Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1357: 107. Frostmourne...Is Broken

Chapter 1357: 107. Frostmourne. Broken

"Rush! Rush! Bomb their formation! Raze this forest to the ground!"

The cursed pirate king Gaboa stood on the bow of the Reaper, waving his hot wind scimitar like crazy, and the majesty from the foreign elemental lord undisguisedly exuded, attracting large groups of wind elemental warriors to rush to the ground with howls.

As the thunder rolled and the wind swept, the huge, dark and majestic pirate ship whizzed down the mid-air, and the artillery juxtaposed under the strange hull continued to fire, creating a skyfire-covered spread in the forest where the Allied Forces of Order were hiding.

His seven ships were firing wildly and recklessly. The fire coverage of the air strike alone taught the landlubbers of all ethnic groups a good lesson. What is the theory of superior firepower?

It took only one wave of bombing to destroy all the mortar positions arranged by the dwarf king's guards, and then used the "self-explosion tactic" of the wind element to grab the bomb to blow up the city defense artillery on the city wall.

Wherever the "spaceships" of the cursed pirates went, their firepower suppressed the coalition forces to retreat steadily, and the undead were not afraid of the fire from the sky. step back.

The assault cavalry formed by the paladins was also suppressed head-on by the undead cavalry commanded by Yrel.

It stands to reason that the Holy Light's lethality against the undead should be very significant, and the paladins wearing heavy armor have a halo bonus, so they should not be afraid of any collisions in frontal battles.

But the problem is, there is a group of dead people who will not be disturbed by any situation to charge.

The revived iron horse knights not only don't care about damage at all, but their execution ability is so strong that they are like cold robots, and they will be executed perfectly immediately when they get any order.

This is a group of unreasonable "nuclear powered" heavy cavalry.

As for the elite awakened by Frostmourne, these undead cavalry with complete thinking can even skillfully use the "kite flying" tactic, causing the light cavalry of those iron horse knights to pull and harass the paladins on the chaotic battlefield. Take the trouble.

The most troublesome thing is that it is not a good thing to lead other undead to rush to the coalition front.

Although the black knights were repeatedly shattered in front of Bo Laike, and they were not worth mentioning in front of the real strong, the dark curse bestowed on the nine knights brought them real power.

Nine legendary black knights who don't talk about martial arts are put on the mundane battlefield as the lead soldiers who charge into battle.

These skinless guys have won the "true inheritance" of Chief Red's tactics. They deliberately walked around the strong opponents, and kept attacking the lines of ordinary soldiers.

And which mortal army can stop such a peak of soldiers?

The result of the coordinated offensive of the "two ghosts of heaven and earth" was that within ten minutes after the undead rushed into the battlefield, they turned the entire Beijun valley into a brutal deathmatch like a meat grinder.

Then, the greatest advantage of the undead was revealed.

If a soldier dies on the coalition side, the undead will have more strength. The more intense the war, the thicker their "reserve soldiers" will be.

"You can't fight like this! The braver you are, the greater their advantage!"

The "military advisor" sent by the Black Crows suggested to the frowning Pope Fao on the city wall in a gloomy tone:

"If you continue to fight like this, you will only get closer and closer to failure. Using the 'purification' tactic, the saint of mankind, will cover the battlefield with the purification barrier that you and Your Excellency Velen jointly created, so that the opponent's undead cannot be resurrected smoothly. messenger.

Containing their continuous source of soldiers is the first priority in dealing with undead enemies. "

"Well, thank you for your advice, sir."

Faol also saw the root of the problem. He turned his head and looked at Velen on the other side. The two top priests looked at each other and raised the holy staff in their hands almost at the same time.

In the next moment, bright and warm holy light spread from the walls of Northshire Abbey like a torrent, sweeping like a double halo, burning those fragile skeletons on the spot as it swept across the battlefield, making ugly and evil ghouls also Burned to death, only true death knights and their elite servants can withstand such a large-scale envelope of holy light.

And in the place where the holy light comforted, the corpses that had been shrouded in the aura of death quickly quieted down.

The holy light is showing its power.

It is like issuing a yoga order of "not to be reborn".

This brought the situation on the battlefield to a balance in an instant, and the undead's furious advance was quickly suppressed, and the battle line even began to be reversed by the brave paladins and soldiers.

But the evil artillery fire from high altitude made it very difficult for the soldiers on the ground to advance.

"Dai Lin! Aren't you the best at fighting pirates?"

Grand Duke Bolvar Fordragon, who was slashing and killing with his sword on the battlefield, turned his head and shouted at Dai Lin:

"There are nasty pirates showing off their power above us, show the majesty of the admiral to those bastards! I don't want the enemy's artillery to stop our charge!

kill them all! "

"You stupid paladin, do you think I don't want to?"

