Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1494 127. Next, Please Twisted Void Professional Blame Man To Give A Speech: Listen To Me, T

Chapter 1494 127. Next, please Twisting the Void professional blame man to give a speech: Listen to me, thank you.

"Who the hell is he talking to?"

In the main hall of the Sunwell, Darkan's female assistant kept absorbing pure magic power to gain strength, while looking at the stinky pirate who was talking to himself at the other end of the hall with strange eyes.

She whispered to Darkan beside her:

"My lord, is that guy crazy?"

"Hush! You can't say that about him, that guy is Queen Azshara's human favorite, or a 'pet' is more appropriate."

Darkan immediately stopped the female assistant's nonsense.

He also seized the time to draw strength from the magic power flow in front of him, glanced at Bu Laike again, remained silent for a few seconds, and said to the female assistant with a heavier tone:

"But you're right, from his past deeds, we have enough reasons to deduce that he is a real madman. This guy feels like a metronome bomb that is about to explode at any time.

We need to stay away from him.

Perhaps madness is also contagious. "


The female assistant nodded approvingly, and the two guys changed places, a little further away from Bu Laike, and continued to absorb the magic power of devouring.

But the pirates simply ignored these two guys.

He is still persuading An Weina to move, this is the real top priority.

"Can you really cure magic addiction?"

The Sun Holy Spirit, which only Braike can see, stared at the pirate with distrustful but shaken eyes. Although she has seen very few people from birth to now, she can judge this guy from the mellow power of the pirate. The background is very big.

To be able to maintain a clear mind while sitting on such a huge void power is to know how powerful he is.

In the face of An Weina's questioning, the pirate didn't say whether he could do it, nor did he promise some exaggerated promises. He just calmly took out an empty bottle from his bag, threw it in his hand, and then The cork was opened and placed in front of An Weena.

"Hey hey hey! This smell!"

Anveena, who was born as the remaining blood of the world, immediately "smelled" the strange smell in the water bottle in Bu Laike's hand.

It was a smell that made her feel warm and at ease, and she couldn't help but want to pursue it, just like the smell of "home".

"Is this the eternal well water?"

Sun Holy Spirit widened his eyes and asked in surprise:

"Is there any remaining eternal well water in this world?"

"Yes, and it is the essence of a bottle of pure eternal water."

Bu Laike proudly threw the bottle and said to Anveena:

"My mentor and I, uh, I don't feel comfortable mentioning her. She broke my heart a lot today! But she is indeed very powerful. After rigorous calculations with her, the eternal well water in my hand can be diluted into A lake.

You are definitely more comfortable staying there than staying here, and after you return to the origin of 'World Blood', you will also become stronger.

This way you can better protect your elf babies.

I also got a magical seed, and we are planning to plant that seed in the magic well we are going to build, and the fruit that can be born from that seed has a powerful effect.

It can immediately get rid of an elf's addiction, completely cured, without any sequelae.

It can also be used as a raw material and combined with other materials to produce short-term potions on a large scale, allowing poor elves suffering from addiction to spend decades of leisure time.

This is my great plan, my dear Anveena.

Even without you, my plan can already be implemented, but I feel that if you participate in it, it will definitely make the tree grow faster and healthier.

After all, that's the last Arcan'dor seed left in the world, and if we accidentally break it, the elves will be doomed. "

The stinky pirate made a throat-slitting motion to express the tragic result, and in the eyes of Darkan and his female assistant, it seemed that Bo Laike, who was talking to himself, was getting more and more crazy.

"So, I now formally invite you to join me in my big plan, my lady Anveena, you love these elves, I can feel it.

You really think of yourself as their mother, although your birth is more of the afterglow of the Elven Empire. In theory, you should call Queen Azshara Mom.

But how you position yourself is up to you, and I'm not in the mood to give you a psychological counseling. After all, my dark wisdom is very expensive, and you may not be able to afford it.

Let's get straight to the point. "

Bu Laike spread his arms and said to Anveena:

"Do you want to come with me?

A friendly reminder, Queen Azshara is absorbing magic power faster and faster. It seems that the battle outside is about to be won or lost. If she continues to suck like this, she will discover your existence.

If you don't go with me, you can only go with her.

In fact, this isn’t too bad, with Azshara’s attachment to the Well of Eternity, she will definitely treat you as her own ‘cute’ and support you with all her heart.”

"don't want!"

An Weena screamed, as if frightened, she said tremblingly:

"That bad woman smells terrible, she must have lived with a horrible monster for a long time, I will be eaten in one bite.

I will go with you!

