Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1495 128. I Gave You A Chance, So Don't Describe Me As Cruel

Chapter 1495 128. I gave you a chance, so don't describe me as cruel

Although Darkan Della Hill has bad morals and a hypocritical character, his magical accomplishments are real.

In addition, the female assistant he "picked up" was also an official Silvermoon Councilor, and the assistance of the two master spellcasters made the summoning ceremony arranged by Laike in the Sunwell fast and smooth.

He used five times more magic materials than usual to create a magic circle three times larger than the normal summoning ceremony, covering almost the entire hall of the Sunwell.

Once such a large magic circle is activated, the scale of the twisting void portal that can be torn apart is absolutely amazing.

Even in Braike's previous career as a warlock, he never presided over such a dangerous ceremony, but thanks to his travels in Dellano's world, the pirates learned a lot from the demons after experiencing the real demon invasion. Skill".

Therefore, the summoning ceremony in front of him was actually "improved" by him.

The effect is absolutely awesome.

"You two can go now."

After the ceremony was completed, Laike crossed his waist and admired the body of the Sunwell surrounded by the magic circle of the summoning ceremony in front of him. The golden tide of magic power and the green corrosion breath of the fel ceremony that had already started to operate complemented each other, making this gorgeous The hall was also infected with a trace of evil charm.

The pirate said unceremoniously to Darkan and his female assistant:

"Don't go outside looking for death, basically all the strong men in the entire alliance and elves have been called, and they are united as one, and they are being violently beaten by Queen Azshara.

How powerful the queen is, she can naturally ignore the attacks of these warriors, but you can't, if you are targeted by any ruthless character, you will be doomed.

Although I despise the incompetence and cowardice of you rookies who have just joined the Queen's command, but I don't want to see my beloved Queen lose the elf dog leg she just got today. "

"Hey, speak more politely!"

When had the female assistant next to Darkan been so angry?

Hearing Bo Laike's disdainful words immediately blew his hair, but her fierce rebuttal was flamboyantly ignored by the stinky pirate. The pirate didn't even look at her, just staring at Dar'Khan who said nothing.

He said:

"Go back to your fief Dythom, it's on the border between Quel'Thalas and the human kingdom, the location is very good, and it's close to the coast, it can just become the frontier of the Deep Sea Empire on land.

Once the Sunwell is destroyed, Quel'Dorei will not have the energy to attack you, a disobedient person, for a long time to come, so hurry up and prepare your military affairs as soon as possible.

If you are defeated by elves or humans, I think, no matter how generous Her Majesty the Queen is, she will not choose to leave you as a waste.

Darkan, I know your ambition, and you also know that I am a prophet. I have witnessed countless tragedies belonging to you in countless futures.

You were born with ambition and you will die with greed.

So don't play tricks in front of me.

I'm watching you. "

In fact, Darkan was also angry.

His surrender to Queen Azshara does not mean that he can bear the cynicism of the Queen's bodyguard, it's just that he is relatively deep in the city and can control his emotions.

However, after Laike revealed his "identity", the elf archmage who was extremely obsessed with power was shocked.

Perhaps it was because Bu Laike led the pirates to plunder Quel'Thalas was so conspicuous that he ignored another, more terrifying identity of the pirates.

After hearing Bu Laike's warning, Darkan breathed a sigh of relief, instead of being angry, he bowed down to the pirate seriously, and said in a low voice:

"Then, thank you for your prophecy, Prophet in Black, I will pay attention to my actions. I heard that you like wealth. After I return to Daysome and settle down, I will give you my treasures for many years as a reward for prophecy." .

In addition, I hope to build a dockable port for your elf pirates on the coast of Daysome. Even free pirates need supplies when they are drifting in the endless sea, right? "

"Well, I like smart people who have winks and understand needs."

Only then did Laike feel satisfied, he snorted and said:

"You talk to Anaris about this matter. This is the internal affairs of the elf faction, and I won't interfere. Go away, I'm going to summon very bad demons to come and finish this 'Kui Island Incident'.

Tsk tsk, our dear demons are indeed 'professional blame'. It doesn't feel inappropriate to end any bad things with their appearance. All bad things can be thrown on them, even if they send people to explain the situation. No one would believe it, and the demons never justified their actions.

Well, this is probably the charm of the villain.

I really like them so much. "

Under the urging of Braike, Darkan retrieved the deep sea scepter hovering over the Sunwell, interrupting the transmission of the magic power of the Sunwell, which had begun to be polluted by the evil energy that had begun to infiltrate, to Her Majesty the Empress. The scepter filled with pure magic power opened a portal, and he and his female assistant disappeared into the place where disaster was about to erupt.

