Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1477 110. Xiaotai, Listen To My Advice, You Can't Control The Depth Of The Water Here

Chapter 1477 110. Xiaotai, listen to my advice, you can't control the depth of the water here

At the bottom of the wooden sign set up by Bu Laike to mock the great magister, a very bad pirate head was ingeniously drawn with the brushwork of a murloc baby.

Its ironic meaning is almost full in this situation.

Seeing the malicious grin on the portrait, Elisande felt a little anxious for a moment.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the Grand Magister wanted to try using the Scepter of Sargeras, but after much deliberation, he finally chose to do it properly.

She has always been such a steady spellcaster.

Her character determines her destiny. It took her 10,000 years to plan for her self-proclaimed Queen of the Night, which shows the stability of this guy's mind.

But the great magister is not a fool who just wants to be safe.

The previous act of Bu Laike releasing demigod monsters to kill the Quartet has proved that the bastard Bu Laike had no intention of cooperating with the Son of the Night from the beginning, and he was just another victim of the evil conspiracy of the stinky pirate.

But after calming down, Elisande didn't panic.

While ordering the commanders around her to assemble the troops, she also dispatched competent personnel to patrol the important areas currently controlled by Nightborne, and also dispatched mages to build temporary camps for the soldiers.

There is no need to consider the aspect of diet.

The children of the night have drank magic wine for 10,000 years, which has allowed them to successfully complete the physiological "natural selection". These guys eat just to try something new.

In theory, they only need to drink magic wine to live forever.

And now, with the abundance of magic power on Quel'Danas Island, the more than 20,000 Nightborne sergeants who landed here don't even need to drink magic wine.

They only need to constantly breathe the sweet air of Kui Island to keep their bodies and combat effectiveness in a very strong state for a long time.

The real "Magic Northwest Wind" belongs to it.

The Quel'dorei elves shaped this magic well to support their Wang Quan, but the white-skinned elves never imagined that the moment their holy land was established, it had become the "home field" of the Nightborne by accident. ".

This has to be said to be a kind of black humor brought by fate.

In short, after repeated thinking and arguments with his staff, Elisande still felt that I had the advantage.

Now two-thirds of the land of Kui Island has fallen into the hands of the Son of the Night. Although they lost the sea support and blockade of the Moon County fleet, Quel'dore's fleet is still desperately rushing back from the North Sea.

It will take at least a few days for them to return to their hometown. Most importantly, the North Sea pirates who are showing off their might in this sea will not allow the elf fleet to dock casually.

"There are still a few days."

When dusk fell in the sky of Kui Island, the great magister holding the scepter of Sargeras stood in front of her gorgeous and luxurious purple tent. Sunwell, she said to her lieutenant behind her:

"We must take this magic well, my compatriots, you have experienced firsthand how important this well of the sun is to the Nightborne.

This island will surely become the new sanctuary for the rise of Suramar after we have destroyed the Sun Lord's reign.

No matter what the cost, we must fully occupy this place.

Get the Demon Hunter Camp ready! "

The great magister waved his hand and ordered coldly:

"Tomorrow morning, the front army will feign an attack and let the demon hunters go around and attack."

"Her Majesty."

A nightborn magic swordsman commander whispered:

"What about the pirates? The magister's platform they occupy is the highest place on the island. If we don't get rid of them, our sneak attack will definitely be discovered."

"The leader of the pirates is shamelessly coercing me! Didn't you hear? He arrogantly asked me to hand over the Eye of Aman'Thul!"

Mentioning this incident, Elisande still hated her teeth, she scolded:

"This is digging the roots of the Nightborn's civilization, I will never bow to a rude, cunning and nasty pirate leader under such damn coercion!

Don't worry about them getting in the way! "

The great magister glanced at the Sargeras scepter that was still tearing the space in her hand, and she said:

"Starting tomorrow, I will guide the magic power of the Nightwell to infuse our warriors, so that the quality disadvantages of the pirates will be infinitely magnified.

How could the great nightborne sergeants fear a band of brutish pirates?

Go ahead and do it, folks.

Whether the Kingdom of the Nightborne can last forever depends on whether we can occupy the Sunwell. "


Seeing Elisande elevate this war to such a high level, even if some of the commanders don't quite agree with the current strategy, they still have to stand tall and accept the order.

After the commanders left, the Grand Magister returned to his tent alone.

She's bound to be busy tonight.

She had to double-check whether Laike Shaw had tampered with this very important staff for the war. This work continued until midnight, and the great magister still didn't see the clue.

