Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1480 113. The Pillow Blows

Chapter 1480 113. The Pillow Blows

"Tsk tsk, look at this Elisande who is full of foul words and swearing without blood. He seems to be a good diplomat."

On the magister's platform, Bo Laike had already drained three bottles of wine.

Not only because the wine is good to soothe the throat, but also because Elisande's output is really impressive.

Laike really has to admit that in terms of trolling, he may be too far from Elisande's level. At best, he is an unyielding black iron, and Elisande is also above the rank of brilliant diamond.

Look at the art of speaking of the Grand Magister. A few words can ruin Tyrande's well-prepared peace talks.

Not only sharply picked apart the evil actions of Kaldorei in the past 10,000 years, but also completely tore up the alliance between Kaldorei and Quel'dorei who might unite.

After all, what people say is true.

From the Kaldorei's treatment of the Sin Della elves, we can see the attitude of these wild elves towards magic. Once the Quel'dorei and the Kaldorei form an alliance, maybe the forced exile thousands of years ago will have to be staged again.

After all, neither the Sisters of Elune nor the Cenarion Order, which hold the highest power in the Kaldorei, are organizations that are friendly to magic power. The catastrophe 10,000 years ago also completely caused the night elves to suffer from "magic PTSD".

The Kaldorei and Quel'dorei were destined not to be friends until their aversion and resistance to magic was lifted.

But how difficult is it to overcome the elves' resistance to magic?

Not to mention Tyrande's priest of the month, even Bu Laike's little relative, Maiev, has no good looks towards magic users.

This is a real headache.

But it didn't affect the stinky pirates watching the fun.

In fact, not only did he watch the fun, but he also called all the pirate captains under his command to "watch and learn" Ms. Elisande's "speaking art".

He also counted on his incompetent idiots to learn a few tricks from Elisande's trolling skills.

As we all know, pirates' ability to taunt has always been linked to their notoriety.

Bu Laike not only found someone to watch the fun together, this guy also used a magic stone to record Elisande's "violent output", and showed it to her after the supreme Queen Azshara arrived on Kui Island.

I believe this will surely amuse the indifferent queen.

Maybe she was overjoyed and gave Elisande the honorary titles of "Jester of the Court" and "Voice of the Queen" before the Grand Magister was killed.

Well, this wave, this wave belongs to the great magister.

Before he died, he was able to "rebuke the officials" so readily, so when Elisande was killed, he would probably be able to smile at Jiuquan, right? ——

Far away from the Isle of Quel'Danas, which has become the battleground of the elven civil war, Laike, a fun-loving man, never imagined that something closely related to him was advancing rapidly.

South China Sea, near Zandalar Island waters.

A black battleship like a giant sea monster is quietly docking at an anchorage. The third fleet of the Kul Tiras Navy is currently surrounding the pride of the navy. , preparing for a round of resupply.

Outside the fleet, a third-class communication ship of the Zandalari Gold Fleet was slowly leaving.

There was a captain of the Golden Fleet on that ship, and the tall troll was here to make a diplomatic note with the Kul Tiran fleet on behalf of the Golden Fleet and the Zandalar.

The Golden Dynasty allows the Kul Tiras fleet to use this anchorage near the mainland, and will officially provide supplies for the fleet, but Dailin and his ships cannot approach the Zandalar waters, otherwise it will be regarded as a violation of the Golden Fleet. provocative.

This should be put in the past, if the messenger dared to speak like that, the Kul Tiras navy would immediately chop off his head and send him back as a response.

But now it is not as good as it used to be.

After the events of the Church of the Storms, the invincible navy of Kul Tiras was severely damaged.

Although the prototypes of the reconstruction of the first fleet and the second fleet are already in place, and everything is progressing according to plan, according to Dai Lin's prediction, it will take at least five to ten years for the Kul Tiras fleet to return to its original state. heyday.

Now that there are only two fleets that can fight, a naval power like Kul Tiras has to maintain a relatively friendly relationship with Zandalar.

The Golden Fleet is not a "toy fleet" like Quel'Thalas. This fleet competed with the Zandalari pirates in this sea area seven thousand years ago.

Humans were not born at that time.

If there is a conflict in the Zandalar waters, Dai Lin estimates that he can barely win, but the Third Fleet will definitely have to reimburse at least 80% of its combat power for this. The elite trolls in Zandalar who are sheltered by all spirits are really not good messed with.

"Sigh, I thought about rebuilding the First and Second Fleets with the original organization, but then I discovered that this disaster might not be a bad thing for Kul Tiras."

