Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1421 54. Now You Love Me And Ignore Me, And You Will Be Overwhelmed In A While!

Chapter 1421 54. Now you love me and ignore me, and you will be overwhelmed in a while!

"That guy's psychological problems are too serious."

In the shadow of the inner circle of Uldir, the pirate Bo Laike watched the Lord of War with a complex expression but a firm back leave, and he complained to Maiev who was holding hands beside him:

"Looking at his dead face, I have no doubt that this guy has understood the sadness of 'Death Wish'.

He always brags that he is the most steadfast and ruthless of all Guardians, but no one knows that Odin is the most emotional guy.

He is a good fighter.

All the good fighters in this world are emotional men. "

"He and Raiden dared to take the initiative to face a fallen titan like Aggramar, and dared to take up the banner of resistance, which has proved that His Excellency Odin is not a coward."

Maiev also said with emotion:

"Before I knew them well, I used to think that the guardians of the titans were ruthless people, but now, I find that their lives are actually no different from ordinary people.

They also have their own troubles.

This severely weakened the majesty of their 'gods', but it made people feel that they could be trusted. At least there was no need to worry that their shaped 'gods' would regard us mortals as cannon fodder that could be sacrificed at any time.

What a contradictory idea. "

Ms. Warden shook her head. She quickly restrained her feelings and said to Bo Laike with a weapon:

"Let's go, get rid of the agent of the Corruptor."

"No hurry, you go first."

The pirate looked around.

Finally, he set his sights on the golden pillar that went deep into the ground in the center of the hollow city of Uldir. He blinked and put his black owl helmet on his head, and said to Maiev:

"I'll go visit that 'Ultimate Infected Body' first."

Maiev was silent for a second, and said:

"So, that's why you sent everyone away with your rhetoric? What's the point of talking between you and an evil god like G'huun? Didn't the Virgin Mary say that that guy's intelligence level is no different from that of a beast?"

"But even paramecium knows to avoid disadvantages."

Bu Laike turned around and complained to the warden:

"Why do you think I can't talk to the beasts? Hey, don't discriminate against the beasts, okay? Your unreasonable arrogance is really enough.

As for what I'm going to talk to it about.

It's very simple. I want to talk to Lord G'huun about the mission it was born with. Although the chances are slim, it's a matter of politeness to persuade others to surrender before destroying others.

Shh, don't tell anyone else I'm doing this.

My reputation is bad enough. "

After finishing speaking, the figure of the pirate walked forward and disappeared beside Maiev. Madam Warden shook her head. She obviously didn't think that Laike's attempt could achieve any results.

But she didn't stop the stinky pirate's adventures either.

This guy always manages to give a little miracle out of the impossible.

The figure of Laike flickered in the air, he spread his wings in concealment and lightly crossed the hollow area of ​​Odir city, and landed on the platform that had been completely occupied by the blood troll barbarians.

These lowly and dirty cultists must often hold barbaric ceremonies of living sacrifices in this place. Years of blood sacrifices have covered this platform that should be full of Titan technology with thick blood stains.

It tastes so good

It's like a slaughterhouse that hasn't been cleaned for thousands of years.

Ordinary people would lose half their lives due to this smell when they came here. If it was a werewolf with a keen sense of smell like Jin, he would probably faint with foaming at the mouth if he smelled it.

But just as Our Lady of Purity commented.

Titan technology, which has been ahead of the world for an unknown number of years, cannot be interfered and destroyed by primitive and barbaric blood sacrifices. Even though this sacred place is already filthy, the passage leading to the area where the infected body is imprisoned below is still clean.

Bu Laike waved the blood drinker ring on his finger. The high authority from Aggramar allowed him to easily open the tunnel leading to the underground. He didn't open too much, just opened a gap for pirates to enter and exit.

Without disturbing any of the blood troll barbarians, Bo Laike slipped down easily. He followed the ascending and descending titan ladder all the way down, and soon came to the front of the ultimate infected body cage.

"My dear Xal'atath, the Dismantler may be freed."

When falling into the extremely cold underground, Bu Laike gave instructions to Xal'atath, who was still holding on to Wharton, in the void connection. He said:

"Control the time well, let Commander Nakrasis wake up early tomorrow morning, and guide it to Odile, attacking G'huun's cage from the outside."

"Huh? Little master, did you get it done? So fast?"

Xal'atath's suspicious voice came from afar, and she asked:

"I know that Odin and Raiden are assisting you, but it's only been a day and a night? Have you dealt with the corruption of the Titan City?

Although G'huun is not as powerful as other ancient gods, he is not so hip, right? "

"No, no, no, we have listened to the advice of the Holy Mother of Purity. Facing an ultimate infected body like G'huun, even if I have two Titan Guardian lieutenants to assist me, it is not a good choice to enter its cage casually."