But she did detect a trace of hidden void in the staff, which made Elisande even more stressed.

This incident is most likely a smoke bomb released by Bu Laike, just to intimidate her from using this space holy object for large-scale teleportation, and the reason is very simple.

If the pirates really did something wrong, at the important moment when she and the Sun King confronted each other during the war today, Bo Laike could detonate his so-called "trap" to severely damage the Grand Magister.

However the Pirates didn't do that, which seems to imply that Laike was just "blank".

But the embarrassing thing is that thanks to the "good reputation" of the stinky pirates, Elisande, who has always been prudent, really dare not bet on such a life-threatening matter.

What if it is true?


"If you don't teleport, don't teleport. Anyway, Suramar's elite army is here, and the Withered have also been released."

The depressed grand magister walked out of the tent alone with her staff at midnight, and wanted to take a turn around the beautiful Yangfan Harbor, but within a few steps, she saw the statues erected in some corners of the huge pier.

Those statues were carved into very delicate and weird shapes with crazy techniques, like birdmen with wings, each of them was very slender and had curved bodies.

Humanoid body, wings connected to the arms, and a strange tail like a scale dragon on the back. Looking at the curve of the body, it seems to be a woman, but Elisande has never seen it in the elf culture or in the world. Such a weird creature.

This should not be real, but the Quel'dorei elves used it as some peculiar custom.

At first glance, these sculptures are weird, but if you look closely, you can find the beauty of the strange coexistence of strength and agility on these sculptures. Beside some female "birdman" sculptures, there are also very exquisitely carved stone beasts .

With a nose like a dog, a body like a bear, and a posture like a wolf, covered in blood-red armor, each posture is terrifying and majestic, probably used by the Quel'dorei elves to deter evil spirits.

As the grand magister of Queen Azshara, Elisande has superb artistic taste.

She was attracted by these stone statues. After admiring them for several minutes, she kept nodding her head to express her approval for the superb carving techniques of these stone statues.

"I love these sculptures."

The great magister reached out and stroked the arm of a birdman, and she said:

"When I complete the conquest of Kui Island, I will take a few of these sculptures back to decorate my palace. They are really good works of art, but I don't know what you represent in the culture of the white skin elves?


Or surveillance?

Alas, the culture and customs of the Quel'dorei are still peculiar, completely different from our Nightborne. But this proves that they are by no means the orthodox descendants of the Elven Empire.

I haven't seen such a statue in Azshara's palace, hehe, maybe it's the culture that the dirty white skins who have been interbreeding with humans for a long time learned from human monkeys.

Just like the savage creations of trolls, it is really exotic. "

With such emotion, Elisande turned and walked towards the shore of the pier, preparing to blow the night wind to calm himself down.

But the great magister didn't notice that the moment she turned around, the "bird sculpture" whom she had touched all over her body just now blinked suddenly.

There was a contemptuous and uncomfortable expression on the stone's face.

The assassin of the Stoneborn Legion was also very helpless. She maintained the standard stone statue lurking state, but she kept complaining crazily in her heart:

Are the women in this material world sick?

My old lady was lurking here for less than three hours, and more than seven or eight people came to touch me, not even letting go of my tail. Damn, my skin is about to be touched by you, my skin will be shiny, you bastard!

After the massacre orders from General Carl and the Earl are issued, I will hack you to death one by one!


"The Sun King sent a messenger, boss."

On the magister's platform at the highest point of Kui Island, Bu Laike had just finished an elf-style dinner. He was walking around on the gorgeous platform holding a wine glass to digest his food when he heard someone calling him from behind.

The pirate looked back and saw that the idiot Little Xingxing was running over holding a letter and yelling.

She said to Bo Laike:

"Anastarian has given in to us, Captain Stinky, and he is willing to pay us in exchange for our release of the Quel'dorei reinforcements on the coast from Sunstrider to Que Isle."

"What is this softness?"

Bo Laike didn't even read the letter, he pouted and said:

"This is called compromise at best!

The old Sun King really wants to give in, so it's time to open the Sunwell and invite us to enter it to help defend. He is obviously still wary of our third-party power, hey, he is indeed a man who is used to being a king.

Speaking of which, who is the person who led the team from Quel'Thalas Peninsula to support Kui Island? "

"It seems to be Silvermoon Ranger General Alleria and the archmages of the Silvermoon Council. I heard from Anne who went to attack Silvermoon City that the Knights of the Silver Hand have also sent people to support them."

