Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1363 113. The Emperor Is Very Satisfied With Your Performance And Gave You A Thumbs Up!

Chapter 1363 113. The emperor is very satisfied with your performance and gave you a thumbs up!

The Reaper is taking off.

The remaining four ships of the cursed pirate Gaboa escorted the dark spaceship to the clouds, and then disappeared into the sky of North County under the acceleration of the wind element.

Lothar took away all the elite undead he awakened, and even left with the black knights. Although Eredin and his brothers suffered heavy casualties, only one black knight, the caster, survived.

But the dark spirit pirates' desire to do great things has finally come true.

When today's news spreads all over the world, the notoriety of the black knights who are important participants in the incident will resound throughout Azeroth, and no one dares to regard them as "moving treasure house" anymore.

This is definitely enough news to make people happy.

But for those who survived, today's events are not so gratifying.

In the dead and silent Northshire Abbey, Holy Light Pope Fao half-kneeled on the ground, gathering the broken hand bones of a dead man to its already weathered remains.

Behind the pope, the paladins were silently pouring holy water on these corpses. The liquid blessed by the holy light could dissipate the dark aura on the bones and let them rest in peace again.

But if you want to completely eliminate the possibility of these dead souls being resurrected, you must use flames to purify everything.

Of course, the dead with only ashes left have no bodies that can be resurrected. Although they will also be pulled up in the form of wraiths, it is better than letting the living experience the despair of being completely surrounded by the undead.

The bravest and most sincere paladins were also filled with fear and despair at this moment. Even the great knight Turalyon hid in a corner, buried his head in Ms. Alleria's arms and wept silently.

He wasn't frightened.

He was just severely impacted by today's failure.

He was heartbroken for not being able to prevent the fall of Marshal Lothar.

The same is true of Little Alsace.

He was hurt.

The Lionheart Slayer in his hand was also shattered into broken blades and scattered all over the ground because of his reckless fight with Frostmourne, but Arthas, with his arms hanging in bandages, still wanted to comfort his brother in pain.

Varian's condition couldn't have been worse.

He was exhausted and desperate, in pain and grief, and he was covered in blood and must be sent back to Stormwind immediately.

"I'll go too."

Little Jaina tried to board the carriage escorting Varian and the other wounded, but Arthas refused with a slightly indifferent gesture.

This was a situation that had never happened between the two of them before, and the little mage was stunned.

But she reacted quickly.

Leaning on her black sandalwood staff, she stared at Alsace with his back to her, and said:

"Is it because I'm big brother? Do you hate me because I'm his sister?"

"I don't!"

The little prince gritted his teeth and said something, and he stretched out his hand to close the door of the carriage as if escaping.

The moment the door lock closed, he whispered:

"You and your family will definitely have a hard time in the future, and Kul Tiras may be criticized for it, but Jaina, be strong, and when I take care of Varian, I will go to your side.

I will protect you from that bad guy.

I swear! "


Jaina wanted to refute a few words, but looking at the devastated everything around her, she really couldn't say anything. She could only silently watch the carriage in front of her drive away from the North County full of corpses.

When Braike left Azeroth for Dellano, he told Jaina that he would do something that was evil to outsiders. He once said that he hoped that Jaina would not be deceived by what she saw with her eyes like everyone else. misleading.

But now, after personally experiencing the undead disaster at Northshire Abbey, Rao is Jaina who firmly believes in her big brother, but she also has to doubt the necessity of Bo Laike's action.

Is it really necessary to do this if it is to help the world?

The little mage clenched her staff tightly, feeling depressed and complicated in her heart. Dalaran also suffered a heavy loss today, and the human spellcasters lost their leader.

The death and resurrection of Master Antonidas will surely be the second blow to Dalaran after the collapse of the city, which may even make Dalaran, a magic faction, never recover from a slump.

And the source of all this must be counted on the head of Bu Laike Shaw.

Arthas was right.

Once Laike Shaw's true identity is revealed, she and her family will suffer terrible criticism and accusation, even Kul Tiras.

"What are you thinking? My daughter."

Dai Lin's tired and deep voice sounded behind Jaina. The little mage turned her head to look at her father who was covered in scars but still trying to smile at herself. She pursed her lips, took a step forward, and hid in Dai Lin's arms.

The admiral also reached out to hug his daughter, and he seemed to feel the fear and anxiety in Jaina's heart.

