Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1487 120. Run, Little Girl, Run!

Chapter 1487 120. Run, little girl, run!

"Your Majesty! The messenger of the Moon Priest has arrived."

On the city wall of the inner defense line of the Sunwell, the Sun King, who was supervising the battle, received a report from the Ranger Ranger sentry. Anasterian, who just had a fight with the arrogant Elisande, will be very tired, but listen When the envoy from Tyrande arrived, he still summoned up his energy to invite the envoy.

The envoy who came was none other than Shandris Yuyue, the general of the Silver Wing Sentinel. She came across the battlefield without any entourage, and she didn't have too many dusty clothes on her body, but she seemed to be able to handle it with ease.

He is worthy of being the commander of the sentinel army and the famous ranger in Kaldorei.

Looking at the blood left on the saber at her waist, one could tell that this General Yuyue must have chopped off a few short-sighted guys on the way here.

"How is the priest of the moon thinking?"

After Shandris came over, the Sun King was not polite, and asked directly:

"Elisande's ambitions have been revealed. She and her pirate allies have raided our defenses and smashed our walls. They have entered the heart of the Quel'dorei.

Obviously, the great magister didn't intend to think about the blood between the elves.

But I believe that Tyrande desires for peace, and the only way to win peace now is to kill Elisande, who has gone crazy to the marrow!

I think this truth, Tyrande, who has experienced the battle of the ancients, will not understand it.

I and my country and people are awaiting His Majesty's response. "

"That's why I'm here, Sun King."

Shandris nodded seriously, and she said seriously:

"The number of kaldorei sentries and druids we brought is not enough to intervene in your war against the shal'dorei, but we can help evacuate the wounded and non-combatants from the sunwell.

As for Elisande, my Mindo has already made a decision.

The next time she appears on the battlefield, my Mindor and the Archdruid Malfurion will support you."

"it is good!"

Hearing General Yuyue's official response without any excuses, the Sun King's tired eyes suddenly shone with light. The fatigue on his body seemed to be swept away, and a very satisfied smile appeared on his face scratched by magic.

He put his hand on the hilt of Flame Strike's sword at his waist, and responded very seriously to Shandris Feathermoon:

"I was deeply moved by the desire for peace among my fellow Kaldorei, perhaps our hostility towards the Kaldorei is misplaced.

But all misunderstandings can be resolved under the common blood connection. After this battle, Quel'Thalas and the Kaldorei will definitely become the most loyal allies to each other.

Perhaps the time has come for the ancient grievances of the ancestors to be eliminated. "

"Don't worry, Your Majesty the Sun King."

General Yuyue shook her head, she added:

"There is an additional condition for Mindo's willingness to participate in the war. Please don't worry, we will not demand any property from Quel'Thalas, nor will we force you to give up the use of magic.

But after Elisande failed, she had to be handed over to Kaldorei!

Please understand, Sun King, there are also our ancient blood compatriots in Suramar, not every nightborne is hopeless.

If we kill Elisande here, then the sholdorei and quel'dorei and kaldorei will become eternal enemies, which is not our original intention, nor is it the ending we want to see. "

"You want that vicious crazy woman alive?"

The Kaldorei's request made the Sun King frown, and he said:

"I really can't see how a lunatic like Elisande can help our cause positively, but if this is your request, then I can agree.

But you also have to make sure that the lunatic who wantonly started the war will get the punishment he deserves! "

"Don't worry, Sun King."

Shandris nodded and replied:

"The lowest cell of the Warden's Cage has been empty for more than two years, and a dark walker more dangerous than Elisande was imprisoned there for 10,000 years.

There is the final destination of the great magister. "

"Detained to a natural death?"

Anastari stroked his slightly disheveled beard.

He thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

Afterwards, the Sun King took another look at the fierce battle below. Those withered and half-finished demon hunters who were completely released by Elisande were attacking the Quel'dorei's defenses like irrational beasts. Key areas They even start climbing the walls with the help of nightborne spellcasters.

Although the Quel'dorei elves have great morale for defending their home and country, Elisande can use these hopeless cannon fodder without mercy, but the Sun King cannot sit back and watch his precious people die here.

The life of every Quel'dorei is precious, every elf is the precious wealth of this land, the life of the people is the currency in the hands of the king, and the Sun King is obviously a "stinger".

"When are we going to ambush Elisande?"

Anasterian made up his mind, and he asked Shandris regardless of his tired body. General Feathermoon glanced at the forest around this gorgeous city, and she whispered:

"Anytime, Sun King, my Mindo has entered the battlefield, and she will help you with the power of the Moon God."

"Very well, now!"

The Sun King lifted his robe, and the Flame Strike from his waist suddenly came out of its sheath.

The tumbling flames of the phoenix were shaped by magic power as if bursting out from the body of the Sun King. As the old king gracefully squeezed out a seal, large swathes of flame storms were waved towards the Nightborn below the city wall by him.

