Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1490 123. Tired, Destroy It

Chapter 1490 123. Tired, destroy it

The time went back to ten minutes ago.


In the Tower of the Sun, a member of the Silver Moon Councilor's heart was pierced from behind by an ice knife. He let out a moan in despair, and wanted to use the teleportation technique to escape.

But the assailant had been prepared for a long time. When the figure of the congressman staggered and appeared on the steps leading to the door in the magic light, the hidden assailant let out a cruel laugh.

He raised the gorgeous and powerful tidal scepter in his hand, and when he felt the power of magic and tidal power for himself, he let out a hearty and rebellious laugh. , while being wrapped in the torrent as if thrown into a storm of blades.

His flesh and blood were crazily washed away by the whirling torrent, and all the flesh and blood were stripped off in just a few seconds, leaving only a bloody skeleton lying on the ground.

"Darkan! You madman!"

In the messy hall of the Sun Tower behind the assailant, a member of Silver Moon whose lower body was frozen roared angrily:

"What did Azshara give you? To make you willingly become her lackey? This country and this land raised you, you idiot!

You shameful traitor! "

"Traitor? You call me a traitor?"

With the identity of the Silver Moon Councilor, Darkan Della Hill, who sneaked into the Tower of the Sun during the chaos and carried out a ruthless sneak attack, turned around with the relic of power bestowed by the Queen.

His handsome and refined face was full of ferocity.

He said without any psychological pressure:

"All elves are the Queen's subjects, and our souls are imprinted with the nostalgia and pursuit of the elf empire. We used to be so powerful.

We rule the whole world!

But look at us now.

We buried our heads like a flock of ostriches in the ground of Quel'Thalas, pretending not to see the development of the world and the rise of other civilizations through the power of the Sunwell.

We call ourselves elegant heirs to the Empire, but I don't see a chance in the Kings of the Sunstriders leading the rise of the Quel'dorei.

They are nothing more than the odds and ends in a corner!


I am an elf with ideals and pursuits. My compatriots, I don't want to see our civilization continue to sink, so I followed Her Majesty Azshara without hesitation!

I know that she can lead us back to the top of the world, and she can also generously give us everything we desire. She is the perfect ruler, the emperor of the elves!

The Sunstriders are not worthy to lift my Majesty's shoes. Whether it is vision, strength or bearing, Anasterian is too far away from His Majesty Azshara.

It's like the gap between fireflies and the sun.

Kael'thas may still have some hope, but I can't wait. I'm already two thousand years old, and I don't have long to live, my people. "

Darkan walked towards his compatriots with the powerful staff bestowed by the queen. He pressed the object of power against the hearts of his compatriots. He said with a sneer:

"Of course you can call me a traitor, you can also insult me ​​and scold me, but the queen is merciful, she granted me the power to rebuild cities for the elf empire on this land.

She canonized me as governor of Quel'dorei. This is an extremely orthodox claim, a hundred times more unified than Dath'Remar Sunstrider calling himself the Sun King!

Come, my companion.

You can share this glory with me. "

The female elf councilor who was pressed against the heart by Darkan's staff swallowed hard. There is no doubt that she did not want to die, but it was also difficult for her to make up her mind to betray Quel'Thalas.

So after a few seconds, she asked in a low voice:

"Queen Azshara, what do we need?"

"Ha, wise choice!"

Darkan laughed loudly and waved his hands, melting the ice that bound his companions in front of him.

After receiving the blessing of the queen's ten-thousand-year scepter, Darkan's spellcasting ability and magic manipulation were forcibly raised to a higher level, which gave him the confidence to call himself powerful.

He leaned on a gorgeous deep-sea scepter, and reached out to support his weak and frightened companion. Among the corpses killed by him in a sneak attack, Darkan pointed to his feet, and he said:

"The Queen needs to use the magic power of the Sunwell to give herself the power to shake the world, and we loyal servants need to fulfill her wish for Her Majesty the Queen.

Then, the Empress herself will destroy the fake magic well that imprisons the Quel'dorei to all potential. Don't look at me that way, my poor countryman.

Are you still aware of it?

Overreliance on the Sunwell has transformed the Quel'dorei from noble subjects of the Empire into mana addicts as low as the Nightborne.

But we still have help.

The Empress promised me that she would give us a new, more powerful form, a new hope.

Under the leadership of the Supreme Queen, we will return to purity and greatness, come on, let us complete this liberation and transformation together. "

"But the tide of magic power in the Sunwell is not something that the two of us can control!"

The female elf who was persuaded by Darkan was still a little scared. She glanced at the dusty stairs leading to the main body of the magic well at the bottom of the tower, and said:

"We'll be crushed if we go in."

"No, we have this! Although my magical attainments are completely unable to interpret the supreme knowledge and magical truth contained in this staff.

