Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1479 112. Ellie·Tongue Fighter·Mouth King·Master Of Taunt·Invincible Face T·Three Tongues·Su

Chapter 1479 112. Ellie·Tongue Fighter·Mouth King·Master of Taunt·Invincible Face T·Three Tongues·Sunder

No one sleeps in Kui Island this night

Uh, well, that's a bit of an exaggeration.

At least Laike and his fellow pirates slept soundly, heaping together the treasures looted from the Magister's Terrace and building themselves "big beds" out of these luxuries like the legendary dragons.

Crowds of pirates ate and drank around the dazzling riches, cheering and cheering for the victory of this epic heist that was enough to go down in the history books, and they were noisy all night.

As for their unparalleled leader, Brad Laike Shaw of Megatron, also spent the night happily.

Well, painful and happy.

The ancient venerable who was supposed to control the insect swarm to conquer Azjol Nerub in the north secretly "attacked" Lord Bu Laike who wanted to cultivate his body and mind.

The smelly pirate really wants to refuse the temptation of beauty.

But his goblin became more proficient in seduction after having a body, and it turned out that Laike's spiritual cultivation was still not at home.

In the early hours of the morning, Xal'atath, who left contentedly, disappeared in the island of Kui, which was tightly sealed off by pirates, just like when she came.

The Supreme Being and Dark Lord have no interest in the civil war of the elves.

To use her bitter words, what's the point of watching a group of hemp sticks from the same origin fight? It's better to go to the snowfields of the North to watch the excitement of the crypt lords hunting mammoths and dragons.

Besides, after completing the conquest of the Nerubians, Xal'atath is expected to stay at Dellano's side to really shape her swarm into the aqir swarm she remembers.

This is a job that takes a lot of energy.

Although the void connection with Bu Laike allows her to travel between the two worlds through the void, but after all, she can't hug and cuddle with Bu Laike every day, which makes Xal'atath a little bit less interested.

But apart from the pirates, it was indeed difficult for other forces on Kui Island to sleep well that night.

The Nightborne were preparing to attack, and the Quel'dorei was rushing to organize the defense. The Kaldorei had just emerged from the Kui Island forest, and they were also sending envoys to contact the warring parties.

Everyone is very busy.

Until the next morning, the letter written by Tyrande was finally delivered to the leaders of both sides. For the Kaldorei who suddenly appeared and tried to be mediators, the black skins and white skins responded in completely different ways.

The Sun King Anasterian, who was already a little bit battered, immediately responded to Kaldorei's kindness.

Obviously, the Sun King still trusts his "distant relatives" more than the "employment" proposed by Laike Shaw.

However, he didn't intend to give up and surrender. He just wanted to use Kaldorei's neutral proposal to delay the time and give Quel'dorei's reinforcements a chance.

The Sun King knew he couldn't give up the Sunwell.

This is a matter of principle.

Compared to Anasterian's warm treatment, Elisande sneered at the letter sent by Tyrande, with strong dissatisfaction by the way.

In the eyes of the Queen of the Nightborne, she had made a deal with the Sisterhood of Elune over Azshara's threat.

The two sides are already an offensive and defensive alliance.

Under such circumstances, the appearance of Kaldorei's army and big men should help the Nightborne win the battle, rather than jumping out to act as a damn mediator.

Who are you!

Just ran to mediate the war. This is a battle for survival, do you really think it's a joke? Is it true that if everyone holds hands and sings together, the conflict brought about by the right to life can be resolved?

These Kaldorei are really childish and ridiculous!

The great magister didn't want to pay attention to this tripartite meeting, but soon, the cunning she realized that this was an opportunity!

If the Sun King will attend the meeting held by the night elves, it means that at least for the duration of the meeting, the defense of the Sunwell will lose its supreme commander.

This means that the success rate of the sneak attack she planned last night will be greatly improved.


Elisande caught her blind spot, and she immediately sent her emissary to report to Tyrande, saying that she would personally attend the conference held for peace.

But in the dark, there was already a master Shaldorei demon hunter commanding the losers in the cruel training, and under the cover of advancing on the frontal battlefield, they made a detour towards the Sunwell.

All this has not escaped the attention of the pirates who occupy the geographical advantage.

But the pirates didn't report to Quel'Dorei, and those white-skinned elves didn't pay the fleet, so why should they share information with them?

Just mess up!

The more chaos the better, the pirates also hope that the Sons of Night will be more powerful and can break through the Sunwell's defenses today, so as to create a chance for them to sneak into the luxurious palace and make a big grab.

If it wasn't for something wrong, the stinky pirates would all want to be a guest cheerleader, cheering up the Nightborne who ran to attack.

In short, during this waiting, when the sun came to the nine o'clock position, in the temporary camp set up by the night elves outside the maple leaf forest on Kui Island, the leaders of the black elves and the white elves were almost Simultaneously.

