Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1370 3. Why Can't I Be A Warlock And A Pirate At The Same Time? 【4/20】

Chapter 1370 3. Why can't I be a warlock and a pirate at the same time? 【420】

"Well, the legendary Tol Barad!"

When Hal's fishing boat passed through the great barrier of leafy shadows around the island of Tol Barad in the afternoon, Miss Caitlin, who had already changed into a spellcaster's robe, let out an exclamation.

It was as if the ship under her feet had inadvertently crossed a magical door, causing her to suddenly appear on the empty sea in front of her eyes, with two large islands separated above the sea.

The North Island is lively and the South Island is majestic.

From the shimmering sea, you can easily see the towering, elf-style mage spire of the Narsalas College on the South Island.

In particular, the grand observatory specially built for astrologers is more like a lighthouse shining with magical light. The white tower body and violet tower top make this building look like the scenery of Suramar.

Caitlin had only seen the landscape of Narsalas Academy from the albums brought back by the Dalaran mages.

Now seeing with my own eyes the eyes of this girl chasing a free life widened, greedily wanting to engrave the scenery in front of her deeply into the bottom of her heart.

"I heard that Dean Alya Blue Moon even bought all the greenskin slaves in Gilneas to build this academy, and the captives of the Gilneas fleet also worked here for more than a year!

Many people are said to have died. "

Caitlin turned her head and told Queen Mia, who was hanging her arm with a bandage behind her, the third-hand gossip she heard from nowhere:

"I also heard that all the wealth for the construction of this magic academy came from the plundering of undead pirates in the South China Sea. It is said that His Excellency Braike Shaw has unearthed many treasures of ancient pirates in succession, and he even plundered Dalaran. Only then did all the treasures that came here be used to raise enough expenses for the establishment of Nazaras College.

The goblins in Booty Bay of Stranglethorn Vale made a lot of money from this business, and some mages in Dalaran complained that the magnificence and majesty of Narsalas Academy was based on the fact that Dalaran was hollowed out. Up.

So they almost hated Bu Laike Shaw.

In the current war in the North Sea, many Dalaran mages volunteered to join the alliance fleet. They wanted to inflict the shame of Dalaran's looting on Braike Shaw's fleet.

But to be honest, I don't feel much about these things.

I didn't like Dalaran anyway. "

Caitlin tidied up the mage robe on her body, and complained:

"Originally, that city was full of stubborn guys like my dad. They regarded their understanding of power as the truth, and suppressed all voices that differed from their ideas.

Just plain stupid in my opinion.

It was some time after Dalaran was destroyed by the Defilers that the old men began to absorb spellcasters from other factions.

It has become more open and inclusive, and the image of the city I was born in has improved a lot in my eyes.

I don't think it's a bad thing that Dalaran is looted and destroyed. The rotten old things always need to be beaten up to realize the reality. "


Queen Mia looked at the island in front of her with complicated eyes.

She whispered:

"However, those captured sailors were released back home a few months ago. Although this pirate island was established by Brad Laike Shaw, the management of the island is not in his hands now.

It's an old friend of mine who runs the place.

But the rise of Tol Barad is indeed the greatest humiliation we have encountered in Gilneas in the past century.

Our fleet suffered a disastrous defeat on this sea, not only losing control of Tol Barad, but even making the pirates brag about our outer seas as their back garden.

My husband and his generals have always remembered that fiasco, desperate to get their glory back.

I thought so too, I'm a Gilnean after all, and I love my country dearly.

But it wasn't until I saw the madness born of hatred that I realized that we might have gone too far down the wrong path.

I'm hoping to get my hands on this issue myself.

You know, if you leave it all to the men, it always ends in war, and the good-for-nothing men of Gilneas are trying to turn themselves into monsters for the power of revenge.

This is so stupid.

Maybe this time, it's time for the women to figure things out. "

"Wow, ma'am, what you said really cheered me up as a woman, but it also made me feel a little scared."

Caitlin looked at Queen Mia who seemed to have made up her mind with weird eyes, and she whispered:

"Aren't you planning to assassinate Boo Laike Shaw alone? You'd better not do it, that guy is very powerful, everyone who knows him said so.

In fact, he is the second most ruthless character among the people I admire the most! "

"Enough of the stupid talk that's been going on among you young people lately!"

Queen Mia covered her forehead with her hand, and said in a helpless tone:

"My son is less than ten years old, and he tells me with his fingers all day long, who is the fighter he admires the most? You are really influenced by Bu Laike too deeply.

Ever since his bizarre list of admirers came out, it seemed like overnight you young men had such a list in your mind.