But I do know that it can help us ride the magical tides of the Sunwell. "

Darkan raised the scepter that sealed a drop of the essence of the living water of the Well of Eternity in his hand, his eyes were full of greed for power and knowledge, and he said:

"Using the deep-sea scepter bestowed by the queen herself, we can apply the tidal mobilization of the sunwell's magic power to the queen, just as its preset magic power flow will be applied to Anasterian.

We don't even need to interfere with the process.

And while the queen declared the return of the empire with the help of this magic well, you and I, as loyal servants of the queen, can also enjoy the grace and gift of power.

We will also be reborn and become stronger.

These are all gifts from the Queen, we must not refuse, nor can we refuse. "

After finishing speaking, Dar'kan Della Hill of "Loyalty and Peerless" strode towards the stair that he was not allowed to enter. The female elf behind him folded her arms and felt the terrible chill.

She wanted to run away, but looking back at the scattered corpses of her colleagues killed by Darkan, she really couldn't jump around at this time.

In desperation, she could only walk down the stairs of the Tower of the Sun with Darkan who seemed to be a little crazy in front of her.

She didn't know what was going to happen next.

But she had a premonition, she knew that the entire historical course of Quel'Thalas would be completely changed because of their actions today, and even the Quel'Dorei civilization would deviate from the original track and be forcibly pushed into a Don't know the future of the end.

At the moment when she walked down the stairs, when this weak female mage was wrapped in darkness, she suddenly had a strong sense of déjà vu, as if behind this sudden war, there was a pair of invisible black hands pushing it.

Everyone in this war is a pawn of that black hand, including her, including the Sun King and Elisande, including Dar'Khan in front of him, and even Queen Azshara.

They are taken advantage of.

Sadly, they were completely unable to fight back.

They don't even know who to throw a punch at.


Back to the present time.

After Queen Azshara forcibly seized the magic power of the Sunwell by means that were completely unscientific and unmagical, the four elf leaders who could not defeat her fell into a catastrophic battle.

Under the blessing of the Sunwell, the destructive power of Queen Azshara's magical magic has been raised to a level that the Sun King doesn't even want to think about.

Even the steadfast Tyrande felt the warning from the Moon God in her heart.

Lady Elune was worried about her God's Choice, she knew that if Tyrande was not lucky enough in the current battle, she might really die here.

Lady Luna even sent a message to Bo Laike for this.

On the character card in front of the smelly pirate, a line of words was beating: Madam Elune is very worried about Tyrande's safety, Madam hopes that her loyal Darkmoon Chosen can intervene in the situation if necessary.

"Hey, look at the treatment of other people's own daughters."

The pirate curled his lips sourly as if he had eaten several lemons and said:

"I have done so many things for you, and I never saw you send someone to rescue me when I was in trouble."

Facing the pirates' complaints, Ms. Elune also comforted and responded. In front of the pirates, the will of the moon god appeared again. This time there was only one word:



Ms. Elune's attitude made the stinky pirate a little at a loss. He didn't know how to respond to Luna's sudden "mother's tone", so he could only respond with an awkward silence.

However, the pirates were not worried about Tyrande's ending today.

Because Queen Azshara had made it clear before that she was just announcing the return of the Elven Empire, and she didn't intend to kill someone here to stand up.

As the number one queen in the world, Ms. Azshara does not need to use such a stupid method that a tyrant would use to declare her majesty.

Of course, Elisande is an exception.

The great magister who offended everyone is doomed, and no one can save her.

Elisande himself seemed to have guessed his tragic ending, so when Queen Azshara "generously" gave them ten minutes to shake people, the great magister was the most active.

She really didn't want to die, and her desire to live was so full at this moment, she even ignored the Sun King's dislike for her, and took the initiative to use the Scepter of Sargeras to help "pull people".

"Alas! This won't work!"

Seeing that Kael'thas Sunstrider came out of the portal opened by the Sun King, Bu Laike, who was drinking, jumped up, made a "daba" movement, and shouted over there:

"Kaizi, you promised me before, today's matter has nothing to do with you, go! Go back to your Dellano and continue to work."

Faced with Bu Laike's scolding, Prince Kael'thas also held back his anger.

Always handsome and gentle, he lost his temper rarely, and shouted to Bu Laike:

"That was not the case with our original agreement! Look how far you have driven my country and people! Laike, I warned you before that I would give anything for my people.

My personal reputation is not worth mentioning in front of such an event, I must participate in this battle!

No negotiation! "

"Uh, okay."

The pirate shrugged and said casually:

"If you want to ask for a beating, that's your freedom. Anyway, I persuaded you."

In the next second, with the chirping of the dragon eagle galloping, the windrunner big sister also fell from the sky together with Turalyon. The moment Alleria took out her war bow, she secretly exchanged glances with Laike.

The pirate nodded inaudibly, then turned his head to look at the edge of the sky, where a black dragon eagle was flying towards this side carrying the dusty Cirvanas and her little pet.

