Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1486 119. Good! All Dirty Water Is Poured On Us Demons! You Guys Are So Bad

Chapter 1486 119. Good! All dirty water is poured on us demons! you guys are so bad

Stupid Fenner and the Phoenix Juggernaut are fighting.

In an unoccupied hall on the middle floor of the Sunwell tower, two elf sword masters fought back and forth.

Fenner mercilessly launched a skillful attack at the old knight in front of him, and Sir Salorian also fought back with the holy elf sword in his hand.

However, the two finally understood the importance of this place, so their battle was more of a competition of skills than a battle to the death by inspiring the super destructive power of the legend.

But the old jazz is old after all. Judging by the standards of elves, he is over 1,700 years old and has already passed the peak of his physical strength. Salorian still felt a lot of pressure when he grew up as a super soldier with his stinky brother pulling wool everywhere.

He studied the martial arts of Quel'Thalas all his life, and combined with his Dragon Forged Blade, he summed up a set of Phoenix swordsmanship, which combines power, dexterity and elegance. He once fought against the Burning Blade Sword Master in the orc war and did not lose the wind in the slightest.

But unfortunately, this set of phoenix swordsmanship is also known to Fenner, and it was taught by the old knight himself when Fenner was a child.

Looking at Fenner on the other hand, her fighting style is very changeable.

In addition to the elegant and deadly elven swordsmanship, Fenner is also proficient in the berserker combat skills of the Vrykul shield girl, the blood rage tactics of the orc warriors, and the crushing attack of the tauren.

Even the Pandaren's monk fighting style, which is similar to the deadly dance.

This is completely a hexagonal warrior without any shortcomings except his brain.

The most terrible thing is that Fenner has mastered all these various skills with her super talent in the way of warrior.

The strength of a stupid fighter does not come from talent, and there are also difficult battles when facing strong enemies again and again.

Her divine power of Tyr can only be activated when challenging powerful enemies, and only real battles can make Fenner more delicate and skillful in manipulating the divine power of courage.

In addition, Fenner also has a set of "press the bottom of the box" combat skills.

Just like now, Sir Thalorian dodged Fenner's beheading, and appeared beside the stupid warrior with cool sliding steps, ready to interrupt Fenner's increasingly violent offensive with a phoenix blow.

But at the same time that he lifted the sword to pierce, Fenner showed a cunning expression of "hooked", and the two swords in his hands swayed sideways while spinning.

A sense of deadly threat rose in Sir Thalorian's heart.

The sense of danger that was like a needle prick made the old Jazz immediately change his tactics, switching from offense to defense, and lowered his body with the holy sword in front of him to prepare for the impact.

"Look at my Great Enemy Breaker!"

Fenna called out the name of her move very well.

The courage and supernatural power on his body was also mobilized to cover the sharp blades of Quel'Sera and the Windchaser's battle swords, turning around and sweeping twice, bringing out a bright starlight filled with anger.

The might of a titan's swordsmanship made the hall sway, and the rushing aura reflected a titan walking in the starry sky in front of the old knight's eyes, overwhelming Salorian and almost lost his mind.

It was too late when he got rid of the mental attack of the Titan swordsmanship and made another defense.

"Bang, bang" two loud bangs, the first sword with the mighty force and the crushing technique that Kane personally taught Fenner, knocked away the Elven Holy Sword in the old jazz's hand.

A second sword followed.

Not as powerful as the first sword but covered with a gloomy chill, it slashed obliquely from Thalorian Dawnseeker's shoulder to his waist and abdomen.

Fenner deliberately controlled the distance so that the second sword did not hurt the old knight, but quietly cut the old knight's armor with a crack.

With a "swish" sound of the sword, the elven holy sword that was blown away swirled down in the air and landed on the ground between Fenner and Sir Salorian.

The Undefeated Holy Sword was screaming, as if it was in great pain for its master's defeat.

"I won!"

The stupid warrior inserted her double blades back into the weapon belt on her back, and with her hips akimbo proudly, she reached out and put her hands on the hilt of the Holy Sword of Quill Della screaming in front of her eyes.

It's like taking an oath of ownership of this elven holy sword.

"I declare that your mission to Quel'Thalas is over. I will inherit your holy sword. I have proved that I am stronger than you. My lord, you can now retire to the countryside without any worries."

Finner clasped the hilt of Quill Della's holy sword, and she said loudly:

"Based on the agreement we just made, I ask you to go to Kul Tiras to bring my mother back thirty years later! No matter what method you use, I will convince my mother not to die for Dai Lin!

You have to face your heart directly, you have to take care of her for the rest of her life, and make up for the first half of her life you owed to my mother! You can't make her sad or make her unhappy!

You are not allowed to object!

