Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1375 8. Ms. Elune, Your Family Affairs Are Too Troublesome, Right? 【9/20】

Chapter 1375 8. Ms. Elune, your family affairs are too troublesome, right? 【920】

Laike and Maiev's eavesdropping continued, as did the conversation between Ralaar Blaze and Genn Greymane in the gloomy palace filled with strange incense.

Those two guys didn't know that just outside the palace, the helpers invited by Queen Mia had already lurked beside them, and they didn't realize that the most troublesome Bu Laike Shaw in the legend had already set their sights on them.

"Aren't you ready to be the real 'Lord of the Wolves,' Gene."

On the radio of Bo Laike and Maiev's headphones, the voice of Ralaire Burning Fang sounded, and the werewolf's tone was full of dissatisfaction and urging.

This guy's voice is very interesting. Although he uses a very elegant ancient Thalas language, he always has the feeling of a beast roaring when he speaks.

It seemed that he was born with an unquenchable anger.

Like a mentor scolding a student, he said to the silent Gene:

"I have guided you to Lord Lycanthos' blessing, I have shown you the power of the Howler and the Dark Scythe, and I have turned your weak people into an irresistible pack of wolves.

The Gilneans with the wolf as their totem are turning into real wolves, they are ready to hunt and conquer, but the wolf king who commands the wolves is a weak coward!

It's like a group of weak lions led by a sheep, what a disappointment! "

"I'm not a coward!"

Genn responded with a growl.

But Ralaire Flame's yelling was even more explosive, and he almost responded with a roar:

"You are!

Genn Greymane, you are loath to part with your pathetic humanity, your base feelings are making you weaker and weaker, and that profligate woman who tempted you to get rid of your great animal nature is your greatest weakness!

I want you to sacrifice her to the Howler, and I will give you the power to remove the weak!

You let her go!

How did a woman who didn't even have a legend, a wounded woman, a helpless woman escaped from the Gilneas royal city, and disappeared into the forest already ruled by wolves?

Gene, do you really think I'm a fool? "

There was a silence in response to Flame's roar, and after a few seconds, Genn said hoarsely:

"Mia has nothing to do with this conquest, Flame, and you can't ask me to turn a human into a beast."

"Why not?"

Nine thousand years ago, the Great Druid of the Sickle Claw asked in a sarcastic tone:

"What you regard as your greatest enemy, the sea madman Bu Laike Shaw, can do, why can't you? I have learned all the stories about him in your country.

To be honest, I think that 'sea wolf' is more suitable to be the leader of the wolf pack than you!

Howler might have favored him more if it had not been for Elune's blessing.

You want to beat him, Genn, that's your ultimate vision.

But if you want to defeat the devil, you have to become a devil first. You have to surpass the devil to kill the devil. I have given you the key to the powerful way, but you have chosen to keep your inferiority as a weak human being.

Mia Greymane ran away and ran away.

A weak woman can't change anything, but in the name of the Luna Scythe in your hand, you must abandon your weak humanity before the great conquest begins, Genn Greymane, or the wolves will come back to eat you.

Cowards are not qualified to command wolves!

Weak leaders will be eaten up by wolves!

Heed my warning.

Those three kids. I know you've been secretly pampering them, but I've had enough of your indecision, it can't be dragged on any longer, you have to complete the sacrifice of embracing bestiality!

You saved your wife?

Then use your child instead!

Howler is waiting.


Just before the shrine in the palace, make your three cubs part of the wolf pack.

As long as you abandon your weak humanity, you can embrace the supreme wild power, and you will become the wolf king of Lycanthos the Howler in the earthly kingdom of God in the material world!

And those humans who have been raising the banner against you in the border areas, a group of rebels headed by Lord Godfrey, Darius is ready to go, and before the great conquest begins, they must also be A member of the wolf pack.

Their wills are corrupt, but their political wisdom can also be used by wolves. "

Having said that, Yan Ya sneered a few times, and said:

"Ask your heart, Gene, do you really want to defeat your worst enemy to avenge your shame? Or do you want to let weak humanity become the shackles of the wolf king.

The wolf inside you is howling, Gene.

Stop fighting against yourself.

Let it go. "

After finishing speaking, the breath of Flame disappeared mysteriously in the palace in front of him, as if it disappeared here through some mysterious transmission, and Bu Laike frowned.

He didn't expect that there would be something of his own in it? He didn't expect that the Great Druid of the Sickle Claw from nine thousand years ago would have such a high opinion of himself?

Hey, don't act like an idol, okay?

"Who is Lycanthos?"

Maiev was concerned with another issue.

