Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1452 85. There Must Be A Windrunner Who Becomes The Queen Of The Banshees, This Is Fate - Ha

Chapter 1452 85. There must be a windrunner who becomes the queen of the banshee, this is fate - Happy Holidays【23】

"I'm curious, Your Majesty, on the day I left, how did my brother Nathanos and his elven goddess lover go about your 'persuasion' work?"

Riding on the back of the sky in the frost of the north, the stinky pirate galloping all the way on the frozen keel wilderness opened his mouth in the cold sky, but was grinned by the cold wind.

The gloomy cold air went straight to the lungs and almost froze the heart. It felt so sour.

But he managed to ask his own question before his tongue froze.

"I guess they must have prepared very beautiful and touching speeches, maybe they will collect your old friends and your former subordinates calling and pleading for you.

Maybe even bring up your ancestor Thoradin to convince you.

To be honest, I am a little worried, what should I do if Your Excellency the Lich King is moved by these words? "

Bu Laike looked at the Lich King Lothar who steered his wingless armored steed flying through the sky, galloping forward as if on the ground.

The latter wore a crown made of ice on his forehead, and the cold air poured down from the crown, creating a icy grimace covering Lothar's face, which also made Lothar look even colder and darker, full of aura. Cold temperament.

Of course, the embellishment was also effective in drawing attention away from Lothar's balding Mediterranean hairstyle.

After all, as the Lich King who rules all spirits, having such an embarrassing middle-aged hairstyle really makes the stylists of the Undead Scourge despair.

It seems that the search for the Helm of Domination must be put on the agenda quickly.

Lothar seemed to sense the terrible thoughts that surged in Bu Laike's heart, but the cruel His Majesty the Lich King didn't care. He didn't even spend much time looking at Bo Laike's feigned respect, but looked forward and said calmly:

"Their efforts are commendable, but unfortunately they failed.

They told me a lot, and I could tell that whether it was Nathanos or Sylvanas, or those who sent them to find me, they sincerely hoped that I would be free from Frostmourne. control.

They hoped to save me, to bring me back from the dark future to the light.

But they obviously didn't understand my desire and my pursuit.

They also failed to understand the situation they were facing now.

In my opinion, their call is more like a kind of "surrender". They hope that I will lay down my arms and face the future disaster with a weak attitude.

They want me to be a coward!

It made me feel angry, cold anger. "

The Lich King paused, shaking his head in the chill of the ice crown above his head, and said:

"Since I have Frostmourne, the docile magic sword has been projecting that hopeless future to me, and every time my soul rests, I will be in a burning dream.

Those enemies howling from the stars, those corrupted beings that lurk in the darkness behind the world, those threats I never knew existed but were always there.

The world became clear before my eyes, Bu Laike.

I am fully aware of how fragile it is, how it needs protection, and that may be my fate.

I swore an oath to protect my people, my kingdom and civilization.

But my potential is much more than that.

I can do more and I hope to do more. This is my choice, and it has nothing to do with the prayers and calls of the world of the living.

It has nothing to do with all laughter, sorrow and tears.

It is closely related to all wars, destruction and death. "

"Well said, Your Majesty, it's almost the same as not saying."

Bu Laike clapped his hands and praised:

"You're obviously more melancholy since you became the king of the dead, and you express the grimness of death and your dark determination in a more poetic and artistic way.

This beautiful wording almost made me forget that you were once a warrior, but fortunately, standing in front of you, I may be one of the few people on this land who can understand your mood.

So you're going to keep going, right?

No matter what Faol and Anasterian try to save you, you're going to teach them a lesson, right? Why don't we just start with this tiresome war I'm facing right now?

Let us join hands and teach those arrogant ones an unforgettable lesson, Your Majesty. "

The pirate's words silenced Lothar for a moment, and the Lich King pulled up the reins to let his death steed gallop through the air faster, leaving only a sentence so cold that it seemed to come from the grave The response that rings:


"That's why I'm here."


As Bo Laike and Lothar get closer to their destination, there is another conversation going on at the foot of an eerie hill southwest of the vast Dragonblight.

