Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1371 4. The Humble Request Of The Wife Queen 【5/20】

Chapter 1371 4. The humble request of the wife queen [520]

"Hmmmm! The legendary dirty pirate joke finally appeared!"

When Kaitlyn heard Bo Laike making nasty jokes, this bold-tempered girl was not only not shy, but instead laughed, wearing the pirate machete that Bo Laike threw to her on her waist.

She even took out the red pirate hat she had ordered from a tailor in Dalaran from her luggage and put it on her head, and gave Laike a pirate salute with style and complacency.

Not to mention, this girl's attire is really more similar to that unqualified black-skinned elf pirate king who wants to marry the little milk dog Lilas all day long and has no intention of managing the fleet. A heroic female pirate.

But then, she was tapped on the head by Laike's curled fingers, causing Caitlin to crouch down in pain.

"You're only a sailor! You're not qualified to wear a captain's cap, you fool! You'll be mast-rigged in that."

Bo Laike grabbed Caitlin's red pirate hat, put a black sailor's tricorne hat on her head, and sent several pirate guards beside him to report Caitlin to the academy.

Then, Bu Laike turned his head and looked at the silent Queen Mia in front of him.

He tilted his head and took a step forward, put the delicate red pirate hat on the silent queen's head, and helped her straighten the brim of the hat, and took another step back, rubbing his chin to appreciate it.

After a few seconds, he said:

"Only a mature and courageous woman like Queen Mia is qualified to wear this hat. Look at your temperament. If you say you are a pirate king, no one will believe you.

Let's go, Your Majesty, let's go to the tavern to talk, you seem to have a lot of troubles accumulated in your heart, you seem to need a handsome and powerful listener.

Shall I buy you a few drinks? "

I have to say that although Miss Caitlin looked at Biaohuhu, her aesthetic level really didn't matter.

The pirate captain hat she asked a tailor to order for her was very beautiful, with white fluff dotted on the traditional ship-shaped hat, and a pirate skull emblem stitched with golden thread, making this thing look evil and expensive.

Especially when worn by a mature woman with outstanding temperament, the wild style of a mature female pirate appears all at once.

When the silent Queen Mia followed Bo Laike into the pirate tavern in the town of Losberg, all the males in the tavern stopped talking for just a moment, and saluted Her Majesty the Queen.

"Enough, you guys!"

Bu Laike reprimanded unhappily:

"Haven't you seen a woman? Get lost and continue drinking! If you dare to embarrass me, I'll screw your heads off and kick them like balls!"

The deterrent effect of this yelling was still very strong, and in the next moment all the pirates continued to drink and enjoy themselves, but when Laike just invited the queen to sit down, his ears flicked and heard some very bad discussions.

"Hey, look, the captain's XP has finally returned to normal. He is a beautiful human being who is alive! He is also a handsome lady."

"That woman's figure is really strong, much better than those dry elves."

"Who said it wasn't? It looks like a big shot, lady. Oh, hey, it turns out that the captain likes this tune."

These words were spoken in a low voice.

But apparently the drunken pirates underestimated their own captain's crazy super-hearing, Laike's face sank like water, and he politely said to Queen Mia on the opposite side:

"Well, wait a minute, I'm going to deal with some private affairs among the pirates."

After speaking, under the astonished gaze of Queen Mia, Bu Laike rolled up his sleeves and stood up, picked up the two wine bottles on the table like a warhammer, and walked towards the back aggressively.

Later, Her Majesty the Queen of Gilneas watched as Boo Laike knocked a wine bottle on the tusk of a whispering troll pirate, breaking the tusk, leading to a terrific "tavern brawl".

Amidst the howls of misery, it took Braike less than a minute to KO the audience, and let the tauren bartender with a broken horn throw the bruised bastards who were knocked to the ground one by one. go out.

Just throw them into the pigsty outside the door and let them eat mud to sober up.

The whole tavern quickly fell silent.

The crumb pirate who moved his body returned to the table with a few bottles of good wine. He opened the cork for the Queen with his teeth very gentlemanly, but Queen Mia pushed the bottle of wine to Bo Laike in disgust.

Her arm was injured and she could only pick up another bottle of wine with one hand.

With the force of his fingers, the cork of the wine bottle was pulled out abruptly.

This action represents that Queen Mia is by no means a powerless lady, and before she starts to talk about things, she boldly raised her head and poured a whole bottle of wine into her mouth, which made Braike stand upright Thumbs up a burst of appreciation.

