Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1347 97. Frostmourne... Full

Chapter 1347 97. Frostmourne. Full

Bu Laike was not a good comer.

This can be seen from what he said in front of the undead. This daring pirate wanted to take away Frostmourne, which was immediately rejected by the undead.

The undead seldom express their thoughts in words. Compared with the decayed vocal cords, they are more willing to use actions to let others understand themselves.

So amidst the sound of weapons being unsheathed one after another, Laike was instantly surrounded by the group of draenei undead awakened by Frostmourne.

There was a cold light shining in the eyes of every dead person, which meant that as long as the stinky pirate made the slightest move, he would be swarmed up and killed.

Well, the undead thought so.

Whether they can do it is doubtful.

"You are narrating a terrible thing, Lord Laike."

The weak death knight Yrel was leaning on a Draenei-style jeweled warhammer. She said to Bo Laike in a serious and indifferent tone:

"Leave now, and I can pretend I didn't hear these horrible speeches of yours."

"I'd rather you pretend you didn't see me coming."

The pirate told a bad joke.

He didn't look back at these undead, all his attention was focused on the sword box in front of him.

Although there were living logs full of vitality blocking the escape of the power of death, the moment the pirate reached out and touched the sword box, he still heard the whisper of Frostmourne.

The magic sword was trying to seduce him.

Seduction seems to be its evil nature, it is constantly expressing its desire, it hopes to be held by a strong man and then kill all directions.

It keeps telling Boo Laike that, in its opinion, Boo Laike Shaw is more suitable to be its master than Yrel or Velen.

Its attitude is both sincere and gentle, like a steady and knowledgeable girl.

But this kind of seduction is difficult for a well-informed bastard like a pirate, not only because of years of contact with the will of the void, Laike has a super resistance to all seductive words.

More because the pirate is a conservative person.

He already had sword girls of his own, and he couldn't desire more, or the Saramani sisters would be angry.


Amid the crisp cracking sound, the black and white sword girl jumped out of the magic bag where the weapons were stored without being summoned by the pirates.

They guarded their masters fiercely, whether it was the mature and stable white sword Sharator, or the irritable black sword Eremeni, the two sword girls were constantly neighing with their sharp blades.

They are using this method to warn this "little wild cat" who doesn't know where it came from, stay away from its owner!

Otherwise, I will chop you up!

Generally speaking, elf swords like Salamani would not be so rude and disrespectful. The main reason is that the Jianniang sisters are not having a good time these days, which makes them feel bad.

Recently, a lot of "guests" have come to Laike's weapon-storage bag, which not only backlogs the original spacious "living space" of the sister swords, but also brings unexpected sequelae.

Crimson-throated Fangs screaming and screaming all day long, which is annoying to death.

The bullying pirates with double knives are dishonest all day long, molesting the two sisters in different ways, like a damn nasty pirate.

Wolf's Edge is as reliable as ever.

But this guy is too stable, he doesn't care about the changes around him at all, even if the sister Jianniang wants to find a helper.

That feeling is like moving from a single-family villa to a lively old community all of a sudden, which makes people extremely irritated.

Bu Laike Shaw's love life is messed up, as are his warlock demon minions, and now even his weapons are messed up.

The lives of the Jianniang sisters are already so bad, you, a black-hearted little wild cat from outside, will wink a little bit! Don't join in the fun, okay?

The conversation between the weapons is incomprehensible to others, but Frostmourne seems to be hesitant to seduce Bo Laike after Salamani warned Frostmourne.

Listening to the introduction of these two talented sisters in front of her, Frostmourne felt that it was not a very good idea to jump headlong into Laike Shaw's weapon Curry so recklessly, huh?

"What did you two tell her?"

Bu Laike looked at the black and white swords floating beside him strangely, and asked:

"I also want to listen to her seduction again, and then ridicule her seduction skills are so young and boring, just like a fledgling student sister insisting on pretending to be a sexy and mature big sister."

This complaint caused a group of undead around to stare.

Hey, Mr. Pirate, are you talking to your own sword? How long have you had this symptom? Such bad symptoms really can't be delayed any longer.

Do you want to have a craniotomy, once and for all, and go straight to the root of the problem to solve this problem?

"Get off that sword!"

Yrel ignored these, she smashed the warhammer in her hand to the ground, and shouted loudly:

"That's a terrible thing, it can't be taken away by you, let alone taken out of this world by you!"

The worry and anger of the female undead leader are justified.

