Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1501 134. Sun King: Don't You Undead Pirates And Kul Tirans Have Your Own Sea Area?

Chapter 1501 134. Sun King: Don't you undead pirates and Kul Tirans have your own sea area?


The volleys of sidestring guns looked so tyrannical against the backdrop of Quel Tiras dusk.

In the scorching flames, the red-hot iron balls roared and leaped over the seawater covered with gunpowder smoke, and finally smashed into a pirate ship with several heavily patched sails with a warning of death.

The first shell accurately shattered the main mast of the pirate ship, but before the pirates on board screamed in horror, several remaining shells followed one after another.

Like a frightful swarm of bees, a mere sight turned the pirate ship into a burning sieve.

In the few minutes from being targeted to being destroyed, the pirates only fired a dozen shells, while the Lordaeron navy with vengeful anger on the opposite side fired twice as much ammunition like crazy.

Or how can you say that pirates can only fight with the wind?

This is the most direct reason. The stinky pirates who think about looting all day long cannot be the opponents of the daily training and disciplined navy on the real battlefield.

The quality of individual soldiers is too poor, and the level of artillery is very different.

The burning North Sea pirate ship began to sink rapidly, and the surviving pirates screamed and jumped into the sea in an attempt to survive.

But what made them desperate was that the Alliance Navy not only destroyed their ship with artillery barrage, but even sent a smaller but very flexible fourth-class warship to perform the "execution mission."

The damned ship ran over the fast-sinking pirate ship, and the sides of the ship were full of Lordaeron sailors with dwarven muskets.

A blood-stained black cloth strip was worn on his arm to express his condolences to Marshal Barry Wesven. At the same time, the female captain with a face as cold as ice raised her left hand, under the desperate gaze of the pirates in the sea on both sides , the captain waved his arm coldly.

"The general has an order! In the name of Marshal Weiswen! No one will be left behind!"

When the cruel order was issued, the sailors on the deck roared and pulled the triggers of the dwarven muskets, which immediately started a "turkey hunting competition" on the battlefield full of gunpowder.

Blood instantly stained the sea red.

But this is just an inconspicuous area in the current fierce naval battle.

In the vast sea area outside this fourth-class warship, under the beautiful sunset of Quel'Thalas, the Lordaeron fleet commanded by Dai Lin is slaughtering the good and bad pirates facing him in a furious manner.

That's right!

It was a massacre that took place at sea!

The battle had already started for thirty minutes, and the pirates had lost at least twelve ships.

The Alliance Fleet's losses were zero. Except for a few ships that rushed too fast and were surrounded by pirates, and had to fight a hand-to-hand battle, Dai Lin used the Alliance Fleet's firepower advantage to the extreme.

With a luxurious gesture of not caring about the consumption of shells at all, he ordered every gun in his fleet to fire at the highest frequency.

The terrifying artillery barrage filled the sea surface of Quel'Thalas with exploding jets of water everywhere. Facing such ferocious firepower, the poor North Sea pirates would not be able to fight what they were best at.

They couldn't even break through the firepower of the Alliance Navy.

Some pirates saw this desperate scene and tried to escape, but their ship had just fled the battlefield and approached the coast to land, and it was hit by a row of infantry artillery.

Dai Lin arranged the land firepower very cleverly. Once the pirates started to flee on a large scale, Marshal Garithos's land battle position could easily send them to the bottom of the sea.

In the sky full of gunpowder smoke, there are also Griffin Knights flying around, and the Wildhammer dwarves use their superb flying skills to fly and attack the pirate ships.

They would skim the decks of the pirates, dropping bags of gnome bombs tied together as "gifts" to the pirates.

The air supremacy was easily obtained by Dai Lin, and the absolute superiority in firepower allowed him to advance rapidly. The pirates could only be beaten, and they couldn't make any powerful counterattack at all.

Compared with the bayonet battle between the Alliance Navy and the North Sea pirates, the Nightborne pirates who planned to attack the Alliance Navy from the flanks were also on the way, and were killed by the Quel'Dorei fleet with a clumsy but angry tactic. entangled.

The eyes of both sides were red when they met.

The black elves have destroyed the Isle of Kui and the Sunwell, and this news alone is enough to make Quel'Thalas' toy fleet explode into amazing combat effectiveness.

They knew that their artillery was inaccurate, so they didn't use artillery at all!

Go straight to the magic!

Hundreds of elf spellcasters stood on the spellcasting platform specially prepared for mages on the Yangfan naval battleship, joined hands to block the sea water with magic power to form a vortex to prevent the pirates from escaping, and summoned a terrifying meteorite to fall down, Trying to bury the Nightborne on the sea that belongs to them.

But the Son of the Night doesn't eat dry food either.