"With your drinking capacity, even if you don't become a queen, you are at least a captain in my fleet."

Bu Laike immediately sent "Pirate's Praise".

He himself picked up the wine bottle and took a sip. Looking at the queen panting heavily in front of him, he whispered:

"So, is Gilneas so messed up? Genn just let his beautiful wife get hurt and come to a bunch of stinky pirates for help?

Want me to arrange a meeting between you and my mother?

I heard that you two have been very good old girlfriends. "

"You're talking like I'm old."

Queen Mia glared at the pirate and said:

"I'm only thirty-seven years old, okay?"

"But you are already the mother of two children."

Bu Laike shrugged and said:

"You are an elder, the most important thing is, I can feel that there is a determination in your heart, a terrible determination, and you are about to make a very presumptuous request.

And you are willing to give anything for this request. "

The smelly pirate paused.

He looked at Queen Mia in front of him, waiting for the latter to tell her why she came.

The queen clenched her fists. She was a little nervous, but she still spoke frankly:

"Mr. Bo Laike, the last time we parted, you told me that I was the honored guest of the Uncrowned, so I will now place a bounty on the Uncrowned.

I want you and your assassins to sneak into the Gilnean city and rescue my Liam, my Tess, and little Rona from the palace.

Gene and Darius have gone mad!

They're bewitched by Ralaar Blaze and his dark god, and I really can't guess what they'll do next? I can't stop them.

I have tried before.

But I failed and all I want now is to see my children come back to me safely. "

"Well, that's a real job."

Bu Laike showed an expression of "I guessed it a long time ago",

He took a sip of his wine, teased the little flamingo sky on his shoulder, and said:

"The Uncrowned was taken away to work in other places before, and the local establishment has not yet been restored. If I want to carry out this task, I have to go out in person, and I have to call for the Uncrowned in the entire northern border.

In a city already occupied by werewolves, under the watchful eyes of a king with a luna sickle and a damn old werewolf who lived for more than 10,000 years, as well as their dark evil god, brought out from the heavily guarded palace three children.

This job is a terrible challenge even for me. But the Uncrowned has no tradition of refusing rewards from distinguished guests, so now I only have one question. "

The stinky pirate put down the wine bottle in his hand, looked at Queen Mia seriously, and said:

"How much can you pay for this bounty?"

"I'm penniless now."

Queen Mia looked at Bu Laike without giving in. She drank the wine in her hand, wiped her mouth again, and said with blurred eyes:

"You can take whatever you want."

"Tsk tsk, what a terrible reward. Gilneas are indeed the best businessmen, and the skills of the white wolf come with nothing."

Bu Laike raised his brows, looked at the queen who was sacrificing everything in front of him, his eyes wandered on Queen Mia's cheeks and neck, and after a few seconds, he stood up and walked to the queen.

When the pirate's hand fell on the queen's shoulder and took off the cloak she was wearing, Queen Mia closed her eyes.

Her body was trembling, but she didn't resist.

She could feel Bo Laike's fingers free on the skin of her arm, she was ready to bear all the humiliation, and then, a sharp pain that went straight to the heart made the queen twitch, and the whole person fell down screaming in pain In the arms of pirates.

She opened her eyes.

He saw that his injured arm was being clasped in Laike's hand, and the smelly pirate had a slender scalpel made of shadow in his other hand.

"Hold on, it's going to hurt. But I've got to cleanse your wounds of all the poison and curse power, and get rid of it before you turn into a werewolf.

I don't want a potential werewolf around my mother.

Although Dai Lin is very interested in ladies other than humans, if her mother turns into a werewolf, that old lunatic will absolutely destroy my island regardless.

That's not what I want to see. "

The pirate said to Queen Mia, who gritted her teeth and twitched in pain:

"In addition, the poison on the werewolf's claws is not as terrible as the curse attached to their teeth, but it is still deadly. It is really rare for you to persist until now without doing anything.

It must be painful along the way, right?

And I think the poison of the werewolf may have invaded your brain, my queen. "

While Bu Laike cut open the swollen and completely cursed wound with a knife, he said in Queen Mia's ear:

"You must be crazy! You will treat yourself as a reward. You are not as valuable as you think, and why are you so humble? Your Majesty.

You are really desperate, aren't you?

If my mother finds out that I'm messing with her old best friend, then I'm screwed.

You are indeed charming.

But believe me, not all men, all the time, think with their lower body. "

"I don't need to eliminate it!"

