Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1362 112. Thank The Lich King For His Mercy

Chapter 1362 112. Thank the Lich King for His Mercy

Dai Lin rushed up and was knocked down with a sword, but the admiral was not so easy to admit defeat, so he got up to meet again, and was knocked down again.

Dai Lin persisted for a little longer this time.

Probably because he activated his Iron Vrykul form, which is even more powerful with the shield of Aggramar, but it is still not enough to face Frostmourne.

Frostmourne's "not good at melee combat" is compared with Apocalypse's "melee lunatic".

Under normal circumstances, the Frostmourne forged by the eternals of the dead world is definitely more powerful than most of the magic weapons in this world.

Dai Lin's steel body was covered with eerie scars within a few minutes, and the erosion from the aura of death made him feel that his body and soul would be frozen.

Without the shield of the Aegis of Aggramar, the ill-tempered admiral would be like the rest of the wretches who followed him into battle.

Wildhammer dwarven hero Kurdran Wildhammer and his valiant griffin were cut down with a single blow, leaving them both dying.

The battle ax in Danath Trollbane's hand shattered, almost turning into an ice sculpture.

Grand Duke Bolvar Fordragon and a dozen Stormguards were lifted into the air by Lothar with "Death Binding". Under the raging power of Frostmourne, even the Holy Light could not save him and his soldiers.

Only Uther the Lightbringer holding the holy relic, Dathrohan the silent great knight, and General Maraad, the Draenei garrison commander holding the immovable mark, can fight against Lothar holding the magic sword. Under the cruel raging, it can hardly be resisted.

That magic sword is crazy!

Every time it neighs, it will roll up an ice storm that sweeps all things, and every time it slashes, it will bring about the majesty of death that oppresses all living beings. It attacks the body, but it hurts the soul!

This alone is enough to make this darkly artistic ice sword one of the most dangerous weapons in the world, and when she has a satisfactory sword bearer, her power is almost complete. multiplied.

As the battle progressed, Lothar became more and more compatible with the magic sword in his hand, and the tumbling death aura at the end almost made Anduin Lothar a "god of death" walking in this world.

The ordinary soldiers who were trying to support on the outskirts of the battle glanced at Lothar, and they would tremble all over, and their faces were ashen and petrified, and they knelt down on the ground.

If you just cast your gaze, your soul will be harvested by the magic sword of death!

What's even more frightening is that the dead will stand up again in another gloomy posture within less than a minute after falling to the ground, and slash the weapons used for guarding and protection towards the terrified compatriots around them.

In addition to the melee fighters fighting with Lothar, the spellcasters are also doing their best to delay Lothar's raging footsteps.

However, although His Excellency the Lich King who was "crowned" today has not yet received his own "crown", he has already gained the most loyal followers and adjutants.

Under the personal transformation of Frostmourne, the archmage Antonidas, who became a lich, fought against all the spellcasters in front of him with his own strength.

He released the unique skills of Liches such as Icefall, Death and Withering, and Controlling Chains one by one, and their power is much stronger than the few Liches currently existing in Azeroth.

Like an elite lich that's a boss template.

But that's totally understandable.

Dean Alya Blue Moon, the old Lich Meri Winterwind, and even the newly promoted Lich Kel'Thuzad all relied on their talents to resonate with the death knowledge of the Shadow Realm to complete the transformation ceremony.

Their understanding of death knowledge is not complete, but the forger of Frostmourne is one of the eternals in the world of death. It is said that the self-proclaimed "Master of War" created the original death magic system.

When he forged Frostmourne, he poured his understanding and experience of spiritism and death magic into it.

Thus Antonidas' transformation was complete and complete.

He is a real lich, and with his current death magic skills, even if he goes to the world of the dead, he can win a lich baron in the ritual secret courtyard of Maldraxxus, the country of death full of macho men, and even It's the title of earl.

"How powerful, look at this terrible Lich King in front of me, he is a thing I created."

With absolute satisfaction, Bu Laike, who was hiding in the shadows and watching the show, watched Lothar wearing the death suit and knocking down these tyrannical warriors one by one.

Especially the scene of Dai Lin who repeatedly "sit-ups" in Lothar made Bo Laike fascinated.

He was sitting on the edge of the top of the house in Northshire Abbey, holding a bottle of wine in his hand, and a dwarf camera, capturing wonderful pictures from time to time, and he planned to let the uncrowned people spread these photos, so that the whole world can see the witch The majesty of the demon king.

