Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1500 133. Dai Lin: The Popularity Of This Rebellious Son Is A Bit Bad

Chapter 1500 133. Dai Lin: The popularity of this rebellious son is a bit bad

Bu Laike is recruiting troops, and Dai Lin is not idle.

Although it was not the Kul Tiras fleet that I pulled to fight in groups at sea this time, but thanks to the strict teaching of the Lordaeron Navy by my old brother Barry Weswin, Dailin was familiar with it after two days. The command of this fleet has also become more skillful.

His good buddy is as reliable as ever, and he formed the Lordaeron navy completely with the training method of the Kul Tiras navy. In the fleet system.

The most important thing is that old Dai Lin has a great reputation. He said that his naval command art ranks second in this world, and there is a high probability that no one dares to be the first.

With the addition of old Dai Lin, the morale of Lordaeron's navy, which had been low due to the loss of its commander, suddenly skyrocketed. Dai Lin cleverly publicized that Old Barry's death in battle was due to the evil designs of the pirates.

This gave the entire Lordaeron navy an air of mourning with the same enemy.

Don't say whether it can fight, just this attitude of "the enemy and I must die" is enough to deter those low-grade pirates who are useless.

But Dai Lin is not full of confidence.

He knows better than anyone how difficult it is to deal with his rebellious son, so while commanding the fleet to set up a sea encirclement network, the admiral is also actively contacting his possible allies.

He sent an envoy to Silvermoon City, and soon got a response from the Sun King who was recuperating.

It didn't even take Dai Lin's envoy to persuade him, Anasterian, who had just lost the Sunwell, "stud" all his troops with red eyes.

He sent his son and his most trusted general, Alleria Windrunner, to command the Phoenix Mage and the Farstrider Legion respectively, to provide firepower and air supremacy support for Dai Lin's fleet on land.

The old king has now entered a state of "rushing to the heart". Anyway, the sunwell is gone, and the future of the Quel'Dorei elves is doomed to be bleak.

Elisande has died, but the anger in Quel'Dorei's heart has not dissipated. They want to arrest the other culprit of this damn war. Hatred.

As for the mages of the Silvermoon Council

They are no longer trustworthy!

Although Darkan Della Hill's deadly backstab was his personal act, it still seriously affected the image of the Silver Moon councilors in the Sun King's mind.

This group of bastards who want to restrict Wang Quan are just making trouble in the country. Anyway, party struggle is Quel'Thalas' "traditional art", but these bastards dare to take refuge in Queen Azshara under the hatred of the country and the family , directly led to the fall of the Sunwell.

To be honest, Anasterian did not dissolve the Silver Moon Council on the spot, which has proved that he is a qualified ruler.

And the surviving Yinyue councilors also knew that they were in the wrong, so they didn't dare to yell about restricting the monarchy, and went to the front line to make logistical preparations honestly.

They must take down Laike or a pirate leader of sufficient weight to top the vat, otherwise the subsequent court liquidation will definitely hurt the Silvermoon Council.

In addition to the support from the elves, the human marshal Garithos, who has led the army to protect Silvermoon City, also received a letter from Dai Lin. The admiral asked the artillery units of the human infantry to enter the coastal position and provide firepower for the fleet from the rear. support.

This request is carried out immediately.

Although it is reasonable to say that as the ruler of Kul Tiras, Dailin has no right to mobilize the Lordaeron infantry, but before Marshal Garithos left Lordaeron, he received a secret order from King Terenas.

No matter what method he uses, he must do his best to unite and protect his allies

Frankly speaking, the Marshal is also confused about this order, which is not like an order that King Terenas, who is proficient in power, would issue.

But things had come to this, and the Marshal didn't like the pirates, so he mobilized all his artillery to Sunstrider Island. Fortunately, the elves had many spellcasters to open the portals, otherwise such an urgent mobilization would be difficult to complete quickly.

The marshal himself did not want to miss this battle, so he brought a group of elite knights to the position to escort the artillerymen.

Also receiving the order, was Stormgard's elite knights.

They were commanded by the most capable general, Danas Trollbane. Although the role of cavalry in naval battles cannot be said to be meaningless, it can only be said that having something is better than nothing, but General Trollbane is still ready Preparations to hunt down pirates on land after they have fled.

In addition to these two official forces, Dai Lin also received a "surprise surprise".

The griffin legions of the Wildhammer dwarves were also invited.

According to these sky knights, they came here to avenge their hero Kurdran Wildhammer. In the last battle at the North County Monastery, Kurdran was almost hacked to death by the Lich King Lothar.

