Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1356 106. His Highness The Almighty Arrived Today In His Loyal Beijun

Chapter 1356 106. His Highness the Almighty Arrived Today in His Loyal Beijun

"They're coming, get ready!"

With the roar of the great knight Turalyon, Linton, the forest between Gold Shining Town and North County Abbey, became chilling.

The warriors of the Brotherhood of the Iron Horse who had just returned from the Dellano world through the fully operational portal of Dalaran raised their heavy shields and swords, while the paladins turned on their horses, chanting the holy light and propping up various halos.

It took less than four days for the undead to appear on a large scale and approach North County, leaving the defenders with very little time to prepare.

They didn't have time to build fortifications in other places, and even the army of the Stormwind Kingdom assembled urgently, which gave the undead a chance to advance all the way.

But while the armaments in other places are loose, a real army has been assembled in the North County Abbey, as if the defenders in other places are using their existence to win precious time for this "place of decisive battle".

This is a cruel choice.

However, their trick was seen through by "Undead Commander" Laike Shaw from the very beginning, so the undead did not waste time in chasing and annihilating them on a large scale.

Both sides know that the march, victory and defeat of the first three days are meaningless, and today's offense and defense in Beijun is the battle that really determines the outcome.

However, as a result of the rapid march of the undead, the other troops that appeared as time delays hardly suffered any damage except for collapse and panic.

This is a good thing for the Stormwind Kingdom, which allows the child king to calmly regroup his troops.

At the same time that the Lothar death cavalry commanded by Yrel stepped into the North County area from Gold Shining Town, on the deck of Gaboa's Reaper, Laike got new news.

"The Redridge Army and the Seventh Army, regrouped in the Eastvale under the command of Marshal Reginald Windsor, are making their way to Northshire as fast as they can.

There are also a large number of mages around to help them march.

At their current advancing speed, at most three hours later, they would join the North County battlefield from the rear. "

Valeera Sangunar, who was wearing a bright red Assassin armor, was Bu Laike's temporary adjutant, reporting the latest battle situation in the rear to her mentor.

The beautiful and elegant elf assassin tightly frowned her slender golden brows, and she said to the expressionless pirate:

"The Night's Watch Legion in the Twilight Forest also crossed the Twilight Bank under the leadership of Lord Erb Locke. They will join Westspring Fortress and the Moonbrook Brigade in Westfall in the northwest of Erwin Forest.

They may arrive sooner than the armies in the rear, and they will threaten our flanks.

In addition, according to the report from the uncrowned lurking in Stormwind City, just half an hour ago, Admiral Dailin Proudmoore's flagship Wang Quan had docked at the port of Stormwind City.

In this battle, we will encounter Admiral Dai Lin's elite marines and himself. "

"Well, that is to say, the time left for us to break through the North County Abbey is less than three hours? Well, more than enough."

Braike rubbed his chin, and looked at the valley in front of him, which was regarded as a holy place by humans from a high altitude. It was an important military base of the Stormwind Kingdom during the Orc War. The monastery reshaped the tall city walls and various defense lines of military grade.

The fact that there is such an incredible thing as the Wengcheng in a small valley city shows that the place is difficult to deal with.

Not to mention that there is already distance from all the elites including the Church of Holy Light and the Kingdom of Stormwind, as well as the elite support from other human kingdoms.

Just having Dai Lin running over to join in the fun is already difficult enough.

He narrowed his eyes and said:

"What about the defense situation in North County? I mean, besides the Iron Horse Brotherhood, paladins, priests, Dalaran spellcasters, and the Kul Tiras marines, what are the supporting forces?"

"The Bronzebeards sent the King's Guard, but the Dwarven King of the Hill did not come."

Wearing ordinary assassin attire today, sister Tao Shi, who did not wear traditional Shado-Pan costumes, covered her face. She also reported professionally:

"It is said that King Magni and his two younger brothers are not currently in Ironforge. No one knows where they are. The Wildhammer clan sent their war hero Kurdran Wildhammer to support them. It should be to deal with Captain Gaboa's Air Fleet.

In addition to the dwarves, the elves of Quel'Thalas also appeared in Stormwind City, but it is not known who commanded these elf rangers and Phoenix mages.

At last.

His Majesty Fao made a request to Qinglong Temple two days ago, and he invited a supreme god to come to sit in the town. "

Having said that, Tao Shi paused, she looked at Bu Laike worriedly, and said in a low voice:

"I don't know which god is here, but there should be at least one supreme god in the Beijun valley at this time!"

"The bad news doesn't stop there."

A hoarse voice came from not far away, and Bu Laike glanced back. Maiev, who was wearing the night killer suit, put the helmet on his face to cover his face.

She whispered:

"The Sisterhood of Elune has also been invited to send emissaries, which is bad news, Laike, I have to tell you that even from this distance, I can feel the breath of Tyrande.