On the deck at night, Dai Lin took her loyal guard Cyrus for a walk.

Every sailor along the way respectfully saluted the general, and Dai Lin also tried his best to say a few cheerful words. If he saw a sailor fishing, he would not be polite, so he just kicked him and punished him for vigil tonight.

On this sea far away from his homeland, the admiral looked at the Zandalar Island standing at the end of the sea like a complete piece of land under the night. He whispered to Cyrus:

"The Kul Tiras navy has been immersed in dominance for too long, we have already bred undue fatigue and arrogance, and suffering a little loss can make us more sober.

And our tactics are indeed outdated, Cyrus.

During your patrol in the South China Sea this time, you also saw that the small group of pirates have begun to order aircraft from the goblins for sea reconnaissance and bombing.

That's terrible progress.

I have a hunch that the era of the big gun ship may soon be over. "

The admiral stroked the beard of his chin, watched the uniquely shaped Zandalari naval ship disappear into the night, and said softly:

"You have also seen the huge black ships of the Zandalari Gold Fleet, those battle platform-like ships are full of pterodactyl knights, they don't fight with artillery and collisions, they seize the air supremacy and then sweep with voodoo and storms flying in the sky everything.

I've heard that the Zandalari Gold Fleets have been using this method of warfare thousands of years ago.

And when that damned old troll pirate Gaboa made his flying fleet debut in Northshire, I have to admit, I was shocked.

Those bastards showed me another possibility of naval warfare.

From then on, the people of Kul Tiras not only have to compete with pirates on the sea, but we also have to project our power into the sky. The next era must be the era of air supremacy. "

"Your Majesty, you know that you can actually tell me what's on your mind, but I won't reveal it."

The great knight Cyrus hugged his helmet and said helplessly:

"You talk so much, you just want to find a reasonable reason for the fleet restructuring, you don't want others to talk about your idea coming from a group of pirates.

Isn’t that the method of bombing giant ships equipped with aircraft, which was first used on a large scale by Bu Laike Shaw’s undead pirates in the naval battle of Khaz Modan?

Those were the only times in your naval career that you didn't win, and I know that's fresh in your memory. "

"You bastard!"

Dai Lin suddenly became angry.

The general turned around and kicked his big knight, and he cursed:

"How can I learn from a bunch of damn pirates? Let alone that bastard Bu Laike. Don't laugh! Although I can't beat that villain, but in a naval battle, he doesn't deserve to lift my shoes!

When I finish my work in Nanhai, I will go to Beihai to have a good fight with him, and I will let him know how powerful the old men are. "

"Ah yes yes yes."

Cyrus shrugged helplessly, and said to his stronger majesty:

"But with all due respect, Your Majesty, when you failed to stop Her Majesty the Queen from going to Tol Barad, you already lost the battle between father and son.

You know, you can't do it even if you get the chance.

You feel sorry for His Majesty Drake

The avoidance now is more like an old father playing a game with his child.

Believe me, Your Majesty, you and I will eventually reconcile. Whether you want it or not, as a father, you always have to take a step back in front of your stubborn child. "

Dai Lin fell silent.

His big knight is not a person who can speak, but this time his words did not offend Dai Lin's majesty, but made him really unable to say more rebuttals.

Maybe Cyrus is right.

Maybe he really will give in sooner or later.

"Your Majesty! Her Majesty the Queen has transmitted to the ship, and there is important news from Beihai to inform you."

The sudden appearance of a messenger planned for the admiral's silence.

He sighed, waved his hand to Cyrus, and quickly walked towards the captain's cabin with his waist knife in his hand. After opening the door, Dai Lin saw Mrs. Jinjian with a bad face.

Although the Lady of the Golden Sword was not officially conferred the title of queen, she was called that by sailors in the fleet.

After all, which human being can refuse to be commanded by a beautiful, wise and charming elf queen?

"Something went wrong, Dailin."

Mrs. Jin Jian saw the admiral pushing the door in, and immediately handed him the information in her hand. Dai Lin wanted to kiss her little wife, but when she saw the information on the paper, she immediately burst into a rage.

"The old dog Weswin is dead? He was killed by Laike and Lothar?"

The admiral's expression instantly turned gloomy and angry.

A wave of anger swept through his heart, making him unable to calm down at all.

Although there are some ideological conflicts between him and Barry Weswin, after all, the two have been friends for many years. Now that his old buddy was killed by his own son, Dai Lin once again felt the destiny malicious.