That's it. "

"You can't do this!"

The defeated old jazz had mixed feelings for a while.

On the one hand, he felt gratified for the growth of his disciple. With the powerful skills that Fenner just showed, she will surely surpass the shackles of the legends in the future and become the real "Guardian God of War" of Quel'Thalas.

But on the other hand, Fenner's domineering and unreasonable behavior caused the old knight a lot of headaches. The girl had such a temper since she was a child, and she couldn't be persuaded.

He touched his cut and shattered armor and whispered:

"You think of all this too simply, I don't intend to continue discussing this topic with you here, I only have one question for you, Fenner.

Do you really know what you are doing? "

The old sergeant looked at Fenner, and said:

"You mentioned your brother Boo Laike Shaw, you're doing things for him, I don't know what you three are up to, but I think that's definitely not what the Sun King wants to see.

Your behavior at this time is treason!

In this hour of war, you are hurting your country and your people.

Finner, stop it.

You still have time. "

"What I do will disobey the Sun King, I knew it early on."

Fenner snorted, and pulled out the elf holy sword with her fingers. She put the snow-white dragon-forged blade in front of her eyes, touched the sharp blade with her fingers, and let out a sharp sword cry.

she says:

"But I did not betray my country and people, and the same is true for Alleria, as a member of the Windrunner family, she is the pillar of this country.

Her participation already shows the justice of what we do!

The Sun King is only the king and ruler of this country, he cannot represent the aspirations of this land and the people on it.

That's all I can tell you, ser.

Our cause is righteous. If you don’t believe it, just wait patiently. You will see with your own eyes what we have done for this country, and you will be like everyone else at that time, singing enthusiastically about our righteous deeds today.

I have no guilt in my heart, and everything I do is justice!

Because I'm sure, I'm doing the right thing! "

The stupid warrior snorted, closed her eyes and had a soul conversation with the elf holy sword in front of her, she whispered:

"Just like I know that the person I like will not disappoint me, just like I know the relationship between you and my mother, just like you can give everything for my mother, and I can give everything for that person.

If it wasn't for this damn sibling relationship

Humph. "

Fenner shook her long blond hair and complained in a low voice.

A few seconds later, under Sir Thalorian's surprised gaze, the elven holy sword Quill Della, which was supposed to be bound to his soul, vibrated and neighed.

The holy sword took the initiative to disconnect from his soul, and in a submissive gesture, it shone coldly in Fenna's hands.

"Look! This holy sword that has guarded Quel'Thalas for seven thousand years also agrees with my philosophy and my practice."

The stupid warrior raised the holy sword, and in the neighing of Quill Della, she said to Sir Thalorian:

"I think that's enough to convince you not to get involved, just like the Sangunars, close your eyes and pretend that nothing happened. This is a future, a bright future that belongs to the Quel'dorei.

You just need to know this. "

While Fenner was chatting with her "Juvenile Father", on the upper floor of the Sunwell tower, the captured fourth Dreadlord was trapped in place by the three binding arrows shot by Alleria.

The demon illuminated by the Guardian of Truth struggled.

But its body is already covered with blood holes poked out by Baron Sangunar. This elf assassin family has an ancient heritage and is quite experienced in the use of toxins.

The debilitating poison on the baron's emerald dagger was not immune to even demons.

"This should be the last one."

Alleria put away the Sasdora war bow, looked left and right at the closed room filled with various precious books, pulled her ranger hood, and said to Baron Sangunar:

"There are so many dreadlords hiding in the true heartland of our country, it seems that cleaning up the country after the war will also be put on the agenda.

If we continue to be infiltrated by demons, our war will be difficult after the Burning Legion lands on Azeroth. "

"The Sangunar family has already made an appointment with the warlocks."

The baron replied calmly:

"If it weren't for this damn sudden war, our search in Silvermoon City would have ended, and the chaos brought about by this war will definitely make the demons lurking in the country more active.

Alas, too many questions and so little time. "


General Ranger also expressed his approval.

But the next moment, the two fell silent at the same time. General Ranger and Baron glanced at each other, separated from the left and right, and began to quickly search through the classics in the closed hall.

It is not allowed to enter here in normal times. Today, they sneaked in by searching for demons, but time is still tight. They must find the blueprint and send it out of the Sunwell before the Sun King returns.


The dreadlord, who was trapped in place by the bound arrows and the weakening poison, watched this scene dumbfounded, and his evil mind instantly understood.

The demon stretched out his claws and cried out:

"You are the traitors of this country! Although I don't know what you are looking for, I can be sure that it is definitely not something that the Sun King would want you to take away.

Hahaha, you Quel'dorei elves are really funny. You swear allegiance to the country and the king, but you are doing this kind of stuff behind your back!

