Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1489 122. Your Emperor Ai Is Infinitely Rampant

Chapter 1489 122. Your Emperor Ai is infinitely rampant

Stinky Pirate Bu Laike stands on a boulder in the courtyard at the edge of this sunwell, holding a bottle of wine in his left hand and a modified version of the gnome camera with a video function in his right.

Three identical cameras were mounted on tripods on both sides of him, and they recorded the melee of the elf rulers, which was an exciting scene as soon as it opened, from different positions and different angles.

He had a hunch that today's "image data" would definitely become first-hand evidence for future generations to study the strength of the mysterious Queen Azshara, as well as black material for crazy "psychological crit" against various elf factions.

Speaking of which, the last time I fought with Her Majesty the Queen on the coast of Azshara was not enjoyable at all. At that time, I was quite "weak", at least compared to Queen Azshara, I was not a dish at all.

But now I have undergone various special trainings, which is not what it used to be.

"As a mighty pirate like me, how can I charge Her Majesty the Queen for more than a hundred moves now?"

Bu Laike blinked his eyes and took a sip of his wine, thinking in his mind:

"If you use some tricks to suppress the bottom of the box, maybe you can catch the Queen by surprise, but if you want to defeat her, it may be a bit difficult to make her kneel down and sing Conquer.

Well, it still doesn't work.

Still have to practice. "

He shrugged his shoulders, watched the fierce battle between the powerful women and men with wide eyes, eager to learn a few tricks from this high-end battle.

And behind the battlefield between Laike and Queen Azshara, the deep-sea Naga army, riding the big waves surrounding Quel'Danas Island, has rushed to the land screaming.

Their offensive was brutal.

The first wave used the impact of the tsunami to destroy and submerge all the camps of the Nightborne on the outskirts of the island, and then directly entered the central area of ​​Kui Island by driving the constantly rushing tide.

Under the Naga's four-sided encirclement tactics, there is no front and rear at all. When they launched a big impact in the name of the queen's conquest, the Quel'dorei and Shaldorei had already entered a desperate situation on all sides.

Regardless of the fact that these two tribes of elves had a lot of fun before, they were not merciless in killing their compatriots, but in front of the Naga army that was a hundred times their number and ten times their quality, these goods were really not enough for a dish.

The twenty-eight Naga war mistresses who led the charge in the first wave of the Deep Sea Empire alone were all high-level legends, and the elite Naga strikers used by Queen Azshara were all drawn by small clans. Composed of Naga Warlords.

These guys are all big and round, and there are some mutants like half-snake titans, with sharp and sturdy shell armor on their arms, just like dragon guns.

Whatever the city wall or law-breaker, if you shoot them head-on, you will definitely be able to smash them and turn them on their backs.

Moreover, the predecessor of the Deep Sea Empire was an elven empire with a highly developed magical civilization, and there was never a shortage of spellcasters under Queen Azshara's command.

There are more than a thousand high-level spellcasters of Quel'dorei and Shaldorei on the battlefield, and the number of six-armed sea witch legions in the first wave of the Naga legion's charge has exceeded three. Thousands of people.


This is just the vanguard army under the queen's command. As long as the queen is willing, she can summon a deep sea army ten times stronger than the vanguard army within a few hours.


How to fight this?

But surrendering was not a good choice either, because the queen was holding back her energy to punish the traitors, so the Naga Legion did not take prisoners at all, and would push them all the way if they encountered any resistance.

And behind the Naga Legion's main attack, the undead pirates who found opportunities also joined the battlefield as "servants". Compared with the ruthlessness of the Naga, the pirates showed "warmth".

They will even save survivors who were run over by Naga.

But this is not out of humanitarian benevolence. The main reason is that there are too many good things in the Sunwell, and the pirates alone cannot move them all.

So they need some "temporary workers" to help. If you behave well, you can join the promising and ambitious undead pirates afterwards without trying.

In short, the current situation can be summed up as...sent.

Impossible to win.

Unless the trio of leaders of the Quel'dorei, the Shal'dorei, and the Kaldorei can win the battle against Queen Azshara. But this is not something they can do if they want to.

Facing the most powerful woman ever born in this world, even the leaders of the three clans fought together, it was quite difficult.

Malfurion turned into a natural angry bear and recruited more than a dozen ancient war trees to kill the queen. This kind of druid tactic is enough to resist all current legends in this world, even some weak demigods. be overwhelmed by this power.

It's a pity that when facing the queen, this trick is not enough.

Isn't it just shaking people?

Who wouldn't?

Azshara sneered, and the four hands holding the wand gracefully flicked to the ground lightly.

In the whirling eruption of invisible tides, ice thorns covered the four heads, and the glacial elemental lords clad in ice armor roared and were summoned to the material world.

