Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1423 56. Being A Pirate Is Not About Fighting And Killing, But Being A Pirate Is A Matter Of

Chapter 1423 56. Being a pirate is not about fighting and killing, but being a pirate is a matter of sophistication

Although Bu Laike's sudden appearance made N'Zoth so angry that he wanted to destroy the world on the spot, but considering that it couldn't do such a thing, and N'Zoth had seen strong winds and waves after all, the Corruptor quickly calmed down.

The ancient god felt very unlucky, but did not show any more anger.

The dog pirate's presence here must have sabotaged his plan to secretly lure G'huun out of his cage, but N'Zoth didn't think Bo Laike could do it.

Its idea was not because it was overwhelmed by anger, or because it didn't have a clear understanding of the strength of the pirates.

On the contrary, N'Zoth made such a final assessment from the perspective of strength.

As the only ancient god who discovered the existence of Odir and G'huun, when N'Zoth sent his messenger to the city after the world collapsed, he had been secretly observing G'huun's strange form with the help of his herald's perception , and various experiments carried out in this laboratory.

After nearly ten thousand years of observation, N'Zoth has known the power of G'huun like the back of his hand.

That guy is weak!

The destructive power in all aspects is weak compared to the genuine Old Gods. The only bug is G'huun's supreme parasitic characteristic.

That was a biological trait written especially for G'huun by the Titans to deal with the Old Gods' troubles.

As long as there are still living bodies active within the range of perception, no matter what kind of blows G'huun encounters, it won't die, it will just replace its carriers one after another.

Regardless of whether it is weak or powerful, as long as there are creatures approaching, G'huun has a steady stream of bodies to use.

Best of all, G'huun's parasitic power can even destroy the constructed body of a Titan Guardian.

This means that no matter what Laike plans to do, as long as his plan includes a frontal attack on G'huun, he will never try to eradicate the corruption god's parasite.

And if the stinky pirates don't plan to attack head-on, thinking about it in all the ways N'Zoth can think of, these guys who entered Udir are not capable enough to put the "fat" G'huun who has been raised so far. deadly.

After thinking about this, N'Zoth was not in a hurry about Bu Laike's sudden appearance.

"Congratulations, you are stepping into an irreversible fate of failure."

The Corruptor who descended upon the Herald whispered to the pirates and Maiev in a low spirit:

"You are uninvited guests who will witness the opening of the era of pollution."

"I've worked so hard to find you, but I didn't want to listen to your nonsense."

The pirate exhaled the smoke ring, and said to the herald lying weakly on the ground bearing N'Zoth's will:

"Let's make peace, Corruptor."


Laike's speech was truly extraordinary, and his words shocked even the Corruptors who were searching their brains for some dirty words that could provoke the stinky pirates.

The old god instinctively felt that this was a trap to lure him into insensitivity.

But soon, the pirates stated their reasons:

"I'm going to find time to deal with Yogg-Saron next, and help my Guardian friends free Ulduar from the clutches of the 'Thousand-maws'.

Then we leave this world to venture among the stars.

If I'm unlucky, I won't be able to come back. Time is tight and the task is heavy. I really don't want to waste any more time fighting wits and courage with you.

I will suspend hostile actions against you, so what should you do!

Whether it's urging the Naga to break the seal for you, or discussing your unscrupulous conspiracy in private, it has nothing to do with me.

After we've settled other troublesome things, I'll come back and have a good discussion with you about who should belong to this endless sea. "

Well, that sounds plausible.

But considering that the words were spoken by Bu Laike, there must be many traps and malice hidden in these words!

N'Zoth made a judgment instantly.

It responded to Bo Laike's weird "ceasefire agreement" with a deep sneer. It felt that the pirates were whimsical. Maybe they did too many bad things and affected their brains?

What's the use of this non-binding ceasefire agreement?

He's the Old God, and Bo Laike is a world-famous deceit, so there's really no need for this kind of trickery between these two guys.

This thing is less binding than a piece of used toilet paper.

"I guess, you must think I'm crazy, you will say that you can agree to cease fire with me, but then sell me to Yogg-Saron. I know you will do this, my Corruptor."

The pirate exhaled a mouthful of green smoke, pointed to his head and said:

"Even in the entanglement between you and me, you have never won me, but I have never underestimated you.

The weakest ancient god is the evil god who is most likely to complete the great cause of devouring the world. The biggest advantage you have over other ancient gods is that you have a brain.

And the other bastards are too fond of power and forsaking dark wisdom.

Do not worry.