Are you worthy of your Sun King?

Just like that, you still have the face to claim justice?


Even a demon like me can't stand it anymore, you bastards are going to let the legion take a scapegoat again! "

The irony is quite poignant.

But neither Alleria nor Baron Sangunar ignored it. The two searched quickly, and after a few minutes, they finally found a deep hidden compartment behind the bookshelf where the classics were stored.

Baron Sangunar moved his fingers and took out the magic lockpicking tool, but was stopped by Alleria. The Ranger General took a few steps back. Under the horrified gaze of the imprisoned Dreadlord, Windrunner picked up the Sasdora sword bow.

Aim at the hidden space and charge up for a short time to shoot a sniper arrow. The special effect of the Windrunner's sacred object is activated, and nine whistling wind arrows fly out together with the sniper arrow, and the dark space shatters under ten heavy impacts.

This blow activated the magic defense in the entire hall, and the terrifying counter magic erupted on the spot, smashing the two walls and sweeping through everything in the hall like the explosion of a magic bomb.

All the guards in the tower felt the alarm of the magic shock, and they quickly assembled and rushed towards the hall.

But all that could be seen was the weak General Windrunner lying on the ground, the injured Baron Sangunar, and the Dreadlord who was completely torn apart by the counter magic in the center of the hall.

The entire hidden hall was in a mess, with countless precious classics flying in all directions. At first glance, it was the miserable traces left after a great battle.

"Quick! Chase!"

General Alleria Windrunner, who was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, struggled to support his body with his war bow, and shouted to the Phoenix guards in front of him:

"A powerful dreadlord has stolen something from here, I don't know what it is, but it must be important, and we were too careless to be led into this trap.

Damn it!

Demons are after our Sunwell!


Strengthen your defenses, continue to review, and make sure not to let any demons approach here again! "

Frankly speaking, Alleria may be a powerful and top ranger, but she is obviously not a good actress.

This acting is too exaggerated, but in this situation, how can the shocked Phoenix guards have time to doubt their own General Yinyue? After all, the devil spies were indeed captured in the entire tower just now, which cannot be hidden from others.

Under the reprimand of several Phoenix guard chiefs, the entire Sun Tower immediately entered a state of martial law, and everyone in the tower was not allowed to leave until the Sun King returned.

And on the magister's platform very close to the Sunwell, the dwarf watch on the wrist of Lord Bu Laike Shaw, the loyal bodyguard "serving" Queen Azshara, suddenly vibrated.

The stinky pirate raised his hand and glanced at it. It was a message from Fenner, and there was only a symbol like "OK" on it.

When he saw the response from this emoji, Bu Laike grinned suddenly, and couldn't hide the joy on his face, and was soon discovered by Queen Azshara.

Azshara, who was looking at the Sunwell ahead, asked lazily:

"You seem to be very happy, my chief guard, did something happy happen? Why don't you say it and let me share your joy."

"Yes, Your Majesty, something great has happened."

Pointing to the chaotic Sunwell battlefield ahead, the pirate said:

"You see, the Kaldorei finally let go of their verbal peace initiative, and joined the war between the Quel'dorei and the Shal'dorei, saying that they were speaking for the peace of uniting their compatriots.

But Tyrande Windtalker obviously did not have the ability and majesty to bring peace.

So I think it's time for you, Your Majesty, who can really reconcile the conflicts of your subjects, to appear on the stage.

It's also good to let these barbaric elves who have forgotten the glory of the empire and fight like wild beasts once again become kings, maybe you can awaken the sense of honor in the hearts of these fallen people.

I've heard that a good king never ruled the country by strength, but by wisdom and courage. I believe that you, who combine majesty and beauty, can certainly do this easily.

My lord, do you need me to announce your arrival to this land as a royal envoy? "

Faced with Bu Laike's suggestion, Queen Azshara was obviously a little moved, but she still hesitated. When she looked around and looked around, Queen Azshara rarely said in a less confident tone:

"My chief guard, do you say that I need to apply a change magic to appear in the form of an elf? Or"

"No, Your Majesty, you should have confidence in your supreme charm."

The pirate shrugged and said:

"A great man like you has the power to define the 'beauty' in people's hearts. As far as I am concerned, your current posture of beauty and strength is perfect.

Besides, when did the great Azshara need to conquer subjects with appearance?

Don't you think it's a shame to have to make a contract with the evil god to protect the people and be distorted by such a great sacrifice?

No, my lord.

Your name and your very existence are synonymous with 'beauty'.

Just show up in the most authentic form, Your Majesty, believe me, after today, these stupid elves who have forgotten their past glory will once again desire to return to the empire.

This is something only you can do. "

(end of this chapter)

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