Queen Mia was sweating from the pain, but she still grabbed the pirate's hand, gritted her teeth and said to him:

"I thought a lot along the way, maybe I have always been prejudiced against werewolves, maybe only when I become a werewolf can I understand the pain of Jean and the others.

I want to keep this curse.

In the future Gilneas, I will need such power to protect my children and lead my people. Don't you understand? Cloth Laike.

Genn has bowed his head to the darkness!

He is no longer fit to be king.

He and the dark old werewolf summoned by him from his dream are planning a terrible invasion. They want to spread the curse of werewolves throughout northern borders and throughout human civilization.

They will take advantage of the alliance's opportunity to fight you in the North Sea to fulfill their dark ambitions, and all kingdoms will fall under the shadow of the werewolves just like Gilneas.

And this is my second bounty for you

I want you.

Assassinate them!

It might be crazy to kill a mad king and his hateful counselors in their palaces before it's too late, but you know

Who ordered my arrest? "

The pain of the wound being cleaned made Queen Mia a little delirious. She said to Bo Laike in a desperate and betrayed tone:

"It's Gene!

It's the man who keeps saying that he will protect me for the rest of his life. He wants to take me to kneel down to his God of Darkness. He wants to turn his country into a kingdom of gods on the ground of a hungry wolf in the abyss.

That man is no longer someone I know well.

I'm not such a mean, such a casual woman.


I have no reason to keep going.

Bring my children back, whoever it is, bring them back, please, I'd give it all, I've got nobody to fall back on. "


Bo Laike sighed.

He unleashes a shadow mend and an "ignore pain" curse on the queen, delirious with pain. The magic power from the shadows gathered in the queen's body, helping her resist the constant pain.

This made her sober up a little.

The pirate had already helped her release the poisonous blood from the wound. He squatted beside the weak Queen Mia, and while helping her with a rune cloth bandage, he whispered:

"For other women, beauty is indeed the last weapon, but you are different, Mrs. Mia, I still can't forget the first time I saw you on that rainy night.

I will never forget your heroic demeanor of protecting the children in the heavy rain with your sword and firecrackers in your hands.

You are not weak, you have strengths that you have not yet discovered.

For such a you, it is too indecent to put on a posture of being bullied.

I accept the bounty, ma'am.

I'll ask you for a fee, and you can afford it.

Since you have no one to rely on, then you can rely on yourself. You can protect your children yourself and punish your hateful husband who broke your heart. "

Bu Laike helped the weak Queen Mia up, and he said to the queen who rested her head on his shoulder and wept silently:

"Since Jean is no longer able to perform his duties as a king, why not change to a queen who is more qualified to lead the country forward? Just a few days ago, I just held a coronation ceremony for a majesty.

I suddenly found that I am very good at this.

So next, let us plan a coronation for you.

Please dry your tears, Your Majesty.

You must throw away all your weakness. The people want to see a strong leader who can lead them out of the darkness, so this is the last time you shed tears.

Don't say anything stupid to accept the power of werewolves in order to understand their pain, I will show you that pure human blood also has dark power not weaker than werewolves.

and weak jean

He will eventually fall on his knees before you, begging for forgiveness.

Also, I think you should think again, from my point of view, if Genn really wants to kill you, there is no way you would escape to the island and cry to me about it. "

The pirate helped Queen Mia out of the tavern. Amid the groans of the pirates in the mud pit outside the pigsty, he whispered to the queen:

"It wasn't Gene who betrayed you. On the contrary, I think it was the old man who deliberately used this method of exile to protect you when everything was irreparable.

Of course, these are all my guesses, and I have to go to Gilneas to see the specific situation.

Hold on, I'll send you to my mother.

I know that a strong and brave lady like you will always have some grievances that cannot be exposed in front of smelly men, so just cry in front of my mother, she will definitely keep it a secret for you. "

The pirate helped the queen to walk forward. Queen Mia was still suffering from painful injuries. She lowered her head and whispered:

"You're not the ruthless, evil person you've been told about, Braike, you're a gentleman, which makes you attractive, and if I'm twenty years younger, or you're twenty years older, I think we'll be able to have some piss." The Story of Dead Jean"

"Really? Risking being hacked to death by Jean to form some not-so-pure friendship with you?"

Bu Laike chuckled and said:

"Stop joking, ma'am, although I'm glad you praised me for being gentle, I really have no intention of intervening in your marriage that seems to be in trouble.

I'm also in debt now. "

(end of this chapter)

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