Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1404 37. Hey, Bu Laike, The Queen Of Winter Asked Me To Bring You A Message~

Chapter 1404 37. Hey, Bu Laike, the Queen of Winter asked me to bring you a message~

Xal'atath's reminder made Laike look forward to the upcoming trip to Zandalar. According to the dark essence, the situation there is already very bad.

But Laike knew this beforehand.

Even a fringe Loa like Old Ghani has started to find a way out for himself, as can be seen from the recent undercurrents of Zandalar Island, not to mention the old Bwonsamdi who had predicted the danger in advance and put oil on his feet.

That bastard even left his "underworld villa" before any signs of danger appeared, and went to the Kalimdor continent in a gesture of running away with bare buttocks.

As expected of the cunning troll Reaper, his perception of danger is really top-notch.

On the ghost ship submerged away from Tol Barad, Braike leaned back in the captain's chair, listening to the pirate songs sung by the ghost sailors from the deck and the murlocs under the command of the little star. The accompaniment of croaking, while holding Maiev in his arms.

There was no lust flowing between the two of them, nor did they intend to do anything shameful.

Just embracing each other in an ambiguous gesture, enjoying the unique tranquility brought by diving under the sea.

After getting along with Maiev for a long time, the pirates found that Maiev obviously preferred this kind of silent company to more shy things.

Even if you don't do anything, just silently hug and accompany, it will make her happy for a long time.

That's what elves do.

They are essentially a group of "Platonists" who care more about spiritual love than physical relationships, even the Quel'dorei elves who have inherited the rotten nobles of the elf empire are actually the same.

Even if those white-skinned elves do not resist having sex with pleasing men and women, the Quel'dorei elves are still very conservative about love.

They can have countless lovers, but they have only one lover in their life.

"Something is going to happen to the Zandalari."

In the quiet of the captain's quarters, Bo Laike stroked Maiev's long ears, and he whispered:

"The really terrible event, an ancient god who has been sealed for countless years has awakened, it is waiting to break free from the seal, and this event itself is planned by another ancient god.

I doubt very much that it was the reappearance of the Great Guardian Raiden that stimulated N'Zoth, and the Corruptor was keenly aware of the signs of the resurgence of the already collapsed Titan Guardian system.

It will use its plot in Zandalar to deal a fatal blow to the Guardians.

What a mess. "

"There are also Old Gods on Zandalar?"

Maiev rested her head on Bu Laike's heart. She still closed her eyes to enjoy the warm peace, but she frowned and said in a low voice:

"I thought that after C'Thun died and Y'Shaarj was seized by Xal'atath, there were only two dark things left in this world, N'Zoth and Yogg Saron.

Where did you get this news from? "

"I am a prophet after all, my lady."

Bo Laike rested his chin on Maiev's long hair and said:

"Not only can I see the future, but I can also know the past. I know what terrible things happened on the land of Zandalar before you night elves were born.

The "blood plague" that occurred in 16,000 years almost destroyed the original troll civilization. After the first emperor Dasa commanded the troll empire to complete the Jedi counterattack, the world really entered a state of stable development.

I guess, among those trolls who followed Emperor Dazar to attack evil things, there may be ancestors of your kaldorei. "

"You're saying a horrible thing, Boo Laike, that would make me cut your tongue off with a knife tonight."

Maiev got a little annoyed.

she says:

"Do you also believe those boring and hateful rumors? The night elves are the children of the moon god! There is no way we have anything to do with the barbaric trolls."


The pirate curled his lips and pinched Maiev's long ears, and said:

"Looking at your long ears, which cannot be said to be exactly the same as the Zandalari trolls, but can only be said to be a perfect replica, it has already proved that you are absolutely inseparable from them.

Of course, of course, that's not what we're going to talk about today, so don't get mad, my lady, I don't actually want to admit that horrible truth either.

I don't want to have a 'troll wife' after all.

But what I want to tell you is that the ancient god G'huun we may face this time in the past has nothing in common with C'Thun, Y'Shaarj, N'Zoth and Yogg-Saron.

It wasn't even a fall from the Void.

If I had to say it, it was the biggest mistake made by the wise and mighty guardians of titans in the age of mythology, and it was born in Azeroth. Hmm, the experimental subject of evil?

In short, compared with other ancient gods, the ultimate evil born in this world has a stronger infection and damage to Azeroth, which greatly increases the danger of the guy who has just awakened. "

"G'huun was man-made?"

Maiev was really surprised now.

