Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1451 84. Windwalker's Mother Received A New Offer--Happy Holidays, Big Babies【1/3】

Chapter 1451 84. Windwalker's mother received a new offer——Happy Holidays, big babies【13】

"What? Want to buy His Majesty Malak's Mojo at a high price? How can this be done? This is my precious trophy!"

A few hours later, on the wall of Gudak, the frost troll king's city, which was covered with corpses, Braike was holding a pipe and playing with the troll skull that had just been "processed" with void magic, and he appeared in front of him with a beard and a stare. The "Princess Envoy" said:

"Who do you think I am? Do you think I sell everything? Bastard! This is about my battle glory. Who would sell their favorite prey?

How dare you make such an exorbitant request in front of me?

I'm beginning to think that you bastard is provoking me. "

The troll pirate god Gaboa didn't pay attention to Laike's chattering at this time, he just thought it was some kind of physiological gas excretion process of the stinky pirate.

He leaned on the luxurious "Loa Waist Knife" and waited until the stinky pirate finished speaking. Then he looked treacherous and slowly threw out a small package of things, and said in a cunning and loose manner:

"I have to pay more, right? I understand the rules."


Bu Laike took the small bag and opened it to see that there were three stacks of goblin gold cards inside. This amount was already a windfall for ordinary pirates.

But the pirate just sneered, and casually threw the package in Gaboa's feet, and said rudely:

"You know what a fart!"

"What? It's not enough, it's okay, we can talk slowly if we can't agree on the price."

Gaboya was not provoked by this extremely insulting action at all. He grinned, touched his shiny fangs, and took out two large bags from his luggage as if by magic, and placed them in front of Laike.

He reached out to pick up the small bag under his feet, put it on top of the big pocket, and made a "please" gesture.

The stinky pirate finally looked better this time. He glanced at the two bags filled with all kinds of gorgeous jewelry, folded his arms again, squinted and said:

"His Royal Highness Princess Zandalar, is this the only level of action? Maybe I should ask my empty-headed elder sister to teach Princess Talanji how to spend money correctly in order to win people's hearts."

"Tsk tsk, this sarcasm is brilliant, I want to write it down, and use it when blackmailing others."

Gabo Ya said something seriously.

Under Bu Laike's gaze, the cheeky pirate god coughed uncomfortably after a few seconds, turned his face away, and took out a large bag from his luggage and threw it under his feet.

He waved his hands and said:

"Don't look at me, that's all. His Highness gave me so many things as reward, do you want it or not?"

"What I mean is, Malak is the king of trolls in the Northland, and his status alone is worth it. Forget it, I won't make up excuses, in short, I need to pay more!

bring it you! "

As soon as Bu Laike stretched out his hand, he snatched the bulging bags on Gaboya's waist, and then he swept his spirit into the bags, and then nodded in satisfaction.

Put that bag full of treasures that could rival the treasury of a small kingdom like Alterac into your own big bag.

He snorted contentedly, then picked up the small pocket full of goblin gold cards on top of the three big pockets under his feet, threw it to Gaboya and said:

"It's not easy to run errands for Her Royal Highness, you are also a loa anyway, now, take your reward, take it."

"Where'd you send old Garney?"

Gaboya snatched the three big sacks from Bo Laike's feet with a nasty voice.

These things are worth his trip.

A deal that made both parties happy was concluded, and Laike didn't say much, and casually threw a bottle of mojo squeezed from Malak, the frost king, to Gaboa.

This thing is very similar to the highly condensed material entity of magic power, shaking in the crystal bottle like a white liquid.

In other civilizations, to kill a person is to cut off the head, but for trolls who are accustomed to various powers of gods and ghosts, getting a certain guy's mob means killing the other party completely.

After all, there are ways in the system of voodoo magic to "reanimate" a troll after death. But if the magic essence is extracted, no matter how powerful the troll is, it will not be able to appear in the world as a physical entity.

"Do you want this head?"

Bu Laike played with the head of the Frost King in his hand, and raised his chin to the smiling Gaboa and said:

"I used to think that Malak's head was quite delicate, but when I got it, I realized that this guy probably extracted too much divine power from Loa, which caused his skull to deform to a certain extent.