He whispered:

"Don't listen to those people's nonsense, we will be fine, I will not allow you to live in a world where you are accused, and Kul Tiras will not bow to vicious rumors."

"But father, if the identity of big brother is exposed"

Jaina said softly:

"How can we help him?"

"Does he still need help?"

Dai Lin snorted, touched the sore scar on his cheek very uncomfortably, and whispered:

"He is powerful enough himself, and he has found an elf lover who is not inferior to him. This kid really has some of the charm of my youth.

As for identity exposure

It's the damned great pirate Bu Laike Shaw they're going to accuse and insult! What's the deal with my son, your big brother Drake Proudmoore? "


Father's slightly shameless answer made the little mage's eyes widen. She raised her head and said to Dai Lin:

"But everyone knows it, how can this be concealed?"

"It's fine if we don't admit it."

Dai Lin laughed and patted her daughter on the head, and said:

"If they insist on finding evidence, let them ask me face to face, or arrest Bu Laike Shaw and torture him to question the truth. If someone who is bored comes to ask you, do you know how to answer?"


Little Jaina was also made to smile by her father's answer. She nodded vigorously and said:

"Those are two completely different people, and discussing together a notorious pirate and His Royal Highness the prince who died for the country of Kul Tiras is an offense and provocation to Kul Tiras itself!

If someone dares to ask me that, I will definitely teach them a lesson! "

"Your family is really hopeless."

Old Fording, the great knight passing by, couldn't help complaining when he heard the question and answer that shattered his three views. Compared with others, Old Fording's reaction to today's incident was not so intense.

This is also normal.

Old Fording has always been a paladin known for his impartiality and independent thinking. He has his own understanding of the world and will not follow others' opinions.

"Come with me, Your Majesty Dailin."

Old Fording shook his head and said to Dai Lin:

"Your Majesty will hold a meeting in the monastery to discuss the issue of Marshal Lothar and Frostmourne."

"What's the discussion here?"

Dai Lin frowned and said:

"Until the weakness of the sword is found, it is meaningless to say more. Instead of wasting time, it is better to start preparing for war now. You heard what Lothar said before he left. He is going to northern Xinjiang to teach those old men.

If the response is not good, what happened today is likely to repeat itself in Lordaeron, Stromgarde, and the Royal City of Gilneas. "

"What we're talking about is Frostmourne's weakness."

Old Fording looked around, lowered his voice and said:

"Before you came to the Stormwind Kingdom, there was a demon assassination in the Storm Fortress. The demon hunters and watchmen captured a Dreadlord, and they sent the news just now.

During the torture of the dreadlord, they discovered important information related to Frostmourne.

Lothar is still alive! "

The big knight clenched his fists and then loosened them. He pursed his lips and said:

"It is said that to become the complete Lich King, in addition to Frostmourne, Lothar also needs to get a crown helmet, which is now in the hands of the devil

If we can get it in advance, maybe we can bring Lothar back to us. "

"Isn't it? Great knight!"

Jaina widened her eyes and said:

"Do you believe the words of a demon? Are you desperate to this point?"

"We don't believe it."

Old Fording waved his hand. Looking at the devastation in front of him, he sighed and said:

"But now, beyond this news, we really don't know how to proceed."


"Close this cabin, no one is allowed to approach!"

In the hold of the Reaper, Bo Laike stepped into the dark stairs and said to Maiev behind him:

"I want to talk to a terrifying existence. I can't be disturbed. You'd better stay away. I don't want you to be exposed to the gaze of that eternal being."

"Did He ask you to bring Frostmourne to Marshal Lothar?"

Maiev asked.

Bo Laike nodded, but said nothing more.

Maiev didn't ask any further questions, she took a few steps back, and together with the Void Wardens completely blocked the way to the bottom cabin, the pirate closed the hatch, and stepped into the darkness in front of her alone.

Xal'atath also hid himself in the deepest part of Bo Laike's soul, and sank himself into the most peaceful sleep.

Although as a void creature, she has never dealt with the Eternals of the Shadow Realm, but seeing that the pirates are so cautious, the Dark Essence feels that it is best not to participate in it as she is now.

The smelly pirate walked into the center of the bottom cabin, where a huge full-length mirror had been placed in advance, but it was very dark around, and Bo Laike couldn't see himself in the mirror in front of the mirror.