So, are you actually a 'pirate worshiper' too? Miss Caitlin, no wonder your father kept you locked up at the manor.

Take my advice, little girl.

You can learn from Bo Laike's adventurous spirit and use his story of rise as a motivational extra-curricular reading, but don't follow his chaotic style.

Not to mention taking the initiative to think according to the so-called 'dark wisdom'.

That will turn you into a psychopath. "

"But I think that's very handsome."

Caitlin tilted her head and said something, then she happily took Queen Mia's hand and whispered:

"To tell you the truth, Big Sister, although we have known each other for a short time, I have already decided to learn from you. You are the kind of brave, beautiful, intelligent, and sassy person I want to be in twenty years. Successful big sister.

Of course, it would be great if I could have your body in twenty years. "

"Then eat more meat, drink more milk, spend three hours a day riding horses and hunting."

Queen Mia, who was blown by Caitlin's rainbow fart, grinned.

She glanced at the young lady of this family, and said:

"Look at you, little girl, you are as thin as a stick."

"Ladies, please get ready, we're coming to shore."

Hal, who was manipulating the ship in the rear, wiped the sweat from his forehead with his hand, and said to the two people in front of him:

"I have sent the news to the island before, there may be the captain's cronies to welcome you, especially you, Miss Caitlin, I heard that the college's entrance examination is very strict, and you are a transfer student.

So, you'd better hurry up and get ready.

I have sent some students who failed the exams to leave here before, and they cried miserably. There are also a few young people who are still staying in Nanhai Town to attend cram schools.

If you miss this entrance exam, you will have to wait another three years. "

"Ah, is there still an entrance exam?"

Caitlin, who was full of energy, panicked now.

She hurriedly opened her carry-on bag, grabbed a few magic notes that she stole and belonged to her father, and rummaged through them frantically, trying to use this "quantum reading" behavior to increase her chances of passing the exam.

But it is obviously useless to sharpen the gun in such a cold battle.

Queen Mia pulled her up and told her that she should relax her mind at this time. If she was too nervous, even the wisdom she had mastered would be knotted in her mind, which would be too bad.

A few minutes later, Hal's fishing boat docked at the pier in Losberg Town. He greeted several familiar old pirates, and with their help, he fixed the boat and took off the board for the two ladies to Board the pier.

As a result, as soon as he landed, Hal saw Bo Laike with a bored face wearing a pandaren-style loose "house robe" sitting on the stone of the pier drinking wine, with a fishing rod and an empty bucket in hand.

On his shoulder rested a beautiful, but uninspired little bird.

Is this the Air Force again?

Although the captain is very good in all aspects, he is really a third-rate fisherman himself.

"Hey, Captain, didn't you say you were going to take that elf lady to play on the island?"

Hal asked curiously:

"Why are you here alone?"

"I actually don't know what happened."

Bo Laike put down the wine bottle and said with a wooden face:

"But my mother seemed very happy that I brought back a living, beautiful, normal girl with no tentacles or scales.

She kicked me out of the house and told me not to go back until evening.

He also said that he wanted to cook by himself for the guests to taste.

I don't know what feud she has with the elves, but now I just hope my dear prisoner doesn't get poisoned to death for a Kul Tiran-style lunch.


Your name is Caitlin, right?

If I remember correctly, you are the daughter of Archmage Anslem? "

The stinky pirate took a sip of his wine and looked at Miss Caitlin behind Hal, whose eyes were shining brightly. He pursed his lips and said:

"You, a direct descendant of Dalaran, why did you come to our Nazaras College site? Also, have you changed your drinking habits? Will you still go to bars at night to fool around and be picked up by people?"


Hearing the stinky pirate mention this matter, Caitlin immediately lowered her head shyly, and she whispered:

"I've given up drinking. Well, at least I won't drink outside of my home. I haven't thanked you for what happened last time, Mr. Laike, thank you for your kindness in saving me."

"Uh, I actually wanted to kidnap you and ask the Archmage to extort a sum of money."

Bu Laike said maliciously:

"But you were underage and covered in vomit so I gave up. If my daughter becomes like you in the future, I will definitely break her leg.

It's really hard for your father to pull you up so much by himself.

Oh, by the way, when I was playing in Dellano, I saw your daddy, he was so scared, you know? We were both dying at the time, and he was still wiping away his tears and writing a suicide note for you.

He really cares about you. "

"Oh, don't talk about that."

Caitlin interrupted Bo Laike's pirate joke helplessly and awkwardly. She took out her treasured admission invitation letter from her pocket and handed it to Bo Laike with both hands.

