Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1383 16. You Don't Even Want To Call Me Godfather Of Gilneas 【17/20】

Chapter 1383 16. You don't even want to call me Godfather of Gilneas 【1720】

"Speaking of who understands me best in this world, it has to be you. We are indeed friends who have forgotten each other."

In the prayer room under Faol's crown, Bu Laike rubbed his hands together, blinked and said:

"What I want to talk to you about today is Gilneas. I believe you, who have been sitting in the northern border, should have heard about the situation there. A few days ago, Queen Mia Greymane escaped from the Gilneas royal city alone.

Her husband hurt her, and her children were just rescued from danger by me.

We are planning to carry out a righteous rectification of that darkened country, and all of this requires the support of the Church.

At least, the paladins can block Gilneas' roads to other kingdoms while we fight our way through Gilneas City.

You know, once the werewolf curse spreads, all wars and conflicts, all preparations and protections will become meaningless. "

"It is for this that I returned from the Kingdom of Stormwind."

Pope Fao nodded, his face was very worried.

The old man drew a religious symbol on his chest, looked at Bo Laike, and said:

"The Archbishop of Gilneas Diocese has been missing for half a month, and none of his priests has sent back any news. Only an old monk who was preaching abroad was sheltered by Lord Godfrey who was hiding on the border by accident. Trying to dodge a disaster.

The frightening news that monk brought back is that a dark evil god is about to descend in Gilneas? It is said that Jin has fallen into darkness and cannot extricate himself?

It is said that he and his generals have already started preparing to transform all the humans in Gilneas into werewolves? "

"No, your information is seriously out of date, Your Majesty.

This is why the Church needs us Templar Assassins, without us, your intelligence organization will be so inefficient that people will shake their heads. "

Bu Laike shook his head and said:

"Gyn and that bastard named Ralaar Flame are not going to do that, they have already started to do it! They have planned to start their so-called 'war of conquest'.

Right now, in the completely cut off kingdom of Gilneas, innocent people are being forcibly cursed with werewolf every minute as we speak.

Over the past three months, the werewolf population has skyrocketed across Gilneas.

From the city to the countryside, from the seaport to the forest, countless packs of wolves are roaring and galloping, and even the night of that country is full of despair and madness.

According to my calculations, after half a month at the latest, two-thirds of the humans in Gilneas will actively or passively become members of the wolf pack.

And Gilneas isn't the only target of these wild wolves.

Lordaeron, Dalaran, Stormgard and even Alterac, the entire northern border from the Arathi Highlands to the Tirisfal Glades are all dark territories they covet.

They want to establish a kingdom of darkness for their evil gods in the northern border of the eastern continent. I think this is a serious provocation to the Holy Light, so I came here, hoping that the church can take some action. "

Having said this, the pirate raised his head and said to Faol:

"I don't need paladins to invade Gilneas in a big way. Your army is too scattered, and you can't take the initiative to attack in a short period of time. It is even difficult to defend Silverpine Forest.

I just need to use your influence to get the kingdoms of Lordaeron and Stormgarde, which border Gilneas, to take notice of this matter.

What I want is to see the darkness of Gilneas bound to that land, until a new order emerges after a time of chaos.

Oh, by the way, by the way, tell King Terenas, His Majesty Solas, and His Majesty the Sun King. "

Bu Laike let out a weird laugh, pointed to the north, and said:

"Watch out for the worgen marines on board their fleets sailing the frozen seas, as well as the Gilnean fleet.

I'm not the only one Jin wants to defeat in Beihai this time.

To be honest, in the upcoming naval battle, I don't think I can even send the top three of the old wolf king's strategic goals.

If the other kings don't act quickly, I don't know if my undead pirates will survive after this battle, but the alliance fleet and the three navies will definitely belong to Gilneas.

If all goes well, and if Lailal Flame's control over the werewolves is strong enough, then after Jin conquered the land in the northern border, he will also have a very luxuriously equipped 'sea wolf pack'.

