Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1377 10. I'm A Druid From The Northern Part Of The Mainland. I'm Very Interested I

Chapter 1377 10. I'm a Druid from the northern part of the mainland. I'm very interested in the Rende Society. Would you like to add a friend to chat?

(Monthly ticket plus update [11/20])

"You take the child back to Tol Barad and give it to my mother."

Laike wiped the water stains on the armor with a gloomy face, and handed the giggling little Tess to Maiev in annoyance, and he told:

"I know your feelings and responsibilities to the Kaldorei, and I will not prevent you from passing on the information gathered in Gilneas to the Cenarion Order.

I will continue to stay here for a few days. "

"Are you not afraid that I will run away?"

Maiev snorted and asked in a low voice.

"Don't be afraid, I have already planted eyeliner around your brother."

The pirate said seriously:

"As long as you dare to run, His Excellency Garrod will have a broken leg, even if General Shandris Feathermoon is there to protect him 24 hours a day, there is no way to save him.

I'm serious.

You should know, I just tamed a demigod demon a few days ago, right? She is still the dreadlord who is best at concealing and disguising. Guess where I sent her? "

"You are enough!"

Maiev complained:

"Since the War of the Ancients, Garald has been thinking about seeing his mysterious and omnipotent 'brother-in-law' again. Is this how you treat your admirers?"

"Ha, you admit it."

Bu Laike clapped his hands and said:

"It seems that the improper and indecent relationship between us is about to turn positive. It's really gratifying."

"I'm too lazy to talk to you."

Maiev gives up her spat with Bo Laike.

She looked back at the two children and said:

"Are you going to come with me?"

"Why do you care what they think about this kind of thing? What can a kid think?"

The pirate glanced at the "mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood" outside the cave and the Void Warden who was cleaning the battlefield. He snapped his fingers and said:

"Bring them both back so that Queen Mia won't be worried. After all, Her Majesty the Queen who has a mature style has already paid him handsomely, so I can't break my promise."

"I want to stay!"

Prince Liam immediately retorted:

"I can be a guide, I know the palace very well."

"I even know where your father hid his private money, you idiot, this palace of yours has no secrets in front of me."

Boo Laike flicked Liam hard on the forehead and said:

"Don't try to leave me as a drag, get out! Besides, I'm not staying in your palace, there's nothing but a group of lunatic werewolves and their cowardly leader.

I still have to go find those benevolent druids who were beaten up by the werewolves, God knows where they ran and hid. "

"I know!"

Luo Na Ke Luo Lei, who had been staring at Bu Laike with complicated eyes, suddenly raised her hand and said:

"In the prison of the palace, several captured Druids of the Benevolent Society are being held. Their leader has been taken away by that terrible old werewolf."

"You lied, little girl, even me, a stinky pirate from outside, knows that all the prisoners in your Gilneas prison have been forcibly transformed into werewolves, incorporated into the army, and run to be the chief soldiers."

Bu Laike stared down at Lorna and said:

"You just want to lure me into the werewolf's trap, so that you can watch me, the bastard who turned your father into a werewolf, be eaten by the werewolves. Tsk tsk, you have such vicious thoughts at such a young age, you will definitely become an excellent hunter in the future of.

By the way, more than a year ago, I asked you to study with that bastard Nathanos, and he taught you this? "

"I did not lie to you."

Lorna bit her lip and said aggrievedly:

"There are really Druids from the Rende Society in the cell. I saw them captured by werewolves with my own eyes."

"Shall I remind you that the current werewolf curse can only infect humans and elves?"

Maiev suddenly spoke beside her and said:

"There are not only elves in the Benevolent Society."

"Ah, I see."

The pirate patted his forehead and said:

"It's a 'human grandmother', so it's no wonder. Very good, I'm going to the cell to throw myself into a trap, you guys hurry up."

After speaking, Bu Laike's figure disappeared from everyone's eyes.

He didn't even give Liam and Lorna a chance to ask to go, and the two children were very disappointed, but Maiev just shook her head and said to them:

"Courage can make up for a lot, but it is not everything. Children, you may have understood the meaning of strength. I hope this disaster can teach you more.

Now, get out of here with me.

Bu Laike said it well, you can only stay here to drag oil bottles!

In fact, you should thank Bu Laike.

I don't think the old Garni who is busy in another world will suddenly appear and protect you without reason. The old Garni should have told you that he has never been with nobles like you.

