Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1367 117. I'm Not Trying To Prove How Strong I Am, But Those Who Have Lost Must Be Brou

Chapter 1367 117. I'm not trying to prove how strong I am, but those who have lost must be brought back with my own hands

(Monthly ticket plus [1/20])

"You are enough!"

In the clouds approaching dawn, it was the darkest hour of the day, and on the deck of the Reaper flying high in the sky, Jin Tessa's complaints were echoing.

She looked at the stinky pirate holding the chain and pulling her "walking" on the deck, touched the collar around her neck, and said maliciously:

"This is so boring, my master. If you want to play evil tricks, just follow through to the end. Do you want me to lie on the ground and follow you like a puppy?"

"Uh, that's fine, it's too much."

Bu Laike pulled the chain in his hand and said:

"I'm not such a perverted pirate, and now I'm just going to punish you for your outrageous words and teach you a simple truth, don't act like you're sure of success until a conspiracy is truly successful.

Besides, if you did that, I'd be a disrespectful asshole.

Although you are a female demon that does not conform to human aesthetics, many righteous people will jump out and accuse me of being a lowly and evil thing. "


Jin Tessa rolled her eyes at his words, and the female demon wearing a collar asked maliciously:

"What? Doesn't my dear master think that he is a lowly and evil thing? Wow, you really don't know yourself well enough."

"Shut up, how could a handsome pirate like me be such an evil guy as you said."

Bu Laike snorted and tugged at the chain in his hand to make Kin Tessa follow him.

However, his human body was still too small compared to the dreadlord's body, so even though the chain was in his hands, the posture of the two of them at this time was like a goblin pulling his ogre bodyguard to swagger through the city.

But Laike quickly lost interest in the humiliating game.

After all, if the person being humiliated doesn't think it's a shame, then all the humiliation is meaningless. Look at the indifference on Jin Tessa's face, obviously people don't think being put on a dog leash is what it is Big deal.

Thinking about it, Jin Tessa is a ruthless character who hangs out at the top of the Burning Legion. For the most chaotic demons in the stars, the punishment methods they can come up with are all kinds of strange.

A mere chain collar, tsk, drizzle.

So Bu Laike casually threw the chain in his hand to Kintesa, and asked her to "walk" herself. The Dreadlord didn't care too much, so she hung the chain around her waist conveniently.

It seems that he doesn't care about the strange style of "going to prison" that the collar on his neck brings to him.

She even used it as a chic "decoration".

After all, it is made of magic steel. Wearing it around the neck can effectively protect the sword from slashing, and Bu Laike thoughtfully put the best leather inside the collar, making it not uncomfortable to wear at all.

"Speaking of which, you are now my servant, and you are only loyal to me, because this is the order of the emperor, so you can't even report my secret to the emperor himself.

So, it's time for us to talk about what's next. "

The pirate sat on the side of the Reaper's ship, crossed his legs and looked at the sky thousands of miles below. The pirate lit the tobacco.

well, say

Although this female fear demon king does not meet the XP of human beings in all aspects, this group is quite big.

"What are you looking at, dirty pirate!"

Kin Tessa quickly noticed Bu Laike's "not squinting". The Dread Witch sneered, and she said:

"Shall I take off the breastplate for you to take a good look? Then study the different physiological structures between demon women and human women?"

"Ahem, don't be so obscene, my servant, I am a serious warlock."

Bo Laike waved his hand and closed his eyes.

As a result, Jin Tessa continued to sneer and said:

"Are there any decent warlocks? Can a decent warlock survive the first year of their career?"

"Well, you are right, but what we are going to discuss is not the ethics of warlocks."

The pirate waved his hand and said:

"Let's get down to business, let's talk about it, what do you Dreadlords plan to do with the Helm of Domination? You hid it in Argus, right? Alexandros Mograine was also taken to Argus by you?

How on earth did you manage to do this under the nose of the Church of the Holy Light? "

"How easy it is."

Kin Tessa snorted, folded her arms and said:

"Mograine himself is indeed an impeccable guy, his faith is sincere and fierce, his strength is powerful and flawless, he himself has no vices at all, he is a very standard paladin, even if we want to tempt his heart It's also hard to do.

Faith armed his soul.

But just because he's impeccable doesn't mean the people around him are as powerful.

