Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1368 1. Ping An Gilneas Reminds You That Driving Is Irregular, And Relatives Cry [2/20]

Chapter 1368 1. Ping An Gilneas reminds you that the driving is irregular and the relatives are crying [220]

"It's already November, and winter is coming. This autumn is really fulfilling."

On the small boat from Menethil Harbor to Tol Barad, Bo Laike watched the Reaper go away above his head, and he waved his hands to the sky expressing very literary emotion.

It is now the early winter of the eighth year of the Dark Portal, and the climate in the central part of the eastern continent has also become a bit colder. But for super masters like pirates and Maiev, the change in temperature has hardly caused them any sensory effects. impacted.

If necessary, Bo Laike can take off his clothes and run naked on the snowy mountains of Dun Morogh in the dwarves or on the ground of Winterspring without feeling cold.

But the change of time is always embarrassing.

Especially when so much has happened in such a short period of time, it is really emotional.

But right now on this fishing boat belonging to the "Nat and Hal Fishing Company", Maiev is concerned about another matter. This would be the Lady Warden in a Gilnean tradewoman's robes and a gold-encrusted tall hat, frowning at the front of the cabin.

There was a rich young human hugging a nightborn girl in a long skirt, talking and chatting in a low voice, and next to them was a little nightborn girl who was dozing off beside the man.

Maiev whispered to Boo Laike:

"What happened to that night child and that human? Why are they so close?"

"The two of them are husband and wife, okay? Isn't it right to be intimate? Do you think everyone is as cold as you?"

Bu Laike pouted and said:

"Hal is a well-known businessman in South Sea Town, not only because he had good luck last year, he dug up pirate treasures during his expedition to the sea, and returned to his hometown rich overnight, bought several boats and started a fishing company to benefit the village.

It was even more because when he was traveling around the world with a handsome and mighty pirate captain, he was lucky enough to 'pick up' a widowed young nightborn elf woman in the wilderness of Suramar, and then fell in love with the latter and got married or something.

Although Madame Verene is a dark elf.

Although this lady is still a bit addicted to magic.

But the fact that Hal, a poor boy, can marry an elf is like a legend to ordinary people in Southshore Town.

I heard that because of the reputation of this incident, Hal is ready to run for the next mayor of South Sea Town. It is said that this generous businessman will give gifts to every townsman who supports him, so there are quite a lot of people who support him.

If it is not as good as an accident, in a few months I will respectfully call him Mr. Mayor. "

"What kind of lucky businessman also dug up pirate treasures, I really can't make it up!"

Maiev complained in a low voice:

"This Hal is actually the pirate eyeliner you planted in South Sea Town, right?"

"That's clever, Lady Maiev."

Bo Laike shrugged, held Maiev's slender waist with a pipe in his mouth, and whispered:

"Yes, Hal was mine a long time ago.

Ever since I brokered his marriage to his elf wife, he's been dead set on me. But Hal is not a real pirate, he has no blood on his hands, he is a good man in a broad sense.

The brother he played with since he was a child is still the chief fisherman in my fleet, but the title deed of South Sea Town is in my hands. In theory, it is my territory.

Speaking of which, I haven't seen Nat for a long time, and I don't know how that unlucky guy is doing now? "

"Nat, she's doing well, Captain."

While Laike and Maiev were talking, Hal, the businessman who had finished the conversation with his wife, stooped into the cabin of the boat, and he graciously brought breakfast to Laike and Maiev.

The guy who had a very happy life touched his beard that he deliberately kept to make himself look more mature and stable. He poured wine for the captain and said:

"The last time Nat sent a letter back, saying that with the help of his mentor, he dropped a big fish from the abyss in a hidden cave in the Barrens, and finally suppressed his 'disease' .

Now Nat is following Captain Anaris's flagship across the Sea of ​​Mists and the Broken Isles.

He also said that he plans to go to Pandaria to visit the famous panda fishers there and learn a few things from them. "

"That's okay."

Bo Laike took a sip of his wine, touched his fingers, and said:

"The next time you write to Nat remind him to come back, he still owes me a fishing trip.

The last member of the ring family in the abyss has not been caught. I think no one in this world can complete this matter except him.

Although it is not a big deal, but considering that both the Supreme One Ring and the Supreme Two Ring are worn on my mother's finger now, and she is not very good at hitting, this matter is really on the agenda. "

"Well, I'll tell Nat, Captain."

Hal nodded, and was about to turn to leave when Bu Laike called out to him.

