Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1369 2. Miss Qiao's Family And The Queen In Trouble 【3/20】

Chapter 1369 2. The eldest lady of the Qiao family and the troubled queen [320]


In the swaying carriage, Mrs. Mia Greymane opened her eyes in pain.

Looking at the dilapidated carport shaking above her head, she groaned with difficulty, feeling as uncomfortable as being run over by an elephant after a night of hangover.

The left hand appears to be broken, and the head hurts, feeling a bit like a concussion.

The chest is also very tight, as if dizzy after suffering a heavy blow.

Mrs. Mia tried her best to recall what happened just now. Her last memory before she passed out was that she tried to ask for help from a passing Gilneas caravan, but the bold businesswoman ran her horse directly into her body.

The impact was so powerful that Mrs. Mia felt that the towering chest she had always been proud of was about to be knocked flat.


The little businessman dared to gallop at Her Majesty the Queen of Gilneas, how many heads are enough to cut off your family and you!

But it's okay

Mrs. Mia is not a queen who was born as a traditional noble lady.

Although she is not a top female fighter like the idiot Fenner who can move mountains with her fists and run a horse with her arms, her tough body that has been trained all the year round prevents her from losing her life due to a single impact.

However, considering the exhaustion accumulated from fleeing from Wangcheng all the way to the border and the coma caused by the impact, it is certain that he will suffer for a long time. And before being hit by the damn carriage, he was already injured by the werewolf assassins.

Yes, I was injured!

Damn it!

Queen Mia raised her right arm reflexively.

This action touched her wound and made her groan in pain again, but the queen still gritted her teeth and pulled the armguard of her right arm away with great pain.

When she saw the swollen and gray-black wolf claw wounds, the queen's face suddenly turned pale.


She was literally scratched by a werewolf.

For a Gilnean, she knew all too well what an injury like this meant.


A few seconds later, the weak Queen Mia began to slap the carriage, asking the businesswoman who was driving the carriage to stop. Her hoarse voice sounded in the carriage, which startled Caitlin, who was wandering away.

The eldest lady hastily tightened the reins, and relying on her proficient "driving skills", she parked the rickety caravan on the side of the road that was about to leave the Silver Pine Forest.

She looked around, jumped out of the driver's seat of the carriage with guilt, and boarded the carriage from the back of the caravan. Looking at the curled up woman in front of her, Miss Caitlin coughed nervously.

she says:

"That... I'm sorry for what happened before, ma'am, I didn't bump into you on purpose, and I won't try to get rid of my responsibility. I will send you to the best doctor in South Sea Town.

We can coordinate this privately, I mean, privately! Don't make trouble with the authorities.

I don't want to experience the feeling of being in a prison in Gilneas, oh, yes, I am from Dalaran! "

Miss Caitlin raised her finger and said with a guilty conscience:

"Even if you don't agree to negotiate, you have to judge me according to our Dalaran law, I mean, you can't turn me into a werewolf!

Werewolves are the ugliest, and I don't want to be like that. "

"What are you babbling about? You little fool."

Queen Mia herself is in a very bad condition, and she will be dizzy when she hears Caitlin Barabara say a lot, and she suddenly has a headache and reprimands:

"You little girl is really ignorant. Come here and help me tidy up. Do you have any clothes? I want to change. They won't let me go so easily.

The direction you are going is going to Nanhai Town, right?

To go there, you must go through the border inspection of Silverpine Forest. If they find me with you, then you are finished, little girl. "


Caitlin was a little dazed by Queen Mia's words.

It took her a few seconds to react. She stepped back vigilantly and looked at Queen Mia in front of her. She quietly held the magic scroll in her pocket and said suspiciously:

"You sound like a big shot, who the hell are you? And you said 'they'? Werewolves? Why did you mess with werewolves? Ah, I heard from the mages before that the werewolves under Jin's command were recently in Silverpine Forest and Rende will fight.

Are you from Rendehui? "


Queen Mia originally wanted to reveal her identity, but she rolled her eyes, coughed a few times, and said:

"Yes, I am a human druid apprentice of the Rende Society, and I have important news to send back to Moonglade, but I must first get rid of the werewolf pursuers.

Girl, you don't look like an ordinary person either.

Although you try your best to pretend to be a rude guy, you can't hide the 'nobility' on your body. I'm not interested in your secrets, but I don't want to involve you in my troubles either.

So give me your carriage and your disguise.

You hurry home!

Warn your family to stay as far away from Silverpine Forest Line as possible during this period, preferably move to Ironforge or Stormwind Kingdom, some terrible things are going to happen here. "

The queen sighed and exhorted:

"If you still have the means to contact the Church of the Holy Light, the Kingdom of Lordaeron or the Kingdom of Stormgarde, you must warn them.