She is in Northshire.

Your connections under the crown of Faol are terrifying. "

"Hey, I helped him get all these connections, but now he's turning against me."

Rao Shibu Laike is determined, facing the impregnable walls in various senses, he feels a little sour. He rubbed his chin and said:

"Veren must have come here too, that good old man will not let the undead invade today, look at the runes shining on the tower of Northshire Abbey

As a soul that is being focused on by the King of War, I have every reason to believe that the Hall of Valor has sent at least one heroic commander to sit here.

In other words, there are at least four demigods in the northern army today, including the Supreme Celestial God and the Moon God Chosen, as well as the most powerful priest among the stars."

"I know it hurts you to say this, but let's run."

Beside the pirates, Gaboya, who had been dumbfounded, and the king of black knights, Eredin, looked at each other. The old troll coughed a few times, pushed his pirate hat, and persuaded in a strange tone:

"A smart pirate would not take risks and rob against such an enemy. We are seeking fame and fortune, not death, right? And no matter how mighty a pirate is, facing the current situation, he would not be able to shrink back." It's not shameful."

"Yeah yeah."

Eredin then followed up, and in order to match today's "big scene", the king of the black knight, who specially put on a pair of mighty armor, said very cowardly words in a mighty posture.

He whispered:

"Theoretically speaking, our riots these days have led the orderers to form such a terrible alliance to stop us, four demigods! Almost all order races in Azeroth are united, this is more than Dalaran The scene of the battle is much fiercer.

Today's events spread, which pirate would dare to say that what we did was not a big deal?

I mean, Laike, it's okay to make trouble like this, those demigods have their own business, they can't stay in Northshire Abbey for long.

After they retreat, let's look back again!

Anyway, it's a big deal, and I don't care about the delay in the past few days. I will make a strategic shift today, and I will be cowardly. It's not ashamed. "

"You bastards of two pirates! Disgrace among bastards!"

Bu Laike turned around and scolded in dissatisfaction:

"Does such a small scene in front of you scare you? The enemy's strength on paper is useless. If I am as strong as you are, how can I do all kinds of incredible things?

Believe me.

Today, the undead army is fighting against the warriors of order. Although they are more numerous than us, their quality is better than ours, their equipment is better than ours, and their level is higher than ours, but the advantage lies with me! "

The stinky pirate spread his hands like he was insane, and shouted to a group of stunned companions:

"You cannon fodder, just keep your heads down! Leave the rest to me."


The old troll was startled.

He wished he could draw out the hot air scimitar and stab the bastard in front of him, he cursed angrily:

"You used to pretend, but now you just don't pretend, you've got your cards right? Just use us as cannon fodder? I knew you, a bastard, couldn't be trusted!

I don't play anymore!

I want to quit! "

"Run as you please."

Bu Laike snorted and said playfully:

"You can run a monk, and you can run a temple?

Let me tell you the truth, if I dare to let you come, I am not afraid of you running away. If you are cowardly today, when the sky wall changes, I will personally charge you as an "Alakir Worshiper"!

If you're confident you'll be able to escape all the wind elementals in Azeroth, run away. "

"Ha, I knew it!"

Gaboa sneered, and said in the tone of a troll:

"You really are planning a dangerous event, so I won't pretend anymore, let's bastards speak more frankly, I'm here as cannon fodder for you, what benefits can you do me?"

"The spokesperson of the sky wall in the material world?"

Bo Laike snapped his fingers and said:

"The chief human dog leg of His Majesty the new Fengshen? A loyal comrade-in-arms of the legendary pirate Bu Laike Shaw? By the way, when I sweep the North Sea, I will give you a chance to grab something special?

Are these enough? "

"You bastard, as a loyal fighter of the Sky Wall, don't tempt me with these despicable benefits!"

Gaboya immediately changed his expression, tried his best to straighten his back, and scolded Bu Laike with righteous words:

"If these bastards in front of you are the enemies of the sky wall, then you don't need to tempt me, I will do my best to smash them for my new master!

Isn't it a demigod?

Isn't it the united order camp?

Hey, what's there to be afraid of?

Hey, cowardly black knights, give me an honest charge! I know that you are immortal, if you dare to get out of the battle, I will kill you. "

The old troll waved at poor Aridin ferociously, and the king of the black knights blinked his dark eyes, and he stopped being coy, and pointed up his fingers and said to Bo Laike:

"We Black Spirit Pirates will pay 30% for all the treasures we snatched in the Battle of the North Sea! Also, immediately revoke the bounty offered by the Uncrowned! Top cannon fodder like us is rare in Azeroth, I think we are worth the price!"

"No problem, my dear colleague."

The stinky pirate put his hands on his hips and laughed loudly, he agreed wholeheartedly, and seeing the two pirates who finally got ready to fight, Bu Laike smiled triumphantly.

He glanced down.