The smelly pirate fumbled around in his bag, and finally took out a bag of cut draenei gems and threw it to Hal, saying:

"This is my gift to your unborn child."


Hal's eyes widened, and he looked at the elf wife who was busy outside the cabin with both surprise and joy. He lowered his voice and asked ecstatically:

"Captain, you mean me and Verenne."

"Yeah, a half-elf child with a strange background is about to be born in eight or nine months."

Bu Laike shrugged his shoulders, showed a malicious smile again, squeezed his wine glass and said to the surprised man in front of him:

"However, I suggest that you ask your wife to drink less magic wine recently. It's not that you can't drink it. You should control the amount of alcohol so as not to affect your children.

I don't know if the night children's magic addiction will be inherited."

"Yes, but not as serious as you think."

Maiev, who was beside the pirate, shook her head and whispered in Salas:

"As long as they leave the environment of Suramar, children's magic addiction can be suppressed through long-term training.

As long as the magic wine is not abused, the newborn night children's desire for magic power is like a slight alcohol addiction, and it will not endanger the growth and mind of the children.

But you'd better take your child to Mount Hyjal after it's born and ask the Priests of the Moon for their blessing.

The bright moonlight can help elf babies get rid of their illnesses. "

"Ah, I see. I'm going to write this down. Thank you for reminding me, kind elf lady."

Hal hurriedly took out his account book and wrote Maiev's instructions on it.

He took another look at the intimate relationship between Maiev and Bu Laike, then raised his brows, as if he was going to say a few words to bless the two beautiful women in front of him, but was stopped by the stinky pirate with his eyes.

Bu Laike snorted and asked:

"Seeing you living so happily makes an evil pirate like me really upset, so I decided to find something for you. My dear Hal, I gave you a dividend to go home and start a business, but I also gave you a task.

You should have not forgotten, right?


Has there been anything worth noting around the Hillsbrad Downs lately? "

"Uh, nothing major."

Hal scratched his head, thinking hard about the news of his hometown during this time, and after a few seconds, he hesitated and said:

"However, a lot of terrible things happened in Gilneas not long ago. It is said that King Jin there found a solution to the werewolf curse.

Legend has it that he brought back a treasure from the land of the elves, and he also claimed that the power of the werewolf can be used by humans. But I asked Villenne, and she said that she hadn't heard of any elf treasure that could restrain the werewolf curse.

And I heard that in the big cities on the Gilneas side, many people have volunteered to become werewolves under the call of the king. All prisoners were transformed into werewolves. "

"This matter is over."

Bu Laike waved his hand and said regretfully;

"I've known about this for a long time. It seems that you are really careless in doing things for me. Hal, I have to punish you."

"Captain, please don't punish Dad!"

While talking, Connie, the daughter of Hal's Nightborn, ran in with a plate of washed berries. She smiled and put the berries in front of Maiev's eyes, and shook Braike's hand again. Shaking away, begging:

"Dad works very hard every day. He has to do business and go to meetings with those who support him. He doesn't have much time to collect information. But I heard some from my classmates at the church school in Tarren Mill. Interesting news, do you want to hear the captain?"

"Little Connie is still amazing."

Bo Laike is always generous and tolerant to children. He knocked little Connie on the head, took out a bag of Gnomeregan gummies for her, and asked:

"What news did your classmate tell you?"

"It's great news!"

Connie stuffed the gummy candy into her mouth, and said to Bu Laike mysteriously:

"I have a very good friend. Her hometown is in Pyrenwood Village. She secretly told me a few days ago that when she went back to her hometown with her parents for vacation, she accidentally saw very ferocious werewolves chasing them in the forest. Druid!"


Bo Laike and Maiev blinked at the same time. It was little Connie's news that really carried weight, and the kid probably didn't understand what the gossip she was hearing meant.

The smelly pirate and Maiev looked at each other, he looked at Connie who was eating candy, and asked:

"Have your friends described to you the appearance of those druids who were hunted down? And their identities?"

"She said so."

Little Night's Son elf tilted his head and frowned, thinking for a while, and said:

"But I forgot.

But I remember her saying that those druids are not good people either! Before the werewolves started to make trouble, those druids used very bad methods to prohibit hunters from hunting.

They forced many hunters to change careers, and some people almost starved to death because of it.

So seeing those bad druids being hunted down by werewolves, the hunters in the entire Pyrewood Village were very happy. They said that this was retribution, and they wanted to hold a banquet to celebrate. "

"Oh, Rendehui."

When Little Connie said this, Bo Laike and Maiev immediately understood the whole thing.

