Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1373 6. The First Principle Of Fight Club Is That Fight Club Does Not Exist【7/20】

Chapter 1373 6. The first rule of Fight Club is that Fight Club does not exist【720】

The huge building in front of Bu Laike and Queen Mia is Kargath Bladefist's arena.

Compared with the last time when Laike came here, this arena is undoubtedly much more lively. Although it is already evening, the place is still full of people.

The pirates on this island like this place of entertainment very much. In addition to the super gladiator contest held four times a month, the pirates of various factions will occasionally play by themselves.

It has always been a "fine tradition" of pirates to laugh and watch other people catch greased pigs and so on.

But tonight's situation is a bit special.

The students of Nazaras College are "booking out" here. Today is the "discussion and exchange" between the mage school and the shaman school. I heard that Miss Agna, a genius shaman orc from the shaman college, will appear to single-handedly challenge the mage college. genius.

Well, of course not Jaina.

Jaina is still in the Storm Kingdom and hasn't returned yet.

Representing the Wizards Academy was a little dwarf named Jindy Sparkle.

I heard that she and Jaina were good friends when they were in Dalaran, and there will be cheers and roars in the arena. Obviously, the mage and the shaman have already handed over their hands.

For Nazaras students who are under heavy academic pressure, it is really the best way to relax tonight to watch a gladiatorial competition.

However, Laike has no interest in such a poorly competitive fight.

"The assistant you found for me is a gladiator?"

The displeased Queen Mia maintained the elegant demeanor of a lady. She covered the lower half of her face with a fan, and followed Bo Laike into the lively underground arena through a hidden passage.

In the dim light, Bo Laike was very gentlemanly helping the queen in high heels to walk forward, and said:

"They're not gladiators, but what do you say? They're in their own 'self-exile' now.

My Undead Fleet is not tolerant of losers. As pirates, we have our own set of punishment methods, and what you are going to see next is the most 'fancy' one.

Speaking of gladiatorial fights, Tu Yile is the arena where you participate in Blade Fist. If you really want to see exciting death fights, you have to come to this place. I gave it a good name, 'Fight Club'. "

As soon as Bo Laike finished speaking, a burly orc stepped out from the shadowy gate ahead.

His fist was inlaid with a brutal bloody blade fist, and his other hand was dragging a corpse that had no life breath.

When walking in the dark, his flowing black hair brought a touch of "romantic" feeling, but when seeing this figure, Queen Mia still held the hair that was wiped under the long skirt and tied to her thigh for the first time. dagger.

This is a dangerous guy.

In addition, as a queen who is not delicate, it is normal to carry a weapon with her. Of course, tying a sharp blade to her thigh can also effectively attract the attention of the enemy, and then give the opponent a fatal blow while the thigh is shining. hit!

The longer and more beautiful the legs, the better the effect of this trick. If you wear tight tube socks, you might be able to stab two bastards to death with one shot of your weapon.

"Fight club doesn't exist!"

It's a pity that the guy walking towards him ignored the weak Mia and her dagger attack at all. He dragged the corpse and said to Bu Laike in a vicious voice:

"You have to keep in mind the rules here, Master Captain, this is what you decided."

"Ha, you coward still dare to reprimand me."

Bu Laike said unhappily:

"You'd better worry about your own life, Kargath, the dead draenei who were hurt by you have been resurrected, and the most terrifying one of them has issued a lore order for you.

Perhaps soon, Ms. Yrel will bring the undead to take your dog's life with her own hands. Remember to stay away from my territory at that time, lest your stinky blood splash on my boots. "


Kargas with flowing long hair raised his eyebrows and said:

"I remember the name, it was a skinny draenei girl, but she was the closest draenei prisoner I got to 100 kills in Dellano's arena.

It's a pity that she died at the hands of the 71st challenger. She is really a fierce little wolf dog, has she been resurrected too?

Tsk tsk, what a good news. "

"When you're hacked to death by her, you won't think it's good news, bastard. But it's okay, Kel'Thuzad has paid for your corpse in advance, so you can create it for me when you die. profit."

The pirate cursed, and then glanced at the Vrykul corpse that Kargath was dragging in his hand. He covered his nose and said:

"It's quite fresh. Hurry up and send it to the psychic school. They have an anatomy class tomorrow."

"This woman doesn't belong here."

Kargas glanced at Queen Mia, he sneered and said:

"She can't even survive the first fight, she will become the next living sample Well, this figure is not bad, those psychics who prefer cold corpses to living people will definitely explode to fight for her corpse Fighting."