The moment they appeared, they guarded the Queen in a guarding posture, and jointly set off an ice storm that froze everything. Malfurion's ancient war tree was blown by layers of cold wind, and the thick ice shell froze on the tree. On the ground, they were completely frozen when they charged to the fifth second.

A tall and mighty ice sculpture was formed on the spot, and even Malfurion himself was frozen into a "Northern White Bear", but the archdruid was also a ruthless person.

Seeing that he was about to be frozen, he simply and neatly summoned a scorching moonfire to hit himself, relying on the natural flame to melt the ice.

But it's too late!

In the Queen's disdainful sneer, the frozen ancient trees and the solid ice around them shattered in an instant, and countless ice spikes swept across the entire courtyard like a deadly storm, turning the entire battlefield into a north wind. of cold conditions.

The principle of this horror magic is very simple.

Even the ignorant warlock Bu Laike can explain it very clearly. This is nothing more than the "deep freezing" and "shattering ice" formulas that any high-level mage in the ice magic system will use.

But to be able to use this magical formula to the current state of perfection, no one except Azshara can achieve it. Uh, no!

Bu Laike, who was watching the fun, blinked his eyes and watched his Ai Huang's extremely arrogant one-for-four still gaining the upper hand. He thought in his heart:

"Ah, ah, if little Jaina can study hard and discover her full potential, she will probably be able to reach this level in ten years.

However, Queen Azshara is not only good at ice magic. Her Majesty is the "God of Magic" who is proficient in the whole law system, so unless my little sister can have another adventure, otherwise she will never even think about reaching the queen's goal in this lifetime. Boundary.



Tyrande is going to compete with the queen in archery.

I heard that Queen Azshara was also an excellent hunter when she was 'young'. Although it was just for entertainment, with the queen's talent, her casual playing skills are comparable to the skills of idiots who have worked hard for a lifetime. "

Under the pirate's angry inner monologue, Tyrande, who had been calling on Elune's power since the beginning of the battle, immediately became angry when he saw Malfurion being repulsed and dangerous.


You bad woman, dare to bully my husband in front of me?

Give you face!

Driven by such emotions, the Priest of the Moon wearing the silver battle armor grabbed the bow wrapped in moonlight, and drew and wound the bow in the most standard hunter posture, coordinating with Elisande and the Sun King's magic pull from left to right , when Azshara was concentrating on fighting gorgeous magic with her traitors, she launched a "shameless sneak attack" on the queen.

The three arrows mixed with the divine power of the moonlight spun at high speed and shot at the queen's head and heart in a silent flight, without any breath coming out before approaching the target.

This scene made Bu Laike exclaim in his heart that he had learned it.


It turns out that Luna's divine power and archery are used together in this way?

The power endowed by the moonlight can actually eliminate the murderous aura carried by the arrows, so that every sharp arrow shot will not be perceived by the enemy in advance.

Well, as expected of a veteran God's Choice!

Tyrande's position as the leader of the Kaldorei for 10,000 years really didn't depend on that pretty face suitable for all ages. The high priest of the moon really has two brushes.

Faced with this silent moonlight assassination arrow, Queen Azshara was obviously caught off guard.

The main reason is that she has to face the attacks of the Sun King and the Great Magister at the same time, who are considered to be the first echelon of Azeroth's spellcasters, and Malfurion, in the form of a moonkin, is constantly harassing her with natural magic .

This made the empress, who was as steady as Mount Tai, feel a little bit of pressure.

But she reacted quickly.

Seeing the assassination arrow approaching the queen's spare hands spread out like magic, a snake-spine longbow decorated with luxurious gemstones and two Naga arrows made of unknown special animal bones fell into the hands.

While casting spells with both hands, the remaining hands drew the bow in a standard posture not inferior to Tyrande, and shot two arrows almost without aiming, and then fired two assassination arrows that hit Tyrande first in the air Collision eliminated.

But the last Luna arrow hit the queen's magic shield precisely, and the bright and scorching moonlight burst out in a converging posture, instantly exerting a purification and puncture effect on the queen, shattering her magic shield. Dispel all.


At this moment, the remaining three people didn't need to communicate at all, so they gritted their teeth and launched a fierce attack together.

This is the best opportunity Tyrande has created for them. If they can't cause damage to the queen when the queen's desperately thick magic shield disappears, then there is no need to fight this battle.

Get down on your knees and sing Conquer.

And the Priest of the Moon who broke Queen Azshara's magic shield with one blow also showed a smile on his face. It can be seen that fighting Azshara put a lot of pressure on Tyrande.

However, having seen the hope, the Priest of the Moon took out three moonlight arrows and put them on the bowstring again, preparing to make persistent efforts and use his superb shooting skills to win the chance for the "temporary allies" to take advantage of the victory.