Those crazy, domineering and domineering little animal workers from the Rende Society finally met a group of werewolves who physically punched them hard.

This wave.

This wave is called the wicked, and the wicked will grind it. If the dog bites the dog, it belongs to it.

His Majesty Jin's "Gu Raising Tactics" in his own country seems to have entered the "finals". I don't know which evil forces will dominate Gilneas in the future?

It's really exciting to think about it.

"Well done!"

Bu Laike patted little Connie on the head, and said to the smiling little girl:

"You little spy is much better than your father, I want to give you a reward, my dear little spy, do you want to go to Tol Barad Island with me for a few days?

I'll send someone to take you back after school starts. It happens that my daughter and her friends are studying there. You will definitely become very good friends. "


"Hey, the old man still wants to trap me? Dreaming!"

At the same time, but not at the same place, Miss Caitlin Luinverwall was carrying a small package and ran out of a manor in the Silverpine Forest near Lordamere Lake over the wall.

She moved swiftly and vigilantly. Judging by the flexible posture of climbing the wall, she didn't look like a spellcaster at all, and she didn't have the restraint and elegance that the daughter of an archmage should have at all.

Instead, she looks like a female thief who has been trained for many years.

But looking at the black ash on Miss Caitlin's fair face, she knew that the process of her escape from the prison her father set for her was definitely not smooth.

The Archmage Anslem Luinvivor of the Council of Six was still working in Stormwind City, and he never thought that his daughter would run away from home at this time.

He would never have imagined that the two female apprentices whom he had specially left behind to look after his daughter had already been knocked out by his daughter's self-taught sap technique.

"Oh, I can finally pursue the life I want!"

Miss Caitlin, who turned out of the manor, laughed proudly with her hips akimbo, moved her shoulders, and took out the "disguise props" she had prepared a long time ago.

She hid in the stables and changed into a well-groomed Gilnean tradewoman.

She even prepared a caravan for herself in the farmhouse not far from the manor in advance, which is often used by Gilneas merchants when they travel north and south.

In this way, it will be alive.

"I heard from the mages that the Wolf Cult in Gilneas has been in a mess recently, so it is not suitable to go from Keel Harbor. I will go all the way southeast from Amber Mill to Southshore Town, and then find a boat to go to sea."

Caitlin skillfully drove the carriage on the road when the sun first rose.

While waving her whip, she imitated the Gilneas trader and yelled to both sides of the road, while planning her own route in her mind.

In the clothes of Miss Caitlin's substitute, there is an admission notice for the Warlock School of Nassaras College, which is her confidence to run away from home.

As long as I can go to Tol Barad's magic academy to officially enroll before the old man catches me back, the old man won't be able to bring me back no matter how angry he is.

Narthalas Academy is not a place for a staid old man, an archmage, to run wild.

As long as he runs there, he can get rid of everything that is suffocating in Dalaran.

"First go to the Warlock Academy for a few years of study, and then take the exam to join the Undead Pirate Fleet, so that I can realize my long-cherished wish in life.

Be a pirate!

What a free and beautiful life. "

As Miss Caitlin was on her way, she had already begun to fantasize about her future professional life. She even thought of her pirate nickname for herself.

From now on, I will call myself "Blade" Caitlin!

Tsk tsk, sounds very majestic.

Of course, it is a terrible thing to lose your mind while driving a horse-drawn carriage. It is basically equivalent to wandering outside the sky while driving. Therefore, Miss "Sharp Knife" Caitlin soon encountered the first scene in her young life. traffic accident".

Just as she was driving a well-disguised carriage waving a whip and cheering as she crossed a downhill road in a forest, suddenly a woman covered in blood rushed out from the nearby forest.

The latter weakly opened his arms and seemed to want to say something, but by the time Miss Caitlin realized it, the galloping old horse had already knocked the poor woman flying out.

Miss Caitlin's mind went blank when she saw the woman being knocked out by her carriage, and the first thought that popped up in her stopped mind was:


Now the old man has to find a way to get his daughter out of the Gilnean prison!

I heard that the Gilneas government is currently forcing all prisoners to be transformed into werewolves, so, will I become "Wolf Howl" Caitlin in the future?

Hello! This is not the life plan Miss Caitlin wants to take the risk of running away from home.


Do you want to be so unlucky!

However, there are dense forests on the left and right, and it will still be early in the morning before dawn. No one will see the bad things I accidentally do, why don't you run?

In other words, as long as I run fast enough, no one should be able to find me, right?

(end of this chapter)

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