The warden got up from the pirate's arms, and was pulled back to the chair by Laike in the posture of a princess. She didn't care about the pirate's intimacy, but stared into his eyes and said:

"So, the purpose of N'Zoth waking it up is"

"Of course, to steal the forbidden knowledge of how the Titan Guardians successfully created a 'perfect man-made ancient god' under limited conditions."

Bu Laike shrugged and said:

"This is also one of the purposes of our trip! We can destroy that knowledge, we can keep that knowledge, and we can even use that knowledge.

But we must ensure that those knowledge cannot fall into the hands of N'Zoth or other void creations, otherwise, with the ruthlessness of the Corruptor and its execution power, it is estimated that within ten years, the whole world will be full of this twisted degenerate world created.

Of course, I also have doubts about whether N'Zoth can survive ten years, or even next year. "

"These titan guardians!"

Maiev frowned and slapped Bo Laike's hand away from her chest, saying with a burst of anger:

"It's okay that they can't do their job and leave us with this mess before their time is over.

This matter is too important.

Especially the taboo knowledge that remains in the sealed field you mentioned, these things must be destroyed!

I will report this to the Sisterhood of Elune, and muster the strongest among us to Zandalar. In the name of the Moon God, this evil that threatens the very roots of the world must be wiped out. "

"I advise you not to do that."

Bu Laike shook his head and said:

"The moment you set foot on the troll territory, the Golden Dynasty will launch a full-scale counterattack. In other parts of the world, the Kaldorei may not be afraid of the Zandalari trolls, but in their territory, even if Tyrande personally leads the battle. Nothing good to ask for.

Unless you're going to mobilize all your wild demigods to fight the loa of the trolls in Zandalar, which I'm sure I'd be chasing fun of in the old days.

But not now.

Whether it is the demigod of the wilderness or the loa god, they are all sharp blades and strong shields used by this world to resist demons, and they cannot be lost in the internal struggle.

Just be patient, I'll make arrangements.

As you said, since it was the mess left by the Guardians of Titans, they must be responsible for finishing this time. Odin and Raiden couldn't turn a blind eye to this, and it happened to be training before heading to Argus for an adventure. "

"Is it really?"

Maiev looked at Boo Laike, and she said:

"I feel that you haven't confessed all your thoughts to me. You just said that you went for the forbidden knowledge. What are you going to do with it?"

"Do an experiment!"

The pirate spread his hands and confessed to the prison lady sitting on his lap:

"You know that I still owe the dean a dissertation on magic research, which is the stepping stone for me to enter the 'Grand Wizard Magic Salon'. I've had enough of those arrogant spellcasters who have always despised my professional academic level.

So I decided to show them the eyes, to surprise everyone with a shocking experiment, and you, you and Xalatath are the assistants I choose for the experiment.

I promise, my lady, that after the experiment is over, I will destroy all forbidden knowledge, and you can supervise this process, my dear warden. "


Maiev snorted, she obviously didn't believe what the bad pirate said, but before Maiev was about to refute, the two turned their heads to look at the side at the same time.

A quaint troll mask hanging on the captain's cabin wall suddenly trembled, and there was a psychic wave in it that made Laike very uncomfortable.

"Have you seen enough?"

Bu Laike hugged Maiev in his arms, and kissed the Warden lady on the cheek like a demonstration. He raised his head and said to the floating mask:

"Are you going to stay here and watch the full set? Bastard, is this something you can watch without paying?"

"I'll pay!"

Bwonsamdi, the troll god of death, sounded out from the suspended troll mask in his eerie, elongated voice. He smiled and said in a cheerful manner:

"I will ask my disciples to send the money to Gadgetzan in a moment, and give it to your servants of the Faceless Men. It will definitely be a fortune that will satisfy you! Now, the two of you, let's get started.

I've already paid, and I want to watch exciting premium content~"


The answer to the troll reaper was a moonlit shadow throwing knife.

Maiev shot hard and fast, the throwing knife plunged into Bwonsamdi's mask and stuck it on the opposite bulkhead, and old Bwonsamdi's pretentious cry of pain came from it.

"This is my baby."

The pirate laughed and touched the warden's forehead superficially. Maiev was obviously very unwilling to continue showing affection with Bu Laike in front of a damned troll.

So she got up with a blank face, straightened her clothes, stepped into the shadows and disappeared into the captain's cabin.

"Hey, smelly troll!"