Bu Laike walked towards the final chamber along the passage that was completely covered by white weird creeps and surrounded by weird strains of plants, and explained to the dark essence:

"So we plan to take a more direct approach to destroy this ultimate infected body. By the way, we will deter the impatient N'Zoth. I want to show the undead Corruptor a hand and let it learn how to write the word 'fear'."

"I doubt it."

Xal'atath snorted and said:

"Little master, you must have other plans of yours, but I am too lazy to ask, I will control the time well. The various forces here in Wharton are gathering, and the golden fleet of trolls has entered this place. Their elite guards Legions are also mobilizing.

The crusade against the unbelievers is about to begin, don't you come to join in the fun? "

"I'm so busy, how can I have time to pay attention to the downfall of a small force? I'm no longer the free self I used to be. I'm under too much pressure now."

The pirate said in a melancholy drawl:

"I'm rapidly reducing the amount of time I have to entertain myself, it's enough!

But, if time permits, I'll go back to Wharton and send His Excellency Kotek the Unbelievers, whom I've never seen, but who's been trying to fight against me, into hell.

It can be regarded as a perfect end to my Wharton story, and that's it, I'm about to enter G'huun's domain, and the void connection is being disturbed.

Let's talk next time. "

After finishing speaking, Laike canceled the spiritual connection, and in the next moment, he stepped on the pure white creep that was as thick as cotton candy and as snow.

It's like stepping on shit.

The softness makes people feel uncomfortable all over, especially the tiny, invisible spores that burst out after stepping on the creep blanket and flying around.

These highly poisonous things are flying around the pirates, and the toxin invasion alarm is constantly beating on the character card in front of Braike, but the toxin defense of this Luna armed armor has already been full, even if it is G'huun's corrupt strain It is also difficult to penetrate into the pirate body.

In front of you is G'huun's sealing room.

There are not many traces of Titan technology here. It looks like an underground cave that has been covered with creep and infected objects. It is probably to simulate the real environment of the outside world. There is also a complete set of ecology such as groundwater and plants in this cave. system.

The only titan defense mechanism that can be seen is inlaid with several golden titan runes on the walls of the caves on both sides. It is the "recombination shock" matrix, a powerful weapon that can annihilate flesh and blood in an instant.

But unfortunately, such a thing is meaningless to G'huun personally.

Bu Laike could see that the devices of several Titan defense lines in this laboratory were covered with "white hairs", which meant that these Titan instruments had completely shut down.

Those white fluff look harmless to humans and animals.

But just think on your heels how dangerous a fungal infection that could grow on a titan's forge would be.

There is no danger to be seen in this dead cave, but Laike still needs the blessing of the will of the void before he dares to walk in here. His gaze scanned the surroundings, and finally landed on a breach in the stone wall of the cave in front of him.

The breach was very strange, like a "flesh chrysanthemum" growing on the stone.

Ugh, sorry for the nasty and rude description, but the thing is, that thing is really shaped like a biological excrement hole.

"Anyway, it's a man-made ancient god! Why are you so careless? Your appearance is simply embarrassing for the race and profession of the ancient god, bastard.

No wonder they don't play with you. "

The pirate looked at the flesh and blood chrysanthemum fixed on the stone wall, and he couldn't help but groaned fiercely.

That thing is G'huun's mouthpart in flesh and blood form. It used this thing to break through several layers of Titan's defenses, and used it to continuously spew out highly parasitic corruption spores, eventually destroying Odir's strictest laboratory. Made it look like "hair everywhere".

Bu Laike was not too polite, and directly threw a scout on the fleshy chrysanthemum in front of him. The next moment, the guy's identity information was listed in front of the pirates:

Name: The Corruptor/The Source of Parasite/The Ultimate Infected Body/G'huun the Blood God

Race: Void Distortion/Bionic Light-Dark Sensing Parasite/Titan-Forged

Occupation: No common/legendary class

Mythical Occupation: Level 3 Ancient God [Corruption/Parasitic Divinity] / Level 3 Loa God [Blood/Pollution Power]

Status: Titan Seal · Energy Suppression [Breakthrough in progress]

Endless Hunt · Additional Notes:

The creature in front of you does not have a real flesh and blood form, and the G'huun you see is just a temporary form formed after the ultimate infected body parasitizes a loa.

G'huun's true form is "Titan-Forged Abominable Parasite", a creature with the most powerful parasitic qualities among the stars. After its loa form is destroyed, the creature seeks out a new parasite nearby, taking on all of the parasite's power and form.

Therefore, it is very difficult to completely destroy the existence of G'huun. It is recommended to activate Odir's self-destruct device and rely on the high purification and incineration properties of Titan energy to complete the final purification of the ultimate infected body.

