Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1476 109. If You Are The First Grader, Don't Blame Me For The Fifteenth Grade

Chapter 1476 109. If you are the first grader, don't blame me for the fifteenth grade

The great magister holding the holy object of space and the Sun King infused with the magic power of the Sunwell are like two terrifying magic fortresses. Both of them are the top spellcasters in Azeroth. Have their own understanding and application.

Even the most common fireball technique can be played well in the hands of such a mage. As a result, after more than ten seconds of magic confrontation between the two, the entire sky above Kui Island completely became a "no man's land".

The aftermath of energy caused by the collision of various magics swept across the sky, reflecting strange arcs of different colors under the refraction of the sun, which at first glance looked like colorful "fire clouds" with gradient colors.

But the reality is far more brutal.

The magic aftermath of this energy level cannot be dissipated in a day or two.

If Elisande and the Sun King are allowed to continue to "confront waves" like this, their magic remnants are likely to permanently change the terrain and even the climate of Kui Island.

Don't doubt it.

The ten-thousand-year curse of Azsuna has proved that in this magical world, it is definitely not a good thing for a piece of land to suffer too much magic bombardment.

The "fighting skills" in the sky made the group of fun people headed by Xiao Xingxing and Anaris Yuejun very addictive. The pirates who had hid in the magister's platform in advance will gather together like an open-air barbecue On the high-level platform of the elf palace.

They shared delicious food one by one, and made comments on the "black and white confrontation" war scene before them from time to time.

But those who know the business know the danger of the situation at this time, so it didn't take long for the stern-faced ship doctor lady to rush up to the platform with a blessing, and even beat and scolded those drunken alcoholics.

It's really a bad habit to learn from Bu Laike, watching the excitement is too much to die for!

With the magical destructive power of Elisande and the Sun King at this moment, as long as a magic shot misses this palace, a large-scale incident of accidental injury will occur.

However, apart from the fierce battle between the two top spellcasters in the sky, the people on the ground were not idle either.

The bosses of both sides have raised their knives and fought hard, and as small soldiers, they naturally can't let things go.

The Quel'dorei elves hiding in the town were already desperate. They thought they would die under the evil magic of the black skin elves, but the appearance of the Sun King bought them a little time.

Before the Sunwell was closed, an elite phoenix guard rushed out of the palace to help the defense line here. The Quel'dorei rangers and soldiers who received the reinforcements had a great morale. They held the Phoenix flag high and pulled out The blood-stained sword and shield bravely rushed towards the black-skinned elves with bared teeth and distorted faces.

The warriors of the two elf factions, one black and one white, fought fiercely together. The speech of the great magister has clearly pointed out the core of the war, which is a war for the right to survive.

There is no winning or losing.

Only life and death!

The Nightborne took over the Sunwell, and the rise of the Kingdom of Suramar was imminent.

If the Quel'dorei lost their Sunwell, the high elves would probably be wiped out within fifty years, given the level of magic addiction in their bodies.

This is a war in which there is no compromise at all.

In the towns where the two sides were fighting, there were not only soldiers, but also civilians who lived on Quel'Danas Island all year round. Many of them were family members of the Yangfan Navy and staff of the military port.

There's even an official orphanage here to select gifted apprentices for the Magic Academy on Sunstrider Isle. At this time, the director of the orphanage in this town is leading a dozen frightened elf children trying to escape from the chaotic battlefield.

The red-eyed Xiadorei and Quel'dorei can't control so much.

No one went to help them.

The children could only cry in despair amidst the flying magic and swords, and their dean could only use his slender body to try to protect the children, even though the dean himself was very afraid.

"do not come!"

Just when they were lucky enough to escape from the edge of the town, a group of Nightborne rangers discovered them. The black-skinned elf who had killed the red eyes didn't say much, and rushed towards these children with a bleeding magic knife.

The Elven Headmaster screamed and spread his hands out in an attempt to block it.

But everyone knows that her tears can't stop these bastards who have been turned into evil spirits by war.

"Hey, hey, the elves who have always advertised themselves as elegant and tolerant are showing their underwear this time, look at this battle, this is too much

Even the nastiest pirates know it's wrong to bully children. "

At this moment of desperation, a sarcasm with a human accent suddenly sounded behind the children.

Along with that, boiling shadows turned into shadow throwing knives flying in all directions, and the dozens of Nightborne forwards who approached these innocent people with blood-dripping magic blades were instantly poked into spurts all over their bodies. A sieve of blood.