Just like the rain of fire from the sky washing away the filth on the ground, within 20 seconds of the Sun King's "shameless sneak attack", hundreds of withered bodies were ignited and ran around howling, throwing the Nightborne's line messed up a lot.

"Your Majesty, it is best to separate Elisande from her spell-casting group."

Shandris suggested in a whisper:

"Although I don't want to admit it, Nightborne Arcanists are better than your spellcasters in terms of magic attainments. Once Elisande is allowed to bring his servants into battle, it will be even more difficult for the Grand Magister with their assistance. deal with."

"I know."

The Sun King nodded. He boarded his gorgeous magic carpet and quickly entered the sky above the battlefield. The Sun King, who was eager to turn the tide of the battle, also began to attack the Nightborne's line without talking about martial arts.

The effect of a spellcaster like him is absolutely outstanding, and within a few minutes, the attack of the Nightborne forward was cut off with burning sky fire and meteorites.

And letting such a powerful "lone wolf mage" wander around on the battlefield is a result that no commander can accept, and the Sun King's provocation was quickly responded.

A sudden burst of spatial rift almost involved the Sun King, but Anasterian, who had fought Elisande several times, had already figured out the power and attack method of Sargeras' scepter.

This staff is not perfect.

Because it pulls the space all the time, any magic attack thrown by the staff will cause irregular vibrations in the space before it actually explodes.

It's like a "spell roll" that can't be canceled.

Although the destructive power of the Sargeras Scepter to magic is amazing, such an obvious swing forward is enough for a spellcaster at the level of the Sun King to easily feel it.

Therefore, before the space tear really took effect, Anasterian used an exquisite teleportation technique to replace himself with the magic carpet in front of the inner city wall.

But the Grand Magister also seems to have grown tired of this cat-and-mouse game.

She charged into the sky on her screaming Arcane Magic Saber, raised the staff in her hand and continuously threw short and precise salvos of arcane bullets at the Sun King.

These space-impact magics shattered the city wall below the Sun King. Of course, the magic power of the Sunwell was poured into the city wall, making it capable of withstanding dozens of times the magic impact of ordinary city walls.

"Elisande, one last warning!"

The Sun King didn't need to pretend at all, he just yelled at the sky with the anger he played in his true colors:

"Retreat immediately, or I will activate the energy of this magic well and completely bury you and your people in our holy land."

"If you could do it, you wouldn't shout it so loudly, incompetent Sun King. The louder you shout, the more obvious your cowardice will be.

You can't do what you say, poor man! "

Elisande had no fear at all.

She sneered and said:

"The rumored Anasterian is not an indecisive idiot, even if you can really activate the power of the magic well, I think there must be a price for using the power of destruction.

Don't scare me with such ridiculous rhetoric, my white-skinned compatriots, we night children also have our own magic well, your rhetoric can't scare anyone.

Don't you feel it yet?

The enchantment of Renault Bandir that you are proud of has been cracked by the arcanists under my command. I know that you are waiting for the reinforcements of the wild monkeys and humans.

But you can't wait any longer!

When my spellcasters reverse your wards, those foolish humans who rush into battle will be slaughtered by me like lambs.

Maybe I should keep some humans, after all, the future Kingdom of Suramar also needs some servants to serve the noble elves.

But don't worry, Anasterian, even if you are so stupid against me, but I am so merciful, I will still treat your people kindly, and they can continue to enjoy the immortality of elves in my kingdom.

Just like I took Xin Della.

My country will also generously welcome the sad refugee named 'Quel'dorei' with open arms. "

"Don't even think about it!"

The Sun King was really enraged by Elisande's fangs. He waved the Flame Strike to create a golden phoenix flying all over the sky to wrap the great magister, and wanted to kill her with a powerful attack.

But Elisande is not afraid at all, holding the Sargeras scepter in her hand, she can easily get rid of any locked attack.

When the phoenix fire burst into the sky and rained thousands of fires, the great magister who rushed out from the space rift on the other side threw an arcane burst towards the Sun King while screaming.

At the same time, he also cunningly reversed the power of time, so that the sun Wang Qiang that had just flashed out was pulled back to the position a second ago. This scene is like Anasterian receiving Elisande's magic with his face. .

Amidst the violent shattering sound, the Sun King's magic shield was shattered, and he himself screamed and fell from the magic carpet to a marginal palace in the Sunwell.

This scene made Quel'Dorei on the city wall roar in horror, and also made the great magister who succeeded in the sneak attack laugh out loud.

Omnipotent time is on her side!

She couldn't miss the opportunity to kill the Sun King, so she used the spatial tearing of the Sargeras scepter to send herself precisely to the place where the old king fell.

