Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1374 7. Metal Gear Solid: Storm Of Gilneas【8/20】

Chapter 1374 7. Metal Gear Solid: Storm of Gilneas [820]

While Bu Laike and his professional team were leaving Tol Barad, Queen Mia endured the discomfort in her heart to watch the fight in front of her in the fight club.

The good news is that Arugal and Hagatha completed an impossible slaughter two-on-eight.

The bad news is that Queen Mia really doesn't think she has the ability to command such a killer and butcher to overthrow her husband's dark rule and take over Gilneas.

Especially after Arugal and Hagatha were summoned to her box.

Although the werewolf and female orc had already changed into clean clothes, the bandages on their bodies, the strong smell of blood, and the indifferent eyes in the constant fighting made the queen very uncomfortable.

She is not a delicate lady.

She had even fought orcs with Genn in the city of Lordaeron, but she had no experience dealing with such a vicious guy.

Therefore, after being silent for more than ten seconds, Queen Mia chose the most direct way to deal with it.

She tried her best to maintain her aura as a queen, holding a glass of blood-red wine, sitting on a chair with her legs crossed, and looked at the two guys in front of her.

she says:

"I'm Queen Mia Greymane. Both of you should know me. I'm going to do something in Gilneas and I need help. My close friend and collaborator, His Excellency Braike Shaw, recommended you two "

These words made Arugal and Hagatha's eyes shine.

Because of the failure of these two unlucky missions in Gilneas, they have almost lived a life like hell in the past month,

They also know that their humiliating defeat has made their colleagues in the Undead Fleet think badly of them, so they can only hide in the fight club for punishment, and live off fighting and punching for a living.

Arugal has completely abandoned human form.

As a mage, he was forced out of all his potential by successive battles. His werewolf face was covered with scars, which gave him a ferocious aura.

And the female orc Hagatha beside him is the same.

As a shaman and warlock, she was completely transformed into a dark shaman by the brutal battle, and became more and more proficient in various evil summons in the "Book of Ur".

But these two guys are also ambitious.

Those who have been able to mix in Braike's fleet to the present cannot be the ones who keep their own place. They don't want to sink like this.

They've been waiting for a chance to make a comeback.

And now, the opportunity is at hand.

The light in the eyes of these two guys did not hide from Queen Mia's gaze. When she saw the longing eyes, the flustered queen suddenly settled down.

She knew that these two guys' desire for revenge would serve them well.

Then the queen sneered, put down her glass, and said:

"But after learning about the past of the two of you, I began to doubt your ability. You established the Wolf Worship Cult in Gilneas, which seemed magnificent, but it was destroyed overnight by my husband.

You don't seem to be particularly competent people. "

"That was a disgraceful mistake, Your Majesty, and we will not excuse our foolish failure."

Arugal moved his shoulders and teeth, and whispered:

"But my friends and I already know the price of failure. As long as you give us a chance, we will give you a victory. All I need is a chance to prove myself."

"I'm more curious, what do you need us to do for you?"

The orc dark shaman next to the werewolf shadow master frowned. One of her eyes was lost in the brutal battle, but this did not destroy her dark deterrent power.

The increasingly gloomy and powerful female orc said in a hoarse voice:

"We can serve you better only if we know the target, Your Majesty."

"Goal? Simple."

Queen Mia moved her neck and brushed her hair.

She took a sip of the weird blood-red wine in her hand, and tried to force herself to swallow the stuff of unknown ingredients to strengthen her momentum.

Then, she stood up and said to the two people in front of her:

"I want to overthrow the rule of my mad husband, I want to bring order back to the chaotic Gilneas, and I want to be the first queen in Gilneas history.

I've got from Bu Laike Shaw his elaborate plan for me, and I've persuaded him to help me with all his strength, but I also need to have the power to show my hand.

After seeing your battles with my own eyes, I have no doubts about your combat effectiveness.

But what I'm curious about now is, will you guys be the kind of helpers I need? "

"Are you going to challenge Jean?"

Arugal and Hagatha looked at each other, and the flames of ecstasy and revenge shone from their three eyes.

The werewolf whispered:

"You're going to overthrow that lunatic tyrant who brought us endless shame? You're also assisted by the captain's terrifying 'dark wisdom'?

