Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1422 55.How Old Are You!

Chapter 1422 55.How Old Are You!

G'huun had obviously fallen into some kind of crazy "self-orgasm" fantasy because of the stinking pirate's verbal provocation.

It barked like a dog in the sealing room, and the ear-piercing sound waves echoed in the underground laboratory like a fungal forest with the roar of wild beasts, making the pirate turn around and leave helplessly.

Can this ultimate infected body, which has been in the laboratory since its birth and has almost never been in contact with the outside world, do what it claims?

In theory, it should be possible.

After all, its "Supreme Parasitic" talent is really too buggy.

But the problem is that G'huun, like all unworldly young people, always likes to think everything is beautiful.

The truth is, it is very difficult to parasitize and devour an ancient god with its current ability. After all, it is just a juvenile body, far from mature.

Why are existences like Aggramar and Sargeras so easily parasitized by it?

This arrogant claim is as outrageous as the college students in the ivory tower who always say with confidence that they can earn more than 10,000 yuan a month by just finding a job in this era.

There is hope, but it is too remote.

"The bastard who can't understand the reality needs to be taught a good lesson! Wait until tomorrow morning when you, a crazy old boy, cry."

The pirate dropped a ruthless sentence, stretched out the doom guard's bat wings behind his back and flew towards the ground.

He looked down from the sky.

In fact, if the danger is not considered, the "scenery" of G'huun's sealing room is actually pretty good, with white creeps and cotton candy-like strains everywhere, just like a fantasy fungal forest.

There are also various fluorescent flashes.

It looks like those gaudy poisonous mushrooms, luring ignorant hungry people to pick them up.

Little girls would love this fancy place, if they weren't poisoned by G'huun's rotting spores.


Braike followed the way he came back to the hollow golden platform in the city of Odile. Before he could "disinfect" himself with moonlight, the blood trolls around him were like sickles, screaming at him. Like cutting wheat, they collapsed within ten steps of the pirates.

Died silently.

Apparently the invisible "G'huun spores" that Bu Laike carried outside his armor poisoned them, tsk tsk, the poison was as strong as a pirate's dog-toothed dagger.

The difference is that the venom of the Devourer's Fang is a physical attack, while G'huun's poisonous spores are more like "magic attacks".

The corpses of the poisoned blood trolls mutated in the next second. Under the observation of the pirates with great interest, those corpses trembled and stood up in a strange posture, just like the zombies in the biohazard.

They staggered and moved their bodies.

Their flesh and blood were crazily and quickly distorted and alienated by G'huun's infection, and a series of "void corruption souvenirs" such as tentacles and eyeballs grew out of the surging black blood bursting from the skin all over the body.

"You can't escape. I'm after you!"

The troll corpse closest to Boo Laike grinned grinningly and spoke intermittently. This was obviously G'huun demonstrating against Boo Laike and demonstrating its power to the stinky pirates.

Faced with this provocation, the pirate shrugged his shoulders and patted the luna lantern on his waist. A scorching moonlight fell from the sky, covering him and the surrounding parasites together.

Afterwards, a silver purification flame ignited, incinerating those infected bodies in an instant, and "full disinfection" for the stinky pirate's armor by the way.

Standing in the silver moonlight, Bu Laike Shi Shiran picked up his pipe and let the scorching moonlight flame ignite the tobacco. After the light dissipated, he breathed out the smoke ring and looked at the burnt black skull under his feet.

He stepped on it viciously, smashing the thing to pieces.

Keep moving the soles of your feet like stepping on a cigarette butt, rubbing and saying:

"I have so many backers supporting me, do you think I will be afraid of you, a country evil god who has never seen the world? Fighting with me, Bu Laike, do you have the strength?


Tomorrow morning, I will record your begging posture, and when I am in a bad mood, I will take it out to appreciate your pathetic ugliness!

You are dead!

I said! "

After throwing the trash talk, Bo Laike was refreshed. He spread his wings and flew recklessly to Odile's anatomy laboratory to find his dear Maiev.

As a result, as soon as he entered the laboratory for storing dissected objects, he saw blood troll corpses all over the floor. These guys were not only killed, but also purified by the light of the moon god like a flame.

Just piled into two piles like a burnt bonfire emitting black smoke.

Maiev held her thorny knife wheel and stood in the laboratory that had been thoroughly cleaned. Madam Warden was standing in front of a containment facility, frowning like visiting some weird museum.