The Sun King is still his classic dress before.

A pair of gorgeous phoenix robes embellished with some emblems representing the identity of the king, holding a golden staff of sin'dorei in his hand, but there is an extra magic sword like flowing fire at his waist.

It is impressively the Quel'dorei secret treasure Flame Strike held by Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider for a long time. It seems that the strength that Elisande showed yesterday put a lot of pressure on the Sun King, forcing him to take Returned this secret technique long sword.

As for how the sword was sent back to Azeroth from Dellano, there are many ways. The Quel'dorei elves, whose kingdom is founded on magic, have plenty of ways to send out a holy relic overnight.

It is worth mentioning that when the Sun King appeared, in addition to the royal seal, he also had a luxurious gemstone ring on his left hand.

The ring continued to shine with arcane light, causing Elisande's complexion to change slightly when he saw it.


This ring was definitely not a creation of the Elven Empire, and the pressure it exuded made the Grand Magister feel a world roaring at her in a trance.


After seeing Elisande appear, the Sun King gave a cold snort.

His gaze was anything but friendly.

But when he saw the scepter of Sargeras constantly tearing the space in the hands of the great magister, the Sun King also had a trace of fear in his eyes. He had personally experienced the unreasonable overbearing power of this damned scepter yesterday.

Its tearing and manipulation of space has simply surpassed the space rules of this world. If Elisande is willing to pay some price, she can even directly destroy all the palace defense lines of the Sunwell.

How could such a dangerous weapon fall into the hands of a lunatic who wantonly launched a war? Which irresponsible guy gave this to her?

Damn it!

"Ah Choo."

The Sun King's internal complaints had just ended, and Laike sneezed big when he got up and rubbed the cloth on his lower back for a walk.

He rubbed his nose and wondered if he caught a cold from last night's madness, but soon he realized that it was very likely that someone was complaining about him behind his back.

Tsk tsk, damn it!

I had provoked too many people, and I couldn't even accurately judge who was cursing me for a while.

The pirate stood on the edge of the magister's platform, looking towards the Kaldorei camp. He was also very interested in today's talks, but he didn't intend to run over to watch in person.

Bu Laike looked around, took out a strange stone and threw it on the table, then took out a bottle of wine, slumped in the chair with gusto, and poured anima into the stone.

After changing several "viewpoints" in a row, he finally found a perspective of the Stoneborn "sculpture" that was very close to the Kaldorei camp.

With the injection of heart energy, soon, the picture in the camp appeared in front of the pirates in a "projection" way, just like watching a movie.

It's still a real-time live broadcast, but it's a pity that there is no such thing as a barrage of "check-in".

The pirate smiled triumphantly.

He felt that he had finally found the correct usage of stone descendants in the material world. After they fell to the ground and turned into stone statues, they could not be sensed by any force, which made them the best "cameras".

Twelve hundred stoneborn assassins and the same number of Gargon hounds are enough for pirates to control all changes in the entire Kui Island without leaving home.

"Yo, Her Majesty is coming soon."

In addition to paying attention to the talks of the three elf factions, the pirate also took time to inquire outside the island. He noticed that Queen Azshara's carriage had secretly entered the Isle of Sunstrider, and would reach Quel'Danas Isle by evening at the latest.

This made Bo Laike rub his hands together.

He was really looking forward to when Azshara appeared in front of these elves, what kind of expressions should they respond to?

Tsk tsk, that would be very interesting.



Let me ask first, your definition of peace is that we choose to give up when we are only one step away from victory, allowing the Nightborne to abandon their yearning for a better life and return to Suramar to continue living a miserable life?

If it is such a peace, then we are not rare! "

In Kaldorei's camp, Elisande, Queen of the Nightborne, showed her "strong character" at the very beginning of the meeting. She sat on a chair made of living wood and ignored the Sun King's indifference. face with disgust.

she says:

"The magic power of the Sunwell has never belonged to Quel'dorei alone, it is a magic well shaped by the well water of the Well of Eternity, and the Well of Eternity belongs to the Elven Empire!

Everyone is a member of the empire, so why are you the only ones who can enjoy the blessing of this magic power? "

"Your shamelessness is really shocking, Elisande! Your existence simply represents the moral bottom line of elves!"

The Sun King snorted, gritted his teeth and said:

"Quel'dorei has been associated with the Sunwell for nearly 7,000 years. During these 7,000 years, the entire world has recognized our ownership of the Sunwell. This is a magical holy place built brick by brick by our ancestors.

Do you really think you can make such a damned ridiculous claim with the Elven Empire?

You want to share the Sunwell, so why not share your Nightwell with us? My people also suffer from a lack of mana.

We cannot even live long outside the light of the Sunwell. "

"You want the Nightwell? Yes."