This totally ruins that naturally born elegant curve, it's not a good collectible and putting it in my curry would only spoil my good taste.

So I decided to sell it. "

The smelly pirate tossed the skull up and down, bragging to Gaboa like the best businessman:

"Look at this skull, how good it is.

Not only does it have the potential to become a top-level frost magic weapon through its long-term fusion with frost magic power, but also several loa powers are used to strengthen its internal magic power points, which is really a rare treasure.

If it wasn't for my sister's distaste for such savage and primitive decorations, I would have given this to her as a birthday present.

A big person like Princess Talanji should also have her own "royal collection". If she didn't have the habit of collecting treasures before, maybe it would be an excellent choice from now on.

What do you say? "

"Since this thing is so good, I will take it for Her Royal Highness."

Whether Princess Talanji wants the head of the Frost King is an unknown question, but it is clear that Gaboa has been persuaded by Bu Laike.

As a newborn Loa, he really needs a few "good things" to show his strength and majesty, and this skull from the king of trolls in the north is very suitable.

But being a loa and a treacherous pirate, Gaboa easily grasped something more important from Boo Laike's words.

He took the head of the Frost King from the pirates for "inspection", and asked with raised brows:

"You just said that Malak has strengthened himself with several divine powers? According to the information I got, the only Loa killed by him is Quesluen, and Norlenk and Motos are both prepared sacrifices." .

This kind of divine power possession means that there must be a loa who died without our knowledge.

I guess, it wasn't Quesluen who was first sacrificed by Malak, but Akali, the rhino god of the 'Royal Loa' of the Drakkari trolls? "

"that's about right."

The pirate shrugged and said to Gaboa meaningfully:

"I predicted more than two years ago that Malak would become the God Slayer King, and before he died, he scolded me for causing the darkness in his heart.

Akali, the god of the rhinoceros, has not appeared on the land of Zuldak for almost a year. Malak's strength has skyrocketed during this year, and when faced with the threat of natural disasters, he chose to sacrifice without much hesitation. Loa to get the god warrior.

Do you think there is any connection between these few things? "

"Well, it seems that our Malak did not die unjustly."

Gaboya is so smart, and he understood it after a little mention by Bu Laike. He grinned and looked at the ancient royal city below the city wall, which had been occupied by countless undead natural disasters.

After Malak's death, the kingdom of the frost trolls has crumbled from the ground up.

It was only a matter of time before the Scourge fully took over and ruled the place.

The troll pirate god curled his lips and said:

"It seems that at least in this war, the Scourge of the undead is not completely evil, and their appearance gave Malak a justifiable reason to kill God.

Tsk tsk, you are indeed the person who is valued by you and given prophecy.

This move is really dark enough. If there is no natural disaster of the undead, the rise of the Drakkari trolls is estimated to be in the past two years. Maybe Malak will create an empire era of trolls himself.

Unfortunately, he never had that chance again! "

The newly born Pirate God looked at the Skull of the Frost King in his hand, and he felt more and more that this magical artifact of the skull was so pleasing to the eye. After a few seconds, Gaboya slapped his thigh and said:

"I want this thing!

Of course, on behalf of my Highness Talanji, I will also ask you to purchase the loa magic spirit of Akali, the god of rhinoceros.

As long as Her Royal Highness brings it back to the shrine of Zuldazar, with the magical power mastered by the Zandalari trolls, it won't take long for Akali, the mighty rhino god, to be reborn! "

"you sure?"

Bo Laike exhaled the smoke ring, raised his left hand, and a huge crystal bottle shining with blood-red light appeared in his hand. It was the god mob that Bo Laike had just collected from Malak's corpse.

He took it and said to Gaboa:

"This Akari god, spirit, is quite expensive. If I make good use of it, I can create a warrior Loa just like you in a short period of time.

Oh, think about it carefully, the idiot sister is about to celebrate her birthday, so giving her this thing will probably make her very happy, right? "

"I understand the rules!"

Gaboa spread his hands and said:

"It's just adding money.

When I go back and apply for a sum of money from Her Majesty the Princess, I will have a good time with you. I will keep the goblins for me. As a loa god, it is time for me to spend time building my 'social circle'.

What is a more reliable friendship than life-saving grace?