I will add a constraint to this armistice agreement, and I will let you abide by this agreement honestly, and don't come to cause trouble for me. I know you won't believe it now.

It's okay, and I don't expect you to believe it now.

Just saying hello to you now.

The formal ceasefire will take effect after tomorrow morning, and then I will ask you again, your envoy's life is tough enough, it can survive until tomorrow morning in the constant bloodshed.

You still have one night to think and guess my cards, and I can even give you a reminder. Guess what your brother C'Thun has been hiding in the Silithus desert for so long, what is he yearning for and what is he looking for? ?

That's it, I'm too lazy to talk to you. "

Bu Laike exhaled a puff of smoke ring, waved his hand again, and even flicked the ash on the severed head wound of the big bug in front of him. He turned around and said to the big bug carrying N'Zoth's will behind him:

"You can kneel down now, big octopus, see you tomorrow!

I bet you'll change your mind then, bet. I need your favorite plaything of ten thousand years, Queen Azshara, to do something for me.

I want to 'borrow' her from you, half a month is almost enough.

Want to play this game? "

"I want your soul! Bu Laike! I want to complete this bet by erasing your existence! I don't want to see a chaotic life named 'Bo Laike Shaw' exist in this world

Your existence is the greatest desecration of established destiny! You... stole our victories more than once! "

N'Zoth was irritated by Bo Laike's posturing.

It growled and called out its bet, and it didn't think it would change its mind just because of Bo Laike's words. This stinky pirate is using fraud, he's just bluffing!

If he really has the means to solve an ancient god overnight, why does he need to stand here and "make peace" with himself?

Wouldn't it be more convenient to just throw that weapon or method into one's own seal?

This guy is too cunning.

True and false language traps are everywhere, but N'Zoth is no longer fooled!

"Then, the game begins!"

A triumphant smile appeared on the corner of the pirate's mouth.

He turned to N'Zoth and gestured to N'Zoth, which was an agreed gesture often used by gamblers, but N'Zoth didn't want to see Bo Laike's annoying face anymore.

Its huge will slowly escaped into the void, leaving this titan city with its defense system activated, making it feel uncomfortable all over here, as if it had been transferred from one cage to another.

What the hell.

Watching N'Zoth leave, Bu Laike took off the pipe from the corner of his mouth. He glanced back at N'Zoth's courier lying weakly on the ground, kicked the bug, and said:

"Stop the bleeding yourself. If you bleed too much and die when your master comes to collect the bet tomorrow morning, then I don't need to do anything, N'Zoth can resurrect you and tear you alive."

After speaking, the pirate took Maiev's hand and left here with his prison officer.

When walking out of this laboratory, Maiev suddenly whispered:

"You just succeeded in angering an ancient god. I never thought that someone could do such a thing. I thought their evil and ferocious souls didn't have any substantial emotions flowing."

"They really don't have the conventional emotions we know. My little sweetheart, the ancient gods are the fallen products of the void. It's a question of whether they have the souls we know."

The pirate shook his head and said:

"But there is no doubt that each ancient god has its own character, which can be seen from the reverberation of the ancient god Xalatath.

N'Zoth is a conspirator, and it has the 'dignity' of a conspirator.

It always thinks too much, thinks too much, and believes in the conclusions it has accumulated from what it has seen and heard, so it is difficult to be deceived by others with a few words.

Most of the time this is a good thing.

But at certain moments, the dignity of trusting in the power of self-conspiracy can send them into a very bad situation. As long as you master the technique, you can make it a dilemma, just like just now. "

"You did let it make an agreement with you, but how are you going to deter it?"

Maiev asked curiously:

"I know you want to make an example of others, but although G'huun is much weaker than the normal Old Gods, it's not easy to get rid of him quickly, right?"

"No, it's easy.

I just checked Odile's city defense system with the authority of Lord Aggramar, and suddenly found that this city can not only share energy with the furnace of origin, but also serve as an 'energy target' for certain equipment.

It seems that since the establishment of the city of Odir, the Titans have designed a worst-case "self-purification" program for the city, that is, a self-destruct device. "

The pirate shook his head and said:

"Because of the existence of this device, it may be difficult for us to defeat G'huun, but it is very simple to kill it, even beyond your imagination.

But unfortunately, this method can only be used once in a short period of time, and I can only choose one target.

Either G'huun or N'Zoth.

The annoying naga have spent 10,000 years of foreign labor, and now N'Zoth's body is still trapped in the Titan's cage, which has instead become N'Zoth's 'talisman'.

Once it is destroyed together with the people and the cage, the aftermath of the energy will inevitably cause major changes in the Azeroth seabed, and the consequences will be too serious.