As a "live audience" who had personally held Frostmourne before, she couldn't have felt more clearly the power of this magic sword to command the souls of the dead.

Even if it was only ten minutes, the terrifying power of Frostmourne still left an indelible impression on Yrel.

When she held this magic sword, she felt that her mind seemed to be extended infinitely. She could feel the entire Shadowmoon Valley in the Karabor Temple, and even every part of the adjacent Talador and Aranca Peak Forest. A deceased person's location.

She can talk to revenants who have died and arrived in another world, and she can invite them back to this world to join a war.

She doesn't even need a polite invitation.

All it takes is one brusque order, and hundreds of thousands of dead souls will obey her and fight for her.

In the previous battle against demons, Yrel didn't even dare to use the power of Frostmourne with all her strength. She was afraid that she would use too much force to create a "scourge of the undead" that swept the world in Dellano.

It is precisely because of the personal experience that the female undead is extremely afraid of this sword. If possible, she would rather give everything to destroy it on the spot.

Such monsters cannot appear in any material world.

Not to mention that it would fall into the hands of a pirate known for his greed and madness. Yrel couldn't believe what kind of disaster Bo Laike could wreak with this sword.

"You seem to be worried about me using it for bad things?"

Bo Laike glanced back at the weak Yrel, and he whispered:

"Why do you have such an outrageous idea? If I want to destroy the world, I can easily do it without this sword. With Dellano's weak posture before, I just need to start from my unfriendly black Borrowed a staff from Pelf's friend, and stabbed it lightly somewhere in Shadowmoon Valley.


The pirate let go of his finger, made an explosive movement, and dubbed it with a plosive sound.

He grinned and said:

"As long as I do that, you'll see a world fall apart, and it's no more difficult for me to destroy Dellano than it is to convince an undead like you to obey me.

Well, from the look of you, you don't seem convinced, so let me take a few minutes to talk to you.

Your Excellency Deer Helmet, can you go out first? "

The pirate looked at the archdruid and said:

"I don't want my dark wisdom to affect you. You Druids always need to keep your hearts pure."

"You should probably knock me out."

The deer helmet said expressionlessly:

"Otherwise, I will be hunted down by the watchmen if someone finds out that I am in league with you."

"No, no."

Bu Laike waved his hands and said:

"Believe me, I will persuade our undead friends to pretend not to see all this, no one will know that you and I have joined forces, and no one will know that you took the initiative to hand over the sword you are responsible for guarding to me.

I know what you want to ask.

I will tell you, be patient, I will definitely open a door for you that will allow you to step into another world. We have made an agreement, and I have a solid reputation in this regard. "


Staghelmet nodded.

Things have come to this, he has no other choice but to go all the way to the dark with Laike.

So under the stunned gaze of the undead, the archdruid raised his head and slammed into the cold wall next to him.

With a loud bang, the bloody deer helmet fell to the ground. Looking at the force of his impact, one wonders if he is going to commit suicide, is he trying to smash his head against the wall?

"Okay, don't worry about the arch druid's injury, he will recover after sleeping."

Bu Laike picked up the living wooden sword box, which couldn't be put into the luggage, but had to be chained around his body. As he tied the magic sword tightly on his chest, he casually said to the undead who gathered towards him:

"Everyone is a person who died once, I don't think I need to describe the scenery of the Shadowland to you.

You've all seen it before, I guess most of you were assigned to the Bastion of Promotion, a guy like Yrel who fought to the death probably had an uncomfortable time as a recruit in Maldraxxus .

Memories of those other worlds are fading from your minds, and it may even feel like a dream that is about to be forgotten.

But let me tell you.

That is not a dream.

That's just the 'truth' that must be forgotten because your souls were brought back from the world of death by Frostmourne, limited by the rules of life and death.

Let's make a long story short while you can still remember. "

The pirate raised his head and looked at all the undead in front of him. He asked:

"In your memory, are all the kingdoms of the Shadow Realm experiencing a 'shortage of anima'? Although the arbitrator of the eternal city of Opolis is still fulfilling her mission, the number of undead from various worlds is rapidly increasing increase, which caught the four major kingdoms of the shadow world a little off guard.

The little blue angels who have been promoted to the fortress are busy every day but they can't attract all the dead souls.

Maldraxxus was even worse. The military lord who ruled there had long since disappeared. The five labyrinths were fighting with each other endlessly, and the psychic lords swung butcher knives at each other.

Am I right? "

Yrel and her undead were silent for a few seconds.