Hehehe. "

After finishing speaking, Gaboya turned around and was about to leave, but just as he turned his head, a shadow throwing knife whizzed towards and pierced Gaboa's forehead, destroying the illusion of power on the spot.

The Frost King's Skull in his hand also fell to the ground, and after bouncing a few times, Laike reached out to pick it up.

The stinky pirate raised his head, gestured a middle finger to the troll pirate god who showed a helpless smile in the air, and scolded:

"You want to take the goods without giving money? Who do you take me for? In order to punish your stupid idea of ​​wanting to get something for nothing, I have decided, the next time I trade.

Remember to add money! "


Bu Laike didn't spend much time in Zudak.

With Malak the Frost Lord slain as leader of the Scourge Rebels, the story of the Darklands came to an end, at least for Braike.

Although the story of the Loamen continues there.

Although the Zandalari trolls will definitely find a way to save some Drakkari trolls from the undead Scourge, but these have nothing to do with the smelly pirates.

He didn't care about these minutiae, anyway, he just came to complete the task.

"That's the way it is, my great majesty, with the power and name you gave me, I simply killed the bastard who tried to resist you, and added bricks and tiles to your first death conquest."

After taking some time to return to the base camp of the undead in Crystalsong Forest, Bu Laike immediately ran to ask His Majesty the Lich King for his reward.

Of course, he didn't come empty-handed.

A soul stone that contained Malak's soul, and a headless but strong troll corpse were sent to Lothar as proof of the end of this mission.

The Lich King was very satisfied with the "gift" in front of him, and even his subordinates gave Bu Laike "high praise".

"I feel more and more that natural disasters need an excellent intelligence officer and master assassin."

Sitting next to Lothar, King Lane Wrynn, wearing a human gown and a ceremonial sword, stared at Bo Laike, and he said in a cold tone:

"This 'junior' born in Kul Tiras in front of me is undoubtedly the kind of talent we need."


On the other side of the Lich King, Lord Antonidas, who held a psychic bone staff and covered himself in a white lich robe, also agreed to this proposal neatly.

"I also."

Yrel the Little Hoof originally wanted to say that he agreed, but when he saw Bo Laike's unfriendly gaze, the draenei death knight snorted, and finally chose not to speak.

"That's enough for now."

Lothar raised his hand to stop the malicious discussion among his subordinates. He slapped the soul stone of Frost King Malak on the blade of Frostmourne, and the magic sword immediately neighed happily.

During the rotation of the death sword, Lothar also got up, and he said to the three subordinates beside him:

"Blaike Shaw has proven his worth to the Scourge, and it is time for me to fulfill my promise with him. I will be away for a few days. When I return, I hope to see a Zul'Drak that we have fully taken over.

I want that piece of land washed repeatedly by death to be ready to discover all the war potential! "

"Yes! Your Majesty."

The three dead men leaned over to accept the order, Lothar didn't waste time, picked up Frostmourne with his hand, and called a black armored death horse over in a silent call.

Unfortunately, this horse is not called invincible, nor does it have wings.

However, wearing the traditional thick horse armor of the Arathi knights, and the blessing of the cold wind of death, this tall war horse also has a cold and dead majesty.

Lothar got on his horse and left the camp guarded by the undead with Bu Laike. Before heading to the snowy south, the pirate suddenly said:

"Your Majesty, after thinking about it, His Excellency Ryan Wrynn's suggestion is indeed very pertinent. With your current forces and combat system, you really need an excellent intelligence officer and master assassin to serve you."


Lothar pulled up the rein in surprise, looked at the pirate, and said:

"Are you ready to go to death? Is there nothing in the world of the living that deserves your nostalgia?"

"No, no, it's not me."

Bu Laike shook his head, he said:

"It's my mentor, Ms. Liresa Windrunner, who is a dark ranger. She is a free undead with lofty ideals. I think she must be very willing to be a member of the Scourge you rule.

Of course, she cannot become the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and she can only serve you temporarily, training elite death rangers and undead assassins for you.

She will assist your cause until you choose a suitable successor."

The pirate shrugged and said to Lothar:

"She is my most important retainer. Please understand that although I respect you very much, I really don't want to lose her now."

(end of this chapter)

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