Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1378 11. When Benevolence Doesn't Work...【12/20】

Chapter 1378 11. When benevolence doesn't work.【1220】

The "Black Forest" that Bu Laike keeps mentioning does not refer to a certain forest in Gilneas. In the slang of the locals, they call all forests that hide danger and darkness as "Black Forest".

Before Gilneas got the big villain Bu Laike, there weren't many Dark Forests in the country, and only those rural witch haunts were called dangerous.

But as the plague of werewolves spread in Gilneas, most of the forests in the kingdom became "Black Forest".

Ordinary people shunned those places, and all kinds of horrible news spread by the former Wolf Cult made Gilneas very popular. The random presence of werewolves also caused a large number of rural population to move to several big cities in Gilneas.

This is equivalent to helping the werewolves occupy a lot of territory without a single soldier in disguise. Of course, this strategy of cleverly using public opinion comes from the big villain Bu Laike.

But now, things have changed.

After the wolf worship was taken over by the lunatic elves, the large population crowded in the city also transformed with the werewolves allowed by Jean, and became the best "source" of wolves under the king's command.

This also directly led to several large cities in Gilneas becoming "werewolf dens" in a short period of time.

And before Scytheclaw Great Drew Eli Lal Flame had raised his butcher knife to the Rende Society, the camp of these extreme little animal protectionists was in the Black Forest not far from the Gilneas King City, and now Braike After rescuing the three benevolent society druids in the prison, the tree demon Zaza's first goal was to escape to the Black Forest.

Although the orthodox Druids of the Rende Society do not have an advantage against the Scytheclaw Werewolf Druids in the forest, it is obviously more dangerous to wander around in a city completely occupied by werewolves.

Therefore, Bu Laike did not reject the proposal of the Frost Dryad, anyway, he was going to join Theasalie Crow in the forest.

"Look at the damn weather in Gilneas!"

In a battered wagon, Bo Laike pulled his hood down and complained loudly about the weather, which had begun to rain heavily.

This is the biggest reason he hates Gilneas, the country's climate is just too bad.

It is cloudy and rainy all year round, and it is rare to see a sunny day. It is no wonder that people in this country are generally gloomy and indifferent, and they are at odds with compatriots in other human kingdoms.

Living in the environment here since childhood, it is really difficult to cultivate upright people.

"Stop complaining, you Destroyer! Now you are only allowed to get wet in the rain, and you are not allowed to pull the cart! How about we change the two? You come to pull the cart and run?"

Frost Dryad Zaza's extremely dissatisfied voice came from the front.

Bu Laike shrugged his shoulders and looked up, the snow-white tree demon girl was now stepping forward, wearing a bridle like a war horse, pulling the car and galloping on the road outside the city.

No way, the carriage they found had no horses

It's not that Bo Laike is unprofessional, but that the horses in Gilneas King City are almost eaten up by the rapidly expanding number of werewolves. Besides, there is still a wounded cow druid, so I can only wrong Zaza, an even-toed hoofed creature.

Speaking of which, a guy with such great powers as Braike must be able to think of other ways to properly bring the wounded to the camp in the Black Forest. Not to mention, the flying speed of the sky is enough for him to fly back and forth three times with the effort to find a carriage. .

But Bu Laike, a wicked bastard, had to get a wrecked carriage and let the dryad pull him to run away under the hunt of a group of werewolves.

From this point of view, it was deliberate mischief, no wonder the tree demon girl was so angry.

Hey, just for fun.

The Stinky Pirate obviously liked the weak gesture of these guys hating him but being unable to kill him.

"I don't know what happened to the apprentices we left in the camp?"

The "Murloc" Druid Gamgah, who was also sitting on the bumpy carriage, used natural magic to heal the Cow Druid's wounds, while looking worriedly at the distant forest.

He complained about the weather in a few murloc languages, then switched to Salas, and whispered:

"The apprentices we recruited in Gilneas were not equipped to deal with werewolf raids. When we were tricked into going to the Royal City, we only left Kellinger there.

He is also a dull character who is not good at talking.

Now that the top leaders of the Benevolent Society were wiped out by Lailal Flame with the Luna Scythe, they had a very difficult time without a leader.

Everything happened so suddenly. "

"Don't worry about other Gilneas apprentices. Although those locals are not strong enough, they are familiar with the land and know where to hide better than you.

If they are in a hurry, they will hide in the borders of Dalaran or Lordaeron. The werewolves will prepare for a big move, and they dare not cross the border to catch them. "

Bu Laike complained with a pipe in his mouth:

"Blaze's sickle claw druids have been working on transforming the inhabitants of King City and other large cities, and they haven't finished the work yet.