She took off the earplugs in her long ears, and whispered to Bo Laike, who was "omnipotent" next to her, and the pirate replied with a wink:

"An evil god, although Goldrinn didn't say it clearly, but I guess that the howler should come from another world, it is not the original god of Azeroth.

I can be sure of that.

My mind is filled with the names and information of all the demigods and loa of life past, present, and future, but Lycanthos the Howler alone is a mystery to me.

This is enough to prove that it has not much connection with Azeroth.

However, that dark evil god has exactly the same divine power, the same wildness, and even the same body as Goldlin Yi.

It should be taking shape, not yet able to project its own volitional body into the physical world.

What Burning Fang did in Gilneas was to create a physical body for the dark god, making it truly a dark wolf god who opposed Goldrinn.

An uncontrolled, wanton slaughtered dark enhanced version of Goldrinn.

Tut tut.

Just thinking about it makes my scalp tingle. "

"Things are getting more and more troublesome in Gilneas."

Maiev was silent for a few seconds after listening, she moved her gauntlets, shook her head and said:

"We may be able to prevent the growler from coming, but the Cenarion Order must send good enough druids to finish here. A dark evil god born from distorted nature is not our field of expertise."

"No, there is no field that Boo Laike is not good at, Boo Laike is omnipotent!"

The pirate sneered, and stood up in the darkness holding Maiev's slender waist.

He glanced back in the direction of the palace, and whispered:

"I have accepted the bounty from Lord Goldrinn. For my perfect bounty record, I must get this done, so I won't bother the big shots of Moonglade.

The good news is that Gene is still fighting, and he should have a plan of his own.

The bad news is that the jerk, Gene, probably won't last long.

He is not a person who can fight against a dark evil god with his will. His courage is not pure enough, perhaps because he has not experienced the unforgettable tragic death of his family members?

Let us help him.

My little sweetheart, you go to the children first, I want to plan this matter carefully, and find a few friends with great powers to 'chat' by the way. "

"What the hell is that nickname of yours?"

Maiev scolded in a low voice:

"Don't call me that! I don't like it, it's too nasty."

"All right, my lady."

The pirate shrugged and said in a drawn out voice:

"Fighting for you, my lady."


An aristocratic manor in the Royal City of Gilneas, which has become a paradise for werewolves. Even in broad daylight, this luxurious manor exudes an abandoned and desolate smell.

The owner here doesn't know whether he fled with Lord Godfrey, the leader of the famous "anti-werewolf" faction in Gilneas, or has been transformed into a werewolf by poisonous hands. In short, his big house is completely useless.

Bu Laike walked in the abandoned mansion, and he walked all the way into the boudoir of the female relatives. This is not because Bu Laike has any special hobbies, it is simply that only here can he find what he needs.


The bigger the better, the more refined the better, the more luxurious the better.

Soon, the Stinky Pirates found a gem-studded ladies' dressing mirror.

This made him very satisfied, and after confirming that there were no werewolves around, Laike closed the doors and windows and summoned the magic of shadows to block out all light from entering the room.

In the darkness, the pirate took off the seal of the King of Pain in his hand, and kept rotating the seal in his hand just like the last time he contacted Emperor Denathius.

A moment later, the huge full-length mirror in front of his eyes showed bloody light, and the mirror image of the Shadow Realm was reflected in the light rotation.

"Then, my servant, what's the matter with you taking the initiative to contact me?"

Emperor Denathrius did not show his face this time, and he could only hear his low voice from the mirror. It seemed that the King of Pain was not happy, probably because an unwitting servant contacted him actively and ruined his mood.

The Eternals are an eccentric bunch.

Of course, they were born as gods, and they also have the capital to stand out from the stars.

Facing the emperor's question in a bad tone, Bu Laike didn't waste any time and replied in a very respectful tone:

"Yes, my majesty, I accidentally obtained a very important piece of information in the material world, and I think it is necessary for me to inform you immediately.

I am confident that this important information will add to your great plans. "


The emperor didn't look forward to this, and was even a little unmotivated.

These mortals really don't have a little self-knowledge, and their tails will go up to the sky when they are praised casually, and they can help their great cause by opening and closing their mouths.

If it were really that easy, the emperor would not need to plan for so many years.

He thinks that Bu Laike is just asking for credit with a little clue, and he has a real understanding of Bu Laike's greed.

But the work enthusiasm of subordinates cannot be suppressed.

Therefore, the emperor still made himself try to show interest, and he was busy with his back to the mirror, saying:

"Tell me, what good news have you brought me?"

Seeing the emperor's perfunctory look, Bu Laike curled his lips.