And in the streamer of the teleportation technique, Vereesa Windrunner, who was shameless and shameless in the Fortress and Luo Ning, also jumped out, just in time to appear with General Liresa who was summoned by the Sun King himself.

What a guy.

The Windrunner family is gathered here.

Queen Azshara also opened her eyes when she saw General Liresa appearing in a hunting suit of the Scourge of the Undead. She looked at Mother Windrunner and asked:

"So, who are you representing? Will His Majesty Lothar also participate in this elf affairs?"

"No, Your Majesty."

Windrunner's mother stretched out her hand and pushed her black battle helmet, she said in the indifferent tone that an undead should have:

"I don't represent Scourge or any other faction, I represent myself and as a mother, I cannot sit by and watch my children face danger.

As an elf, this will probably be my last contribution to Quel'Thalas.

Of course, I also shoulder the mission of His Majesty Lothar.

This land is full of death, and those dead will be the best source of soldiers for the Scourge, but this has nothing to do with you. "

"very good."

The elf queen nodded and said:

"I will visit His Majesty Lothar at the right time, he is the second human ruler who I think is outstanding besides Emperor Thoradin in the gradual rise of human civilization that I watched.

Unfortunately, I was not able to invite him to visit Nazjatar while he was alive. What a shame. "

"Your Majesty, the time is almost up."

Bu Laike waved his pocket watch beside Azshara, rubbed his hands and said as if urging:

"I'm not reminding you that it's time to start this fun conference. The main reason is that there are only so many people they can find, and there won't be any surprises if it drags on."

As he spoke, the pirate glanced back at the "spectators" who had been invited.

Just like the enthronement ceremony of the Lich King he presided over in North County last time, this time, apart from a group of powerful elves, the human side is still a classic combination of paladins and Dalaran mages.

The Draenei also sent someone over because of Kael'thas.

Maraad stood in the crowd with several archbishops, and they hadn't even figured out the complex and complicated relationship between Azshara and the various elf factions.

It's not so much to fight, it's more like to watch the excitement.

Old Man Velen didn't come this time, probably because he predicted in advance that this battle would not have any results, but because of Kaldorei's relationship, the Green Dragon Army sent several powerful green dragons to join the battle.

But this does not affect the outcome of the battle.

According to the data observed by Braike's character card, Azshara at this time has surpassed the demigod under the blessing of the magic power of the sunwell, and the distance has crossed the shackles of life forms, and it is possible to reach the real "god of magic" There is still a gap.

But she was no longer something these "mortals" could resist.

Ten thousand years ago, Azshara, who was sitting on the Well of Eternity, was so powerful that even Archimonde was frightened. The current queen is not in her prime, but she is enough to sweep the world.

As expected of the most powerful woman in Azeroth, this row alone is enough to make Laike drool with envy.

"Then, let's begin."

Queen Azshara gracefully held her wand again, and the group of people in front of her raised their weapons in unison. Just at the moment when the training was about to start, a beam of teleportation light suddenly rose.

Under the stunned gaze of the pirates, headed by Magna Aegwynn, the members include Meri Dongfeng, Alya Blue Moon, the Grand Lich Antonidas, the Little Lich Kel'Thuzad, the Elven Ghost Prince Farondis, the Enlightenment The "luxurious lineup" of the "Great Wizard Magic Salon" including the old man Sakir appeared in front of everyone.

"Do not!"

Bu Laike cried out in despair:

"Dean, why are you here? Didn't you tell you in advance that you didn't hear for help?"

"Er, never mind, my apprentice."

Dean Lanyue pushed his glasses in embarrassment, and said:

"Everyone just heard that Queen Azshara appeared here, so I plan to come here to discuss the truth of magic with Her Majesty. In your words, we are just here to see the world.

By the way, record today's battle.

Since it's a discussion, let's go to the end and there will be no casualties.

Oh, yes, one more thing."

Dean Blue Moon glanced at Bo Laike, she said:

"Your paper was suspended after three discussions among all of us.

Because you not only hired Xiao Xingxing to help you write the paper, but also some expected data in the paper were seriously inaccurate, so we think you are suspected of 'academic misconduct' and 'academic fraud'.

Sorry, my apprentice.

But you still can't graduate from me but don't worry, I'm trying to help you pass the next round of judging, just you may need to revise your thesis, I mean, you have to do it yourself.

This is due respect for knowledge and truth. "

"Do not!!!"

The pirate cried out in despair.

His heart was filled with the despair of destroying the world.

Heart tired, destroy it.

At this moment, Bu Laike, who was disillusioned because of the failure of graduation, looked back at the queen with a smile on his face, and said through gritted teeth:

"Your Majesty, have you seen those stubborn old men and old ladies?"

"I will help you destroy the Sunwell with my own hands. I only have one request. Beat them! Beat them hard! Give your poor chief guard a break.

But it's enough to teach them a lesson, don't really beat them to death, to be honest, they are not bad to me. "

(end of this chapter)

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