Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1384 17. I Want To Collect Every Coin In The Leader's Wallet! 【18/20】

Chapter 1384 17. I want to collect every coin in the leader's wallet! 【1820】

In the pope's chapel, His Majesty Alonsus Fao wanted to call Boo Laike an ambitious bastard and drive the rebellious fellow out of his territory with his own hands.

But he didn't do that in the end. He looked at the box in front of him where the pieces of the naaru were stored, and then at Velen, who nodded slightly at him, so His Majesty reached for it but saw that the pirate's fingers were still pressing on the box.

Bu Laike raised his head and looked at Faol, and he seriously instructed:

"This thing has to be fetched by you, Your Majesty.

I'll take care of everything, and you remember to send someone who can handle it properly. Also, I know the church has sent paladins to Northrend.

But I want to advise you not to contact Lothar recently, let alone try to 'awaken' him with your holy light. What the Lich King needs is not salvation or purification.

After he satisfies his desire to win, he will calm down and talk can continue. "

"I don't think this is like an exhortation, but more like a warning."

Old Faol stared at Bo Laike, he said angrily:

"But you have to understand that as the leader of the church, I can't completely decide the decisions made between the various factions."

"Ah, I understand when you say that."

The pirate raised his finger and said:

"I almost forgot that there are also various small factions in the Church of the Holy Light, various religious orders and so on, if they send people, you really can't blame them.

Let me just say, how can such a wise leader of yours make such a reckless move. "

"Your words are more ironic."

Faol shook his head, as if unwilling to discuss the matter further.

On the contrary, the prophet Velen next to him looked at the pirates up and down. When Laike was about to leave, the prophet suddenly said:

"You have promoted the search for Frostmourne, I think, you must know the helmet that goes with the magic sword, and the dreadlord we captured gave us very important information.

They are tempting us to go to Argus to find the Helm of Domination. Faol and I tried to persuade others not to listen to the devil's slander, but the attention of Marshal Lothar made them feel a bit at a loss.

Especially His Majesty Varian, the relationship between him and Lothar is too complicated, and he seems to have made some kind of determination.

Are you not going to intervene? "

"Why should I intervene?"

Bu Laike turned around and said in a surprised tone:

"Children have to do something for their father. I don't even have time to go to the side to drink tea and watch a play for this kind of fatherly kindness and filial piety. Why do I ruin these fun with my own hands?

Are you worried about the fate of Varian Wrynn? Prophet, when you came into contact with the child king, didn't you notice how violently the thread of his fate fluctuated?

Even I dare not intervene too much in his fate, as the bursting soul will bring me a 'surprise' if I am not careful. "

"I saw."

Velen stroked his beard and said:

"The life of the young king is deeply related to the future of human civilization. Song of Soul showed me several fragments of Varian's future, and in each future, he occupies an important position.

If the term 'child of the world' really existed, then Varian Wrynn undoubtedly belonged to this kind of person.

He is unchainable.

He'll always find the stairway to greatness, but what really worries me is that when I left Stormwind, I sensed signs that Varian's fate had returned to its original course. "

The Old Prophet paused, looked at Bu Laike, and said:

"You've changed it, but it's being reset. It's pushing Varian Wrynn back to his original role, and he's stronger and full of unknown possibilities than he was before."

"Is there such a good thing?"

After hearing Velen's warning, the pirate asked in a surprised tone. He grinned, shook his head and said:

"The young lion started to roar, perhaps because he was once again enslaved by fate, but whether he can become the lion king depends not only on his own efforts, but also on the course of history.

All I can say is that I'm looking forward to the changes you're seeing.

Perhaps the "Supreme King" of the alliance may reappear in the future?

That would be so interesting. "

After finishing speaking, the pirate looked at His Majesty Faol and confirmed again:

"Then let's make an agreement? Your Majesty."


The old man Shengguang nodded, he stood up and said:

"I will go to Lordaeron City and Stromgarde immediately, and personally remind King Terenas and His Majesty Solas of the crisis, but are you sure you don't need the church's help?"

"I'm going to deal with wolves this time, and paladins have never been good at hunting."

Bu Laike declined, saying:

"I don't want you to rush into the hunting grounds I have set up and rudely mess up the wolf traps I set down. Don't worry, Your Majesty, I know what you are worried about.

But Gene won't die!

It is clearly in my interest that he be alive than that he be dead.

The rule of Gilneas will not collapse.

That suffering nation needs a wise king, and I guarantee that Gilneas will remain a member of the Alliance, and they will still play a key role in future wars.

Please trust me.