After they left, Bu Laike stretched his shoulders and began to inject his magic power into the summoning ceremony in front of him, while the sun holy Anveena was always suspended behind Bu Laike.

With a regretful, painful, awkward and complicated expression, she watched the beautiful and majestic tide of magic power in front of her be polluted by the evil energy released from the evil energy portal that opened bit by bit.

It feels like being demolished.

Not to mention how uncomfortable it is.

"I feel like you're going to cry, my dear Anwena, why bother? Think about good things."

While driving the magic power to activate this huge summoning ceremony, Bu Laike hypocritically said to the sad Sun Holy Spirit:

"You didn't die, and you didn't sacrifice yourself for this damn world. Although you will lose the home you have lived in for thousands of years, you will get a more beautiful and beautiful home.

There will be lots of kids playing with you, and I can introduce you to my daughter and my sister, who will love you very much.

You will have full-time servants serving you every day, and there will be brave liches and countless strange-looking structures guarding your safety, and the price you pay for all this is just to help us take care of a tree. Tree.

That tree will also bring true salvation to your favorite Quel'dorei children.

You and I seem to have destroyed the hope and future of the elves, but we all know that this "road of hope" will only lead them into the abyss.

You are saving them.

Just like a benevolent mother would pull out her belt and whip her incompetent sons, the necessary lessons will not destroy your image of a 'loving mother'. "

"I know it's necessary."

An Weena pouted angrily and said:

"But can't I be sad? You are so bad, I don't understand why Sister Elune chooses you as her messenger."

"It's very simple."

The pirate snorted and poured the last bit of mana into the summoning ceremony, causing the huge palace-like light curtain of fel energy to completely rotate in front of him.

While he sketched out a strange astrology, he opened a portal to the world of demons.

Bo Laike took a step back in satisfaction.

He rubbed his chin admiring his works, and when he heard the excited roars of the demons and the galloping footsteps from far to near, he gradually disappeared into the shadows.

Before disappearing completely under the light, he said softly:

"Because there are many things that Ms. Elune's other two gods can't do, just like the destruction and sadism in front of me, which is a heinous crime in the eyes of any civilization.

How could heroes who stood in the light do such a terrible thing?

Only a person like me who is not afraid of getting my hands dirty can complete these disasters in the dark for Ms. Elune without any psychological burden. Do you know where the most funny part is in this matter? "


Anveena followed Bo Laike into the shadows, and she let out a confused nasal sound, as if expecting the pirate's answer.

Bu Laike chuckled twice and said:

"The most ridiculous thing is that once the great Luna has experienced the perfect 'service experience' brought to her by a bastard like me, he can't do without me.

Good guys can only do one thing alone, and bad guys often need to be proficient in everything.

I don't know if Lady Elune likes me, but there's no question she needs me, that's all. If there is no darkness of pain, the light of happiness is meaningless. "


On the other side, in the ruins of the Sunwell palace complex, which had been mostly razed, Queen Azshara, who was tyrannizing the heroes of the entire alliance by herself, suddenly felt the change in the nature of the Sunwell's magic power.

A top spellcaster like her can often see the truth from the details. After feeling a faint burning breath from the magic power transmitted to her body, the Queen immediately realized that there was something wrong with the Sunwell.

Fel energy is polluting the magic of the Sunwell!

Although the queen also dabbled in the power of fel energy ten thousand years ago, as a spellcaster who was not polluted by fel energy, she obviously did not intend to continue using the magic power filled with fel energy at this time.

This would add even more bad "garnish" to her already "bad" appearance.

Her Majesty the Empress, who has been "plasticized" by that terrible doctor of N'Zoth, does not intend to let herself grow a pair of funny devil horns.

So she decisively grabbed a huge amount of magic power at once, and under the stunned gaze of the bruised and swollen heroes in front of her, she released a super-large-scale arcane imprisonment in one breath.

The incomparably docile magic power in Azshara's hands became violent and ruthless as soon as it was shot. The cold and proud queen poured the terrifying magic power into the ground, and then erupted in all directions in the form of spikes.

Except for the fully mobile Windrunner mother who used the power bestowed by the Lich King at the last moment to incarnate as a death banshee and fly into the sky to escape the confinement, the other players were almost all hits.

The inflated arcane power turned into a perfect circle of magic power to lift these guys up into the air one by one, and then forcibly "forbidden" them with superb casting skills that were almost true, making them unable to resist, just like the Lich King. Fantastic group strangulation tactics.

Of course, among the warriors who besieged Azshara for nearly ten minutes, there were also very hardcore and ruthless people.

For example, the members of the Grand Wizard Association, although they were also hit by the arcane imprisonment, but these guys are all talents, and they quickly smashed the queen's imprisonment with their own bottom-pressing skills.