We can only wait for it to escape from the cage.

So, our Lord G'huun is lucky, he will be the first Old God to experience the 'big firework' made by the Titan himself.

It's a pity that this thing wasn't meant for it. "

What Bu Laike said was mysterious, and Maiev didn't ask too much. Seeing that the pirates were in control now, she knew that Bu Laike must be full of confidence.

"Come on, let's go to Fenna and Little Xingxing. They are dealing with the weakest monsters in this city. I think they should have finished their work."

Bo Laike winked at Maiev.

The two of them fled into the shadows hand in hand, and rushed towards the laboratory where Fenner and Little Xingxing were.

But when the two entered Odile's biological sample containment room, they heard Fenner arguing with Little Xingxing, and they were arguing fiercely.

"It's all your fault! I told you just now that the last sword was going to hit the left head! You insisted on cutting the middle one! Look at how dirty you made this place, you ruined my skirt!

I was almost parasitized by a monster infection!

You pay! "

This is Little Xingxing yelling, but Fenner roared not to be outdone:

"You idiot, you were able to block the final blow for me with lightning just now, but you timidly dodged it. Look at my armor! How corroded it is!

You are the one who needs compensation! "

"Oh, stop arguing, you two."

In the end, it was Old Ghani who tried to persuade the fight weakly, and the God of Garbage Guy said weakly:

"If you have time to argue here, why don't you help me burn these corpses? By the way, it's hard for me to hold these elemental torches even with the claws of a slender jaw dragon.

And here are all the corpses of my 'compatriots'.

Some of them have seen them in my 'childhood', and now they have died here inexplicably. It looks really infiltrating. Hey, can you two come over and help?

Hey, this garbage is very chic

Take it! "

In the sound of old Garni's "begging", Bo Laike and Maiev walked into the biological sample containment room, but as soon as they entered it, they were almost vomited by the damn smell.

The stench of this corpse is disgusting.

Old Ghani was wearing a tattered "printed cloth mask" to cover his nose and mouth, holding a few burning elemental torches in his flexible claws, and throwing these flames on the surrounding corpses.

In the bag behind it, there is already a full bag of "trophies".

But Laike knew that the real value must still be here.

Old Garney was known to be a nasty baby.

But from another point of view, as long as you follow it to "reverse operation" and look for those places that the old Garni deliberately avoided, you will definitely find the most valuable things.

This God of Trash is definitely a bad quartermaster that all adventurers in this world hate, but why isn't he the best treasure hunter?

In front of Fenna and Little Xingxing who were arguing endlessly, there was a putrid devourer aberration with three heads and a fallen body like a hill.

At first glance, this thing is a strange creature made by G'huun's "building blocks". It is obviously made of the fusion of three or four loa god corpses.

The existence of this guy is a direct proof of the word mental pollution.

But luckily it's dead.

Two heads were chopped off by Fenner, and the whole body was blasted into coke by the thunderbolt of Little Star. The idiot Blue Dragon followed Bu Laike's reminder and purified every drop of the monster's blood with the tumbling thunderbolt.

As a result, the monster's corpse still exuded a disgusting smell of barbecue.

"It's a pity that so many loa's corpses can't be used. If we can send them to Northrend and hand them over to Lothar, the undead Scourge will have an army of death beasts in no time."

The stinky pirate looked at the morgue in regret. Although G'huun only awakened one putrid devourer from these corpses, the rest of the corpses could not be kept.

In case that parasite of G'huun is left on his body, if this is released, Braike will be the culprit for the spread of world pollution.


The pirate pulled out the wolf's head and touched the ground, and drew the blessing of the Nian beast from the natural spear, and let the flame of the Nian beast burn into a torch-like halo on the top of the spear.

He waved his spear and said to the two girls who ignored each other and wanted to fight on the spot:

"Isn't it just clothes, isn't it just armor, the generous cloth Laike will pay you back, don't lose your temper, come, give me a hand, let the flame purify everything."

Behind the pirates, Maiev has already made a gesture of the moon god priests praying for the moonlight purification magic, just like purifying Sirik, the scorching moonlight will clean up this ghost place from beginning to end.

"Old Garni, get all the crap out of this place in your bag!"

The pirate set fire to it and shouted:

"You really don't want to die, you dare to pick up the garbage in this place! Be careful to become the next Sirik, quickly, take out your precious garbage, and let me see it.

Cough cough, let me help you disinfect.

Bastard, don't run around without disinfection! This is the rule! "

(end of this chapter)

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