The hordes of undead army that can't be seen at a glance have entered the forest, and the undead iron cavalry commanded by Yrel has begun the first wave of hedging with the paladins led by Turalyon and the Brotherhood of the Iron Horse.

The undead don't need him to boost morale.

The undead don't have that stuff at all, and they don't care who their opponent is, just go all the way.

"Okay, here you go."

Bu Laike clapped his hands, turned to Gaboa and said:

"The undead on the ground is commanded by Yrel, the pirates are under your command, and the uncrowned ones are under the command of Jack, you all rush here!"

After finishing speaking, the pirate summoned his signature weapon, the Saramani Sisters Sword, and handed it to Maiev behind him along with his folded Luna armor, and took Marus the Blood Drinker from his finger, Bring it into Maiev's left thumb.

The Warden of the Watchers took one look at him and said in a low voice:

"What do you want me for?"

"I want you to be 'Boo Laike Shaw.'"

The pirate put his own black owl helmet on Maiev's head, and said softly:

"Until I finish what I have to do, you will be my 'kage warrior'."

"How are you going to sneak in?"

Maiev didn't refuse, but just asked.

The pirate smiled reservedly, watching the fierce battle below, he said:

"You know, there are two ways into Northshire Abbey."

"They won't let that obvious shortcoming go. The strength of defense there is absolutely no worse than that of the front."

Lady Shadowsong put on the full suit of Laike's armor, held Salameni in her arms, and said:

"With Tyrande here, the moon god may not necessarily favor you. This is a hard battle."

"No, no, there won't be any hard work."

Bu Laike called the sky to fall, and put a box made of the wood of the Fuzai tree behind his back. He coughed and said:

"Today's victory will be easier than you imagined. Old man Faol summoned all the big men he could, but he didn't realize a very important problem.

He can invite them.

But he didn't actually have enough chips in his hand to ask them to fight to the death. "

The pirate whistled and said with a mean smile:

"But I have."

"How can such a strong fortress be breached from the outside? This is something that fraudsters cannot do, but countless history has taught us that invincible enemies often have their own Achilles' heel.

Alas, the demons are coming.

But the heroes of this world are still so naive and immature, it's really exhausting. I don't know if it's too late to defect to Lord Sargeras now? "

Bu Laike flew into the sky on the sky, and he complained in the wind:

"As far as I am now in my current position, it is really unreasonable for Lord Sargeras not to give me an 'honest man'."


"The undead are coming, and their number is enough to overwhelm this place! Fortunately, we got the news in advance, and fortunately, we got the assistance of the righteous.

This place is impenetrable, and the undead will reap a doomed failure. "

On the towering city wall of Northshire Abbey, Varian Wrynn put down the binoculars in his hand and grabbed the Menethil Power Hammer in his hand. Wearing the golden lion armor, he looked back and was guarded by groups of warriors of all races. the subject of the monastery.

The flame of hope of Chi-Ji Tianzun and the light of Luna called by Tyrande surround the holy coffin of Marshal Lothar, and the golden Valkyrie flying in the sky and the heroic warriors on the ground complement each other. to peace of mind.

The child king whispered to Dai Lin who was wearing a battle armor and holding a commanding sword beside him:

"Seriously, can't you just take care of him? Look at him doing these things, every time it's frightening, my little stinky baby will grow up to be like Laike in the future, I will definitely beat him hard. "

"You're too young, Varian. You don't understand how much pressure it takes to be a good father. You're a little too optimistic about your future fatherhood."

Dai Lin sighed, the admiral patted the shining Aggramar Shield by his hand, and said very tiredly:

"I hate sons the most, but daughters are better. Speaking of which, you seem to have only one wife, Ariane, which is somewhat incompatible with the status of a king.

My family's Fenna is also of age, why don't you two get in touch? "

"Stop joking, Your Majesty Dai Lin."

Varian joked in a startled tone:

"No matter how ignorant I am, I've heard of the title of 'Wrathful Sea Sword Master', and the heroic and heroic Highness Fenna is beyond the reach of an ordinary man like me.

Speaking of which, is it really okay for us to all stand on the city wall? You can enter the valley all the way down from the peak of the Burning Plain. How about I take someone there? "

"His Excellency Heimdall, the general under the command of the Lord of War, is guarding there with his own hands."

Dai Lin shook her head and said:

"Don't worry, anyone who dares to go from there is actively courting death! Let's go, Varian, let's chop up some undead to exercise, and by the way, I will teach you some father's experience.

Lest your little Anduin grow as crooked as Braike in the future Well, look, little Alsace is really brave, he reminds me of my youth, just as brave and full of vitality.

Sometimes I really want to have such a son. "


Varian put on the full-face lion helmet, and he whispered softly:

"Well, Your Majesty Dailin, do you know who the first person Arthas saw in a hurry after he came back?

I think if you knew, you might not be so happy. "

(end of this chapter)

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