The pirates you hate have been protecting you for a long time, children, it seems that you are all people who can influence your fate. "



The royal palace of Gilneas was in chaos. It is said that the werewolves sent to hunt down the fugitive prince and princess were killed.

However, the prison inside the palace welcomed a "guest" at this time.

A ferocious werewolf lifted a man in a tattered robe, opened the cage roughly and threw him into the cage of several wounded Druids of the Rende Society.

This movement alarmed Zaza, the dryad who was recuperating on the haystack with her eyes closed. She weakly raised her pure white but blood-stained cheeks and looked at the man who was struggling to get up from the ground.

Surprisingly, she felt the breath of life in this man.

"Huh? You are also a nature walker?"

Zaza asked curiously and weakly.

Uh, don't pay attention to this strange name, the cultural traditions of dryads are different from other beings, and the way they name themselves is always beyond common sense.

"Yes, I am a Druid follower from the north of the continent. To be precise, I live in seclusion in the forest between the Tirisfal Forest and Agamand Mill."

Bu Laike got up from the ground very playfully, he wiped the blood on his face with his tattered robe, and swept around the dim cage again.

Well, a Frost Dryad with a broken leg, a tortured cow-tauren druid with only one breath left, and one more. What the hell is this?

Bo Laike's eyes were quickly drawn to the last strange guy.

The guy was wearing a "murloc costume" sewn in a strange way.

Not only did they use weird leather to imitate the texture of the murloc skin, they even installed brightly colored fins on the back of the murloc costume with "ingenuity", and made murloc eyes out of polished shells.

But it's still a poor disguise!

Because no murloc has ever grown to the height of an adult male night elf!

"Hey, my friend who likes to pretend to be a murloc, how did you hide from the werewolf's detection with this strange outfit? Did those idiots really think you were a murloc so they let you go?"

Bu Laike asked curiously.

The "Murloc" druid huddled in the corner suddenly raised his head.

He twisted the head of the murloc disguise, and said in a strange tone:

"You are not affected by the 'charm of the murloc'? Everyone who saw me thought I was a murloc. Who are you?

Ordinary druids can't withstand the power of this suit.

I specially asked the king of the forest to enchant it. "

"The king of the forest is also free enough to actually have the mood to help you with this kind of thing."

Bu Laike complained.

He glanced back at Zhaza, the Frost Dryad lying on the haystack in pain, and went forward to hold her broken leg. This action made the Dryad struggle a bit.

The hind hooves of the dryads are equivalent to the legs of human women, how can they be touched by men casually?

But soon the life force emanating from Bu Laike's hand helped Zaza heal his broken leg injury. This strange healing also made the strange "murloc" druid and Zaza stare wide-eyed.

"Your healing method is not traditional natural magic! You say you are a hermit druid? Which faction do you belong to?"

Zaza asked curiously.

Bu Laike then said nonsense:

"Well, those of us nature walkers who live in seclusion in the Tirisfal Forest in the north of the mainland, worship the ancient druid way, which is the secret art of combining nature and fire.

We call ourselves the Druids of the Flame!

I heard that a leader of the Flame Druid faction was born in Moonglade not long ago, so I left the hermitage and came here to look for my companions. I hope you can recommend me to visit my powerful compatriots in Moonglade.

But I didn't expect to be arrested as soon as I came to Gilneas. These werewolves are crazy!

They're going to turn me into a werewolf too, hell!

But I'm in Lordaeron, and I occasionally hear some news about Gilneas. Isn't your Rende Society very strong here? It is said that you and Jin worked together, drove away many hunters, and forced many hunters who had to support their families to starve to death.

How could it be reduced to this point all of a sudden?

Where is your leader, Your Excellency Isolarius?

Where did he go? "

There was a faint purple light in the pirate's eyes, and under his lure, the two druids of the Rende Society quickly gave up the flawed and clumsy rhetoric of pursuing Bo Laike.

Under his guidance, the dryad Zaza said in a sad tone that was almost crying:

"Your Excellency the Archdruid... was captured! That cunning werewolf king invited us to study the mysteries of the Luna Scythe, but one night, crazy werewolves raided our camp.

His Excellency Isolarius tried desperately to protect us, but he too was defeated by a hideous old werewolf, and he was taken away by the madman, supposedly to be sacrificed to a dark evil god.

All of our elf companions were taken and turned into scytheclaw druids, leaving us three who couldn't be transformed, and they left us here to die.

It was horrible. "

"The old werewolf who attacked Isolalius is Lalier Flame!"