Tsk tsk, this is the ruthless thinking and werewolf wisdom that an old wolf should have. This old guy, Jean, can always do all kinds of ruthless work for us inadvertently.

To be honest, I'm starting to like him a little bit.

Now I apologize for my behavior of humiliating him before, and then I don’t know if it’s too late to form an alliance with him. "

"Don't say such crazy words! The Holy Light is watching you."

Faol yelled at Bu Laike, but the news that Bu Laike brought back really made people feel very bad. Even the prophet who came to Azeroth for the first time felt the badness of the problem from the description of the stinky pirate.

But he was not very familiar with northern Xinjiang, so he could only look for the directions of the forces that appeared on the map he carried while listening to Bu Laike's description.

While thinking under Faol's crown, the Prophet finally figured out that Gilneas and other kingdoms border on land, which made him extremely worried.

He stroked his well-groomed white beard and said to Bo Laike:

"The mode of the werewolf curse reminds me of the undead. There is no other meaning, it is just a pure feeling. Such a crisis cannot be ignored.

Especially knowing that the werewolf curse can infect humans, maybe you should take the same action as last time and hire non-infected aliens for border defense? "

"That's a good suggestion!"

Bu Laike waved the Prophet with a thumbs up and said:

"But this is out of my control. It depends on whether Your Majesty can persuade old Terenas and Thoras Trollbane to hire those alien warriors, and they don't even need to be hired."

The smelly pirate played with the flagon in his hand and said:

"There are enough 'alien races' in Lordaeron and Stormgard that can be used to fill the army line"

"Huh? You mean those orc captives?"

The Pope, who was thinking about it, suddenly realized the meaning of Bu Laike, and he frowned, obviously very dissatisfied with Bu Laike's behavior of not taking human life as life.

But if you think about it carefully, the outrageous suggestion of pirates is actually not impossible.

Anyway, the green-skinned orcs in the shelters in various countries are wasting money and food all day long. After confirming that the orcs will not rearm, driving them to the border to resist the possible invasion of werewolves is not a matter of outrage.

Moreover, although the old man Shengguang didn't like it, but he guessed with his extremely high political quality, he was basically sure that as long as he wanted Terenas and Solas to make this suggestion, the two old kings would definitely agree.

They don't have any good feelings for orcs, just like they don't have good feelings for werewolves. No matter who dies between the two, the kings won't be so distressed that they shed a tear.

However, it was precisely because of Faol's superb political sense that he suddenly realized a very important thing that the stinky pirates didn't say clearly.

The Holy Light old man squinted his eyes, glanced at Bu Laike, and said:

"What about the future of Gilneas?"

"Huh? What does that mean?"

Bu Laike pretended to be stupid and asked.

His Majesty Faol shook his head, and he said bluntly:

"You said that you accepted Queen Mia's request to carry out a campaign to set things right in Gilneas. I have always been confident in your destructive power. An operation with such a big fanfare like yours has a great chance of winning.

So, after the victory? Laike, what are you going to do with Gilneas? Is it like you arranged Alterac? "

"Hey hey hey!"

The pirate was really surprised now.

He blinked his eyes and looked at His Majesty Faol, and said in surprise:

"How do you know that I have my own arrangements in Alterac? Although Auriden is a bit of a waste and has been retreating steadily in the political struggle with the Barov family, I have great confidence in his ability to keep secrets.

Logically speaking, the fact that he was manipulated by me should not be leaked so easily. Let me guess, the Barov family planned to do something in Alterac, and then they asked the Church of the Holy Light?

Did they tell you all my plans? "

"that's about right."

His Majesty Fao obviously doesn't intend to discuss too much on this issue, he really has no interest in dirty politics at all. But he didn't, and Bo Laike was very interested.

The pirate pursed his lips and said:

"Based on the behavior of the Barov family, they want to overthrow Wang Quan of Alterac and truly become the master of that small country, and the reward they can offer is not enough to impress the Church.

After all, the people of Alterac are tough, and it is a place of bitter cold. Neither wealth nor power can convince the high-level church, unless the Barov family presents what you value most.