But you swear you won't hurt me. "

"Well, swear, it's so easy."

Bu Laike put his fingers up on his forehead, and was about to make up a few nonsense to fool the pure Sun Holy Spirit in front of him, but he didn't expect that the stupid Anveena seemed to be enlightened at this moment.

She pointed to the sky and said:

"You'll swear to the moon!"


The smelly pirate was stunned for a moment, he said:

"Did I swear to the sun?"


Anveena said stubbornly:

"You have the smell of moonlight on your body. There is a deep connection between you and the moon. You must swear to the moon. I know that such an oath is binding on you, otherwise I won't believe anything you say."

"Your eyes are really sharp, but can you change them?"

Bu Laike rubbed his teeth and said:

"I swear on my dad's name, okay? If I don't keep my vow, let my dad break a leg when he wakes up at night or something."


Anveena shook her head and said:

"That's my only request. If you don't swear to the moon, you swear to the void! That works too."

"Forget it."

The pirate rolled his eyes.

Xin said that this seemingly pure spiritual body must be black inside.

Swear to the void?

She also dared to say that if something went wrong, Bo Laike would have eyeballs and tentacles all over his body.

Well, is this the legendary natural black?

At Anveena's request, Bu Laike reluctantly swore an oath in the name of the Moon God, that he would not do anything harmful to Anveena, and would do his best to protect Anveena's body in case of danger. Safety.

But he has a temper that does not suffer. After he swears, he also asks Anveena to swear to Moonlight, to help Bu Laike do things well, and not to make some operations that eat inside and outside.

An Weena was not afraid, and swore the oath neatly.

In the next moment, a bright moonlight flashed across the hall of the Sunwell, and the crescent emblems on the forehead of Anveena's spirit body and on Bu Laike's left finger flickered on and off.

It means that the moon god has witnessed their oath.

Under Laike's surprised gaze, Anveena was still listening, as if an invisible being was speaking to her. After a few seconds, the Sun Holy Spirit nodded vigorously and waved goodbye to the sky.

Then, with her hips akimbo triumphantly, she floated in front of the pirates, and said to Bo Laike:

"Master Luna said it! As long as I help you complete the redemption of the elf addiction, she will take me into her domain, hehe, she said that there is no title of 'God of Elves' in her priesthood, she wants Help me get that priesthood.

He also told me, let me find you if I need anything.

Lord Elune says you are one of His spokesmen in the material world. "

"You won't lie to me, will you?"

The pirate squinted his eyes and said suspiciously:

"Why didn't I hear the oracle of the moon god?"

Before he finished speaking, a line of text popped up on the character card in front of him: Ms. Elune hopes that Anveena can grow up safely under your protection. She is very important to the future elf civilization.

"Well, after running errands on orders, let me take care of the children on orders."

Bu Laike looked at the sky with a headache and said:

"Do you have any misunderstanding of my strength? I really can't do this kind of thing."

Regrettably, Luna did not give Bu Laike a channel to appeal, and as the moonlight dimmed, Anveena finally let go of her wariness towards Bu Laike.

She looked at the "home" in front of her with nostalgia for thousands of years, and she was very reluctant to give up, but she thought that she would be able to find a way for the elves to get rid of their addiction, and soon she was full of expectations Become full of vitality.

"Then shall we go now?"

Anveena hovered beside Laike, she asked:

"Don't worry about the bad women outside?"

"Queen Azshara has always done things properly, and we don't need to worry about her, but I have a doubt."

Bu Laike picked up his pipe and said to Anveena:

"You are a spiritual body conceived in the sun well. If you leave, will this magic well lose its power?"

"It will not happen."

Anveena shook her head and waved her hands, and seriously explained to Bu Laike:

"The magic power of this magic well comes from the half bottle of Eternal Well water diluted by Dath'Rema. It is connected to the world's magic net and will not be abandoned just because I leave.

But if I don't host here, the magic tide of the Sunwell will become very violent and uncontrollable, and it will be difficult for such a magic well to maintain the transmission of magic power to the magic nodes of the entire Quel'Thalas.

Probably only a mage as powerful as the bad woman outside could capture the magic power here and use it in battle. "

Having said that, Anveena said with some concern:

"If I am not here to guard, when those bad demons come again, this well will easily fall into their hands, and once its magic power is polluted, it will be transmitted to all directions through the magic net.

The well that brought hope and happiness to the Quel'dorei will also be a source of disaster for them. "

"It's so serious."

Bu Laike showed a very hypocritical expression of fear, he thought for a while, and said to Anveena:

"I suddenly had a good idea, let's blow it up, so there will be no future troubles!"