He pretended to cough a few more times, and introduced himself:

"Your Excellency, the Great Instructor of the Warlock Academy, I, Caitlin Luinvivor, hereby apply to join the Warlock School of Nathalas Academy, please approve the admission."

"Ah, this is out of my control."

Bu Laike scratched his chin, shrugged indifferently and said:

"I'm no longer the head of the Warlock School of Narsalas Academy, I did something that didn't have a good impact in the Kingdom of Stormwind just a few days ago.

Although the matter has not been spread yet, in order to draw a clear line with me, the senior management of Nathalas College, Dean Lanyue has ordered me to be dismissed from all positions. Fortunately, the title of spellcaster that I have worked so hard to obtain has been retained.

So you have to go to the current person in charge of the academy, that is, His Excellency Sakir, the great enlightener.

But, as the former leader of the school, I still have the right to make some suggestions, such as the entrance examination or something. "

Having said that, the stinky pirate looked up and down at the nervous Catherine. He poked his face with his fingers, rolled his eyes and asked:

"Can you cast spells?"


Caitlin said shyly;

"I can throw Fireball and Frostbolt. I haven't had time to learn the others yet."

"Are you seventeen?"

Bu Laike squinted and said:

"I have another archmage father, did you only learn fireball? Your talent is really bad. Fortunately, we warlocks don't talk about it. It's great to learn something like krypton life.

Let me ask you again, can you name more than three demons? "


Caitlin snapped her fingers and said:

"Imps, demon guards, and succubi, and um, and hounds? Damn it! I've clearly memorized that set of demon illustrations, but my mind is blank now, probably because I'm excited to see someone I admire?"


Bo Laike blinked.

A few seconds later, he clapped his hands and said to Caitlin, who looked desperate in front of him:

"The talent is bad, the mentality is bad, and the spellcasting skills don't matter, I guess it's bad, but it doesn't matter! Because you have mastered the best qualities of a warlock.

You know how to please people.

You are very winky.

And you have a good eye.

I am honored to have a place on your list of admirers, my dear little sister Caitlin, come and tell me quietly, how many people do you admire in your heart?

If this ranking is high enough, I can consider giving you a few good words. "


Caitlin raised her hand and waved.

Bo Laike nodded in satisfaction immediately, he took out the magic pen, wrote his name on Caitlin's admission invitation letter, and then returned it to the energetic girl.

He said:

"Go ahead, take it and report to Warlock's Tower.

From today onwards, you are a member of the warlocks full of dark glory. If you can survive the first three months safely, you will have a great future. "

"Thank you Captain!"

Caitlin excitedly jumped up on the spot and shook her fist, but before she left, she rolled her eyes and asked:

"That... I actually want to join your fleet. I have always wanted to be a heroic female pirate, just like the legendary Queen of the North Sea, Ms. Anne Bonn.

I originally planned to be a warlock first and then a pirate, but now I realize that maybe I can be a warlock and a pirate at the same time?

Please, Captain Bu Laike, the man I admire the second, please grant this humble wish of your admirer. "

"Your father will definitely be pissed off by your rebellious daughter."

Bo Laike grinned and said:

"But what does it have to do with me, a stinky pirate who doesn't want to get involved in other people's family conflicts? You want to join the fleet, right? OK! For the sake of my bad mood today, I will grant your damn wish."

He took out a pirate emblem from his arms, threw it to Caitlin, and said:

"It just so happened that the North Sea Fleet requested the Academy to send a group of warlocks to sit on the ship. It is said that it is because the annoying elf spellcasters always harass them with magic.

You go to Beihai as one of them.

If you can still survive the first sea battle, I will buy you a drink, Caitlin, the female pirate 'Blade' who is destined to be very imposing in the future. "

"Hey hey hey!"

Caitlin's eyes widened, and she exclaimed:

"How do you know the nickname I just gave myself?"

"Because I'm a pirate prophet, you idiot!"

Bo Laike drank the wine in his hand in one gulp, and scolded Caitlin:

"Now, sailors, and new surgeons, go to your tower and take a course, if you continue to be so sloppy, I will punish you to wipe the deck!

Oh, yes, this one is for you. "

The stinky pirate took out a pretty good pirate scimitar inlaid with Draenei gems from his luggage and threw it to Caitlin. He said:

"On a boat full of stinky men, you must protect yourself, Missy, if there are bastards who plan to touch you, use this thing to chop at the hardest part of their body.

i mean head

Don't think too much about it. "

(end of this chapter)

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