So now, let me take my leave, both of you. "

The smelly pirate waved to the two old men behind him, stepped back and disappeared into the shadows. Watching Bu Laike disappear and leave, the old prophet Velen glanced at Faol's crown beside him, and he whispered:

"In addition to his long list of exaggerated titles, His Excellency Laike is said to be a staff member of the Church of the Holy Light? Having such a nonsense subordinate must make you exhausted, right?"

"Yeah, if Holy Light hadn't always taught me to be friendly and humble, I would have wished to smash his head with my own warhammer. I'm not kidding, it's really hard to suppress such an impulse."

Faol sighed and said:

"Blaike Shaw is the absolute worst underling and employee you can think of, but what do you say? He's always going to mess up all kinds of things, and he's going to fix them up in his own damn way.

Since he became the great knight of the 'Shadow of Light', the church has been able to prepare in advance and calmly enter the arena in the face of various crises, although he has caused us unexpected troubles.

But he didn't let us suffer.

I think that's probably why I can tolerate his constant mischief.

And no matter what other people think of him, in my eyes, he is always the helpless young man who crawled out of hell with the curse of death in Lordaeron's night, and came to me for help.

he told me.

He walks in darkness, but serves the light."

"If you are so emotional, can you convince a leader like you?"

Velen asked curiously.

"I didn't believe it before, Your Excellency Velen."

Fao smiled. This living saint in the world of human belief glanced at the light casting pattern on the back of his hand. After a few seconds of silence, he said:

"But I don't know why, the more Laike showed his deviant fall into darkness, the more I believed what he said to me in the first place.

Perhaps, he is just serving the light in his own way.

Without further ado, we still have some time before I leave, so let's continue our discussion. "

The old man Shengguang glanced at the list of the Knights of the Silver Hand visited between the two, and he said to Velen:

"Then half a month later, we will send seventy paladins who are the best in every aspect to Shattrath City. Regarding their light casting ceremony, I will leave it to you."


"Good guy, they didn't intend to hide it from me at all!"

Bu Laike, who left the Light's Hope Chapel, did not rush back to Gilneas immediately. He stroked the trembling seal of the Lord of Pain on his fingers, and looked for mirrors in the small town near the chapel.

As he shuttled through the shadows, he whispered:

"Such a big list is there. I really don't treat me as an outsider. However, seventy lightforged people? Maybe this is an important matter for Velen to come to Azeroth?

If the Church of the Holy Light can get 70 lightcasters this time, it can only prove that the draenei are preparing for a larger lightcasting ceremony.

They are really doing their best to prepare for the invasion of the Burning Legion again. In contrast, the performance of other civilizations on Azeroth is really disappointing except for the elves who also serve snacks!

How ignorant are fearless!

Let Lothar talk to you one by one with Frostmourne! asshole. "

Xal'atath has gone to Zandalar, no one can chat with the stinky pirate in the little theater of Braike's mind, the little firebird sky on his shoulder is eager to try, but there is really nothing to talk about with a beast.

Do you want to discuss with the sky which kind of bug tastes better? This seems to be the "professional field" of the black crow, and the smelly pirates are not good at this either.

This somewhat made Bo Laike feel a little lonely.

This loneliness lasted until Bo Laike found a slightly cracked bust mirror on the third floor of the hotel in town.

Because it is close to the Holy Light's Hope Chapel, Laike didn't make a particularly exaggerated dark effect this time, but just closed the curtains, and stroked the ring to communicate with the emperor.

But this time it was not Denathrius who appeared in the mirror, but a dreadlord.

Or the guy Boo Laike met once.

"Yo, isn't this Lord Mal'Ganis?"

When the pirate saw that he was not the emperor, he immediately returned from being humble and respectful to his usual beating look. With a pipe in his mouth, he blinked and said:

"Contact me in such a hurry, is there any news about Chilan Xianye?"

"Well, in the queen's greenhouse that has been abandoned for a long time, there is indeed a spirit seed infused with the power to distort nature that is being revived."

Mal'Ganis said in a businesslike tone:

"Judging from the clues found by our spies lurking in that country, your guess is basically correct. The evil god of darkness that is being revived on the land of Gilneas is indeed from the Shadow Realm, and most likely it is indeed from the Winter Queen.

What the Great Emperor meant was that you can handle this matter yourself.

He has already obtained the information he needs, and he doesn't care about the outcome of the war in a mortal kingdom. "

"I thought the emperor would prepare a reward for me."