You know, Mograine has two sons and an adopted daughter, right?

His eldest son is fourteen years old this year, and it is the period when he is very restless towards the opposite sex at the beginning of love, and the adopted daughter of the grand knight, Miss Whitemane, and Master Renault grew up together, and they are childhood sweethearts."

Having said that, Kin Tessa let out a weird laugh, and she whispered to Bo Laike:

"The depraved lives of human nobles once surprised us Dreadlords, but Master Renault and Miss Whitemane, who grew up in that environment, easily made some' inappropriate' thing.

And it happened to be 'accidentally' discovered by their strict father.

The great knight was extremely angry, but his son and adopted daughter fled overnight in fear of punishment, and the great knight, who was worried about the child, went out alone to look for it.”

The Dread Witch curled her lips and said:

"No matter how powerful a man becomes a father, he also has weaknesses.

We just threatened the lives of the two pups, and he dropped his weapon. It took a while to transport him to Argus, but he and the Helm of Dominion proved to be a good match.

Do you think we're only fighting you over Frostmourne? Cloth Laike.

No, no, we've already secured the victory. As long as Mograine wears the Helm of Dominion, it doesn't matter who gets Frostmourne.

If Illidan and you hadn't messed around and pulled Argus from the fringes of the stars to the galaxy of the world Dellano, this corrupt plan would have been completed long ago! "

"Well, it's quite different from what I imagined."

Bo Laike stroked his chin and said:

"Then according to your knowledge, my dear servant, without your leadership, how long will it take for the dreadlords under your command to complete this depraved plan?"

"It's over, it's impossible to finish."

Jin Tessa covered her eyes and said with a look of despair:

"No one is more aware of the ugly nature of the Nathrezim than me. Mal'Ganis and I are the Emperor's most trusted subordinates. We are the 'kings of fear' of all the Nathrezim.

But now, my excommunication to you means that there is a vacancy in Nathrezim's leadership, and all ambitious dreadlords will put down all their current affairs and try their best to fight for the throne of the 'King of Terror'.

This dispute and scramble will take a lot of time, but you will not stop yourself, you will definitely destroy my carefully designed plan.

It is no longer possible for Alexandros Mograine to wear the Helm of Dominion.

However, you don't want to simply get back the helmet for Lothar that can make him the real Lich King. Although the fear demon kings are good at fighting among themselves, it is related to the great cause of the emperor after all.

Once you appear on Argus, they will do everything in their power to stop you. "

"You think they can stop me?"

Bu Laike said in a strange tone:

"Are you so confident in your subordinates? I have also dealt with the Dreadlord a lot. To be honest, it seems to me that your evil nature is just like that.

Alright, let's talk about the rest when we get to Argus.

Next, we will go to Zandalar Island to complete my experimental project, and then transfer to the North Sea. It is time for that boring war to come to an end.

I know you can be of great use. "

After finishing speaking, the pirate took off his pipe, stood up and stretched himself. Kintesa respectfully handed the chain of her collar to Laike with both hands. The evil pirate grabbed the chain and led his servants to his cabin.

This scene was completely seen by the old troll Gaboa who had just woken up and stepped onto the deck, and the cursed pirate Wang Li's eyes widened immediately.

"What are you looking at!"

Jin Taisha with a collar on her neck crossed her hips in displeasure, and scolded the old troll:

"You lowly thing, haven't you ever seen a warlock walk his own demon?"

Gaboa looked at Laike, who was holding the chain, and then at Kintesa, the demon who was wearing a dog chain collar but didn't care. He rubbed his eyes and watched the master and servant disappear into the shadow of the poop inside.

The old troll sighed in astonishment:

"Hiss, today's young people really know how to play!"


While the Reaper was on its way to the Northrend continent at the fastest speed, and dropped Braike and his "prisoners" in Menethil Harbor on the way, the remote Kalimdor continent was approaching the barren land. On the overseas islands, something closely related to Braike is going on.

The archipelago is known locally as the "Echo Islands".

Its structure is very peculiar, a large island and several small islands are scattered in the sea area which is not wide, it is completely a natural hiding place reserved for pirates.

It was occupied by the Bloodsail Pirates a few months ago. The pirates who rose to fame with the power of N'Zoth the Corruptor have been defeated by Daelin, Bo Laike, and Gaboa after repeated heavy blows.

