that if Ms. Alleria is here, he will make a marriage proposal in such a warm atmosphere. Maybe it will happen?

Looking at the way Luo Ning and Miss Vereesa hugged and sprinkled dog food next to each other, it really made people unhappy.

However, there is no need to be too envious of these lucky young lads. As far as Turalyon knows, among the current draenei garrison group, most of the female garrison officers are easily over a thousand years old.

The Draenei are immortal species, just look at Velen. Once they are blessed by the Holy Light, these Draenei can even reach the point of "eternal life".

So tonight is not a good memory of innocent girls and passionate young people at all, but a group of old grandparents came here to find little fresh meat to satisfy their cravings.

But judging by the way those paladins are eager to try, it is estimated that they will not care about this.

In addition to the enthusiasm of the hoof girls, the generally serious male draenei also let go of looking for happiness tonight.

They took off their armor by the bonfire, naked and wearing only a pair of shorts. Amidst the cheers of the drunken soldiers, they started a small "Jedney Contest".

This is a way for the draenei to celebrate their success.

Seeing these muscular, big-shouldered draenei slam into each other like a tarbuk, and start wrestling fiercely, the male hormones are simply overwhelming.

Some female human paladins and female mages, as well as a small group of men, have their eyes wandering.

In addition to these, the centaur and wild boar mercenaries who survived the tragic war were also invited to the banquet. They fought too badly in this battle.

Of the more than 30,000 mercenaries in total, less than 3,000 came back alive. Fortunately, these two races are notoriously heartless and enjoy fighting. Otherwise, the battle loss ratio alone would be enough to make them collapse on the spot.

Under the leadership of their respective prophets, the centaurs mourned the victims, and then rushed to the big dining table where the food was piled up to avenge their revenge.

They have used their own sacrifices in exchange for generous food rewards for the clansmen, and now it is time for them to enjoy the simple pleasure of victory.

Everyone was very satisfied with the banquet, even the Illidari and the death knights came to join in the fun, but these two groups always wandered among the crowd, and occasionally "invited" a few guys out to "have fun" .

The good news is that Laike was right to warn, there are indeed dreadlords in the crowd who are planning to take advantage of it.

The bad news was that all the low-level nathrezim mixed in the crowd, and there were basically no high-level demons who were really powerful enough to escape the detection of demon hunters.

So rather than deliberately provoking trouble, this is more like a "dog jumping over the wall" that the fearful demon kings are unwilling to fail.

But this news did not reassure the pirates. As a very successful warlock, no one knew more about the disgusting brown sugar habit of the Nathrezim than him.

Once stuck to them, it's hard to get rid of.

"I'm sure that bitch Kim Tessa must be watching me secretly, but I don't know who she will appear as today?"

On the platform of the second-floor building of the Karabor Temple, the stinky pirate held a bottle of wine and complained to Akama beside him:

"Perhaps you, who is drinking with me, are the horrified witch in disguise? I should stab you twice to see if it is true. If you bleed or die, maybe you are real."

"Are all your spellcasters in Azeroth so unrestrained in their authentication?"

The leader of the Ashtongue Deathsworn sitting on the edge of the platform pulled down his hood. This guy who has always been bitter and bitter is also surprisingly honest today.

His eyes under the hood scanned the joyful temple of Karabor, his eyes shining with nostalgia, and this grand banquet reminded him of the old days long gone.

When he was the archbishop of Karabor, such a banquet was occasionally held in this city full of holy light.

These seem to represent the return of the good old days.

But his twisted body and arms reminded him that those memories would never reappear in this dark place, and this cold reality woke Akama from his memories.

He raised his head and took a sip of the wine with some disgust for himself, the spicy taste made him cough.

Even coughed up tears.

"Cry if you want to cry, why are you so hypocritical?"

Bu Laike next to him said in a mean tone:

"What shame do weather-beaten old men have to weep in the dark for all they have lost?

Especially for someone as 'experienced' as you, shedding a few tears will make you seem more real in the face of the joy of regaining your temple.

A heart-warming pirate like me won't laugh at your weakness. "

"But you can't hide the smile on your face, you bastard."

Akama complained.

But soon, the leader of the Broken One raised his head and looked at the unique reflection of the world of Argus in the clear night sky tonight.

After a few seconds, Akama suddenly said:

"Only an hour ago, old Hatton, the chieftain who followed Illidan Stormrage to Krokul in Dellano, came to see me in secret.

Our old brethren who remained in our homeland extended an invitation to me and all the Broken of Dellano. We are all draenei xenomorphs twisted by suffering. Hatton believes that we should unite.

And compared with his determination and proud self-identity, we broken ones seem too weak. "

Akama hesitated.

Seemingly seeking advice, he said to Bo Laike as he sipped from his toothy mouth:

"Old Chief Hatton didn't think being a Broken One was a disaster at all, he was even proud of it, he believed that the form of the Broken One was a symbol of the broken and twisted world of Argus.

That is the glory of those ancient survivors who have stayed in their hometown and fought for more than 20,000 years. Therefore, Hatton trusts us more than the Draenei and Velen.

He sees us as compatriots who truly cherish our homeland.

He invited us to go back to Argus with his krokuls and continue the fight.

Laike, I now believe in your wisdom, what do you think we should do with this invitation? "

"Hey, you need money to ask someone to help you."

Bu Laike squinted and said:

"I did a little favor for Velen in the afternoon, and he paid me a lot of money. If you ask me to predict your fate, why don't you express it?"