The children turned around in surprise, but they saw a bad guy wearing a black pirate coat, a black pirate captain hat, a black eye patch, blond hair, and a pipe.

"My God! It's Boo Laike Shaw!"

A little girl screamed:

"I saw his face in the comic book drawn by His Royal Highness Little Xingxing, it is exactly the same! Mammy told me that he brought the bad pirates to attack us."

"Run, Bu Laike Shaw is coming to kill us."

A group of terrified little ones were screaming and trying to escape from Bo Laike who was about to pull candy out of his arms to give them, and their screams clearly broke the stinky pirate's proud heart.

The latter immediately rolled his eyes, curled his lips, and ignored the group of brats.

He raised his head, and in front of the children, poured all the colorful dwarf jelly candies into his mouth, and chewed them to show off to the children.

Ha, these candies were originally for you!

Gone now!

I was eaten up!

Are you angry?

The commotion here quickly attracted the attention of the fighters on both sides, especially after seeing the appearance of Bu Laike Shaw, the Quel'dorei elves' new and old hatreds welled up in their hearts.

Immediately, a few warriors rushed towards the stinky pirate with their swords in hand, wanting to eradicate the scourge with a sword in hand.

But Bo Laike ignored them.

He kicked these annoying little elves lightly with his feet, telling them to get out of the dangerous battlefield with the head of the orphanage who had been frightened and paralyzed.

He also waved his hands and threatened them that if they didn't leave, they would be caught and given to the pirates to eat meat!

"Orc pirates love the hearts of elf children! They say they're nice and crispy when they're deep-fried."

The stinky pirate stood on the cruel battlefield strewn with corpses, and said to a group of terrified elves:

"But a big pirate like me doesn't like to eat the heart. I like to eat the brains of smart children. What do you eat to make up for it? Guess how many smart brats I ate to accumulate so much dark wisdom?


But you are all idiots.

Stupid brains stink, so you're safe.

Get out now.

Get as far away from here as possible. "

"Mr. Pirate, be careful behind you!"

It doesn’t matter if the children are ignorant, the director of the orphanage who was rescued from danger is still very sensible. After she was helped up, she yelled at Laike a few times, signaling that there was danger behind him.

But the stinky pirate was still lowering his head to light his jade pipe, not paying attention to the red-eyed elves rushing towards him behind him.


The moment the sharp blade cut towards Bu Laike's head was swung out, it was blocked by a strange thing behind the pirate, and as the bloody shadow storm spread under Bu Laike's feet, the swaying head of terror The creature rose from the shadow.

It had a bat face like a pig's nose, with weird horns, and a huge rocky batwing that emptied everything within thirty yards of it with two flaps.

There is also a lion-like rock tail sweeping like a steel whip, easily smashing the town's fountain to pieces.

The monster was clad in rock armor, and the sharp claws on its front paws were covered with terrifying spikes, each of which was the size of an adult elf's arm.

Every time it walks on all fours, it will cause vibrations on the ground.

The moment it appeared, the entire fighting battlefield immediately fell silent.

Whether it's the black-skinned Shaldorei or the white-skinned Quel'dorei, they all stared dumbfounded at this creature that didn't look like a living thing, and even Elisande and the Sun King Anas, who were madly confronting each other in the sky. Tarion stopped.

They all felt the terrible pressure coming from this guy.

Demi god!


It's a rock demigod!

When did the damned Bo Laike Shaw have such a terrifying demigod servant?

"Hey, you disrespectful bastards, have you ever asked me for my opinion in a fight on my turf? Have you ever paid a 'fight fee'? Just slashing people here with knives

What an impolite bastard!

Need to be taught a lesson!

But before we beat you, let's get down to business, come on!

Everyone looks at me, everyone looks at me, I want to make an announcement. "

The pirate exhaled smoke rings and moved his body on the spot. His voice was extremely loud, and he didn't know how to use it. It almost shook the hearts of everyone in front of him.

Guys who know the power of Bu Laike have already grasped their weapons, but those who have never heard of pirates, well, there are basically no guys in this world who haven't heard of Bu Laike's "prestige".

The stinky pirates have a bad reputation that even the foolish furbolgs of Winterspring know.

"Elisande, remember the contract we made before?"

Bo Laike was smoking a pipe, brushing his hair, and looking at the sky carelessly, he yelled at Elisande on the Magic Saber:

"I've changed my mind now!

I suddenly felt that maybe you should meet my request first, so that I have enough motivation to persuade myself to help you continue this war. Don’t show that damn expression. I didn’t betray you, I just made a small request .