"He was just venting his anger."

Xal'atath whispered in Bu Laike's ear:

"Anduin Lothar is angry at his own dark resurrection, little master, he himself is not willing to accept this fate at all, just because you have revealed all the threats in the future.

Just because he accepted his fate doesn't mean he likes his current posture.

When he threatened you with Frostmourne just now, the killing intent was real. The Lich King you personally shaped wants to kill you, which is really bad news.

I think it's better for you to hang out in front of Lothar less in the future, so as not to be cut by his sword.

With the help of Frostmourne, his strength has absolutely surpassed that of ordinary people. "

"I know, I can feel it, but I'm not afraid."

Bo Laike took a sip of his wine and said in a drawn out voice:

"How much he hates me now, how much he will thank me when the battle of fate starts. Lothar is not those who really come back from the dead and have no feelings.

His soul and emotions are intact, but now he is suppressed to a calm state by the cold death.

He was still Anduin Lothar before.

The only difference is that he no longer represents light and hope, he now represents darkness and destruction, nothing more. "

The pirate blinked and threw his investigation on Lothar, who was killing all directions below, and soon the target information was projected on the translucent character card in front of him:

Name: "The Lich King" Anduin Lothar

Race: Human/Undead [Death Chosen]

Occupation: Level 60 Warrior Elite/Level 60 Death Knight Elite/Level 60 Iron Horse Knight Elite

Legendary Occupation: Level 12 Death Lord Leader

Mythical Occupation: Level 1 Lich King · Powerful Divine Power

Own Artifact: Frostmourne

Artifact features: Dominance Rune Sword · Master Forging · Psychic Enhancement · Power of Devouring Abyss · Blessing of Blood

Status: Coronation of Death [Unfinished]

Character description:

Anduin Lothar, the great human being, has not yet become the complete Lich King, and he still lacks a death crown, which means that he seems to have the possibility of turning back after embarking on this dark road.

"They can actually save Lothar."

Bu Laike curled his lips and said to Xal'atath:

"Before the Helm of Domination comes to Lothar, as long as the right method is found, the connection between Lothar and Frostmourne can be forcibly severed, although doing so will only allow them to get a corpse.

However, in the eyes of some lunatics, Lothar might be lost, but at least he was free. "

"Is there really such a stupid person?"

The dark essence complained:

"The people here shouldn't be that crazy, right?"

"That's not necessarily the case, a bewildered person can do anything bewildered."

Bu Laike shrugged, took out his pocket watch, checked the time, and said:

"Okay, things here are almost done, and the 'farewell ceremony' of our dear His Majesty the Lich King and his loyal subjects and friends should also be over.

Let's get His Majesty's ship here and take His Majesty down to a good place. "

After finishing speaking, the pirate jumped up from the spot, spread the doom guard's bat wings in the shadows, and flapped towards the sky. In the clouds above the sky, only five of Gaboa's original seven spaceships remained. ship.

One was blown up by Dai Lin, and the other was a "manipulation error".

The sailors on this old troll ship were all mummies, a sort of undead.

It was also difficult for them to resist the call of Frostmourne. As a result, under the call of Lothar, an unlucky ship crashed into the mountain wall of North County and exploded on the spot.

When the pirate landed on the deck of the Reaper, what he saw was the stinky pirate Gaboa with a gloomy and painful face. He was feeling extremely distressed for his loss.

But Laike ignored him, and walked to Maiev's side. Madam Warden took off the black owl helmet and held it in her arms, standing on the side of the ship and looking down.

The wind blew her long white hair, making this elven beauty look slightly sad.

"I witnessed the fall of a great soul, and I participated in it with my own hands. This is not what a watchman should do. I feel very uncomfortable, even painful."

As Bo Laike approached, Maiev whispered:

"Is this your usual life? Laike, you don't seem to feel uncomfortable or lost at all for doing such a thing. How do you bear the guilt?

Can you teach me? "

"As long as I am heartless, no guilt can come to me, because I tell myself that what I do is good, it's just that idiots can't understand it."

Bu Laike put his arm around the slender waist of the warden lady, and he said:

"Why did you put Dai Lin back so easily? At least you should cut off one hand to make me happy."

"Do I have to make you happy?"

Maiev glanced at the stinking pirate, stuffed the owl helmet into his arms, and said:

"How old is a child, can't you learn how to do your own things? Another bad news for you is that your father has officially become Odin's chosen warrior.