Well, this is great. "

"We will do our best to serve you, Your Majesty, this is something we have been thinking about day and night, whether it is a comeback, revenge, or revenge."

Female orcs are more direct.

She knelt on one knee and shouted to Queen Mia:

"As long as you can lead us to defeat the damn Jinn, we are willing to give you everything."

"Except for loyalty!"

Arugal immediately kicked the unscrupulous female orc companion, emphasizing loudly:

"Our allegiance has long been to the evil and great Bu Laike Shaw and the Undead Fleet! But what is left of us is yours, and we are at your command."

"Ah yes yes yes."

The female orc also discovered the mistake in her words, and hastily changed her words:

"Besides His Excellency Bu Laike Shaw, you are the only queen we serve."

But this answer did not satisfy Queen Mia.

The queen frowned and said:

"Why bother? Bu Laike Shaw doesn't need your loyalty, he doesn't care about that."

"The captain doesn't need our loyalty"

Aru shrugged his shoulders and said in a low voice:

"But we must be loyal. We humble people cannot afford the price of betrayal. In fact, you are the same, Your Majesty, as a pirate partner, you will understand this in the future.

So, Your Majesty, when shall we depart?

I don't want to spend a day in this hell called Fight Club. "



The deep and long howling of wolves echoed in the night that was about to dawn one after another. Under the cover of the night, groups of weird and distorted figures were running in groups on the street and the eaves on both sides.

They are enjoying the freedom brought by the darkness and the release of animal nature. This is not a hunt, but the wild beasts get up and "have fun" in the middle of the night.

They looked happy, enjoying dominance over the great circular city built at the end of the bay.

But for the few ordinary people left in this city, this time of day is definitely the most difficult.

At the time when the commoners of other kingdoms were supposed to enjoy sleep and welcome the rising sun, they had to hold weapons and guard vigilantly in their rooms, or hide in the cellar of their homes with their equally fearful families.

The whole family huddled together and tremblingly prayed to the Holy Light or other godly beliefs, so that this fearful running and darkness would end quickly, praying for the bright sunshine to connect to the sky.

Although they are well aware that the city looks normal in daylight, the strangers who pass by may also be one of those monsters.

But at least under the sun, those monsters will put on gentle human faces.

After King Jin returned to this country and this city with his so-called "redemption power" a few months ago, it has become a common habit of the residents of Gilneas City not to travel at night.

Even naughty kids know that once the family goes out at night, it means they may never come back.

Therefore, "going out" has become synonymous with "dangerous" in the eyes of children.


The figure of Bu Laike emerges from the frightening darkness.

He appeared on the eaves of a street not far from the palace in the Royal City of Gilneas. He maintained a half-squat posture at the end of the roof, propped his left hand on the rubble with claw marks in front of him, and looked at the palace in the darkness ahead.

The black cloak was draped over his shoulders and body, covering most of his body.

This attire makes the Stinky Pirate look cold and professional.

And behind him, Maiev, who also opened the watchman's cloak and silently glided down from the high altitude, held the thorn knife wheel in her hand, and protected behind the pirate with her back turned.

When the two hit the ground, they formed a standard alternate cover formation, which shows the subtlety of their cooperation.

Maiev looked at the city behind, and the movements of those monsters running in the dark could not be concealed from the perception of the warden.

"This city has been occupied by werewolves. They regard it as their own territory. I don't even need to pay attention to it. There are at least 300 werewolves active in the surrounding six blocks."

Maiev whispered:

"Based on this ratio, the werewolves in this city already account for two-thirds of the residents here! This is already a dangerous city of wolves.

Its degree of danger ranks among the top three in the entire Azeroth. "

"So I'm even more sure now that my 'Aunt Mia' could never rely on her own luck to escape from this city to the border of Silverpine Forest, where she also met little sister Caitlin.

This density of wolves is enough to put an end to all 'lucky' elements. "

Bo Laike stood up on the eaves.

The cold night wind blew the cloak he was wearing, and the pirate whispered in a strange tone:

"I've been skeptical about the veracity of the conclusion that 'Jean is completely insane', and now it seems that I have found enough evidence.

It has been more than three months since he brought back the Luna Scythe to this city, but there are still one-third of ordinary people left here, which is simply a miracle.

Perhaps, Gene is not being ostracized.