He knew what Emperor Denathrius was thinking with his heels, which made him secretly despise the untimely arrogance of the King of Pain.

However, he still said seriously with a loyal servant attitude:

"My all-knowing Majesty, do you know that Queen Winter, the Eternal of the Blazing Blue Fields, has a 'sister' in the material world?"


The great emperor, who was handling the official affairs of the Revendres kingdom, suddenly became interested.

He reached out his hand to stop Laike from continuing, and He said:

"This method of communication is not safe. If it is about the secrets of the Eternal, it must be taken seriously. Wait a minute, my loyal servant."

After the emperor said something, the mirror in front of Bu Laike dimmed. It should be that the emperor activated a more advanced "encrypted communication" on his side.

In short, after a few seconds, blood-colored heart energy, like a cocoon of tentacles, extended from the full-length mirror in front of the pirate's eyes, quickly wrapping the entire dark room.

And on the bloody mirror in front of his eyes, there also appeared the thin but majestic face of Denathrius the Great, staring at Bu Laike with his own bloody eyes, saying:

"Speak, tell me all the information you find."

Bo Laike nodded, embellishing the relationship between Lady Elune and the Winter Queen.

He also presented evidence:

"Because I am Ms. Elune's reserve candidate in the material world, I can read more fragmented information from the middle grade of moonlight. I don't dare to guarantee the mysterious connection between the moon god and the winter queen. dear majesty.

But from the fact that the dark evil spirit Lycanthos came to the material world this time, I read some very unusual flavors.

You know, the semi-shendu born from all the natural forces on both sides of the curtain of life and death in the entire group of stars is taken care of by Blazing Fairy and reincarnated, so Lycanthos must also have his own traces in the territory of the Winter Queen.

With the Veil of Life and Death stable, I don't think a group of mortals in Gilneas can summon a god from the other side of the veil, unless it, like Hakkar the Soulflayer, did a terrible thing with Bwonsamdi, Lord of Beyond trade.

But Bwonsamdi is my friend, Your Majesty.

The old troll will not fail to inform me of such a big event.

That is to say, Lycanthos must have received the secret support of some powerful forces to cross the curtain of life and death and come to the material world. I hope you can use Revendreth to infiltrate the secret agent of the Blazing Wilderness, which has long been abandoned by the Queen of Winter. Take a look in the tens of thousands of years of spiritual seed greenhouses. "

The smelly pirate paused and said:

"The Dark Wolf is very similar to Goldrinn, who was favored by the moon god Elune, in every aspect, and they are so similar that they are absolutely impossible to be born naturally.

I very much suspect that the Winter Queen deliberately shaped Lycanthos and sent it into the material world to devour the weak Goldrinn.

Then use the dark wolf to destroy the eternal life of the Kaldorei elves that does not conform to the laws of life and death, so as to restore the rules of life and death for the elves, and provoke and express dissatisfaction with his sister Elune by the way.

Of course, this is a grievance between gods and gods, and it has nothing to do with me as a mortal, but if the Queen of Winter actively destroys the curtain of life and death in secret, you can catch it."

"That boring woman is about to pay a fortune for this dark secret and my silence."

Emperor Denathrius raised the blood-red wine glass in his hand, showing a very satisfied smile.

Although Laike himself said that he was not sure about this conclusion, the Emperor was still very happy. Any secret between the Eternals of the Shadow Realm is priceless.

If this is true, it means that the emperor has won this wave.

For a conspirator like him, once he grasps the secret of the Winter Queen, it means that he can also use many means in Blazing Blue Fairy Field.

"Very well, my servant, I will send a servant to confirm this as quickly as possible, and if it is true, I will notify you."

The emperor waved his hand and said:

"I am very satisfied with your intelligence gathering capabilities, please continue to serve."

"It is an honor to contribute my strength to your great cause, Your Majesty."

Bu Laike didn't say anything about the compensation.

He watched as the full-length mirror in front of him shattered, and the blood and shadows around him also disappeared at this moment, and the sunlight outside the window shone into the cold room again, as if bringing the stinky pirate from hell back to the world.

He put the bloody seal in his hand on his finger, and glanced at the sky outside the window. Although there was no bright moon hanging high, the pirate still whispered:

"I thought my family relationship was bad enough, my dear Lord Luna, but I didn't expect that your family relationship is not much worse.

Having a crazy sister must make you sad, right?

But don't worry.

Your loyal servant Bo Laike always knows how to cheer you up.

Be patient, my lord, as long as I confirm the ins and outs of all this, I can help you bring the lonely Goldrinn into the harem. Don't forget to prepare rewards for your loyal servants then. "

(end of this chapter)

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