But if the purification fails.

The more terrifying "world infection" is coming soon.


At present, the world of Azeroth lacks the power and items that can suppress G'huun's "Supreme Parasite" trait, so you'd better solve G'huun's hidden danger once and for all before it breaks through the cage.

"Well, it's frightening to watch."

Bu Laike pushed his helmet. It is rare to see such a cautious and stern warning from a character card. He wanted to drink a drink to calm down the shock, but taking off the owl helmet armed with Luna in this place is almost willing to die.

The pirate didn't want to stay longer in this dangerous place, so he decided to speak out why he came.

"Hey, G'huun, don't play dead! I know you can hear me."

The pirate stood with his arms akimbo at the entrance of the seal,

He yelled:

"They all say that your level of intelligence is comparable to that of a beast, but I, a prophet, know very well that you are actually much smarter than they imagined. For example, N'Zoth thought it was using you, but in fact, the Corruptor did the opposite Used by you.

It sent its own envoys to Uldir, and it's hard to say whether N'Zoth wants to free you to chaos the world, or you want to use the Corruptor's ambition to free yourself from the cage.

It was a mistake for the Titans to instruct the Virgin of Purity to create your 'perfect infected body'! "

"Why don't you come closer, wise mortal."

A beast-like will intruded violently into the pirate's mind the next moment, it roared, but its meaning could be understood by Bo Laike.

This guy's mental impact is covered with a strong smell of corruption.

If it weren't for the pirates themselves being blessed by the will of the void, this wave of spiritual contact alone would have been enough to make Laike lose his mind.

It roared seductively:

"Come on, come closer, let me take a good look at you. You can move freely in the whole world. I really envy you. May I give you strength?

I will give you all the power you desire, I have only one request.

Give me your free body. "

"This is not allowed. My body is pure and powerful. Only cute, fragrant and soft girls can touch it."

Bo Laike put on a very aggressive gesture and said to G'huun:

"Suppress your desire for my body first, you vile Old God, I have come to negotiate, G'huun. In the morning tomorrow, my titan-keeper friends and I will destroy the Your existence

I promise, you will never survive!

So I decided to give you a chance, you see, the titans created you to solve the pollution and corruption of Azeroth by the Old Gods.

Although you are a highly poisonous thing, I know that you are already capable enough to fulfill your mission. So, I ask you, do you want to accept the fate of being destroyed?

Or obediently become the purification weapon in the hands of the guardians to overthrow those annoying ancient gods? "

"Which do you want me to choose?"

G'huun sneered, and roared with a beast-like will:

"I can do what you want, Bu Laike Shaw.

I can purify this world for you, but you have to give me your free body. You are simply a perfect host. Your body is full of power and endless potential. I already smell your fragrance.

You are so delicious.

Come here.

Let me see you, let me smell you, let me lick you."

"Hey, this neon ancient god, please pay attention to your image, and don't say such a damned coquettish speech, okay?"

The pirate said with a headache on his face:

"It's business, it's not for you to have fun!"

"No one can destroy G'huun! No one can destroy a mighty parasite!"

Seeing the pirate standing at the entrance of the sealing room, but unable to come in, G'huun was immediately enraged by his scumbag behavior.

The mouthparts of the blood chrysanthemum planted on the rock of the ultimate infected body vibrated, and the tentacles covered with twisted limbs whizzed and tore the "fungus forest" from the ground and rushed out.

It wants to grab Bo Laike and become its next body.

Faced with this situation, the pirate could only shrug helplessly and choose to retreat.

Needless to say, negotiations broke down.

He dodged the hammer blows of more than a dozen flesh and blood tentacles with light movements, and jumped out of the sealing room lightly. He shouted to the angry G'huun:

"The moment of destruction will be in the early morning of tomorrow, when the first ray of sunlight shines, your death will be approaching! I know you are very upset, but there is no way, this is a cruel life.

You have to choose between one very bad ending and another worse ending.

I'll give you one night to think, my dear G'huun, that when we unleash that terrible power of destruction, you will have a choice. "

"I will kill you!"

Responding to Bo Laike was G'huun's vicious blast of will, which bellowed:

"Don't let me out! Bo Laike Shaw, when I'm free I'll destroy you and everything you love! The Old Gods are nothing but a miserable bunch of worms!

They will be my nourishment!

You too!

I will enjoy your sweet flesh and this world while you howl. That weak star soul will become my new host, and G'huun will rise among the stars as a titan!

Sargeras, Aggramar, Burning Demon, Void Lord, Light Naaru

All will be my Chinese food!

G'huun is invincible!

The god of blood is invincible! "

(end of this chapter)

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