However, at the same time when Elisande's exquisite bare feet touched the ground, a sniper arrow shining with the punishment of the moon god burst out silently behind her, and the vines under her feet grew wildly and instantly locked her. All displacements of the Magister.

The distance is too short and the speed is too fast.

The moment the arrows and vines appeared, it was already a sure-fire situation.

It stands to reason that other people can only send it when they encounter this scene, and by the way, use the second before being pierced to recall their own life.

But Elisande is no ordinary person.

In the next moment, her head was pierced by the flying moonlight arrow, bursting like a watermelon, and the blood splattered everywhere, but the moment the life of the great magister died, the flow of time that belonged to her immediately began to reverse.

Elisande, who was killed by a sharp arrow, quickly weathered into a phantom like a faded old photo, and the time was reversed to before the great magister was assassinated. This time, the great magister slightly changed his landing angle.

There was a loud "boom", and all the trees within thirty yards around the tree where Tyrande, the high priest of the moon who was hiding in the forest to "assassinate", seemed to be chopped down by an invisible sickle.

The space cut from the scepter of Sargeras created a dead zone in less than an instant.

However, Tyrande is not that easy to deal with, and this Lunar Hunter came with his "Druid Pet" this time, which almost doubled her difficulty.

Elisande's "time sneak attack" failed, but instead she was entangled tightly by Malfurion Stormrage, who had turned into a giant nature bear.

The archdruid is proficient in natural summons. At the moment of the battle, more than a dozen ancient trees were activated into temporary ancient war trees, growing hands and feet and roaring to help the archdruid fight against the enemy.

And the Sun King, who had tricked the great magister over by pretending to be injured, also jumped out again, appearing on the edge of the battlefield to cooperate with Tyrande's crazy output of arrows.

The one-on-three battle put Elisande at a disadvantage in an instant.

The great magister knew that this was a trap prepared by the other party, but she couldn't care less about scolding these bastards who didn't talk about martial arts.

She had been "killed" once just now because of her arrogance and carelessness.

Time really takes good care of her. Except for the bronze dragon, Elisande is probably the most favored and favored life in this world by time, but in this place far away from the Nightwell and the Eye of Aman'Thul, time can save her. The number of times is limited.

Now is not the time to make sarcastic remarks, but now is the time to turn strategically.

The great magister sneered and summoned several time bombs from the time stream and released them. Relying on the impact of time when the time bombs exploded, she forcibly imprisoned three opponents at the same level as her in time.

This kind of confinement takes effect for a very short time, and it cannot be used for attacks at all.

But it works wonders for defense and retreat.

Of course, such an unforgiving "female hero" like Elisande would definitely not leave the scene silently. When she was about to oil the soles of her feet, she still shouted to the three bastards in front of her very stubbornly:

"The same trick will not work for the time magician a second time, your trick is very good, unfortunately, I will not be fooled again!

The sunwell is mine!

Wait, then.

Kaldorei and Quel'dorei, I have endless time to settle accounts with you slowly. "

After finishing speaking, the great magister waved the scepter of Sargeras and slid into the black space crack with a whoosh. She planned to return to the Nightborne barracks from this ambush point, to recuperate and plan the next war.

Now that the Quel'dorei have found an ally, the Nightborne might consider mending relations with Brad Laike Shaw next.

However, the grand magister must have never heard of the legends of those demon gods who would appear in a terrifying way when their names were called, otherwise she would not have silently chanted Bu Laike Shaw's unlucky name in her heart at this terrible time.


Amidst a loud noise, the great magister who was thinking about the problem gritted his teeth and saw that the space rift propped up by Sargeras' scepter began to collapse rapidly.

This scene frightened her, and she jumped out of the space rift in a hurry.

Just because she is familiar with the Scepter of Sargeras, she understands how dangerous it is to collapse in space, but this sudden situation must be due to external forces interfering with the operation of the scepter in her hand.

Who is it!


The great magister, who rushed out of the space rift with anger, fiercely wanted to find the bastard who interfered with her spellcasting, and then teach him or her a good lesson.

However, her trivial wish was granted the next moment.

She saw Bu Laike Xiao, who was standing in front of her, was waving meanly at her.

She also saw the strange woman with elegant posture and four hands and octopus-like tentacles supported by Laike Shaw.

The latter was blinking the five eyes on his face, looking at her with interest.

That gaze made Elisande feel the chill of fate for a moment, and made her feel cold from head to toe. What's more sad is that even though her heart is howling and strong, her body is like every respectful audience ten thousand years ago. time.


The great magister knelt down in front of Azshara with the most standard etiquette of an elf courtier. Although she reacted immediately to get up, this embarrassing scene was completely recorded by Bu Laike with a dwarf camera.

Oh, what a pity.

If it wasn't for Elisande's death today, these photos alone could extort a lot of money.

But now, these photos can only choose the most perfect one to become the posthumous photo of the great magister.

(end of this chapter)

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