"You guys are good at everything, but this greedy appetite is disgusting."

Akama said in a gloomy voice:

"You can take everything we have. I need an advice right now."

"Then I'll tell you, don't rush to make a decision."

Bu Laike snorted, pointed to the sky, and said:

"Although the world of Argus was pulled by Illidan among the stars close to Dellano, the road to that world is currently blocked.

You can only rely on the draenei to repair their spaceship and take you back across the galaxy.

Therefore, it is not a good idea to completely fall out with the Draenei now. Besides, I also know the situation in Old Hutton. They lived a really hard life in Krokuun.

In contrast, you broken ones in Dellano's world can at least have enough food and clothing. Old Hatton came to you on his own initiative, but it's not an invitation to return to Argus, Akama.

You should be sharper. "

Said the pirate in a low voice;

"He is testing your attitude towards them. The Kroku group can survive in the suffering Argus until now, and all of them are human spirits.

I believe in their strong affection for their hometown, and I believe that they are willing to give everything for Argus, but look at that world, even with the naked eye, you can see that the world has fallen apart.

That's not a place to live.

Any leader with a little brain would not choose to fight to the end there, provided they have a better choice. "

Akama's eyes lit up, he blinked and said:

"So, the old Hutton actually wants us to accept them? Instead of annexing us?"

"Probably so."

The pirate snapped his fingers and said:

"You can try it out. Anyway, Shadowmoon Valley has been reshaped now, and the Ashtongue Deathsworn has taken back the Karabor Temple. Although it will share this place with the Illidari, the city is big enough.

It is enough to accommodate the old, weak, sick and disabled of Kroku, and give the soldiers a place to rest.

The world is rising, my Akama.

Dellano not only belongs to the Orcs and Draenei, but also belongs to the Broken. You can build a new home here, and you can see your home planet every night when you look up.

You swore to save it.

But this does not conflict with your living well in the new world.

Even a richer and better Azeroth."

Bo Laike grinned, and he said in a drawn out voice:

"Argus is no longer suitable for survival after all, you, Velen, Nobundo, and even the stubborn Maraad should understand this cruel reality.

Saving your home planet is more of an obsession than a necessity for you.

People need ideals to support themselves to survive, but people also need to eat, drink, sleep and fall in love. These activities are difficult to complete in Argus.

Last time Nobundo came to me to predict the fate of the Broken, didn't I tell you?

You can become the King of the Broken on Argus, or you can leave some of you there to live and remember the past.

But if the Clan of the Broken wants to grow and grow, it always needs a place that can feed you.

Well, that's my suggestion, and I'm getting paid next. "

The pirate coughed and whispered to Akama:

"Activate the city's defenses and block the inner sanctum of the Karabor Temple"

"Huh? What are you doing?"

Akama shuddered for a moment, and he looked at Bu Laike.

The latter shrugged, drank the wine in his hand in one gulp, burped comfortably, and said to the Broken:

"I'm going to do something bad to entertain myself.

When others ask, tell them that this is a mistake made by Ashtongue Deathsworn when cleaning up the palace. It doesn't take long for me, ten minutes is enough. "

"You'd better hold back."

Akama stood up and said to the drunken Bo Laike:

"There are so many strong people here, if you really do something terrible, it won't end well."

"You seem to have guessed what I'm going to do."

The pirate blinked and said:

"You're a smart little bastard, according to pirate tradition, I should kill you now before you tell a joke, and I don't really care what other people think.

Do me a favor and get to work, okay? "

After sending Akama away, Bu Laike stretched fiercely on the spot, looked back at the joyful banquet below, grinned, took a step back and disappeared into the gentle shadow of tonight.

A few minutes later, as the inner defenses of the Karabor Temple were "accidentally activated" by a clumsy Breaker warrior, all the passage doors leading to the inner hall were closed in unison.

This movement alarmed the Archdruid Staghelm who was guarding important things in the inner hall, as well as a group of Draenei undead who were recuperating here. On the altar behind them stood a large sword case made of living wood.

That is the Tree of Life taken from the Evergrowth Forest, and only this kind of thing can isolate the terrible corrosion of any life from the magic sword Frostmourne.

But even if it was blocked by the tree of life, the cold breath of death still kept escaping.

"Everyone is having fun out there, why don't you guys join in? Choosing to be a misfit kid is not the right attitude to live in.

I mean, even if it's the undead, you have to pretend to be lively, right? "

Bo Laike came out from the scattered shadows, dressed in a pirate costume, smoking a pipe, drunkenly looking at the archdruid staghelmet and the vigilant undead in front of him.

Facing his question, Ms. Yrel, the leader of the draenei undead, who had just become a death knight but was still weak because she held Frostmourne, replied hoarsely:

"Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Laike, but no joy belongs to the dead, and the living do not share our emotions. We only find them noisy."

"Well, there must be something wrong with the way you find joy."

Bu Laike complained.

Under the watchful eyes of the undead, he passed the expressionless archdruid staghel, walked to the altar, and put his hand on the sword box of Frostmourne, which was sealed by the living wood.

His hair seemed to be blown around by the escaping breath of death.

As the cold light illuminated his blue eyes, he whispered:

"Thank you for your hard work, thank you for guarding this sword and not letting anyone get close, you have done your job well, your attitude is commendable

Everyone, you can get off work, go out and do something to please yourself.

Next, it's up to me to take care of all the troubles Frostmourne brings. "

(end of this chapter)

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