"For what? Why not release it and kill it?"

The pirate stepped forward and patted Maiev's buttocks smoothly, but the disgusting armor gave him bad touch again. He stood beside Maiev, glanced at the containment facility in front of him, and understood why Maiev didn't continue to fight.

The container like a biological cabin in front of him is filled with weird energy liquid, and a purple-black brain about the size of a baby is being placed inside.

The brain is the same as a mutated octopus, with tentacles underneath. If it didn't twitch every few seconds, it would definitely be considered a brain specimen of a void creature.

"After I cleaned up the blood troll barbarians here, I found that this guy had been dissected."

Madam Warden frowned and said:

"The envoy of N'Zoth was dissected into eighteen pieces in an extremely delicate way, and stored in these Titan containment facilities, it should be the automatic hand of the Pure Holy Mother.

This is the most perfect anatomy I've ever seen.

Behold, the entire brain of the Voidbringer was taken out by the Holy Mother and placed here for horrific study.

But even after such a precise dissection, the guy wasn't dead yet.

all its organs are alive

I feel that as soon as I open these containers, the Herald of the Void will be resurrected immediately. But I feel like we don't have to do that, let's just leave it half dead. "

Maiev glanced at Bo Laike and said:

"Anyway, the Odile city defense system has been restarted, and it cannot escape from its current state, right?"

"Yes, as long as no cheap guy opens these containers, it can't escape."

The pirate reached out and knocked on the glass of the storage container in front of him, looked around, pretended to wipe off the sweat that didn't exist, and said:

"It's a good thing that old Brian or Zhou Zhuo didn't follow, otherwise I would have a terrible headache. Speaking of which, this Void Vanguard is probably the worst messenger of the ancient gods ever.

The spokesmen of the other Old Gods are either bewitching armies to fight everywhere, or spreading corruption for their masters, disturbing the world's peace.

Only the 'little baby' in front of us died before he left school.

He plunged into Odile, and just destroyed the outer wall to contact G'huun. Before he could make another move, he was personally cut by the best guardian doctor among the stars, the Virgin of Purity.

Tsk tsk tsk, if it can make an expression, it should be crying. "

While speaking, Bu Laike stretched out his hand to the button next to the storage container, and was about to press it when Maiev grabbed his wrist. Madam Warden looked at him with wide eyes and said:

"What are you doing?"

"Of course, it's to experience the feeling of 'monstering and madness', to satisfy my desire to be cheap, and to press this button, which is amazing at first sight, to release our pathetic anatomical experimental body."

The pirate blinked and said:

"If it can't respond to my next taunt, isn't my well-prepared rhetoric along the way useless?

You know, sweetheart, I don't like to do unnecessary work. "

"Be serious!"

Maiev punched Bo Laike in the back of the waist, and the force hammered through the armor on the pirate's waist, making Bo Laike grin. He raised his hands in the French military salute and said:

"Okay, I'll be honest.

I need this unlucky guy to help me convey a message to N'Zoth, which is equivalent to sending a 'threat letter'. I have had enough of N'Zoth's privately plotting these unscrupulous conspiracies.

It's time to hit the weakest ancient god to make him understand his situation. "

"Well, in that case."

Maiev frowned and thought for a while, although she felt that Bo Laike's behavior was nothing to do, but after all, she had to measure the series of crazy behaviors of her little sweetheart.

Besides, it's not like these two people can't defeat an envoy of N'Zoth here. They were ruthless characters who teamed up to destroy the city of Ny'alotha before.

To the fallen servants of N'Zoth's faction, Laike and Maiev are the male and female counterparts.


The button of the Titan container was pressed, and under the watchful eyes of the pirate and the warden, eighteen containers were opened at the same time, and the dissected and decomposed organs twitched out of the container under the guidance of the power of the void, and then In the process of being weird and disgusting, the re-convergence was completed.

A few minutes later, a strange bug that looked like a qiratan but had the huge scythe blade of a mantid fortress bug and a fat belly appeared in front of the two of them.

The shape of this guy is quite strange.

It only has a head connected to the abdomen, and the torso cannot be found. Under the big head is a spider-like limb, which looks very weird and uncoordinated.

After being reborn from the hapless anatomical imprisonment, this envoy of N'Zoth raised his huge scythe blade and let out a strange insect cry, as if celebrating his liberation.