The weak draenei death knight gritted his teeth and retorted:

"This proves nothing! No one can provide evidence that those bizarre, fading memories in our minds are real. Maybe this is just a lie you made up.

You can easily affect minds, and we've seen that on the battlefield. "

"All right, all right, if you insist on saying that, then I'll show you more evidence."

Bu Laike snorted, patted the magic sword behind him, and said;

"You are summoned back from the world of death to the material world, and the feeling of tearing at the soul level can never be faked. Each of you is missing a piece of soul!"

There was a glimmer of vision in the pirate's blue eyes, and he said to Yrel:

"Especially you, touch your heart, feel the crack there. I let you touch the heart! I didn't let you touch the chest! You astringent hoof girl.

never mind.

Don't worry about these small details.

But you don't think there is no price for resurrection from the dead, do you?

Frostmourne is indeed a key to life and death, but it will take a lot of effort to bring your souls that have been dead for more than ten years from the Shadowlands back to the material world.

It has left its mark on each of you.

You think you are free.

But freedom has always been just an illusion of flowers in the mirror of the moon in the water.

You are just pawns on a grand chessboard, as is Velen, so am I, even Kil'jaeden, the Burning Legion, and Lord Sargeras.

Behind everyone is a pair of black hands manipulating and pushing.

He is weaving a sad fate, if you don't let me take this sword, I can't enter that realm, I can't talk to him about this.

This is all I can tell you the truth.

Knowing more will only make you more miserable, so enjoy happiness in ignorance. "

Bu Laike spread his hands and said:

"I'm going to take Frostmourne away now and find a truly suitable sword-bearer for her. You can pretend that none of this happened, and you can continue to stop me.


Do it at your own risk, folks. "

"Stop him!"

Yrel hesitated, but at last she issued an order that Bo Laike regretted.

The undead around rushed forward, and the pirate took a step back, without any intention of fighting. He just patted the sword box on his back, and said to Frostmourne:

"Did you hear that?

I'm going to find you a sword-bearer you'll absolutely love, who'll hold you to forge an invincible army of the dead in that haunting world of Azeroth.

He will, as your master wished, set off a terrifying war in that world that breaks the balance of life and death, and he will cast the shadow of death on every inch of the ground under the sky.

So, for your future 'good life', do yourself a favor. "


The magic sword in the sword box seems to be intrigued by the future outlined by pirates.

She responded with a shock, and in the next moment, under Yrel's stunned gaze, all the undead who rushed towards Braike fell dead in an instant.

Like a robot with a power cut off, the souls supporting the corpses fell helplessly under the call of the magic sword. Groups of flexible fires swirled around the pirates like swirling streamers, and were gulped down by Frostmourne swallowed into the sword.

In just a split second, only Yriel, a dead spirit, was left in the cold hall and could still stand.

Bo Laike walked towards Yrel with arrogant steps and let out a deep laugh, and Deathhoof sister felt the emotion called "fear" at this moment.

She staggered back.

She could feel her soul being pulled away from her body.


Sister Hoof fell to the ground.

She watched Bo Laike walk up to her, and the pirate knelt down, patting Yrel's cold forehead, and he whispered:

"It was Frostmourne that gave you the power to resurrect. It was given, and it can be taken back. You were never draenei death guards, my dear Yrel.

You are only the first Praetorians of Frostmourne.

You can no longer escape its control, it is your master, and now, I am your master's temporary master, so...I order you.

Be good! "

The moment the pirate pulled his finger away, Yrel's soul screamed and was mercilessly pulled from his body by Frostmourne, and returned to the blade of the Demon Sword.

The moment the cold corpse hit the ground, the pirate clearly heard a small belch from the magic sword behind him, er, such a little soul must be more than enough to feed Frostmourne.

She must have harvested too many demon souls by the hands of the undead on the previous battlefield.

"Can you be a lady? You are a sword girl."

Bu Laike squatted down, picked up Yrel's cold corpse, and threw it into the sarcophagus in the corner of the hall, and then threw the sarcophagus into his oversized luggage.

Blowing his pirate whistle, he walked out the door in a panic-stricken silence, whispering to Frostmourne:

"It seems that your etiquette issue has to be put on the agenda. Before handing you over to the sword-bearer, the Saramani sisters will be responsible for adjusting your manners.

The other party is a grand duke, a descendant of an emperor, and a person of status

To be worthy of him, you have to be more respectable. "

(end of this chapter)

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