However, compared to the "sympathy" between the stinky pirates and Lothar, the scene of this dialogue is very bad. The atmosphere of the two sides of the conversation was opposite, and the conversation was sharp, as if they were arguing or complaining.

"Alleria seems to be a different person. She seems to be diligent after becoming a ranger general, but she has been neglecting her duties all the time! She turns a blind eye to the various threats Quel'Thalas faces, and only knows to obey the orders of the Sun King.

Although this made her a favorite of the court, it also made her no longer like an upright popular traveler.

I know what she's doing, and I know all this has changed because she met you once before! You are asking Alleria to give up the principles you taught us.

You are asking us to do treason for you! "

In the dark cedar forest where the wind blows and dead trees are everywhere in the Keel Wilderness, Sylvanas Windrunner, who seemed a little disappointed in failing to complete the diplomatic mission entrusted by the Sun King, was looking excitedly at a girl who was about her height but with The elf lady wearing a black mask roared:

"And Vereesa!

Alleria's indulgence to her has completely turned her into a wild child! She no longer lives in the Tower of the Windrunner, but ran to live with a human mage unmarried!

I wrote her several letters to no avail, and she refuted me convincingly, saying that her relationship with Luo Ning has already been approved by you!

Lastly, Lilas."

Shiva was panting violently. It could be seen that the second sister of Windrunner, who was usually like an iceberg, was really excited now. She couldn't help stretching out her hand to grab the wrist of the indifferent elf in front of her and shouted:

"Don't you care about him? He has done obscene and shameful things! Without the permission of the three eldest sisters in the family, he made a private life with a magic-addicted elf from Suramar!

That's not enough, he hooked up with his sister in a shameful way!

What is this for?

Such behavior has never occurred in the past ten thousand years of the Windrunner family history, it is simply a disgrace to the family

After you left, everything messed up.

It was as if everything had changed overnight.

My sisters and brothers have become strangers to me, and I'm at a loss for what to do. "

Facing Shiva's loss of control, the indifferent elf whose wrist was being held by her kept looking at her with calm eyes. It wasn't until Shiva's voice became low that she said quietly:

"Nice to meet you too, my daughter."

Maybe it was too much contact with Bo Laike that gave General Windrunner that damn humor.

Shiva's long series of questioning was in stark contrast to her one-sentence response, which almost made Nathanos Maris, who was watching the mother and daughter quarrel and was in charge of security, almost laugh out loud.

His mother's calm response seemed to make Shiva feel his gaffe.

She bowed her head and fell silent.

General Liresa shook her head, reached out and took off the black mask on her face, revealing her face that was almost the same as when she was alive.

Except for the weird "smoky makeup" on his face, General Liresa was exactly the same as the mother Shiva remembered.

"Of all my sons and daughters, you will always be the strongest, my Shiva."

General Liresa hung the black mask representing the identity of the undead and the hunter on her waist, and stretched out her hand to lean on the hunting master's halberd in her hand. She looked up at the cloudy and cold sky above her head, and could vaguely see a few dogs in the falling snow. Snowy owl rises and falls.

After a few seconds of silence, Mother Windrunner spoke in a hollow voice unique to undead:

"Your strength has made you constantly challenge your limits since you were a child, making you unwilling to lose to your older sister and your younger sister in anything.

You always demand yourself with the highest demands, and never give yourself excuses and reasons to give in.

You are unquestionably brilliant, you are my pride, I was proud of you, but it wasn't until after my death that I realized that your strength wasn't in your nature, my daughter.

Beneath your tough exterior, you are actually a very sensitive person.

You need to be good to earn more praise, you care about how you look to others, and you are far less free than your sisters.

Maybe there is a problem with my education method.

I give most of my energy to my eldest daughter, Alleria, and most of my love to my younger daughters Vereesa and younger sons Rilas.

I obviously don't care enough for you, but you never complain, never ask for more.