But in the next second, a shadow throwing knife containing void energy pierced towards the bug's head like a cannonball, interrupting its joyful neighing.

Then, it discovered that the male and female twins in front of it were staring at it like a fool.

After realizing the identities of these two guys, the worm monster whose absolute strength had reached the edge of a demigod suddenly shook its body. Obviously, it recognized these two guys under the information flow shared by the void creatures.

"Do you know who I am?"

The pirate leaned on Salamani and said something to the worm in front of him.

The latter hesitated for a moment, moving his head up and down.

It didn't make any further attacks, probably because it was sure that even if it tried its best, it would not be a match for these two fierce people.

"It's good if you recognize it."

Bu Laike snorted, played with the magic eyeball in his hand that was brewing to destroy the death light, and said:

"I also know who you are, Zekvoz, N'Zoth's most trusted herald. Looking at what you have done in the past few thousand years, it really makes me feel bad for N'Zoth.

The premise is that if it has that thing

Back then, your master sent you to contact G'huun to trick the Zandalari trolls, whose strength had been severely weakened after the Sundering, to submit to the Corruptor, but you failed them.

Odir was shamefully captured by this city without even penetrating through its internal defense system, and was cut up into a miserable state as an anatomical experiment subject, and was not released by me until today.

But I also know that this may be your bitter plan, after all, you did successfully infiltrate Odile and stay in this hidden city for a long time in a shameful manner.

I suspect that you are the bridge between N'Zoth and G'huun, but I don't care what you have done in the past.

You listen to me! "

The pirate raised the elven sword in his hand and scolded:

"Contact N'Zoth now, let it's will come to you, I have something to say to your master!"

Faced with this terrible request, Zekvoz, the unlucky bug in front of him, hummed and issued a weak protest, but in the next second, the scorching Luna Strike came down like a sharp sword.

The divine power bombardment released by Bu Laike and Maiev spinning at the same time made the weak and unlucky person feel terrible pain and despair of imminent destruction in an instant.

It howled and raised its thick sickle blade and kept retreating, howling to fight back, but with a flash of red light, the pirate's revenge cut its huge and thick skull with a sword.

This sword could have caused more terrible damage to it and even drove it to the brink of death.

The pirates showed mercy.

"Do you still want to resist?"

Bu Laike held the sharp sword that was still dripping with blood, and asked coldly. The weak and unlucky bug messenger clutched his severed head in despair, and was forced to contact its God of Corruption.

It's really not that it's not loyal enough!

But what can a Void Herald, who has just recovered from an autopsy and is still weak, do when he encounters an unreasonable smelly pirate?

After more than ten seconds of void contact, a huge and dark will slowly descended on the big bug, and En'Zoth seemed to be in a good mood.

It sensed that G'huun was about to break through the seal.

It felt that its dark conspiracy had advanced to the final step, as long as the ultimate infected body escaped from the cage, it would immediately set off a bloody storm in Azeroth.

At that time, everyone will be attracted by the arrogant G'huun, so I can secretly promote the lifting of my seal.

This bastard is still thinking of using G'huun as cannon fodder. N'Zoth is not an ancient god who has never seen the world. He knows very well that it is still very difficult to destroy the world with G'huun's stunned youth.

In the final analysis, the "technical work" of Mieshi has to be done by an old god with "high morals and high prestige" like himself!

young people or something

It's good to start with it, there will always be a chance to show them their strength in the future.

With such complacent thoughts, N'Zoth landed on his servant, and when it "opened its eyes" to perceive its surroundings, it saw Braike standing with a pipe, leaning on a sword. in front of you.

This terrible picture made N'Zoth's vision go dark.


The Corruptor's thoughts suddenly twitched. If it had teeth and testicles, it would be a toothache and a pain in the balls. This is not the surprise it wanted!


Why is it this hateful bastard again!

After destroying his holy city of Ny'alotha, overturning the Church of the Storm that he carefully cultivated, and smashing the Bloodsail pirates, Braike Shaw once again intervened in his plot with a very annoying attitude.


You bastard, can you change to an ancient god and go to Huo Huo? Yogg-Saron is also doing very bad things in Northrend, why don't you trouble him?

Why do you insist on fighting with me?

Get out!

Dog Pirates!

Stay away from my little plot, okay? I'll give you money to let you go, okay?

It's annoying!

(end of this chapter)

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