The "Murloc" druid hiding in the darkness in the corner scratched the head of his murloc suit, and said in a low voice:

"That is the craziest person the Cenarion Order has bred in the past nine thousand years. He did not return to the natural path during his long imprisonment, but fell into even crazier ambitions.

Terrible things are happening in this land.

Worse yet, we are powerless to stop them. "

"You know a lot, Mgamgah, and you even know the name of Ralaire Flamefang. It seems that you are not a serious druid."

Bu Laike glanced back at the "murloc" druid, and said the name of the murloc under the "murloc disguise", which surprised the latter.

He hadn't introduced himself to Bo Laike.

This "colleague" in front of me is very suspicious.

"Is there anyone else from Rende in Gilneas?"

Bu Laike looked at Zaza, the dryad who was more intrusive to the soul. The latter was easily restrained by Bu Laike because of his despair and pain.

Facing the pirate's question, Zaza said without any hesitation:

"There are still some companions who did not come to the Royal City with us, they should still be in the camp in Silverpine Forest, but their situation should not be too good.

The werewolves have gone mad.

They didn't want the druids to interfere in their cause, so they made up their minds to destroy all the efforts of the Rende Society on this land.

Nature and the forest are crying, mother nature suffers from the terrible darkness, but can't fight back, we children of nature have let her down, my God!

We're fucked, woo woo woo, we're dying. "

It may be that the stinky pirates used too much force, or that the already emotional dryad was overwhelmed by the time spent in prison. In short, under the stunned gaze of the pirates, this cute frost dryad used both hands Holding the pirate and crying loudly.

I cried so badly.

The crying quickly attracted the attention of the surrounding werewolf guards.

They gathered and shouted loudly, and a few moving their paws seemed to be going into the cage to teach these misbehaving prisoners.


The "Murloc" druid in the corner suddenly realized something that he had neglected.

He raised the paw of the murloc suit, pointed at Boo Laike, and asked:

"You're human, right? Why did the werewolves throw you into a cage instead of capturing and transforming you? No! You're not a druid!

You came here specifically to inquire about information from us!

Damn it!

You are one of those werewolves! "

"Hey, stop looking down on people!"

Bu Laike unhappily pulled back his hood, revealing his face. He pointed to his eyes and said:

"How can someone as powerful as me be an accomplice of a group of lowly werewolves? Are they worthy?"

"My God! It's Boo Laike Shaw, Destroyer of Nature!"

The sad dryad Zaza, who was crying with the stinky pirate in his arms, suddenly trembled in fright when he saw Bu Laike's face and the iconic blond hair and blue eyes.

She hugged her chest with both hands like a poor little girl.

If it wasn't for the leg injury, this would probably have jumped and fled like a frightened fawn.

This Benevolent Society has always had a tradition of offering rewards to bastards that you don't like. Looking at Zaza's terrified eyes, you can tell that in the publicity of the Rendehui, you must be described as having a relationship with old Hemet Nye. Xinwari is as hateful as the "genocide butcher".

"That's enough ficky beef!"

Bu Laike twitched his eyes and said:

"In your eyes, what kind of image am I? What is called a 'Natural Destroyer'? Bastard! I have a good relationship with you elves!

I haven't done anything like setting fire to mountains or hunting too much.

Damn it!

Why can't I explain it clearly? "

The werewolves outside the cell became more irritable when they saw the prisoners talking to themselves and ignoring them, and their roars quickly angered Laike.

The stinky pirate turned around and threw his magic eyeball, and the destructive death light eye from C'Thun instantly pulled out a dark green beating beam in the darkness.

In just a split second, a staggered shining pattern was drawn outside the cell, causing those bastard werewolves to die in an instant.

"Bo Laike! You say you're not the Destroyer!"

"Murloc" Druid Gamgah pointed at Bu Laike and shouted:

"You just killed so many lives with a deadpan face"

"If you keep making noise, I'll kill you too! We flame druids are famous for killing people without blinking an eye!"

The stinky pirate grinned and reprimanded the righteous "murloc" druid to shut up instantly. Bu Laike reached out and grabbed the lock of the cage, and with a casual pinch, the lock shattered open.

He kicked open the door of the cage, ticked his fingers at Zaza, the tree demon who was scared to death, and Mugamuga, who was very upset, and said:

"Come with me, pick up that dying cow, and I'll take you out. Although I and the Rendehui are no longer at odds, I think you are still worth something.


Talk to you slowly on the way. "

(end of this chapter)

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