Anaris's first mate, Grand Arcanist Talisa and her friends tried their best to perform a "magic wave" on the sea, and finally managed to block the opponent's violent magic attack.

Their side seemed to be fighting lively, but compared to the ruthless strangulation commanded by Dai Lin on the main battlefield, the elves even fought very "elegantly" in naval battles.

Well, this is a high emotional intelligence statement.

If it is low emotional intelligence

"The tactics of the Nightborne Pirates are rigid and clumsy, relying entirely on the various magic arrays on the battleship. But the Quel'dorei actually believe in magic more on the sea, rather than the last one they bought from the dwarves at a high price. new naval gun

Those high-quality naval guns made by master dwarves can fire ten rounds of armor-piercing shells or shotgun shells under the manipulation of skilled gunners, which is much easier to use than any magic.

But your countrymen use this art of war as 'decoration' for their ships. "

On the poop of Wang Quan at sea, Dai Lin put down the binoculars in her hand, shook her head to Mrs. Jin Jian, who was temporarily serving as his adjutant, and said:

"Hey, they really are a pair of evenly matched opponents."

Mrs. Jin Jian was also a little embarrassed.

Perhaps the Quel'dorei elves can surpass humans in terms of magical attainments, and they are not weaker than other races in terms of high-level combat effectiveness, but only naval battles

Cough, maybe it's because elves don't like playing with water very much?

"The battle seems to be going well, the pirates are starting to collapse, maybe we can win soon?"

Mrs. Jin Jian hurriedly changed the subject, pretending to use a telescope to look at the frontal battlefield, and then saw the alliance navy's triumphant advances and published her "high theory".

Then he was mercilessly ridiculed by Dai Lin.

The general patted the adjutant's slender waist helplessly, coughed a few times, and whispered:

"It wasn't a breakup, the pirates were closing in, disengaging, realizing they were outnumbered and starting to switch tactics.

It should be Bu Laike who gave the new order.

My Gina, you elves are really not suitable for the battlefield of the sea."

As soon as Dai Lin's voice fell, a hellish spatial fluctuation erupted at the forward position of the alliance navy, and the dozen or so pirate ships that had just gathered together disappeared from the sea surface out of thin air, as if they were wiped away by one hand.

But in the next moment, they were directly "thrown" into the alliance forward's fleet formation amidst the explosion of space shattering!

The pirates seemed to have been prepared for a long time. When the ship landed and splashed with huge waves, these scumbags of various races bit their sailor knives and launched an extremely vicious battle against the alliance warships on both sides.

The navy was a little caught off guard by this move. Under Dai Lin's frowning gaze, the deck of the forward battleship appeared in chaos visible to the naked eye.

Hey, I don't have enough firepower to compete with you guys, I'll just serve hard dishes!

This is probably the coping strategy that Bo Laike came up with.

"That damned staff!"

Madam Jinjian hammered the railing in front of her and cursed in a low voice, but Dai Lin shook her head, and he reached out his hand to gesture to the navigator beside him.

In the next moment, several flags of different colors were lifted from the Wang Quan at sea, and waved several times with different meanings to complete the flag command.

Under Mrs. Jinjian's surprised gaze, the dozen or so warships arranged by Dai Lin to support the forward with firepower in the second batch immediately began to turn around.

"this is?"

Madam looked at her husband in surprise, and Dai Lin explained in a low voice:

"Bo Laike clearly realizes that the strength and morale of the North Sea pirates are exhausted, and whether he wants to or not, he must now call in reinforcements.

Based on his character, I think it is very likely that he will directly send his reinforcements to the vicinity of the Wang Quan at sea, in order to try to complete the beheading operation against me.

And I will give him a 'surprise'.

Be patient. "

A few minutes later, the same space vibration vibrated near the Wang Quan at sea as Dai Lin expected. With the loud sound of space collapse, Tol Barad's escort fleet was teleported to the predetermined area.

These pirates from the base camp were obviously prepared, and the moment they appeared, they began to adjust their positions and prepare for covering bombardment.



Dai Lin, who responded in advance, laughed and waved her command saber, and more than a hundred naval guns on the left flank of the Wang Quan, which was like a giant sea monster, fired almost simultaneously.

The terrifying vibration pushed the huge black ship to swing on the sea surface, and the huge gunpowder smoke even formed a smoke screen.

And the results of this round of pre-judged coverage bombardment are amazing.

Although one-third of the shells in a round of volley were empty because of the angle, the remaining two-thirds still gave the Tol Barad fleet a "surprise" "big hot pot" that broke into the battlefield.

After the smoke dissipated, two ships in front of the dense formation set up for the convenience of teleportation had begun to roll over and sink, and a first-class warship had its deck and mast set ablaze.