Wearing a black eyepatch, Little Xingxing took out a candy from his pocket and threw it into his mouth, chewing it with a crackling sound, and said to Bu Laike with his arms crossed:

"I heard that there is already a large army assembled in Stratholme, and the human kingdom is going to send people to support the elves. It is said that the leader of the team is a human marshal named Gatheris."

"Hey, Commander Da, I didn't expect this hopeless racist to serve as a peacekeeper."

Bu Laike didn't know what he thought of, he covered his stomach and laughed, the little star looked puzzled, and seriously suspected that Bu Laike was out of his mind.

But a foolish blue dragon cannot comprehend the seer's joy.

After more than ten seconds, Bu Laike stopped smiling. He looked at the moonlight above his head, took a sip of his wine gracefully, waved his hands and said:

"Then write back to the Sun King, make a big deal, and let Silvermoon Harry release the blockade on Sunstrider Island. If our elf friends need to cross the sea, we can also use our boat to send them to Kuwait." Island fights.

But one person charges a boat fee of thirty gold coins!

Not even one copper coin is missing!

If they're not going to use our boat, let's just let them take off their clothes and swim to the Isle of Quay, since the endless sea isn't covered anyway, is it? "

"Captain, you are so dark!"

Little Xingxing complained:

"You're trying to squeeze every penny out of their pockets. I think such a thing is really evil."

These words made the stinky pirate glance at the indignant little Xingxing. He rolled his eyes and said in a drawn out voice:

"You drive your Thunder God Throne to do this in person, and you will receive one-tenth of the toll."

"Ah this."

The big eyes of the stupid blue dragon suddenly turned into money-shaped halos, she coughed twice and said:

"I'm not saying you, captain, you are too inconsiderate of the hard work of the brothers. It is very tiring to transport troops back and forth! How can thirty gold coins soothe the pressure of the brothers' hearts?

I suggest fifty gold coins per person."

"Be bold! One hundred per person."

The pirate said something quietly.

Little Xingxing nodded sharply, turned around and straightened his pirate uniform, and walked out of the platform boldly.

Bu Laike looked helpless for a while.

Alas, how pure Little Xingxing was back then. He only wanted to learn magic knowledge from Dean Lanyue. How did he become like this now?

Is this related to yourself?

No way no way?

With this complicated mood, the stinky pirate took another sip of wine, wiped his lips, and casually threw the luxurious and gorgeous crystal wine glass in his hand into the deep night outside the platform as he turned around, throwing a throwing knife.

The wine bottle broke through the speed of sound the moment it was shot, and smashed towards the guy hiding in the air with a roar, but it didn't hit the eyes, but was easily grasped by a finger with a silver gauntlet in the shining moonlight.

In the dance of the moonlight, the rare Tyrande Windtalker who wore a battle armor skirt instead of a moon priest robe appeared in front of Laike. Of course, the moon priest cannot fly without wings, so I brought her here Yes, a monstrous horned moonwing owl.

The pirates could tell at a glance that it was the flying form of the Archdruid.

Because a certain archdruid is so loved by nature, even the flying form is different from other druids. It is no longer in the form of a storm crow, but in front of this gorgeous "moon wing" that is a mixture of an owl and a large raptor. "Form.

"Tsk tsk, I said who was peeping at my handsome face. I didn't expect it to be the high priest of the moon and her beloved druid pet."

Bu Laike stood on the edge of the platform and bowed to the two in front of him with an ancient elf etiquette. He said:

"What kind of wind brought these two big men to this battlefield where white-skinned elves and black-skinned elves are fighting? Let me guess, you are here to be neutral mediators?

Probably because you think that everyone is an elf, and there is nothing you can't sit down and talk about.

Tsk tsk, it's the wishful thinking of pacifists. Seeing you reminds me of those children who were born in peaceful times. Uh, no offense to the two of you.

Come, come, come and sit, let's have a good talk in the moonlight.

I know you will make me a naive deal, and I will turn you down hard. "

Having said that, the smelly pirate shrugged his shoulders and snapped his fingers. A silver-gray crescent moon streamer appeared behind his head, which was almost exactly the same as the Luna emblem on Tyrande's forehead.

In that holy light, the stinky pirate coughed twice and said:

"This can be regarded as a meeting chosen by the two moon gods. Don't worry, my lady priest, I will carefully choose the wording of rejection, so as not to embarrass you too much."

(end of this chapter)

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