I'm sorry, my daughter. "

Mother Windrunner looked back at Sylvanas, she said softly:

"When I left you, I didn't have time to say goodbye to you, and when I started this dark life again, I didn't express my thoughts and feelings to you in time.

I know that my departure caught you off guard.

I also know that all the changes caused by me will make it difficult for you to adapt and make you mentally and physically exhausted.

I can understand better that you chose to leave your hometown in self-imposed exile and came to Northrend not only to avoid the mission I gave you, but also to seek inner peace amidst the constant changes."

Having said that, Windrunner's mother turned her head and glanced at Nathanos Marris who was staying beside her. Before Maris noticed this gaze, General Liresa turned her gaze back to her daughter.

she asked:

"The peace you were looking for, have you found it? Daughter."


Facing Windrunner's mother's "truth revealing" offensive, Cirvanas, who was full of anger and grievance just now, was obviously a little caught off guard, and responded in a hurry.

Especially when faced with meaningful inquiries from her mother, Fengxingzhe's second sister moved her body uncomfortably. After several seconds of silence, she nodded inaudibly.

Say in a whisper:

"I realized that it wasn't a place, a tower or a place to call 'home.' I realized that the peace I was looking for wasn't a stay in a certain place at a certain time.

The point is with whom.

During this period of time in Zul'Dak, according to the records of the ancestor's handbook, I was completely immersed in the power of the wilderness, and I really found my inner will and spiritual desire.

I recognized myself, and incidentally, I had a deeper understanding of the world. "

Sylvanas looked up.

She wiped her reddish eyes, and said to General Liresa who looked at her with satisfaction:

"I will no longer evade the responsibilities I must shoulder, Mother, and I will return to Quel'Thalas, and I will continue to fight for my people and my country."


General Liresa raised her hand to help her daughter wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes. She touched Shiva's cold forehead to feel her daughter's temperature. She said softly:

"You are a formidable enemy that can be met with tears and smiles, my Shiva.

You still have to keep walking your path until you are really strong. I'm happy to see you finally stop walking alone, and finally have a life of your own outside of your sisters and brothers.

I'm also glad that the two of you dared to challenge the Lich King head-on and were not killed.

To be honest, when my disciple passed your news to me, I was already ready to welcome you into the ranks of undead hunters. "

Windrunner's mother made a joke that wasn't funny. She patted Shiva on the shoulder and said:

"Listen to my mother's advice, go back to the Eastern Continent, and never come to Northrend again, this icy continent will be ruled by Emperor Lothar, it will be called the lost kingdom of the undead, and it will be a forbidden zone for all life.

Go back and tell those who sent you on this adventure

Anduin Lothar doesn't need to go back to that bright home, he is already in his own home, let them stop trying, and stop adding more casualties.

Than calling back to Lothar.

They obviously have more important things to do. "

"Well said, as expected of my chief retainer, his understanding of the general trend of the world is really clear enough to make people admire."

After Windrunner's mother finished her warning to her daughter, Braike's damn annoying voice also sounded in this withered cold woodland. He stepped out from the shadow of General Liresa and glanced at the cold Sylvanas, he said:

"These truths can be seen even by the dead, but those living people who think they are smart and their brains have not rotted can't understand it. It really makes people wonder what is in their minds."

Before Shiva could respond to the ridicule, Braike pulled out a black ribbon and a large ice badge from his hand as if offering a treasure, and personally put these two decorations on the mother of Windrunner like an honor On the armor.

He whistled, looked at the majestic General Liresa, and said:

"Your recent workload is a little too little, which is not enough for you to realize your potential, so I found you a 'part-time job' with His Majesty Lothar.

From now on, my chief retainer, you are the military intelligence commander and death hunting lord of the undead Scourge.

Pack it up, lady lord.

His Majesty the Lich King is coming soon. "

Bo Laike winked at Mother Windrunner and whispered:

"It is said that your generous majesty will give you new powers. The Windrunner family must produce a 'Queen of Banshees', my mentor. This is the fate of the Windrunners.

If it wasn't you, it would be the weak ranger in front of you who can be dismissed with a smile and tears. "

(end of this chapter)

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