The admiral couldn't hold back his anger for a moment, and now he wanted to "talk" to the Nizi with the Aegis of Aggramar.

"The bad news doesn't stop there."

Mrs. Jin Jian also sighed. When she met Dai Lin, she also met the young Marshal Weiswen. She knew how heavy the friendship between Dai Lin and the old Marshal was.

But now is not the time to worry about these things.

The Elven Queen said in a sad tone:

"Blaike completely destroyed the spiritual pillar of the Lordaeron fleet, causing the fleet to return from the North Sea with no fighting spirit and low morale. The Quel'Thalas fleet was even more unbearable. After that, Si was eager to return to his hometown to help, but was ambushed by troll pirates who didn't know where he came from in the frozen sea, and suffered heavy injuries.

General Alleria sent an emissary to look for me last night. She asked me for help on behalf of the Sun King and Quel'Thalas. I know this request is not for me.

Dai Lin, my love, I know I shouldn't interfere in your war, but now, my hometown is on the verge of destruction, and the only person who can save it is you.


Finner is still there.

The stupid boy didn't write me a letter, and I don't know anything about Fenner's situation there now. "

Speaking of this, Mrs. Jin Jian, who was really worried about her family and hometown, wiped her tears with her hand. She said to her husband with red eyes:

"The royal family of Lordaeron sent a letter from the Admiral of the Navy, saying that as long as you are willing, the Lordaeron fleet will be under your command immediately, and the human kingdoms in the northern border have sent reinforcements to Quel'Thalas.

His Holiness the Pope has asked me to deliver this letter to you. "

Mrs. Jin Jian handed Dai Lin a letter stamped with the church stamp and Faol's private seal. Dai Lin, who was full of anger but forced herself to calm down, took the letter, opened it silently and read it.

As expected, His Majesty asked Dai Lin to turn the tide at this critical moment and lead the Lordaeron fleet, which had no intention of fighting, to Quel'Thalas to support the war there.

Facing several requests, Dai Lin didn't hesitate too much.

With a serious expression, the admiral took off his ceremonial saber, handed it to the great knight Cyrus behind him who also had a complex expression, and took the Proudmoore blade from Lady Golden Sword for battle.

He took a deep breath, nodded to Mrs. Golden Sword, and then turned to Cyrus and said:

"The command was delegated to the commander of the Third Fleet. Before I return, he will continue to command the fleet to clean up the pirates in the South China Sea. The Wang Quan on the sea will be ready for war immediately. I will take my ship to the northern border.

I know, Boo Laike is there.

I also know that it's time to settle the score with this rebellious son, his behavior has exceeded the limit of rebellion, and I can't allow old Barry to die in ignorance. "

"Your Majesty, there is only one ship going, isn't it a bit dangerous?"

Cyrus frowned and said:

"Although Marshal Barry has trained the Lordaeron Navy well, their fighting methods and styles are completely different from our Kul Tirans, and they cannot cooperate well with the Wang Quan at sea.

I worry."

"Nothing to worry about."

Dai Lin shook his head. He looked back at the portrait of the Proudmoore family hanging on the cabin. It had been modified, adding Fenner and Mrs. Golden Sword in addition to the original four.

He looked at the scene where Drake in the portrait pressed Jaina and Tenred's heads with both hands, and the three laughed happily. He closed his eyes and said in a deep voice:

"He said two out of three is now a tie and a loss, I don't want to go to overtime, let's get this over with now. When I get back, Cyrus, I'm going to see my boat ready. "

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The big knight straightened his body and gave a military salute, then turned and left to convey the order.

Dai Lin came back to her senses and looked at the weeping Mrs. Jin Jian. He reached out and stroked his wife's hair, and said softly:

"Come with me to Tol Barad, I'm going to beat the boy, and his mother must know. And Gina, if our daughter Fenna is on her brother's side this time.

I won't show mercy to her anymore. "

"up to you."

Madam Jin Jian sighed, stretched out her arms to hug Dai Lin, buried her head in the admiral's broad chest, and whispered:

"Don't break the children, and you have to be careful. They are no longer immature, and they are no longer as easy to deal with as they used to be."

"I know, they are holding back their energy and trying to knock me down."

Dai Lin kissed his wife's hair, and he whispered:

"It's rebellious that they call it a new tradition, but the young have raised their swords against the old, and I don't want them to laugh at me as incompetent and cowardly.

My time may be over.

But definitely not now.

I'm not weak enough to be humiliated casually by a group of pirates, do you want to go with me? Gina, you have another victory for me.

Or my last failure? "

(end of this chapter)

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