This sentence made the queen tremble with anger, and felt that the green-skinned orc was really too much. Sure enough, there are no normal people under the command of the stinky pirates!

But a few minutes later, I watched a fight club fight with my own eyes, and the well-informed queen had to admit that the damn orc's evaluation just now was correct.

The Broken Assassin's fight with a tattooed yak didn't last a minute, but its body was torn to shreds and the crowd cheered.

"Here is the assistant you found for me?"

The queen turned her head away from the cruel arena, and she whispered:

"I really don't think there are normal people here."

"No, those who come out of here are the most suitable for doing great things."

The pirate snorted.

Throwing a Fight Club stamp of honor to Queen Mia, he said:

"Those who have crawled back from the dead in hell here will never let the opportunity to make a fortune slip away from their hands again. Oh, by the way, after you get out, don't tell others about your experience tonight.

There's no such thing as fight club, you know?

This place will soon be taken over by the Yulian gang. My dear business partner, Mrs. Guo Ya, is not as kind as I am. She doesn't like guests who can't control their mouths.

Her army of ninjas in black don't like it either."

The battle outside this box is still going on, and the horrific and bloody battle in Fight Club made the Queen feel sick. After watching the second battle between the mechanical gnomes and the ogre thugs, she felt that her head was shaking. It hurts.

This place is simply a hell of fighting, a terrifying place that Her Majesty the Queen has never seen before.

But she also had to admit that the atmosphere here was really frenzied.

The occasional cheers from the mysterious guests in those unseen boxes left no doubt that they were all perverts.

"The most lavish box for the boxers who offered rewards is sitting in the prince Galin Trollbane of the Kingdom of Stormgard, and he is a 'regular visitor' here.

He is so passionate about this bloody sport that he always brings two charming ladies to watch it, and he even finds ways to keep getting people from Stormgard's death row to participate in the competition.

Two gold medal boxers have also been raised in this way. "

Bu Laike sat in his box and enjoyed the bloody battle below, and said to Queen Mia who was fidgeting next to him:

"If I tell you the names of all the guests in the box, you'll know how many decent guys there are in your circle.

Of course, I know that you, the Queen, are used to such nasty things.

So, let's get straight to the point. "

The pirate picked up a silver rattle and shook it, and soon, above the blood-stained arena, a goblin commentator who looked very professional shouted in a sharp voice:

"Guests, you are blessed today, because of the request of the big man who can't tell his real name, the next bloody gladiator fight between the crazy warriors of the Grimtotem and the twenty troggs will be replaced!

The gold medal combination of ace fighter 'Black Wolf' Arugal and 'Swamp Witch' Hagatha, who has gained fame in the past month, will face the evil orc butcher 'Brokeback' from Dellano and him in five minutes. The seven orcs of the Destruction Guard.

There is no winner in this battle!

Only life and death!

And the winner will get the most precious 'prize' in this place!


Yes, they will fight for freedom!

I know, it's your favorite thrill, and tonight's 'Freedom Fight' is FREE! You don't need to pay extra!

It's all thanks to our great and wicked

Ugh, I can't say his name like everyone knows fight club doesn't exist!


Cheers! "

"Wait! Arugal and Hagatha?"

Queen Mia's eyes widened at the inflammatory goblin's voice, and she said to Bo Laike:

"Aren't these the two leaders of the Wolf Worship Cult who were caught by Jean before? They are the wolves that have been growing up and making trouble in the Black Forest, but aren't they your subordinates?

You threw them into this crazy place? "

"I don't want to either, but they failed."

Bu Laike blinked innocently and said:

"While the undead pirates were winning everywhere, they got a fiasco on their mission in Gilneas and were kicked back by Genn in the most humiliating way possible, swaggering at us as 'trophies'.

All the pirate kings under my command asked me to execute them, these two disgraces!

But I gave them a chance to live.

As long as they win this match, they can return to Gilneas with you as your assistants, dedicating their power to your rule.

If they fail miserably, you'll only be able to take two bodies back with you, unfortunately.

But don't worry.

The stitching technique of the psychic school of Narsalas College is top-notch.

I guarantee that the two of them are absolutely no different from living people after being resurrected.

