Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1379 12. Therefore, Our New Doctrine Is: Let The Flame Purify All Poachers! 【13/20】

Chapter 1379 12. Therefore, our new doctrine is: Let the flame purify all poachers! 【1320】

Bu Laike asked the Rende Society to disband on the spot and join the druids of flames of Theasalie Crow.

This request is of course excessive.

The dryad Zhaza, who was so innocent, wished he could give this stinky pirate a righteous backstab with the poisonous spear in his hand! But after weighing the difference in strength between the two sides, the tree demon Zaza finally did not do so rationally.

Of course it's not because I'm cowardly, but because I still have a partner who needs treatment.

"She was hurt badly."

With the help of a group of benevolent Druid apprentices who were rescued by Hisalley, the cowman druid who was tortured by the werewolf was lifted from Zaza's back and placed in the This hidden glade.

Hisalley treated her personally.

But soon after checking the injury, Miss Black Crow frowned.

She looked at Zaza with a worried face beside her, and then at Muga Muga who was wearing a murloc suit. She raised her eyebrows, looked up and down at this strange fellow, and said:

"You, are you the legendary Mugamuga? I have been hearing legends about you since I joined the Cenarion Cult. It is said that you have been paying attention to the living conditions of the murlocs.

Have you been trying to train a true murloc druid? "

"What's wrong with murlocs? Can't murlocs produce excellent druids? I think you're racially discriminatory!"

Hisalie's question seemed to offend Mgamgah, who was strange in every way, snorted and put on a haughty stance.

But it's a pity that he didn't have the slightest majesty in that murloc suit.

"Murlocs are also very intelligent creatures, and there are very, very many of them!"

Muga Muga emphasized in a very academic tone:

"Think about it carefully, my compatriots, if we can spread the way of nature among the murlocs, then the number of druid professionals can at least double in ten years!

This is the best way to spread the word of nature.

But it's a pity that you and other compatriots' unreasonable discrimination against murlocs has blinded your eyes, preventing you from seeing the advantages of my plan.

Based on my research on murloc customs for nearly a thousand years, now I only need to find a qualified and smart enough murloc apprentice, and then I can really start my big plan! "

"cough cough"

Hearing Mugamuga's "big ambition", Bu Laike suddenly coughed a few times, stretched out his hand to wake up the little murloc Benbo Erba who was sleeping soundly in his arms, and threw it on the ground.

The little idiot who was suddenly disturbed yawned, stretched his waist and was just about to say hello to his idiot master, but felt a strange scorching gaze instantly.

It turned around vigilantly, grabbed the salted fish hammer on its waist, and saw at a glance a stupid elf in a strange murloc suit trying to get close to it.


Benbo Erba waved his "Cun Hao Hammer" and threatened Muga Muga not to approach it.

It's a clean little murloc, but this damned elf in murloc suit doesn't look serious at first glance.

But what I didn't expect was that Muga Muga not only understood the language of the little murloc, but also croaked in an extremely proficient murloc language to show that he had no malicious intentions.

He just wanted to teach the gifted little murlocs the way of nature.

This request made the little murloc doubtful, it glanced back at Laike, and the pirate blinked wildly at it.

What a good opportunity for whoring!

Although this Mugamuga has been hiding his strength and pretending to be low-key, Bu Laike is basically sure that this guy has great powers, and maybe he is a "murloc lover" Archdruid with a bad brain.

Anyway, in the druid industry, there will always be some "extraordinarily talented" guys because of too frequent contact with animal nature. The symptom of Mugamuga is considered to be a very mild type among deviant druids.

While the little murlocs and Mgamgah were having a 'friendly exchange', Hisaly Crow also focused on the business.

She reached out to uncover the cowman druid's clothes in front of her, and when she saw the bite marks on her body, she suddenly became angry. The black crow looked at Zaza, who looked silently, and asked:

"It is impossible to have such an injury in a normal battle. What did those werewolves do to her?"

"Those bastards."

The pure dryad clenched her fists, gritted her teeth and said to the black crow:

"They said they had never tasted tauren. They bit Sennis, who had put down her weapon at that time, just to tell if there was any difference between the taste of tauren meat and steak.

Senice is in pain.

But she was very strong and did not beg for mercy from those tormentors, which made the werewolves bite her even more crazily. I wanted to help but was broken by them.

Mgamgah used charm magic to silence them.

But at that time, more werewolves rushed over, and Mugamuga had no choice but to treat the two of us in the cage with his arms tied, which saved Senice's life. "

"What a bunch of beasts!"