And the cause of that incident was also secretly promoted by the evil pirate Bu Laike Shaw, so part of this hatred must also fall on the undead pirate.

Dwarves are notoriously vengeful.

Although it is not exaggerated to the point of recording the names of all your enemies in a big golden book with a black face, it is still a bad thing to provoke a dwarf.

For example, this time, the Eagle's Nest Mountain of the Wildhammers is not far from Quel'Thalas. After hearing that pirates plundered here, they immediately set off.

However, what made Dailin feel strange was that the commander of the Wildhammer dwarf air cavalry was only a colonel this time, and no high-level Wildhammer commander came forward to command, which somewhat did not conform to the military tradition of the dwarves.

The admiral asked the colonel why, but the colonel also faltered and didn't speak, and even pretended to buy Dai Lin a drink in order to gag him when he asked in a hurry.

From this point of view, there is a problem!

Something must have happened to the dwarves internally, causing their high-level leaders to not be in their respective territories. Kurdran Wildhammer, the only one who can make decisions, is still recovering from his injuries.

This is what caused the air cavalry to come out privately to take revenge.

But even though it didn't conform to military rules, the addition of the dwarf griffin knight made Dai Lin more confident.

These air knights known for their bravery, combined with the magically suppressed elf dragon eagle knights, will definitely be able to seize the air supremacy of this sea area very quickly.

However, in addition to these orthodox allies that Dai Lin could think of, when the real war with the pirates was about to begin, there were also some "allies" that the admiral couldn't even think of.


In the captain's cabin of Wang Quan, Dai Lin's ship, the admiral looked strangely at the air element "messenger" who looked like a big cotton candy in front of him.

This guy just showed his identity. It took out the elemental emblem from the wall of the sky, and it also proved its origin with screaming elemental language.

According to the interpretation of the Drustwar human shaman on board, this element should be the entourage of His Majesty Al'Akir, the elemental monarch and wind rider. Its purpose of coming here is to help Dailin fight against Bu Laike Shaw.

As for the reason.

"Your Excellency, Ambassador of the Elements, just now you said that Braike Shaw planned a despicable 'coup d'état' on the Sky Wall? And His Majesty the Wind Rider has seen through this evil thing, you are going to capture it alive in this battle Braike brought back to the elemental realm to be punished?"

Dai Lin said in a strange tone:

"What evidence can you produce for this horrific and bizarre allegation?"


The air element doesn't have facial features, so Dai Lin can't judge its expression and attitude at this time, but judging from its excited yelling, maybe this elemental creature is losing its temper?

The human shaman next to the general had a hard time interpreting the roar of the air element in front of him.

Speaking of which, human beings actually have shamanic inheritance, but that is the elemental worship of very ancient times.

In this era, except for the closed places like the Drustvar Mountains, human civilization has already abandoned the unreliable shamanism, and the main body of their spellcasting power has been replaced by mages, priests, and recently rising warlocks .

That is to say, Dai Lin took advantage of Drustvar's "location advantage" to arrange the outrageous profession of human shaman in his fleet.

But to be serious, the storm sages of the former Church of the Storm can actually be regarded as variant occupations of elemental shamans, but "storm sages" have become a taboo in Kul Tiras.

But no one dared to mention this name in front of Dai Lin.

"Well, what this elemental ambassador means is that His Majesty the Wind Rider has sensed in the elemental winds of the world that Laike Shaw has secretly resurrected its children.

And according to the pursuit and verification of Sky Wall, a small group of wind element nobles who conspired to rebel had already stood by the usurper.

If my translation is correct, it should be like this, Your Excellency the Admiral. "

The human shaman next to Dai Lin looks like a double knife.

While wiping his sweat, he whispered a report to Dai Lin.

But the admiral didn't feel joy because of the sudden arrival of allies. On the contrary, he frowned and said:

"That's the internal turmoil of their wind elements. What does it have to do with us humans? Why do we have to arrest Laike? How can a human being participate in the coup d'état of the elements?"

"That. Your Majesty, you should calm down."

The shaman next to the general shrugged helplessly and said in a low voice:

"The legend of Bu Laike Shaw is more than just participating in an elemental coup.

We shamans have our own circle of communication. Not long ago, I heard the story of Bu Laike and the ruler of Deepholm from a tauren shaman who traveled to the Drustvar Mountains.

If you count this rumor, then three of the four elemental monarchs have already had contact with the 'double-faced man', which is something that we shamans can't even imagine.