Contrary to the Sun King's expectations, after hearing his rebuttal, Elisande generously took out a few bottles of magic wine that had been stored for thousands of years and put them on the table. She also said "please" to the Sun King action, say:

"Come on, let's taste the 'delicacy' of the Children of the Night. Only when you truly understand the predicament of the Shal'dorei, will you understand our desire for the magic power of the Sunwell.

Your Majesty the Sun King, let me tell you the truth, the reason for the war to this point is not only ours. "

The great magister snorted and said:

"On the day I became king, I politely asked your envoy if I could buy magic power from you to meet the needs of the people.

But your Messenger arrogantly rejected me.

If you had chosen a fair trade on that day and exchanged magic wine for pure magic power, things would not have come to this point! "

After finishing speaking, Elisande turned her head to look at Tyrande Windspeaker, who was present on behalf of the Kaldorei. She looked Tyrande up and down, and the moon priest was different from the image in her memory.

Compared with the last time the two met, Tyrande at this time was a little less youthful and pure, and a little more calm and majestic.

The great magister chuckled and said:

"As expected of a woman who was appraised as a 'treasure' by Queen Azshara, 10,000 years have not faded your beauty, and being a wife gives you more temptation."

"Grand Magister, please respect my profession."

Tyrande said calmly:

"Please do not say these words in front of a clergyman, it will not do any good for the peace we seek today."

"Peace? Are you Kaldorei worthy to talk to me about peace?"

Tyrande's response seemed to irritate Elisande. The great magister said to Tyrande with a woman's jealousy in his eyes:

"I will not ridicule you for abandoning our ancient noble traditions, living in the forest with wild beasts, abandoning civilization and degenerating into a pathetic act of barbarism like trolls, Kaldorei.

Let's talk about the problem of Erezalas.

The Xindella elves who lived in the city of ten thousand years were also your compatriots, but how did you treat those pure-blooded highborne?

You have trapped them in an increasingly run-down city!

You keep them like pigs and dogs, and you know what terrible things the elves in that city do for magic. But instead of lending a helping hand when the massacre happened, you stood by and watched!

A whole million Xin Della elves perished in the cruelty of you sitting and watching their demise, and there were only 300,000 people left. A very potential elf faction was destroyed in your hands.

They were almost doomed!

it's me!

It was the Xiadorei who accepted them when they were most in need and the most desperate, and it was I who ordered my people to share their meager magic power with those poor people, thus saving their lives! "

Elisande sneered, pointed at Tyrande, who was getting more and more embarrassed, and said:

"Every Sin Della who died was not in vain, and every Kaldorei has blood on their hands! You slaughterers have the nerve to accuse me of starting the war?

How did you say the word 'peace' with peace of mind without feeling ashamed?

Is this what your moon god taught you? "

After finishing speaking, the great magister, who was getting better, looked at the silent Sun King again. She folded her arms and said in the fluttering of the robe streamer:

"And you, Quel'dorei!

I also don't want to ridicule you to wear monkey crowns and continue to intermarry with inferior races to dilute your noble blood. Although you have not degenerated to living on trees and eating wild fruits, look at you now!

You have not learned the power of the Elf Empire, but you have inherited the depravity and decay of the Empire. If your dynasty can last another thousand years, it is already blessed by the God of Elf.

However, I think that although we are in the middle of war, you should feel sympathy for the tragic experience of the Sin Della elves. After all, seven thousand years ago, your ancestors were called "peaceful" wild elves Exile!

Dath'Remar Sunstrider had to take his people across the sea and endure the shame of being extorted by savage trolls before establishing your kingdom on this land!

And now, you unworthy descendants actually want to cooperate with the person who personally decided to exile your grandfather back then?

Hehe, if Dath's Rema knew, he should have uncovered his coffin now, and slapped your unfilial son twice in the face!

You stupid Sun King, you don't understand at all that you should stand firmly with us on matters related to magic power, instead of kneeling and licking the Kaldorei!

Only the Shaldorei can understand your pain. "


Elisande, already erupting with sensation, opened his arms and shouted to all the elves in front of him:

"I don't see any peace here at all!

We are all citizens of the empire, so it's fine for us to pretend what we are like to each other in front of outsiders, and there is no need to be so hypocritical in the eyes of our own people.

The kaldorei say we nightborne are a fallen people, and we are! We succumb to our thirst for magic, but kaldorei! You yourself are not as clean as you think!

Our dirty is on the magic addiction, your dirty is in the heart named after the moon god!

Behold, a bunch of sanctimonious hypocrites! A group of white lotuses who have done evil things in the name of faith and feel at ease! A group of egomaniacs who thought they were powerful but turned a blind eye to the tragic experience of their brothers and sisters and jumped out to mediate the war at this time!

Your benevolent moonlight never shines upon us people of darkness!

And your so-called peace is only for yourselves!

disgusting! "

(end of this chapter)

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