He took off the seal of the King of Pain on his finger, and rubbed it gently in the palm of his hand, like a weird ritual.

The Venthyr Punishers of Revendreth in the Shadow Realm must be best at sin magic, but those guys who are very similar to vampires have another magic system that they are very good at.

That is mirror magic.

Venthyr can do all sorts of weird things with the magic mirror.

In their hands, ordinary mirrors become the gates to countless worlds, the power to seal dangerous things, the keys to hide treasures, and even deadly sneak attacks in battle.

If Bo Laike was an orthodox spellcaster like little Jaina, he wouldn't miss the chance to learn the magic of mirrors from the Venthyr.

Unfortunately, he is an ignorant warlock.

He has no interest in these magical mirrors that require delicate manipulation and advance preparation.

Now, in this dead and warm darkness, after the pirate stroked the seal in his hand three times, he felt a flash of blood flying from the mirror in front of him.

In fact, just now, when Lothar woke up because of Frostmourne, he could already feel that the last power seal on the seal from the Eternal of the Shadow Realm was lifted.

He can now use it to talk face to face with the mysterious and terrifying plotter, the proud Emperor Denathius.

In the dark mirror, what first appeared in front of Laike was a magnificent palace dotted with dark red luster of blood, where a lively banquet seemed to be going on.

Numerous Venthyr vampires in elegant long skirts and gentleman's robes danced to the extravagant and depraved music on the ground and in the sky of the hall, and there were small mud servants wearing service robes among them. Shuttle between them, and deliver drinks and food full of anima to them.

Among them, seven Venthyr nobles wearing different medals are particularly outstanding. They are male and female, but wherever they go, they are like stars and moons.

However, these seven Venthyr greats are not the protagonists of today.

As the perspective of the mirror in front of him zoomed in, Laike saw the heroic figure reclining on the throne at the top of the Hall of Blood.

He saw Denathius the Great holding a cup of bright red wine in his hand, leaning on the bright red throne in the attitude of an arrogant ruler, and the powerful living blade Reminia hovering beside her master, like a ruler The scarlet scepter of the dead.

This was the first time that Bo Laike actually saw the face and figure of Denathrius the Great.

It has to be said that this is also an extremely imposing ruler.

Especially his bright red eyes that look down on everything, and the inexplicable weird and mighty aura of a superior person exuding from his body, it is really hard to forget at a glance.

The only pity is that, as the creator of Venthyr vampires and Nathrezims, Emperor Denathrius is also similar to his own creations in appearance.

He has thin, sullen cheeks, elf-like ears, demon-like feet, recurved draenei-like hooves, and no tail.

This somewhat affected the emperor's appearance.

"Blaike Shaw, a fraudster who traverses Azeroth, an assassin known among the material stars, an extremely self-proud soul, a strange life that can see through the future and the past.

You should probably have heard that I am your 'loyal fan'.

I've heard of every deceit, every villainy of yours, Laike.

Just now, during this boring banquet, I received a piece of good news that cheered me up.

You brought me a miracle that made my heart surge. The Frostmourne that I missed finally found its excellent owner among the wandering stars.

The uncertain fate has turned to the future I have been longing to see, and you have proved with your practical actions that all my efforts in the past eternity were not in vain.

The future of me and the outcast, as well as the entire Shadowlands, and the entire stars will be changed because of you.

You are truly an amazing person, Boo Laike.

Would you like to join my court of the Reapers? I can hand over the reign of Revendreth to you, you are much better than my son. "

When Laike stood in front of the magic mirror and was thinking about how to speak, Emperor Denathius spoke first. His voice was very magnetic and enthusiastic, and his attitude was gentle, without any trace of the legendary indifference and arrogance.

People can't help feeling good.

"This is what I should do, my great majesty."

Bu Laike bowed humbly in front of the mirror, and he whispered:

"As for Prince Renathal, you don't have to worry about his growth, he just seems a little naive because you protected him so well and never experienced wind and rain.

But he will make a good ruler, after all he was shaped by your will and you should have confidence in yourself. I, a loyal servant of His Majesty, dare not occupy His Majesty's precious time for pleasure, so."

The smelly pirate raised his head and asked:

"Your Majesty, please instruct me on the next task. My sharp blade and I are ready to continue serving your great cause."

(end of this chapter)

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