How can there be so much energy to spill the werewolves out and play hide-and-seek with a group of druid apprentices in the black forest? Therefore, rather than worrying about your apprentices, I think you should worry more about your leader Isolarius.

That bastard's tough and stubborn personality meant that he would not give in in front of Flame, and a beating would be light! I now seriously suspect that he may have been forcibly transformed into a werewolf by the Luna Scythe.

In other words, if we want to launch a counterattack, you must be prepared to be hostile to the former leader. Do you have the confidence to deal with the werewolf Isolarius? "

"Of course I'm not confident!"

The tree demon Zaza, who was pulling the cart and running wildly in the mud, said angrily:

"Master Isolarius's combat power is not comparable to those of us. The disappearance and degeneration of an archdruid is no longer an ordinary incident. It must be reported to Moonglade for support.

At least two arch druids who are proficient in fighting and hunting should be called in, and it is best to have a group of wild druids as guardians.

What happened in Gilneas is a major disaster in the way of nature. As defenders of nature, we cannot turn a blind eye to it. No matter how serious the situation in this country is, we druids will never let it go. "

"Tsk tsk, if I didn't know that you are just a druid recruit, I would have thought that this was something a highly respected arch druid could say.

Look, how glorious and upright it is. "

Bu Laike sneered with his mouth twisted:

"But I think that the situation here is so bad, it is more or less a 'credit' of your Rende Society.

If you hadn't been messing around to force the Gilneans to completely ban hunting, causing a large number of hunters to lose their jobs and have to join the Wolf Cult to fight you to the end, there would be no chance for Lailal Flame to control it all at once. Many werewolves.

I think, if Rendehui can continue to exist after this incident, you'd better review your own behavior style.

Protecting animals is not wrong.

I'm a hunter and I love animals too.

But because the right to life of animals is going to kill people, this is an out-and-out neurotic behavior. You see, if you piss off honest people, they'll turn into horrible werewolves and beat you up

So, really don't mess with honest people in the future. "

The atmosphere suddenly fell into an eerie silence.

Neither the dryad Zaza nor the murloc druid Imgamga are eloquent guys. Facing Bu Laike's accusation, they really can't refute too much.

"It's too late to say that now."

Zaza, who was pulling the cart, ran wildly with all four hooves, and whispered in a low voice:

"The most important thing now is to survive in front of the werewolves first. Alas, it will take time to wait for the support from Moonglade. I don't dare to think about what chaos will become in Gilneas after a while."

"The current situation is more dangerous than the 'Sickle Claw Rebellion' at the end of the Satyr War nine thousand years ago."

Muga Muga, who has been wearing a weird murloc suit and is unwilling to reveal his real name, also said in a more emphatic tone at this time:

"I have personally experienced that war. Although I was only an apprentice at that time, I still saw the scytheclaws led by Flame at the junction of Ashenvale and Felwood.

At that time, their number was only a few thousand, which was already a headache for the Silverwing Sentinels. Now there are more than hundreds of thousands of werewolves in Gilneas under the command of Flame.

Once they go crazy and cross the border of Silverpine Forest and rush into Lordaeron, Dalaran, and Stormgard, at the speed of the werewolf's action, it will only take a week at most, and they will be able to spread the shadow of the werewolf to the entire northern border.

At that time, your human civilization will be finished! "

Muga Muga held his head and said in despair:

"Human civilization will be transformed into a werewolf civilization, and Flame is obviously planning to promote the worship of the evil god 'Howler' Lycanthos, who will have enough faith to be able to condense entities in the material world.

The evil god worshiped by millions or even tens of millions of werewolves


Its strength would surpass that of a demigod when it was born, and if it swallowed Lord Goldrinn again, it would become a real 'abomination'.

Its power can even match or even surpass that of the Old Gods. "


Bu Laike swung his whip, and Zaza, who was pulling the cart, glared at him before he swung it down. He put away his whip innocently, and said in a heartless and drawn out voice:

"Judging from the degree of hatred Ralaar Flame has for Malfurion and the entire Cenarion Order, you Kaldorei will be next after the destruction of human civilization.

Think about it carefully, the scene where nearly ten million dark werewolves rushed to Mount Hyjal and lit the World Tree

Well, that must be spectacular. "

"How can you still laugh! You abominable destroyer!"

Zaza the dryad was trembling with fright at the future described by Boo Laike, and she yelled:

"How can your thirty-seven-degree flesh and blood say such a cold-blooded thing? Now is not the time for you to laugh at us wantonly, now everyone should unite together to prevent that terrible future!

Aren't you amazing? Destroyer.

Everyone is telling how terrible your dark wisdom is, we need it now, think about it! "

"Look at you simple tree demon, everything you say makes me want to laugh."