Another example is the garrison general of the Draenei, His Excellency Maraad, relying on the immovable seal of the world ring, he forcibly avoided the queen's attack.

This tall and silent garrison officer was also the only assailant among all the people present who did not suffer any injuries.

Abandoning all attacks and focusing on defense and protection of the Immovable Seal is really too buggy. Even Queen Azshara needs to spend some effort to break through this layer of defense.

The light-forged knights called for the holy light to condense the holy shield and broke the confinement, but that's it.

After most of the combat power was imprisoned and lost resistance, the Queen Rao immediately disconnected herself from the magic power of the polluted Sunwell and returned to the "normal form". There was no suspense in this battle.

"My subjects, your performance is quite good. I am very satisfied with today's discussion."

Queen Azshara returned from the fighting posture to her usual graceful and luxurious king posture in a second. She returned to her luxurious crystal shell king's chariot, lazily posing in a "warmed up" posture. Raising her hand, she said to those who were staring at her:

"You have proved to me that your martial arts are abundant. Unfortunately, your understanding of power is still lacking. You are united together, but I am still easily defeated. This may teach you a little lesson .

My little darlings, I have just learned a few witticisms from my loyal and humorous Chief of Guards, and perhaps I should pass them on to you here, to end this ceremony.

I cruelly let you truly realize your position in the food chain of this world.

Welcome to the bottom of the food chain, beware of the predators who can devour you in one bite.

Ha ha ha ha"

The Empress laughed, the snake-like tentacles on her forehead swaying, and looking at the Sunwell behind her as the light faded, she said:

"Look, that green light, I've seen one like that ten thousand years ago, and that's a terrible memory.

At that time, I was too arrogant, and the emperor who had never experienced setbacks thought that everything was under control, but the facts proved that I might be the most powerful being in the world.

But I still can't control the whole situation.

I think my black-clothed prophet has predicted to you this catastrophe ten thousand years later, but you don't seem to care about it, and you seem to think that the elven empire has been defeated, and the enemies from the stars are nothing more than that.

Tsk tsk, it's exactly the same arrogance as I was back then, however, I still had the strength to resist back then.

But do you have any now? "

Azshara shook her head.

She seemed to have no intention of intervening in the next incident. Under her call, dozens of naga war mistresses carrying weapons and full of momentum came from all over the place, respectfully lifting the royal chariot for the queen.

When she was about to leave this barren land, the queen glanced back at the guys behind her one last time, and she said:

"The Burning Legion is coming back, and I'm about to speak to their leader about a promise I didn't get from them ten thousand years ago.

To this day, I am still eager to meet Lord Sargeras and seek justice from him for being deceived.

My feeble subjects, I here today proclaim the return of the Elven Empire, and if you feel that you are no match for the Destroyer of the Stars, you need only submit your allegiance to Me.

As an emperor, I have an obligation to protect those weak subjects who cannot protect themselves.

This is the last mercy of your empress.

And, my dear Elisande, where are you going? I can forgive others because they are ignorant, they don't know the cost of disobeying ME, but you are different.

You know that what you do will make me unhappy, but you still do it.

Such a presumptuous rebellion demands a disciplinary response"

The queen hadn't finished her sentence yet, and Elisande, who had been abused by the queen in the previous super outbreak and completely lost confidence, couldn't care less at this time.

She forced the most powerful teleportation of the Scepter of Sargeras, trying to send herself out of this place of death.

She succeeded.

The space displacement of the scepter caused her to be sent out of the battlefield in front of the queen in the next second, and she breathed a sigh of relief when she entered the familiar space rift.

Ah, I survived hard today too.

In the next moment, the great magister planned to step out of the rift and return to his loyal Suramar. However, when the space rift disappeared, what greeted his eyes was not the familiar and magnificent cityscape of Suramar.

What appeared in front of her was the ocean, and she was on an unfamiliar beach, and she could feel the explosion of pollution from the Sunwell behind her without turning her head.

Damn it!

I couldn't escape


Pain and blood erupted quietly in the next instant.

The great magister stared blankly at the bloody, golden, gorgeous and vulgar pirate scimitar's serrated blade that "grew" from his chest.

This blow carried the vengeful execution of Marus the Blood Drinker and the pinnacle assassination skills of an Uncrowned Master. It came so fast and hard that the Grand Magister had no time to react.

"Hey, I reminded you before, this staff was manipulated by me."

Bu Laike put his hand on the shoulder of the Grand Magister, and he leaned behind his back and whispered into the ear of the trembling Elisande:

"You don't really take it as a deaf ear, do you?"

"Tsk tsk, sure enough, weakness is not an obstacle to survival, but your unreasonable arrogance is, my lady great magister, let me remind you again.

I am very careful. "

(end of this chapter)

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