Both the northern and southern squadrons of the Bloodsail Fleet were destroyed by Laike himself. As the commander of the Bloodsail Pirates and the biggest traitor of Kul Tiras, His Excellency "Duke" Farrewell also lost his son and daughter.

This blow is not insignificant to the believers of this storm church.

But the harsher reality is that, with the Church of the Storm's final adventure in Pandaria to find the Heart of Darkness for N'Zoth also failed, the ruthless Corruptor has realized that the Church of the Storm and the Bloodsail Pirates have achieved nothing.

As a result, the Corruptor also abandoned these incompetent believers, and started a deeper cooperation with the more powerful Naga Empire.

But the Bloodsail Pirates were able to survive on the Great Sea thanks to N'Zoth's dark blessing, and now abandoned by the Corruptor, they immediately became the saddest prey.

Not only the Avengers of the Kul Tiras First Fleet hunted them wantonly in this sea, but even the Blackwater pirates just formed by the goblin consortium wanted to use them as "experience babies".

The Bloodsail pirates who have nowhere to go can only hide in the Echo Islands with their last remnants. They dare not go to the South China Sea where they once flaunted their might, and they dare not even approach the coastline of the mainland.

The city "Bloodhoof Totem" established by the Tauren on the Red Earth Peninsula has already begun to flourish. The entire barren land is regarded by the Tauren as their new territory, and they do not allow the Bloodsail pirates to go ashore and plunder here.

They also had the orc lunatics of the Warsong clan to help.

In short, the Bloodsail Pirates have reached the most dangerous moment.

If they can't find helpers, at most one month, the pirates who once ran rampant in the South China Sea will completely disappear into history under the joint strangulation of the navy and their colleagues.

As the leader of the Bloodsail Pirates, Farrewell has basically given up.

He started to mess up.

He shut himself up in the captain's cabin of his flagship "Devil Shark" and got drunk every day, ignoring those subordinates who were like bilge rats who jumped ship at the end of the catastrophe.

The man who had served the Proudmoore family for most of his life, and then launched a terrible backstab on Dai Lin, had realized that everything was irreversible.

His adventure has sent himself and his family to a corner, and he has nowhere to go.


During this night, the drunken Bloodsail pirate commander heard a strange voice calling him in a trance, he opened his eyes blankly, and stood up.

Looking back, I found that my body was still sleeping soundly in the entanglement of the rich and white bodies of the two female pirates, but my soul had somehow left the body.

"who is it!"

Farrewell sobered up instantly.

After all, he was also a great pirate who had followed N'Zoth the Corruptor. Although his strength was mediocre, he had vision. He immediately realized that he had encountered an abnormal supernatural phenomenon.

He yelled for the guy who pulled his soul to show up.

As a result, in the next moment, as the tide surged, huge blue-purple tentacles sprang out of the sea one by one like sea monsters, wrapped around the hull of his Devil Shark, and pulled the ship into the sea.

Even Farrewell's soul seemed to be pulled into the cold deep sea.

This is not a dream!

This is a real disaster.

The entire Echo Islands were shaking endlessly because of the collision disaster. Death was approaching, pulling, and drowning. Farrewell could feel the last breath in his lungs being pressed out of his throat by the sea water.

He already knew he was going to die.

But he never realized he would die this way.

This is so painful.

Compared to drowning, perhaps being caught by Dai Lin and being hanged in public on the pier in Kul Tiras seems so merciful.

But death is only the beginning.

"Fareville, incompetent!"

That gloomy voice echoed under the sea. It was a woman's voice, but it was full of madness and harsh indifference. She was like a screaming demon tormenting the soul and dead body of Commander Bloodsail.

She growled:

"Sad loser, you and your ship will return to your world in a stronger posture as the hand of Hell! I will pick you up from the mud, I will give you the gift of death, and I will give you Hell blessing of.

I just have one request.

All I want is Bo Laike Shaw!


To the frozen North Sea, to the war, and bring me back his head, his soul, and the wreckage of the Naglfar!

I will rebuild my lost hell on their bones

The Goddess of Death is back!

Hela is back!

Boo Laike Shaw's Doom is back! "

(end of this chapter)

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