The injury of the tauren druid in front of him made Hisalley's impression of the werewolf even worse.

But Laike actually wanted to ask Zaza after listening to those werewolf's beastly deeds, what do those werewolves think about the taste of tauren and steak?

But considering the need to take care of Hisaly's feelings and appearing not to be so cold-blooded, this question was not asked in the end.

But looking at the horrible scars left on the tauren Senice, it is estimated that in the eyes of werewolves, tauren is more delicious than steak

Tsk tsk, what a horrible gourmet, Hannibal would give a thumbs up and call him an expert when he saw it.

"This kind of injury to tendons and internal organs can no longer be cured with ordinary treatment."

Pirates quickly commented from their "professional perspective":

"If you just want to save your life, you can send her back to rest slowly, but she can no longer continue to fight as a druid. If you want her to recover, you have to take some 'abnormal' treatment methods .”

Miss Black Crow heard the pirate's implication, she glanced at Bu Laike, then at the wound of the cowman in front of her, and said with some confusion:

"But we don't have the Fire of Sulfras anymore."

"Your brain circuit."

The pirate blocked his throat and felt uncomfortable. He tapped the black crow's head with his fingers and said:

"The fire of Sufras is such a precious thing, are you planning to use the primordial fire to reshape the body of every flame druid? You are too extravagant!

If you are not pursuing the extreme purity of flames at the symbolic level like you are, then the flame reincarnation ceremony can use ordinary elemental fire.

Ordinary druids don't have divine power to protect their bodies, and their flesh and blood bodies can't withstand the raging fire of Savras.

Get started, don't delay.

This cowman is also miserable enough. One-fifth of her flesh was bitten off by a group of werewolves. It would be a lot of torture for her to survive such an injury, but that's okay. "

Bu Laike took out a pack of flame reincarnation materials from his luggage, threw it to Thisalie Crow, and said:

"All the sufferings she has suffered are enough to make her die for you after she wakes up, and it is also enough to make her full of hatred and revenge for the werewolves under the command of Flame.

This bursting revenge perfectly conforms to the justice of "flame burns everything", and she will become the best blaze punisher.

But, can you do it alone? "

the pirate asked.

While arranging the ceremony on the spot, Miss Black Crow asked:

"What? Do you have anything else to do?"

"If you and your followers can take care of the werewolf scourge in Gilneas alone, then I have nothing else to do."

Bo Laike leaned against a strangely shaped tree, holding the flagon and said:

"If you guys think you can't handle it, then I'll have to worry about finding reinforcements or something. I just received the news that Faol has returned to Stratholme.

I just made someone angry, so I have to apologize in person to restore the relationship.

I'm still thinking about my honor allowance from the Church of the Holy Light. Don't tell me, it's still a lot of money, so it hurts to give it up like this. "

"Speaking of Pope Faol."

Miss Hisalley, who was preparing for the ceremony, suddenly had a big brain hole. She raised her head and looked at Bu Laike while her long hair was flying in flames, and said in a low voice:

"Can you ask your 'His Majesty' to come to Gilneas with the magic sword? With him, I think we can all rest."

"Ah, why did the people of Gilneas offend you? Arch Druid, is it really worth it?"

Bu Laike was so frightened that the flagon in his hand almost fell off. He widened his eyes and said:

"Blaze and Genn just want to give the precious things like the werewolf curse to neighboring countries to taste. At most, they chose the wrong route, but you are directly wanting Gilneas to destroy the country!

As far as the current development of the werewolf disaster is concerned, it is far from being able to use Frostmourne to deal with it.

take it easy.

A little concentration, okay? "

Black Crow also noticed that his speech was somewhat whimsical.

If something like Frostmourne really appeared in Gilneas, it might indeed be able to clear up all social problems in this country, including werewolves, within a week.

But it would also make Gilneas a wasteland of the undead.

It's really not worth the candle.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

The simple Frost Dryad Zhaza waited for the big eyes to look left and right, first at Black Crow, then at Braike, she could understand every word of the conversation between these two guys, but she just couldn't understand what they said. mean.

This kind of face-to-face encrypted communication is simply too annoying! It feels like a primitive man who has mixed into the scene of the boss's conversation.

I can only scratch my ears and cheeks next to me.

"It's nothing, it's some bad stuff that children can't listen to, dear."

In a tone of caring for children, Bu Laike reached out and patted Zaza's little head, and said to her:

"Your black crow sister is going to cast a spell for you, watch and listen carefully, and then decide whether to join her flame druid faction. By the way, didn't you say that there is a den guard Kelinger in the black forest on the way Are you wandering around?