Perhaps, the cunning Jean is also planning some plans that only he knows. "

"We'll know when we see him."

Maiev did not discuss the issue.

She chanted a divine spell in a low voice, and when she closed her eyes and opened them again, she easily caught the guiding sign left by the fallen watchmen who set off early on the road leading to the palace.

She left here with a flickering gesture, crossed the dark street and appeared on the other side, running silently under the night like a ghost, and flickered forward after three or two steps, the speed of her movement was almost like flying.

Bu Laike followed closely behind with the same attitude, the pirate swords on his waist sensed the weakness of the werewolves jumping up and down around him, and immediately became arrogant.

They showed eagerness to attack, and even wanted to sing a pirate song to their evil masters, but they were slapped on the handle by Laike, and they immediately calmed down.


Didn't you see him playing a stealth game with his "prisoners"?

Although Bo Laike and Maiev can easily kill from one end of Gilneas City to the other in ten minutes together, maybe the whole city's werewolves can't hurt them, but do you understand the fun?

After getting used to the powerful posture, it doesn't hurt to return to the simple and unpretentious way of an assassin once in a while.

Hey, there is really no need for such a wink weapon!

Disguised as assassins sneaking in for investigation, the two masters bypassed the walls of the Gilneas palace with little effort, and slipped easily into the palace where Genn Greymane was located while patrolling by a large number of dark werewolves. .

The whole process did not attract any attention, which can be called a perfect sneak.

But going forward is not so easy.

"My bestiality is roaring, and the Luna Scythe is in front."

Bu Laike rubbed his forehead and grabbed Maiev's wrist. The two hid in a narrow shadow under the corridor of the palace, almost hugging each other and curled up here.

He whispered into Maiev's long ear:

"I also sensed Jin's aura. This old boy's strength has risen rapidly, and he is already suspected of being a chosen one. But the animal smell on him is really strange.

Like Goldrinn, but with unabashed cruelty and darkness.

Queen Mia's intelligence is correct.

It seems that Genn and Ralaire Burning are really trying to create a god. "

"This news has to be recorded."

Maiev moved her neck uncomfortably. She felt that her ears were getting hot. She took out the watcher's scroll to record the news before her, and said:

"As for evil gods, professional druids have to judge. Let's not move forward. Although I am very confident in my concealment skills and yours, in front of a veteran god like Lalier Flame Or don't take the risk.

That's not what we're here tonight.

Where are those children? "


The pirate made a silent motion.

Holding Maiev in his arms, he took out a very peculiar mechanical creation, stuck it on the wall, and took out the earplugs carefully made by the mechanical gnomes and handed it to Maiev.

Wearing them in the ears one by one, the conversation in the distant palace quickly became clear under the adjustment of the peculiar sound track.

"This is Mechagon's radio, let's listen to the conversation between Jean and Flame first."

The pirate whispered something.

A few seconds later, the two heard King Jin's deep voice resounding in the distant palace:

"Wolf shepherd! I have already told you that my soldiers are chasing the fugitives. There is no need for the Wolf Cult that you took over as commander to get involved! You also sent people to infiltrate Tarren Mill and Southsea Town?

Are you crazy?

Once discovered by the defenders there, we have to start the plan in advance!

We are not ready yet. "

"So how long are you going to be ready, Gene."

Another voice responded in the palace. He used the very ancient Thalas language, which caused Laike and Maiev to look at each other. They were basically sure that this was Lalier who had escaped from the seal of the Emerald Dream. Flame.

"Isn't his nickname 'Head Wolf'?"

Maiev whispered:

"Why does the title of 'Wolf Shepherd' feel weird?"

"I asked the same question to a dark werewolf in Howling Hollow in Ashenvale before, and he told me that the title was changed by Flame himself, and that he sent them to Mount Hyjal to pollute Goldrinn's shrine."

Bu Laike explained something in a low voice, but Maiev immediately raised her hand and twisted it on the neck. The warden of the watchman said in a scolding tone:

"Why didn't you say something so important earlier!"

"You didn't ask either."

The pirate replied a little aggrieved, and reached out to pat Maiev's buttocks. Unfortunately, he was wearing armor, so he didn't feel anything.

Tch, armor or something, I hate it the most.

(end of this chapter)

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