She found confidence, and she realized that Queen Azshara is not really a "decathlon". Although this woman is really terrifying, she also has her own shortcomings.

It's not scary to find a weakness.

Tyrande took a deep breath, and the same feeling as before called for the moonlight to wrap the arrow, aimed and shot


Just when the Moon Priest was about to let go of the bowstring and shoot the deadly arrow again, she sensed the danger quietly appearing behind her, and Tyrande, who was wearing silver armor, turned around and jumped back gracefully, while her body was still in the air. The three arrows in his hand were shot out in an instant.

Moonlight VS Moonlight!

In the next moment, six almost identical arrows collided in the air, causing the moonlight to dance and explode. The moment Tyrande landed, she saw Braike Shaw who was still maintaining his shooting posture.

Holding the inherited treasure of Quel'Thalas, the hateful great pirate turned into Thoridar in the form of a moon bow.

With the assassination shooting skills he just learned from Tyrande, he stopped Tyrande's sneak attack on Queen Azshara "in danger".

Seeing Tyrande's murderous eyes, the stinky pirate with a pipe shrugged his shoulders, folded his arms and shouted to the High Priest of the Moon:

"Hey, this is the battle of the elf kings! Sneak attacks are forbidden in such a high-level battle, you moon priest who doesn't talk about martial arts! Ms. Elune is really disappointed in you."

"Hahaha, my chief guard is really outstanding! I really have to grant you the status of 'Honorary Highborne'."

The queen also saw this scene, and she moved her tentacles with great satisfaction, sweeping away Malfurion, who had turned into a cheetah attack, like a long whip, and threw two powerful magic spells of "Deep Sea Freeze" to blow the sun away. After Wang and Elisande were forced to retreat, Shi Shiran snapped his fingers and reopened his dispelled magic shield.

Because of Bu Laike's activeness at the critical moment, the fighters that Tyrande tried his best to create were wasted. This scene gave the four elf leaders a new understanding of the ability of the stinky pirates to make trouble.

This guy!

He is really good at destroying other people's hopes.

"So, the warm-up is over, everyone."

Queen Azshara moved her four arms and six tentacles on the spot, and she used the tentacles to close and prop up her body, putting herself in a condescending state.

She looked arrogantly at the four people who had regrouped in front of her, and said with satisfaction:

"Facts have proved that you are all good fighters and good leaders. I am moved by your will, and you can still be so strong when facing me. It seems that in the 10,000 years I have been away, you are not without No progress.

This gave me renewed hope for the future of the elves.

But if you want this battle to be more intense, you have to work harder. Because next, I will show my true strength. Oh, yes, the Quel'dorei. "

The Queen turned her head to look at the Sun King who was holding the Flame Strike, and she asked in a gentle tone:

"Mind if I 'borrow' your shoddy magic well so I can use my full power?"


These words made Sun King's heart go cold to the valley.

He suddenly turned his head to look at the Sun Tower behind him. At this moment, the magic flow of the Sunwell that had been blessing him was suddenly cut off.

And the aura of Queen Azshara, who was already very powerful in front of her, rose steadily at this moment, pushing her power to a new level with ease.

The obscure and cumbersome sunwell magic that Anastarian spent hundreds of years mastering is now in the hands of the queen, like a docile and well-behaved child. The golden magic is wrapped around Azshara's arms and body, as if Ruo put on a layer of golden emperor armor for her.

Even faintly shaped a golden crown on top of the queen's head.

She raised her hand in front of everyone in a nostalgic gesture, and let the golden magic power shape a vivid mana floating snake in her palm. The empress's five eyes were full of memories of the past.

She felt the power set off by the full magic power, and after a few seconds, she whispered:

"This warm feeling makes me really want to get back my Well of Eternity. Unfortunately, a fake is a fake, no matter in terms of quality or quantity, it is too far behind.

But this is barely enough for me to fight with all my strength. "


She clenched her five fingers and crushed the mana floating snake in the Queen's palm. Azshara looked back at the four silent elf leaders in front of the flying fragments of golden magic power.

she says:

"Give you ten minutes, and call all the strong men you can find. I will announce the return of the ancient elf empire today as the emperor.

Such a grand event, how can there not be enough spectators? "

"Ah yes yes yes!"

Beside Queen Azshara, who has seized the magic power of the Sunwell and is infinitely rampant, Bu Laike, who acts as the "court jester" and "voice of the queen", also spread his arms in a pretentious manner, and said to the elf leaders in front of him:

"As you witnessed in Northshire, the rise of the Lich King heralds the beginning of an age of ashes, and the return of us, Queen Azshara, heralds the climax of chaos.


You don't want to die here because you disobeyed the Queen's orders, do you?

So, shake people up.

need my help?

Not that I'm bragging, I'm well connected in the whole world. "

(end of this chapter)

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