Bu Laike complained:

"I presented him with such important news. This is a secret between the eternals. If I sell this kind of news to the greedy brokers of the Sai Financial Group, they will have to give me a piece of paper. Is the brokerage market a reward?"


The pirate's murmur made the dreadlord across the mirror raise an eyebrow.

Mal'Ganis knew that it was Bo Laike who was trying to lure him into the bait on purpose, but the dreadlord's natural desire for secrets made him a little bit impatient to find out this terrible secret.

"You also want to know the secret that even the supreme emperor desires? My dear Mal'Ganis."

Bo Laike seduced in a low voice:

"Go and bring me the Helmet of Dominion, and I will tell you, I promise, you will be the third creature in the entire material stars and kingdom of death to know this secret.

It will bring you endless benefits."

"Don't try to tempt me, you stinky pirate!"

Mal'Ganis woke up with a jolt, and it scolded:

"King Tessa's sad ending is enough to wake me up and stay away from you, a poisonous conspirator, so I won't betray my supreme emperor!"

"I didn't let you betray our best emperor, I just wanted to share a secret with you."

The pirate spread out his hands aggrievedly and said:

"You know the secret from me, and it doesn't prevent you from continuing to devote your strength to the great cause of the emperor? Also, when will the stone descendant army that the emperor promised me arrive?

I need them just now. "

"Hurry up! Why are you rushing?"

Mal'Ganis scolded:

"The Stoneborn Legion has its own responsibilities, and it is troublesome to mobilize, okay? Just wait patiently, and it will definitely be delivered to you within a month!

That's all.

My magic mirror is out of energy, let's talk next time. "

With a "click", the moment the dreadlord hung up the phone, the mirror in front of Bu Laike fell to the ground with the sound of shattering. The pirate shrugged his shoulders, not knowing where the dreadlord got so much resentment.

He dropped a few silver coins on the table to the shopkeeper as compensation for the broken mirror, then jumped into the shadows and disappeared.

Now that the identity of Lycanthos the Howler, the dark spirit that is about to descend upon Gilneas, is confirmed, pirates don't need to be alone to do their jobs.

Ms. Elune's lunatic sister is causing trouble for her. If I, a wage earner, can retaliate against this kind of provocation, Luna should be very happy.

Big bosses like horse boys who can burst out of subjective initiative and take the initiative to solve troubles without their own orders.

Oh, right.

This also involved Goldrinn.

Goldrinn is the wild demigod that Ms. Elune has been longing for but can't get. If this wave can send Goldrinn to Ms. Elune for nothing, then it will be a great achievement for me.

Although it sounds shameless to take the initiative to find a mistress for the leader, it is really useful.

If you make a hundred contributions to the leader, it is not as good as helping the leader take the blame once. This is the only way to upgrade in the workplace.

Maybe the moon god Elune, whose family problems and emotional problems have been resolved, will pass on the inheritance of the moon night war god to himself when he is happy.

Hey, plan to pass!

A bewildered smile appeared on Bu Laike's face. He flew out of the Stratholme area on the sky, and shouted to Frostclaw who was still wandering around with a pack of wolves in the high mountain in the soul link:

"Idiot, don't be angry with the she-wolf, tell Thisalie Crow for me, let her wait for me in Silverpine Forest, I'm going to visit the rebel organization in Gilneas, and then I'm going to start working."

"Oh, why did you let me pass the message?"

Big Wolf Frostclaw said very displeasedly:

"I still have a date with two little she-wolves tonight, let Big Horn go! It lies on your treasure Curry and sleeps late all day."

"If you are told to go, you can go, where is there so much nonsense!"

Bu Laike scolded:

"As for Dajiao's eloquent gourd, can it pass my words well? You know it doesn't have that ability? You have to do this, and you are obedient!

When we get rid of the dark wolf god in Gilneas, I will give you benefits, which will make you more powerful. "

"That's what you said."

Frostclaw yelled:

"My thirty-seven little brothers have heard it, you can't renege on your debt, master bastard, or I will take them to the port of Tol Barad every day to curse the streets, and yell at everyone passing by about your black history listen.

Not to mention, those ignorant antler hunters want to tame my uncle again, hehe, let's have fun with them today, boss, you go ahead.

Oh, I went to play. "

"This damn big stupid wolf sounds like he's having a much more interesting day than I do. There's actually someone 'playing with' on the High Ridge."

Bu Laike cursed unhappily, but soon, a smile appeared on the pirate's face.

He rubbed his chin thinking about one bad idea after another, he didn't have to envy others, after all, he also had his own fun.

it's no fun just go find it yourself

What a simple matter.

(end of this chapter)

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