Dai Lin cursed.

In fact, the moment he saw Gaboa's pirate ship, Dai Lin was eager to destroy, but the problem was that as the holder of the Shield of Aggramar, he had to maintain the power of order on the ground.

Not everyone can use this thing.

Once Dai Lin leaves the ground battlefield, the purification power of the Holy Shield will dissipate a lot.

The situation in Stormwind City has proved that the spies of the demons are by the human side. If there is no Aegis of Aggramar, God knows what kind of trouble those damned demons will do in the North County Abbey.

But if the Holy Shield is placed in the monastery, without Dai Lin's manipulation, the soldiers on the battlefield will lose the blessing of the power of order.

This is the dilemma.

However, after seeing the two priests, Faol and Velen, propping up the purification barrier, Dailin quickly made a choice. He threw the shield of Aggramar, which split and suspended mysteriously, to Varian beside him. Wrynn.

He exhorted:

"Take it to Marshal Lothar! You don't want to fight here, you go and guard him! I'm restless, and my display instinct is telling me that something big will happen today.

I go up there to suppress the pirates and entangle Boo Laike by the way.

I will leave it to you below. "

After finishing speaking, Dai Lin curled up her legs on the spot and saw the right moment. At the moment when a spaceship cursed with pirates flew across the battlefield with roaring artillery fire, the wild admiral burst into anger and flew into the sky like a spring man.


Dai Lin hit the troll pirate's deck, and when it landed, a whirlwind slashed and killed the evil mummy sailors around him on the spot. As an old navy, the admiral knew how to destroy a ship.

Even the spaceship is the same.

So a few minutes later, amidst the cheers of the soldiers on the ground, a troll pirate's "spaceship" exploded in the air, and fell obliquely towards the distant forest.

Against the flames of the explosion, Dailin landed on another ship in anger. This ship happened to be Gaboa's flagship Reaper.


When the admiral landed, he raised his cold-lighted command knife, and shouted to the cursed Pirate King who was standing on the bow and posing in a cool pose:

"It seems that the business agreement between you and Kul Tiras will be terminated today! I am really honored to destroy the Sky Demon King of the South China Sea with my own hands. You guys have a little courage if you don't run away from me."

"Ah, the dreaded Daelin Proudmoore is coming to kill me!"

Faced with Dai Lin's provocation, Gaboa grinned, and screamed in the tone that trolls are born to beat:

"What should the poor old troll Gaboa do, should I drop the Holy Elemental Blade in my hand, kneel on the ground and humbly beg for your mercy?

If I lick your shoes like a dog, will you spare my dog's life? "

"How could a famous pirate like you die scribbled here?"

Dai Lin sneered, holding the knife, and walked towards Gaboya. Every step he took would make his momentum rise, like a walking hill. He said in a deep voice:

"You will first have a warm single room in the deepest part of Tol Dagor's black prison, and after we have wiped out all your pirate crew, I will hang you and them on the docks of Boralus!

Your nooses, blowing corpses will be a majestic testimony to the laws of Kul Tiras in the South Seas!

Every pirate who sees you dead will shudder, this is the end you and all your fellow villains have in common, Gaboa the pirate who committed the crime of robbery. "

"I know, it's a terrible punishment."

Gaboa sneered and said:

"But before you hang me, you must hang your son Drake with your own hands. Old Garboa never saw a better fellow pirate than he.

And, with a smile on my face, I'll watch you father and son start a life-and-death battle on my ship, and lo and behold, I've got a bounty for the victor. "

The old troll stood at the bow of the boat and kicked over several treasure boxes piled up under his feet. Large pieces of gold coins came out, and those precious stones shone brightly under the cool-toned sunlight.

Dai Lin also stopped at this moment.

He looked at "Bu Laike Shaw" who came out of the shadow beside him. The familiar black owl armor, the familiar Salamani warblade, and the familiar aura


Something is wrong!

Dai Lin frowned in an instant. He felt that the "Bo Laike" in front of him was a bit weird. Why is the guy who is always full of flirty words so silent today?

And when facing his father, why didn't today's smelly pirate show that kind of contradictory and awkward temperament?

"Who are you!"

Dai Lin scolded:

"You're not Boo Laike. Where is he? Damn! It's a blind trap!"

The admiral instantly understood his cunning son's plan.

At this moment, his soul died, and he looked at the two sides on the ground who were fighting to the death, as well as the righteous men who had attracted all the attention from the cruel battlefield.

It's like the most common scene magic trick.

When the audience is attracted by the magician's raised hand, it is when the magician's hidden hand starts to make small movements.

Having figured this out, Dai Lin immediately turned around and wanted to jump off the spaceship to warn the others in the monastery that Braike might have slipped into the valley while in a hurry.