The werewolves of Gilneas are no longer under Genn's control.

A very scary guy has emptied and bewitched Genn Greymane, and it and its evil servants are gathering the werewolves to gather together, and they are preparing to launch a "big conquest" to the outside world.

The werewolves plan to turn all the land in the entire northern border, even the elf territory of Quel'Thalas, into the earthly kingdom of their dark evil god. "

"Ah this!"

Caitlin's hair stood on end when she heard that, and she instinctively planned to retreat, but then there was another burst of ecstasy in her own fear.

Isn't this the life she wants?

Encountering such an exciting thing as soon as she went out was really frightening and anticipating, but Caitlyn would definitely not want to run back to Dalaran after finally escaping from the house.

Among other things, if I go back, my old man will definitely grit his teeth and lock himself in the damn mage tower.

Then it would be difficult for her to escape. The Archmage's mage tower is definitely not a place where a little mage and half-baked thieves can escape.

So Caitlin also rolled her eyes, and under Queen Mia's astonished gaze, she was not only not afraid, but approached with a weird smile.

While actively taking out the magic spring water to help Queen Mia wipe her messy cheeks and body, she whispered to her:

"That... I can't go back for the time being, and I won't tell you the reason. In short, I thank you for not wanting me to cause trouble, but I am born to like to join in the fun.

You say you have terrible news and evidence, how about that? "

Caitlin blinked and said:

"I'm going to Tol Barad, why don't you come with me? Let's go there to seek help, and the mages of Nathalas College will definitely help you inform other big shots.

And there is also a very powerful defense force there. If you go there, you will not be afraid of werewolves chasing and killing you.

There is also a druid academy there.

You can find your organization after you go there. "

Caitlin's suggestion made Queen Mia laugh.

She looked at the energetic little girl in front of her, looked at her agile and energetic eyes, and seemed to see herself in this girl twenty years ago.

At that time, I was so rebellious, surrounded by dull life all day long, longing for adventure, and then when I ran away from home for the first time, I met Jean who returned home as a soldier when he was young, and was tricked by that guy into bed.

Probably because of the good memories of the past, the queen's tone became a little gentler.

She shook her head and said:

"Your idea is very good, little girl, but there are two very important problems. First, the elven mages of Narthalas have placed a mysterious enchantment around Tol Barad, which cannot even be seen from the ocean. it.

It is very difficult for ordinary people to find it, let alone land on that island.


i have something i must tell you. "

The queen gritted her teeth and opened the wound on her arm.

The peculiar scar made Caitlin cover her eyes in horror at a glance. She heard the mature, steady, curvaceous and charming big sister in front of her say to her in a hoarse voice:

"I got scratched by a werewolf, boy. It's not as deadly as a direct bite, but in my experience I've transformed into a horrible out-of-control werewolf within a week at most.

I don't have time to accompany you to slowly search for Tol Barad, I must go to Tarren Mill, I must contact the Church of the Holy Light, my son and daughter are still in Gilneas City.

My husband has gone crazy.

I have to get my kids out before he hurts them! "

"Then you have to follow me to Tol Barad, Big Sister."

When Caitlin heard that the big sister in front of her was going to save her children, the sense of justice in her heart immediately erupted. She didn't care about revealing her identity, grabbed Queen Mia's hand, and said to her:

"I have a way to land on that island directly. As long as we reach Southsea Town, you will be able to find your fellow druids within a day at most. They will definitely help you rescue your relatives.

It is useless for you to go to the Church of the Holy Light now!

You believe me.

I have inside information, and I can tell you clearly that the mages of Dalaran, His Majesty Faol and the paladins have all gone to the Kingdom of Stormwind, and they will not be able to come back in a short time!

It's no use even if they try to help you.

You'll need to seek out the powerful spellcasters of Nar'thalas.

They are the closest powerful force to Gilneas. "

"Where did you get the news?"

Queen Mia frowned when she heard the news, and she asked back.

Caitlin gritted her teeth, turned her face away, and said guiltyly:

"Don't worry about it, anyway, I have inside information, and it's absolutely accurate."

"Are you a mage from Dalaran?"

The queen looked Catelyn up and down, and said:

"No wonder there is a bookish air, but you definitely don't want to be a mage, you have a lot of energy. Like a bird that will never be restrained in a birdcage, every feather exudes the glory of freedom.


I believe you.

But the question now is, how do we get past the border checks?

The guards over there look human, but let me tell you, little girl, those are all werewolves in disguise."

Queen Mia said bitterly;

"The dark forces that invaded Gilneas possessed a mysterious spell, and the guy named Ralaar Blaze could hide the shape of the werewolf.

In today's Gilneas, you don't even know if you're sleeping with a human or a monster"

"It's okay, I have this!"