Probably because of the guilt of the Lord of War for giving up Lothar's soul, he gave his blessing to Dai Lin in the battle just now. Your father is becoming more and more difficult to deal with.

He is growing rapidly, perhaps because he was stimulated by you?

I have trouble understanding this emotion. "

"Yeah, he's just that bad tempered, always stubborn and unwilling to admit that his son is better than him, trying his best to prove himself."

Bo Laike picked up his pipe and said:

"Let him continue to work hard. How cute it is to see the hard-working old man who refuses to admit defeat."

After speaking, the pirate looked back at Gaboa and said:

"Get ready to land, it's time for us to drive our Majesty to do business."

"What kind of monster did you make? He can sweep across this continent with one sword. Given enough time, he can create an army of death that will flood the world.

Tell me, Boo Laike.

Are you going to use him to create an Azeroth where only the dead remain? "

Gaboya looked at the North County Abbey with some apprehension on the ground, which had been completely surrounded by a terrifying number of undead. That scene made him, an old pirate playing voodoo, feel a little chilled.

When it comes to the understanding of necromancy, the Zandalari trolls have always been good at it. They have already started making psychic mummies in ancient times more than 10,000 years ago.

But Gaboya, who is well-informed, has never seen so many undead gathering together.

The old troll admitted he was terrified.

"Look at you saying that!"

Bu Laike glared at Gaboa and said:

"What's in it for me to kill everyone? The life of the undead is too boring, and there is no enjoyment at all. I created the Lich King just to make this world more colorful.

By the way, let's scare those boring old men in northern Xinjiang who only value Wang Quan's majesty and political interests.

You know, I originally planned to visit them in person, but I suddenly realized that perhaps it would be more useful to ask Marshal Lothar to 'talk to them' instead of me.

Don't worry, Marshal Lothar is not in the mood to intervene in the vile power struggle of the pirates.

The chaotic, rich and vibrant endless sea is still our domain, it will still be controlled by us, and it will still become a 'big bathtub' for us to fight around.

Of course, you'd better not take the initiative to provoke him.

Marshal Lothar is a fighter.

As we all know, soldiers generally have a bad temper."

Gaboya curled his lips.

He didn't believe the nonsense that Bo Laike said. This stinky pirate took the risk of offending the whole world to shape Lothar into the Lich King. The result he wanted was definitely more than simple deterrence.

But the old troll also knew that no one could force Laike to say what he didn't want to say.

So he could only control his own spaceship, and fell from a high altitude into the Beijun Valley, which was completely filled with undead. At this time, all the battles were over.

Lothar and his undead pressed the warriors of order in the barrier of holy light propped up by Velen and Faol, like the only shining island and reef in a dark and cold ocean.

The undead did not attack again.

But as long as they think about it, maybe no one here today can walk out alive.

The Reaper slowly landed among a group of undead. Gaboya and Bu Laike lowered the ship's planks from the ship's side, and three of Lothar's "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" walked on board.

Yrel commanded the iron horse knights who were awakened before and who died and were resurrected today.

Antonidas took several talented Dalaran battle mage captains with him. Of course, they had also been killed and revived by the Lich himself.

His Majesty Ryan Wrynn is picky.

He had chosen for himself a death guard of thirty men from among his son's Royal Guard in Stormwind, and a few assassins from among the secret agents of MI7.

Except for these elite undead and the resurrected death knights, the remaining weak undead were "abandoned".

Under the terrified gaze of everyone in the radiant enchantment, Lothar swung down the magic blade in his hand, and the undead who had been given cursed life in this battle fell down in unison.

It was like an invisible sickle sweeping across the entire North County and the entire forest. Those undead fell to the ground and returned to their resting posture, as if they had never been resurrected.

But everyone knows that as long as Lothar is willing, these dead will be resurrected in the next moment to fight for him.

This miraculous scene silenced the entire valley.

"Go back and tell those kings and nobles."

Lothar mentioned Frostmourne, leaving an indifferent background for everyone behind him.

He strode towards the Reaper, with a hollow and indifferent voice as his last reminder of his farewell.

He said:

"I, Anduin Lothar, a dead man who makes them restless, a tyrant who fills them with fear, I will give them a month to prepare, and then I will visit them.

I will visit them one by one until they become wise and rational.

The war of demons is coming, everyone, I just want to win! If you or anyone slows me down for any reason, you

I'm going to die!

That's it for today.

Thank the Lich King for his mercy, I don't have much left of that stuff."

(end of this chapter)

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