After Maiev left, Bo Laike picked up his pipe, stared at the shattered troll mask in front of him with an unhappy tone, and said viciously:

"I could have had some fun tonight, and it was all your fault, and now there's no fun, and you'd better find a good reason for interrupting my tryst with my elf lover.

Otherwise, I will really find a way to organize people and launch a large-scale raid on your Zul'Farrak!

I mean it, you hippie-faced bastard. "

"Do you think I do?"

Bwonsamdi also lost his temper. He manipulated the broken floating mask to fly up and down in front of the pirates, and screamed again:

"This is my favorite mask. It's from Daza, the First Emperor. Do you know how much it's worth? Now it's broken by your bloody dark troll lover.

It's already a great deal of face for you not to make you pay.

As for the reason why I came this time, hehe, you should do your best first, drink some wine to calm your nerves or something, I didn't come here casually, I am sending you a message for an angry woman. "

"whispering sound"

The pirate pouted, took out the jug and took a sip, then spread his hands and said:

"Tell me, which girl who never forgets me asked you to bring me a message?

Let me explain in advance, I am no longer the mighty prodigal son I used to be, and now I am overwhelmed by my emotional life, and I don't plan to provoke any more women."

"Master of Blazing Fields, protector and caretaker of all loa and demigods of nature, eternal of the Pantheon of Death, Queen Winter asked me to bring you a message!"

Bwonsamdi scolded the stinky pirate in a tone of "intentionally scaring you":

"What you did in Gilneas can't be kept secret! Her Majesty knows that you sabotaged Lycanthos's coming, and you interfered with her efforts to put the fate of the elves back on track.

The queen is very dissatisfied with your misconduct, she found a clever and capable messenger, that is me, she asked old Lord Bwonsamdi to convey her will to you!

You are now an unwelcome soul in the Blazing Blue Fairyland!

Even if you have the power of life and the blessings of wild nature, don't even think about stepping into the eternal heaven for all natural life after you die! The queen's original words were, go roll in your muddy pit.

A soul like yours is doomed to fall to Maldraxxus as a sad corpse, or enter Revendreth to become the plaything of vampires.

Oh, by the way, there is also bad news. "

The troll Grim Reaper admired Laike's complex expression, and he said cheerfully as if he had eaten honey:

"Why do you think I haven't mentioned Bastion promotion? My dear villain Bo Laike, let me tell you one more 'good news'!

Not long ago, Loyal St. Jedworth, at a St. Jay meeting held in Fort Elysium, offered to promote the fortress and the ruler and protector of all Kyrian little blue angels, the 'Eldest Daughter' Gresty Ya, I tearfully reprimand you for obstructing the Kyrians' great cause of receiving souls to the Shadow Realm!

She produced enough evidence to prove her statement, because of your arbitrary interference, at least nearly 10,000 souls who should go to the Shadow Realm were forcibly detained in the material world!

This is a terrible situation that the Kyrian angels have not encountered for countless years.

The furious eldest daughter declared you a 'polluter of souls' on the spot and excommunicated you as an unwelcome soul in the Bastion of Promotion. Awesome, right?

My dear Bu Laike, you have done things that countless people would never even dream of, and you have been rejected by two of the best "paradises" while you are still alive.

All you're left with is the hell of war or conspiracy. "

"I didn't expect that, there is such a good thing?"

Bu Laike stood up blinking his eyes, and he said:

"You know, I hate the pretentious little blue people of Kyrian, I hate that they always need their souls to serve them, and I also hate those lawless and stupid night fae fairies in Blazing Wilderness, they are too noisy .

Please go back and tell the Queen of Winter and the Eldest Daughter that I thank them for their kindness, and by the way, keep those little blue angels of Kyrian who are whispering behind their backs away from me."

The pirate moved his fingers and said in a bad tone:

"The bastards who make small reports are the worst, next time I meet them, I won't be polite!

Oh, by the way, my dear Bwonsamdi, you've probably been around the Shadowlands a little too long to know what's going on in Zandalar now.

Since you spoke to me so arrogantly just now, I decided to give you a hard job!

I will send the souls of all the Zandalari trolls who are about to die in G'huun's infestation to Mueh'zala, and I will cooperate with your '****'!

My only request is for it to break into your lost and regained pitiful world, smash all your furniture, scratch all your land, kill all your pet cats, and finally clean up you severely!

Best of all, I just happen to have a way to get in touch with Muezara,


Bo Laike held out his finger, and in a cosmic gesture, he blinked and said to Bwonsamdi:

"you know."

"Since you taunted me so arrogantly just now, I will double it this time!"

(end of this chapter)

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