Caitlin licked her lips. She rummaged through her luggage and finally took out a strange magic orb and stuffed it into Queen Mia's hand.

she says:

"This thing is called the 'Deceitful Orb', and I spent a lot of money to buy it from pirates on the black market and from other mages. It allows you to pretend to be anyone.

But your injury is a nuisance and will be noticed by the werewolves.

Their sense of smell is too keen. "

"The enemy's keen sense of smell is not a bad thing, little girl"

Queen Mia looked at the orb of deceit in her hand. This wise and brave Gilnean woman quickly thought of a way. She braced her body and said to Caitlin:

"Give me a crossbow, and, can you hunt, girl."

An hour later, a rickety caravan, driven by a Gilneas businesswoman, arrived at the border post, where it was stopped by a few gloomy soldiers on duty.

"Oh, hurry up and check! Don't delay my money!"

Caitlin, who was sitting on the top of the carriage, assumed the posture of a young lady, and shouted impatiently:

"Bastards, do you know how much money you can make selling these butchers to Tarren Mill now? There are so many greenskins in the asylum there, and there is never enough meat to eat."

"Shut up! Of course we know it's meat. It's very fresh meat."

A soldier grinned and licked his lips with a bright red tongue.

Caitlin shuddered at that gesture, as if frightened, the other soldiers opened the caravan, only to see a petite old maid in the car, cutting and packing fresh prey in a small space.

The old maid was very old, gray-haired, wearing an apron full of blood, and holding a kitchen knife in her hand. When she saw the soldiers, she immediately raised her hands to show that she was not malicious.

"How old are you, and you are still hired to do this kind of tiring work?"

A Gilnean soldier complained:

"Your boss is really inappropriate."

"Hey, you have a special smell on your body."

Another soldier twitched his nose, trying to pick out the peculiar smell in the caravan full of rabbits, deer and wild boar, but unfortunately, he failed.

The werewolf's keen sense of smell became a burden in an instant.

In so much blood, feces, and animal smells in the car, the werewolf took a deep breath and almost couldn't control the wildness in his heart. Stimulated by the strong smell of blood, he almost turned into a werewolf on the spot.

Seeing that his companion was about to transform, several soldiers hurriedly suppressed him, and then yelled at Caitlin to leave quickly.

Not far from here, there is a sentry post of the Kingdom of Stormgard. It would be troublesome if he changed his body on the spot at the border post at this critical time.

In the leaving caravan, Caitlin and Queen Mia breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

It's also fortunate that the Rendehui held a "hunting ban" activity in Gilneas before, allowing the two of them to hunt so many prey in a forest full of wild beasts in a very short time.

This wave probably belongs to the victory of the Rendehui.

The rest of the journey was safe and sound. After three hours, the dirty caravan arrived in Nanhai Town.

Caitlin, who is rich and powerful, sold her caravan and prey in the car to the first "lucky spectator" she met in the town for a copper coin.

It was a dark-skinned weird elf lady.

Afterwards, she took Mrs. Mia into the office of "Nat and Hal Fishing Company".

Boss Hal had just returned from Tol Barad when he saw Caitlin carelessly taking out the admission invitation for Nazaras College from her bosom.

The eyes of this blood-smelling young girl were full of anticipation, and she shouted:

"I'm going to Tol Barad! Starting now! I can't wait!"

"No matter how anxious you are, you have to wait until evening, girl."

Hal carefully checked the enrollment certificate, smiled again, and comforted:

"It's not a good choice to go to sea. Although the sun in early winter is not fierce, it will also pose a threat to your beautiful skin. Listen to me and wait here patiently."

"Evening? That's fine."

Caitlin tilted her head and thought for a while, and felt that she didn't need to be in a hurry.

But she was not in a hurry, but Queen Mia was.

She was still worried about her children, so she didn't care about concealing her identity. After removing the disguise of the deceitful orb, she said to Hal in front of her:

"I am Mia Greymane, Queen of Gilneas, and I have a deep friendship with your captain Bo Laike Shaw, and I must go to Tol Barad immediately!

I have something very important to convey to him. "

"Ah! You are not a druid!"

Caitlin stared round her eyes, looking at her mature big sister.

The latter smiled at Caitlin apologetically, while Hal was stunned. He was not shocked by the identity of Queen Mia, but mainly because he had heard a gossip from the Uncrowned before. .

It is said that when the Uncrowned had just set up a branch in Gilneas, Mr. Bo Laike did have an intersection with Queen Mia in an accident.

It is said that Queen Mia, who was alone at the time, spent the night alone with His Excellency Bu Laike. Could this be the captain's love debt?

a queen.

Tut tut.

Captain, it has to be you in terms of height.

(end of this chapter)

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