Call him too.

After all, it is a matter of the survival of the Rende Society, and he is also qualified to express his opinions. "


Zaza knew Bo Laike wasn't a good thing, but the now dependable M'Gammuga was getting all the attention from the little murlocs and no one was helping her make up her mind.

He could only follow Bu Laike's suggestion, find out a strange tree species, and run to the edge of the woodland to plant it, which is equivalent to sending a message to Kailinger, asking him to bring his apprentices here to meet up.

When Zaza turned his head, Hisaly Crow had already performed the ritual of flame reincarnation.

Under the gaze of the Dryad, the mysterious Archdruid of Flames pulled out a burning scythe made of flames and branches from the scorching air beside him with his hand, and called out to dance under the gesture of the host of the ceremony with his hands open. elemental fire.

Zaza was surprised to see that the seriously injured body of the tauren druid Seneth, who was placed in the center of the ceremony, was instantly ignited like dry wood meeting a raging fire.

She could even hear Senice screaming in pain as she was burned.

This made the dryad take a few steps back in fear, stretched out his hand to cover his eyes, and also made all the apprentices of the Rende Society who were rescued by Hisalley panic.

They really thought that Thisalie Crow, the mysterious flame druid, was going to perform a "roasted tauren" for them.

But soon they found out they were wrong.

Because after the first few screams, the breath of life of the seriously injured tauren wrapped in the flames not only did not dissipate, but instead recovered as quickly as if it had been infused with strength by the flames and became stronger.

Even the neurotic druid Imgamga, who was discussing "the way of nature in the eyes of the murlocs" with the little murlocs, was attracted by this scene.

As an old druid who participated in the battle of Satyr nine thousand years ago, although Mgamgah may be a little weaker, he definitely has vision.

From the flame rebirth ceremony in front of him personally hosted by the black crow, he felt full of life energy bursting out with the enthusiasm of flames.

Its healing effect is so good that it even far exceeds the effect of the most powerful healing spell "Rain of Tranquility" mastered by druids.

The most peculiar thing is that this ceremony also has the transformation of life form.

In Mgamgah's perception, the seriously injured Senis is being changed from a flesh and blood posture to a half-flame elemental form, and this process does not have the pain that is enough to destroy the soul during the transformation of the legendary elements.

It should be Hisalie Black Crow Archdruid who has mastered the essence of the fire element, so that he can use the power of the flame to protect Senice's soul from being impacted by the unruly elements.

This peculiar process lasted several minutes.

When Hisallie Crow was out of breath, the ceremony was finally over.

Amid the joyful cheers of the dryad Zaza, the tauren druid Senice who was on the verge of death just now had been "resurrected with full blood".

The cowman half-kneeled in the burning flames with her burly and tall body. The ground under her feet was already filled with sparks like magma, but she couldn't feel the slightest burning.

She looked up.

The horn that was broken by the werewolf's abuse was also wrapped and filled with flames to form a complete horn, which made Senice look like she was wearing a crown of flames.

She opened her hands to Thisalie Crow in a fanatical gesture, and said in a low voice:

"Thank you for your blessings, Lord of Fire and Nature! I have seen the true meaning of the fusion of flames and nature in the enthusiasm you have shown, and the truth of natural punishment and burning fascinates me.

Please allow me to be your follower and walk this burning road with you.


Before I can fully serve the new truth, I need to release the darkness and hatred in my heart"

The burning cowman stood up, she clenched her fists, and a mass of dancing flames wrapped around this fanatical believer who was almost resurrected from the dead, she shouted:

"I will give back ten times the pain those dark, corrupt werewolves inflicted on me and nature! I will curse them to die of humiliation in the flames!

I will launch this cremation of punishment!

Their annihilation into ashes is just the beginning. Mother Nature and Father Lie Flame gave me this power to protect the order of nature and fire. I will burn all poachers to death with fire!

Yes, this is my new path. "

The burning cow looked back at Zaza, and showed a friendly smile to her friend with a temperature of over a thousand degrees. She stretched out her hand, wagging her tail and said:

"Come on, Zaza, embrace the fire with me, let us burn those poachers to death, and let the fire purify all darkness."

Faced with this "enthusiastic" invitation, Zaza waved his hands calmly, and said in a great tone:

"no thank you."

"I am the Frost Dryad, I will melt if I get close to the flames."

(end of this chapter)

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