And, do you know what's the best thing about the situation where both of you have played out your brains now? "

The pirate sneered, looked at the Sun King again, and said politely:

"Then, His Majesty Anasterian, you seem to be in great need of help now. As long as you ask, the pirates scattered across your country can become your most loyal fighters at any time.


As long as Ms. Elisande continues to keep her eyes blank and say the words of rejecting me, I can become your loyal servant immediately! "

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Bu Laike took out a silver pocket watch from his pocket, and pretended to listen to it. He looked at the great magister again, and said:

"So, Eye of Aman'Thul, do you give it? Or don't you give it? You only have ten seconds to answer."

How clever the Grand Magister is.

She instantly understood the reason why Bo Laike would do such a thing at this time, damn it! This vengeful stinky pirate is still remembering the fact that he threatened him in the Tower of Dark Night before.

But brother!

What time is this now? Is it right for you to lose your temper at this time?

Jumping left and right in front of my face, you are a little too arrogant, right? Do you really think we, the Nightborne, can't do anything without the pirates under your command?

The great magister almost hated her teeth, but as a brilliant politician, she deeply understood the power of compromise, but she comforted her with an embarrassed face:

"What about the war, Bo Laike, my dear friend, perhaps we may wait until after the Sunwell's gates have been breached to discuss this matter, don't you even have the patience for that?"

"Sorry, wrong answer!"

Laike shrugged and took a step back, hiding in the shadows from all eyes.

At the moment of disappearing, he snapped his fingers to the demigod stone-born demon behind him, and said calmly:

"Kill them all! I mean, every nightborn present! Treat yourself, my dear Xiao Yi, and you will have all the poor hearts of these guys."


Hearing such a generous order, even the Stoneborn, whose mood fluctuated like a beast, felt pleasantly surprised.

Amidst the horrified screams of a group of Nightborne and Quel'dorei elves, this demigod beast opened its huge rocky bat wings with a bang, and spit out terrifying petrification towards the 270° range in front of it with a deep breath. breath.

In less than ten seconds, more than a hundred people had their bodies and souls frozen in the sandstorm-like raid, and their bodies and heads were smashed to pieces by the huge claws amid Xiao Yi's cruel and deep cry.

It seems to regard this as a happy game of hunting.

Of course, the pirates gave it an order to kill every Nightborne, but they didn't ask it to avoid the Quel'dorei elves who were mixed with fish and dragons at this time.

For stone-headed stone-born demons, since the master didn't order them, they can be killed!


"Damn it!"

Seeing that the petrified monster Xiao Yi, who is not easy to mess with at first glance, began to kill on the battlefield regardless of the enemy or himself, the Sun King and the Queen of the Night who had killed each other just now looked at each other. The petrified monster below casts magic.

Arcane arts and raging flames galloped and bombarded Xiao Yi's armor and skin, but they couldn't stop the beast's massacre and pursuit at all.

As one of the warriors who personally participated in the "Battle of Light and Darkness" against the invasion of the Naaru, Xiaoyi could even withstand the holy light purification thrown by the Naaru himself. Armor can't be pierced.

The rampage of an uncontrolled demigod was too terrifying. In just a few minutes, the front lines of both sides were messed up by Xiao Yi. The war that was supposed to be a desperate fight could not be carried out at all, so they had no choice but to retreat.

The Sun King's side is fine, they can retreat into the Sun Well nearby.

But Elisande was in an embarrassment. When they retreated to their positions, they saw the North Sea pirates who had fought side by side with the Nightborne before, frantically chasing and killing the wounded soldiers running around in the camp.

The pirate king of the elves, Anaris Yuejun, was also taking the opportunity to recruit new recruits. For the die-hards who didn't understand the reason and were unwilling to follow her, the pirate king of Yuejun was very "merciful" and hung them all on the pillars of the sailing pier.

Among those corpses, there was also a large wooden sign specially erected, on which was written a message to Elisande in Salasian with the blood of the Nightborne:

"I hope you will pay the price for offending the pirates, Ms. Elisande, your nightmare. This has just begun."

At the bottom of those handwritings is the "autograph" of Bu Laike, and a line of small words that can only be read by lying on the wooden sign:

"Respected Grand Magister, you can try to send yourself and your soldiers back to Suramar, as long as you dare! You don't really think that I have held the Scepter of Sargeras for so long without doing anything to it Bar?"

(end of this chapter)

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