Bo Laike snorted.

When the carriage pulled by the dryad rushed into the black forest, he exhaled a smoke ring and said:

"Because I'm good at these things, I can't do it for nothing, otherwise there will be a lot of bastards trying to prostitute my wisdom for nothing. You want me to help you with advice, what reward are you going to give me?

If I remember correctly, my name is still on the reward list of the Rendehui, right?

You know how much psychological damage you've done to me by putting me on the bounty with guys like old Hemet? A mighty pirate like me should be listed with fraudsters and polluters. "

"That was just a mistake!"

The pure dryad Zaza immediately stammered and retorted:

"Actually, Archdruid Isolarius asked us to cancel your bounty, but it has been delayed by things. Right? Mugamuga, say something, Mugamuga."

When the murloc druid saw his companion behave so poorly, he immediately covered his murloc eyes with his hands in despair.

Amid the damned laughter of Bu Laike, who was clutching his belly and laughing wildly, Muga Muga, who had a mysterious origin, said in a tired tone:

"Your Excellency Bu Laike, you can tell me what you want. With Rendehui's current state of desolation, as long as it is something we can come up with, we will definitely give it to you."

"This is what you said, don't regret it later!"

Bu Laike was even happier when he heard this.

He stood up on Zazara's carriage and scanned the rainy and foggy black forest left and right. After running for a few minutes, the pirate suddenly raised his foot and stomped on the edge of the carriage.

He yelled:



The tree demon who was running wildly slammed on a "sudden brake", and its petite four hooves sank in the muddy ground around it.

The dryad wanted to complain about the sudden stop, but she wasn't her own stupid and cute sisters in the Ashenvale forest who wandered around all day, catching snakes and birds, and pretending to be dead when they messed with wild animals.

She has seen the world.

Zaza quickly sensed the strange smell coming from this forest. She waved her hands, and the vines twined under her feet converged for her into two wooden throwing spears contaminated with natural toxins.

This precise and deadly flying spear is one of the tricks that the petite dryads do well besides playing dead and hoofing.

Mugamuga also tensed up. He smelled blood and barbecue.

So he summoned a few tree men to guard the carriage.

"Take it easy, one of your own."

Bu Laike jumped out of the carriage and made a gesture, and Muga Muga hurriedly carried the wounded cow druid lying in the carriage, and put it behind Zaza.

They followed the stinky pirate into the forest vigilantly, and soon saw a terrifying scene in a forest glade.

The corpses of at least thirty dark werewolves lay here in disorder, each of them was burnt to charcoal, and some of them still had a desperate posture of rolling and howling in the flames.

The worst one had already crawled out of the fire circle, only one step away from escaping, but in the end it could only maintain the movement of raising its claws, and was burned into a charred black skeleton.

This scene made Zaza yell, tremblingly hid behind Bu Laike, poked his head out and looked at the strange woman standing among a group of bones with watery eyes in horror.

And the Druid apprentices of the Rende Society who looked very excited and fanatical beside her.

"It's very hot."

Bu Laike glanced at the scorched corpses around him, and said in a strange tone:

"How did they bother you? To use Savras' Fire on a pack of lowly werewolves? I guess they did something to offend you?

Did they feed you worms? "

"They ransacked and slaughtered the three surrounding villages just to catch these hidden druid apprentices."

Hisaly Crow, who wore a hood to cover most of her face, ignored the pirate's dirty jokes, and said indifferently:

"At least seventeen innocent people died under their claws, without any reason, just for the pleasure of killing. You once told me that flames can purify all sins.

I don't think so.

It's not that flames can't purify them, but that they don't deserve to be purified at all!

Lailal Flame has gone mad, it can't restrain these depraved wolves at all, and it doesn't want to restrain these depraved wolves at all. Their existence is the greatest blasphemy against Goldrinn!

Therefore, I must enforce justice by fire in this kingdom of darkness."

Crow raised her head, and the burning eyes under the hood indicated that she had made up her mind.

She said to Bo Laike:

"The Flame Druid faction will be established here today! And our first goal is to cleanse Gilneas of this shocking corruption!"

"Very well, my dear 'Harvest Master' crown."

Bo Laike pretended to lean over as a salute, and he said:

"I am honored to witness this scene, and I also bring you three most capable subordinates."

The pirate turned his head to look at Muga Muga, the dryad Zaza who were standing still, and the cow druid that Zaza was carrying on his back. He pouted and said:

"Why are you standing there? Go up to meet your new leader. Didn't you just say that you will give me what I want? Now is the time for you to pay.

Starting today, the notorious Rendehui will be gone! Starting today, you are a member of the Druids of the Flame. "

(end of this chapter)

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