From this point of view, it is normal for him to participate in the coup d'état of the wind element. You can't treat your son with common sense, I mean, the great pirate Bu Laike Shaw!

If it weren't for our hostile relationship, I would have to admit, that guy is really a legend. "

While speaking, the human shaman hesitated for a moment, then lowered his voice and said:

"And Your Majesty, based on the good relationship between Laike and the Maw of the Abyss, I guess there must be water elementals who will come forward to help the pirate fleet in this battle.

The absolute advantage of the water elements in the sea can only be offset by the wind elements.

So I suggest you accept this temporary alliance, otherwise we will have a very difficult fight. "


Dai Lin rubbed her chin and hesitated for a moment, then said:

"Alright, then I will appoint you as the representative of the Kul Tiras fleet and the element camp, and you will be in charge of communicating and cooperating with the elements.

I have only one request for these uninvited allies! "

Holding the command saber, the general said in a deep voice:

"They must obey my orders! Absolutely, or I'd rather not have their help!"

"I will convey your meaning to these wind elements."

The human shaman who was entrusted with the important task was very excited. He straightened his waist and gave a military salute, and left Dai Lin's cabin with an elemental messenger like cotton candy.

The admiral opened the window in his captain's cabin and looked out. The encirclement net on the sea was about to be formed. The only bad thing was that two ships were lost in the process.

The murloc pirates under Laike's command used ship shoveling tactics and depth charges to give Dai Lin a blow.

But the admiral is not just for nothing, after realizing the activity of the murloc pirates, the admiral immediately dispatched all the dwarf submarines under his command.

The two sides fought a battle on the bottom of the sea, and finally relied on their numerical superiority to injure the strange submarine of the murlocs and drive those dirty and savage creatures back.

However, such small conflicts do not affect the overall situation.

Dai Lin deduced the direction of this battle even before the battle with the powerful experience accumulated in her many years of military career. If the opponent is an ordinary pirate, the general will not even need to take advantage of both quantity and quality. Take command by yourself.

Helplessly, there is a guy named Bu Laike Shaw on the opposite side.

Worst of all, that guy is still his son.

As a father, and putting aside the conflict between the two sides, perhaps Dailin should feel gratified for Laike's career.

When he was the age of the stinky pirates, he was still serving as the chief soldier in the Stratholme area, and he was thinking all day about how to hook up with the beautiful and mature big sister named "Gina Golden Sword" in the elf army on the opposite side.

Alas, the blue comes out of the blue, but it's a pity that it grows crookedly.


The transmitted magic wave floated behind the admiral, and Lady Golden Sword, who had changed into an elf spellcaster armor, appeared in the captain's room with a magic sword that could be used for battle.

Her expression was not good-looking, she stepped forward a few steps, and said to the pensive Dai Lin:

"I learned something from my mage friends that Bo Laike has a staff that can force teleport regardless of any space rules.

Although his allies are not here, as long as he wants, he can call all kinds of pirates to come for reinforcements at any time.

Prince Kael'thas has promised that he will do everything in his power to suppress the entry of Bu Laike's reinforcements, but we must do so quickly! Also, on the way here, I met some very strange people."

Mrs. Jin Jian looked around and stuffed something into Dai Lin's palm.

The admiral looked down at the ugly badge corroded by sea water, his eyes immediately became strange, and said:

"If I remember correctly, this emblem is the identification of a gang of vicious pirates that I sunk near Booty Bay ten years ago.

I'm pretty sure everyone in that pirate group was hanged from the mast with my own hands.

Where did you find it? "

"The dead come back to life, Dailin."

Mrs. Jin Jian pursed her lips and said:

"I saw reflections under the sea, a considerable fleet of ghosts marching, and I even saw the Bloodsail Pirates' flagship Devil Shark.

Both it and its crew are undead.

This emblem was given to me by their envoys. They said that most of them died at your hands, but this time they are willing to maintain peace with you.

They were resurrected by an evil force named Hela, and they came here to avenge Laike.

They say that this endless sea has been cursed by the power of Hela, and any pirates who die in the waves will be given a second life by the Queen of Hell.

And their resurrection comes at a price. Only with the head of Bu Laike can these sea undead be rested in peace.

They won't cooperate with you, but they ask to join the fight. "

"The person I killed wants to cooperate with me?"

The admiral caressed the corroded emblem in his hand, he shook his head, and said as if complaining:

"This brat's popularity is really bad."

(end of this chapter)

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