Anveena was shocked by this proposal.

It took several seconds before she grabbed the pirate's collar and swayed frantically and screamed:

"Are you crazy? Once the magic power of this sunwell is out of control, the entire Kui Island will be over! And without the sunwell, the Quel'dorei will be lost."

In the middle of speaking, An Weina suddenly fell silent.

Only then did she understand what Bo Laike really meant.

Regardless of whether she is here or not, as long as the Sunwell still exists, the Quel'dorei elves will not give up absorbing the magic power of this magic well. Nearly seven thousand years of magic power cultivation have made the Quel'dorei people regard magic power as life and even part of the civilizational tradition.

The only difference between them and the Nightborne is that the Nightborne drink magic wine, while the Quel'dorei directly absorb the magic power of the Sunwell, there is no difference between them in essence.

"Look, you understand too."

The pirate grinned, took something out of his pocket and threw it on the ground, saying:

"It's better for everyone to blow it up, trust me. Their real hope is in yours and mine, and we know that's the right thing to do, so there's nothing to worry about."


Anveena nodded with complicated emotions, but she was quickly attracted by the magic materials thrown by Bu Laike, and she said in surprise:

"Hey, so many soul stones! Isn't this an evil material that warlocks would use? What are you going to do?"

"What else can I do?"

The smelly pirate rolled his eyes and said:

"Of course, our act of blowing up the Sunwell was cleared up. I don't want to recite the title of 'Destroyer of Elven Civilization', so my sister and my mentor will definitely kill me.

In order to make those idiots realize the seriousness of some problems, in order to once again fulfill the accurate prediction of the prophet, we have to put a layer of reasonable cloak on this sabotage.


You two! "

Bu Laike exhaled the smoke ring, looked back at Darkan and his female assistant who were stealing magic power, and said in a vicious voice:

"As spellcasters under Queen Azshara, do you know warlock magic? Can you summon demons?"

"Who do you look down on?"

Darkan's female assistant said angrily:

"Our Silvermoon Council. Ahem, our allegiance to Her Majesty must be proficient in all kinds of magic! We will definitely be able to do sorcerer magic."

"That's fine, come here and help me make a demon portal here."

Bu Laike waved his finger, acting like a domineering foreman, and Darkan shook his head. He restrained the anger of the female assistant, and calmly stepped forward to glance at the boxes of magic materials thrown by the stinky pirate.

Darkan frowned immediately, he said:

"A demonic portal doesn't use so many materials, right? And what about the energy that powers the portal? What are you going to use?"

"Use this!"

The pirate pointed to the Well of the Sun shining golden light in front of him.

With a gleam of madness and confusion in his eyes, he rubbed his hands again and said:

"I've always been curious, if we use the Sunwell as an energy source, what kind of huge Twisting Nether portal can we summon?

Can we go directly to Argus, the base camp of the Legion?

Can Kil'jaeden or Archimonde be lured here? At worst, there should be a great demon at the level of a destroyer, right? "

"You want to summon the Burning Legion here?"

Rao Darkan already believed that Bo Laike was a lunatic in his heart, but when he heard what the pirates described with his own ears, he still felt that his ears were blind?

Is this a job that humans can do?

You still think that the current Kui Island is not lively enough, right?

And if you really want to summon demons to play a big game, why bother to kill the dreadlord who sneaked into the Sunwell before?

Isn't this taking off the blah blah blah!

"Look at your stupid and cowardly eyes, if you want to work under Queen Azshara to win her favor, you must make ingenious contributions!

It's hard for you to go on like this.

It is estimated that if he lives less than half a year, he will be eaten skin and bone by those wolf-like war mistresses. "

Bu Laike snorted, patted the sluggish Darkan on the shoulder, and said:

"Let's stop talking nonsense, and help now. We don't have much time, and the sooner the better. When I call a few professionals to come over, you can put the summoning materials first.

If something goes wrong, hehe, think about how you should explain to the queen! "


Darkan grabbed Bu Laike by the sleeve, and he asked in a low voice:

"Are you sure this is an order from Her Majesty the Empress? It doesn't look like a crazy decision that the Empress can make! Could it be that you are falsely passing on the order?"

"What are you talking about!"

Bu Laike slapped Darkan's hand away and said:

"This is indeed not an order from the queen, but believe me, Your Excellency Darkan, the wise queen will understand our difficulties, and as long as the loyal me needs it, the generous majesty will definitely issue this order in person.

I am the Queen's court favorite, and no one knows the Queen better than I do.

trust me.

That's right. "

(end of this chapter)

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