All the defenses they made due to the raging undead became the Azeroth version of the "Maginot Line of Defense". It was really impossible for Bu Laike to break through the North County Abbey from the front.

But he doesn't need to fight the righteous people head-on

Going head-on has never been the pirates' tactic.


The moment Dai Lin wanted to leave the Reaper, flying shadows bloomed in front of the admiral with sharp blades scattered, and the deadly threat caused Dai Lin to immediately return to defense.

Seven consecutive high-speed blows made the general retreat three steps in a row, and the gauntlet of his left hand was cut by the sharp blade.

This guy!

Dailin's eyes narrowed, and he looked at his shattered gauntlet, and immediately realized that although this imposter pretending to be "Bo Laike" was not a real stinky pirate, she was no less destructive than Bo Laike.

Even faintly surpassed!

"Oops, I forgot to tell you, the dreaded 'Pirate Destroyer' Dailin."

Already sitting cross-legged on the bow of the boat, the old troll Gaboa, showing the attitude of a happy man, stroked his gold-encrusted fangs, and said with a sarcasm:

"The 'Shadow Warrior' of Bu Laike in front of you is one of the most capable fighters in Azeroth, you have to be careful today, if you underestimate the enemy, you may be killed

Died on the filthy deck of a sleazy pirate ship.

This is the scariest taunt I can think of for the Proudmoore family, hahahaha, let's get started, two, I can't wait.

But in our pirate tradition, maybe it's time to throw a greased pig to warm up the two. "

Gaboya raised his left hand, grabbed the hot wind scimitar and swung it down fiercely.

In the next moment, the wildly dancing storm spun on the deck of the Reaper, forming a thick wall of hot wind, as if forming a completely enclosed arena.

The voice of the troll pirate also became cold at this moment.

He said:

"It's a pity that I didn't bring the pig here today, so let's get straight to the point, you two. No one can run away until the winner is determined!"


Dai Lin recited the spell in dwarf language, and the command saber in her hand split into two in an instant.

Opposite him, Maiev, who was wearing Bu Laike's Luna armor, tilted her head, and as her hands were interlaced and pulled, the Salamani battle sword also split into two blades at this moment.

Boo Laike hates Dailin

If I can defeat this arrogant general here as Bu Laike Shaw, my little sweetheart should be very happy, right? ——

While Dai Lin was trapped, the battle on the ground was progressing very smoothly.

Although the admiral couldn't get away for a while, his battle on the Reaper also weakened the firepower projection in the sky, allowing the paladins to attack the center of the undead army faster and more quickly.

Before the battle, everyone was told that the magic sword in the female draenei's hand was the most important thing in this battle. As long as Frostmourne could be won, this battle would be decisively won.

As a result, a group of elite paladins commanded by Uther and Dathrohan rushed towards the death knight Yrel after opening the battle line.

This pair of elite paladins is very brave, and the two great knights who lead them also hold the Holy Light Relic.

The silver hand is roaring, and the guardian of truth is moving forward firmly.

Uther and Dathrohan's cooperation was perfect, and the two of them were like two deadly swords of holy light, attacking Yrel, who was protected by the undead.

But there's a guy who's faster than either of those guys!

While the undead line was being disrupted by the Paladin, the precise teleportation stream lit up beside Yrel.

The death knight turned around suddenly, and saw a little blond girl like an ice witch jumping out of the portal holding a forest staff.

Jaina Proudmoore threw a large-scale ring of frost the moment she landed, and with the increase of the ice sacred object Ebon Frost Staff she just got in her hand, almost in the blink of an eye, dozens of people around An undead turned into an ice sculpture.

But Jaina is not the main attacker!

She's just ancillary.

The deadly blade that was actually transported here jumped out from the other side of Yrel under the cover of the wind walk.

Entangled in anger, Arthas Menethil, whose blond hair stood on end, waved the roaring Lionheart Slayer in his hand, and slashed at Yrel's neck with a fatal blow unique to a swordsman.

Female death knights are not good either.

She is a "sword bearer" who has been strengthened by Frostmourne, and she has temporarily experienced the power of the Lich King. The residual infusion of the power of death makes this petite hoof girl have the posture to compete with these powerful guys .

Seeing Arthas' fatal blow coming, Yrel subconsciously raised the cold "Frostmourne" in his hand to block.

But the moment he raised his hand, a bad expression appeared under the helmet of the hoof girl death knight.

However, it was too late to accept the move.



In the stunned gaze of everyone near Yrel on the battlefield, the moment the terrifying ice sword collided with Alsace's Lionheart Slayer, there was a sound of ice shattering.



It's that simple?

(end of this chapter)

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