They are the commanders who are most familiar with the werewolf combat mode under my command. As long as you need them, the two of them can lead the werewolves to make achievements for you at any time. "

After finishing speaking, the pirate took out his pocket watch and looked at it. He stood up, stuffed a glass of dark red wine into Queen Mia's cold hand, patted her on the shoulder and said:

"Enjoy the next battle of your two lieutenants, how to persuade them to obey you I think this will not trouble the future Queen of Gilneas.

The portal to Pandaria will open exactly at midnight.

do not be late.

I'm off to Gilneas to rescue your children now, and hopefully when I return I find a determined ruler, not a terrified, terrified mature woman.

The former is the ally I need.

The latter can only be used to seduce old men."

Bo Laike made a nasty pirate joke and left Fight Club with his little flamingo sky, and when he walked out of the hidden underground building, a firelight fell from the sky with precision.

While the flames were flying, Theasalie Crow appeared in front of Laike with a blank face.

She said in a businesslike tone:

"The news that the Druid faction of Narsalas Academy sent to Moonglade has caused an uproar. The King of the Forest and Archdruid Malfurion have urgently assigned me to assist Queen Mia Greymane and confirm that Ralaire ·The existence of the Flame and Sickle Druids, and rescued the colleagues of the Rende Society who were being hunted down by werewolves.

when are we leaving "


Bo Laike coughed and said to Crow:

"We split up.

Maiev and I will first go to the palace to rescue the three children Liam, Tess, and Lorna Cro Lei, and you will find the Rende Society in Gilneas who are scattered and hiding.

Plus, I just found you a new job."

"I do not need!"

Miss Black Crow still seems to be ashamed of her private release of Laike at the Dark Gate, she said indifferently:

"I'm going back to Dellano when this is over."

"Hey, this is not something you can say no to, it took me a lot of effort to make it happen."

The pirate spread his hands and said:

"Your faction of Druids of the Flame has a hard time developing in the old-fashioned part of Moonglade, but Gilneas is different.

The people here have endured a lot of hardships, and benefited from His Majesty Jean's genius "Gu Raising Tactic" that day, so under the influence of various ghosts and snake gods, the local people's thinking is very "open".

The country ravaged by werewolves is destined to be the "Land of Dragon Blossom" of the flame druid faction.

Just think about it for the people there, my dear black crow, instead of letting them suffer from various cults, it is better for you, the most orthodox natural believer, to guide them out of the disaster.

What a great offering, do you have the heart to refuse?

You see, I even applied for the position of the future Dean of the State Church of Gilneas for you. It will be very difficult for me to pick you up. "


Seeing Bu Laike's playful smile, Miss Crow couldn't bear it anymore.

She stepped forward, grabbed the pirate by the collar and asked:

"Don't you really know how terrible the consequences of what you did in North County? You offended almost everyone you could!"

"Do you think I care about that?"

The pirate blinked and said:

"And no matter how much they hate me, don't they still have to ask for my help when something happens? What happened in Gilneas is the most obvious evidence. They will be angry and crazy, but they will calm down in the end and acquiesce to all of this.

It's like selectively forgetting my raid in Dalaran.

They know I'm valuable, they know I'm good at handling trouble, and they need me.

Unfortunately, I also know this.

So I don't care about those hated and boring bounties.

You can also be valuable.

You can also allow your faction of flame druids to flourish without fear of interference from other heretics, allowing flame and nature to take root in this chaotic age. "

Bu Laike looked around, put his arm around the crow's waist, and whispered;

"I'm helping you, you just need to accept this kindness as my apology for the bad things I did to you before."

"let me go!"

The black crow pushed the pirate away, she gasped and said:

"I'll go first, see you in Gilneas."

After speaking, she turned into a firebird and flew towards Gilneas as if fleeing, and quickly disappeared into the night sky.

Bu Laike watched her leave, raised his hands skillfully, and said to the empty crowd:

"She and I are innocent, so don't pinch my neck, okay? I just need to make her accept my kindness in this way. Her character is so awkward."

"I think this child has something to do with you."

Maiev came out from the pirate's shadow, and she raised her hand after wearing the Warden armor, threw the black owl helmet in her arms to him, and said:

"Also, you don't need to explain anything. I told you during dinner in the afternoon that I have no interest in your private life in this era.

Let's go, let's go to the Royal City of Gilneas.

Serra and the others have already set off early. "

"Can you take the murderous look out of you? My lady warden."

Bu Laike buckled his helmet and said to Maiev:

"We are going to save three poor children this time, not to kill people. Your indifference, Aunt, will scare the children. Smile more."

(end of this chapter)

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