Did they promise you that they would help the Church of the Holy Light spread the faith in Alterac? I guess, they must have 'mortgaged' the religious power of that country to the church in order to persuade you to acquiesce. "

"Why do you care so much about Alterac?"

His Majesty Faol was annoyed by Bu Laike's questioning, he waved his hands and said:

"I have already rejected the Barov family's request. I have no intention of letting faith interfere in the vortex of politics!"

"No! Your Majesty, you should agree."

Bu Laike shook his head and said:

"But it's not a compromise with the great nobleman Barov. I heard that people in that family have some psychological problems, perhaps because of the bad habits of internal marriage for many years that have caused diseases in their blood.

You may take the initiative to discuss this matter with His Majesty Auriden Perenolde.

I will send him a letter, asking him to use official means to cooperate with the spread of the Holy Light belief in that bitterly cold place, and I will even give some support to help you build churches deep in the mountains.

The Uncrowned under my command will also be responsible for keeping church members safe in Alterac! I will work hard to turn the conservative kingdom of Alterac into the "God Kingdom on Earth" where the Holy Light is in the northern border!

as an exchange price.

I want the Church of the Holy Light to withdraw from Gilneas completely!

One country for one country, this deal is reasonable, right? Your Majesty. "


The pope's fist hit the table in front of him, and Bu Laike's shamelessness completely angered this sincere believer. Golden flames burned all over the old man's body, and he angrily shouted:

"There are nearly seven million people in the southern part of Gilneas alone! Counting the border dwellers in the Silverpine Forest Territory and the mountain dwellers in the Kingdom Mountains, Holy Light has nearly ten million people in that country.

And Alterac has less than 1.2 million citizens!

Boo Laike Shaw!

You are challenging the bottom line of my tolerance! "

"But I don't think Holy Light has taught you to evaluate the amount of faith by the number of people?"

The pirate shrugged, and before the angry Crown Prince, he calmly said:

"Moreover, half of your so-called Gilneas people have become werewolves. I'm not racially discriminatory, but I don't think werewolves full of animal nature will obey the teachings of the Holy Light.

On this point, we can consult professionals in this field. "

While speaking, Bu Laike turned his head to look at the lively Prophet Velen next to him, and asked seriously:

"You have also seen werewolves, Your Excellency the Prophet. Based on your knowledge of serving the Holy Light for 30,000 years, do you think such creatures can be influenced by the Holy Light?"

"Uh, if it's's okay."

Velen thought for a while and said:

"No matter what kind of creature has flesh and soul, it will establish an absolute connection with the Holy Light after the Light Forging Ceremony, but if the Light Forging Ceremony is not taken into account, werewolves, wild spirits transformed from wild and bestiality, really do not belong to the Holy Light." realm of light."

"Look, Your Majesty!"

Bu Laike looked at the silent Faol again, and he said:

"I have no bargaining chip to buy His Excellency the Prophet. You have heard his words. Even without my intervention, the Church of the Holy Light will lose its believers in Gilneas sooner or later.


I'm not asking those Gilneans who are still human to give up their belief in the Light.

But don't interfere with the beliefs of the werewolves. To be honest, with the irascible character of the werewolves, once there is a conflict of beliefs, it will easily lead to quite terrible results.

I will help Queen Mia establish a druid sect exclusively for werewolves, and help her better manage werewolves, but if the Holy Light really declines in that dark land, I hope you can accept this result rationally .

I know it's a lot to say these things about a sincere believer.

But Your Majesty, you should understand that Holy Light is not the only truth in this world! For those children who are destined to leave the embrace of the Holy Light and go to the wild nature, you should bless them, not force them to keep them in your hands.

After all, after you calm down, you will find that there is no essential difference between what I am doing and what you are doing.

We all want the civilization that gave birth to us to get better, not worse. "

While speaking, the pirate put Bu Laike in his hand and pushed the box containing the naaru fragments to Faol. He looked at the Pope who was gradually calming down and said in a low voice:

"So, Your Majesty, shall we make a deal?"

(end of this chapter)

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