The Tol Barad fleet seemed to be stunned by Dai Lin's pre-anticipated "trickster operation".

They panicked and wanted to disperse their formation, but as Dai Lin swung his command saber forward, the five third-class battleships that had already been prepared immediately launched Kul Tiras' classic "sea charge" tactic.

The most frightening thing is that the Wang Quan, an invincible behemoth on the sea, also began to turn rapidly at this moment.

Dai Lin also wanted to personally join the hunting feast of the sea wolves.

This scene was completely seen by Bu Laike, who had an overview of the battlefield from a bird's-eye view of the sky. The stinky pirate covered his eyes in despair. He knew that the Tol Barad fleet was over.

Little Xingxing, who can only pretend to be a guard soldier behind the pirates because he can't fight, is already looking stupid.

Shocked and exasperated, she said to Bo Laike:

"Did you deliberately give your own fleet to your father to 'eat'? How did you become so filial all of a sudden! This is an operation of taking bullets with your face!

Do you really want to win? "

"Shut up."

Bu Laike reprimanded angrily:

"Do you really think that Dai Lin is easy to deal with? Do you really think that his rank of admiral is just for his own face? Watch it carefully, learn it, this is the art of command.

But fear not, we also have advantages. "

"What advantage do we have?"

Little Xingxing complained:

"I just saw us being pinned and beaten by Dai Lin in every direction, as easy and simple as an old father teaching his son, Hey, Bo Laike, are you okay?

If it doesn't work, I'll summon the Throne of Thor.

I rushed over to give your father a beheading action, he will never beat me. "

"Hehe, our advantage is that we are cold-blooded enough."

Bu Laike sneered, picked up the scepter of Sargeras again, stroked it twice in his hand, and said:

"Dai Lin is attracted by the target, like a hungry lion chasing delicious meat, but he has finally left the main battlefield, hasn't he? Then don't blame me for laughing at his vanguard fleet."


The pirates tapped the scepter in their hands on the ground, and poured a greater amount of magic power to forcibly tear open a very huge space rift in front of the alliance vanguard fleet that had been entangled by the gang-fighting pirates and was unable to break through.

He shouted:

"Maim! Take your orc and charge me! Let me see the strength of you Dellano Pirate King!"


An orc growled in response from the black hole.

With the reverberation of the desolate orc war drums, and the ancient war song sung by the Mag'har orcs in unison, a group of "pirates from other worlds" with strong soldiers rushed into the sea of ​​Azeroth amidst the roars one after another.

The Dellano pirates under Laike, who are best at gang-jumping and hand-to-hand combat, make their debut!

Wearing a full set of clan armor and having made himself an orc-style pirate captain's cap, Maim stood proudly on the prow of his flagship with the Dark Hand hammer he'd gotten from his big brother.

The five ships behind him were covered with screaming brown-skinned orcs, and the five little orcs each commanded their own warships. They had had enough of the boredom on the sea in Dellano.

Now, they return to the wonderful sea of ​​Azeroth!

"Rush! Rush! In the name of Braike Shaw's conquest, kill them all!"

Maim roared and swung his warhammer, and the orcs behind him shouted in unison, which made everyone in the forward fleet, which had been entangled by pirates risk their lives, look pale.


On the deck of Wang Quan at sea, Dai Lin saw this scene, the admiral spat viciously, and cursed:

"Are you going to play the 'Dui Zi' game with me? Then come on!"


An elemental emblem was thrown into the sky by Dai Lin, and then an invisible door seemed to open in the smoky sky amidst the strong wind, and hundreds of huge wind elementals fell from the sky, just in front of Maim's fleet.

"Okay, the Wind Rider has also joined? Awesome! All the bastards who want to kill me have gathered around Dai Lin, is this the start of the siege network against me?

What kind of hatred is this!

It seems that His Majesty the Wind Rider's mental illness is getting worse and worse. It just so happens that when I finish this matter, I will personally send you on your way!

Go on the road with Ragnaros, so you won't be lonely on the road. "

Bu Laike gritted his teeth and said "praise", and he didn't need to say more. The moment the wind element appeared, the already noisy sea became even more manic.

Before Maim, who was blocked by the wind element, had time to adjust his surprised expression, he felt that the sea water under the boat was being dragged and rolled forward by an invisible hand, making them accelerate again at an already super fast speed.

Amidst the cheers of the orcs, the power of the sea broke through the siege of the wind element and sent them into the battlefield where the alliance striker was strangled.

Behind them, the rotation of the sea water condensed an army of water elements, fearlessly fighting with the wind elements descending from the sky.

This mythical scene, like the battle of the masters millions of years ago, completely fell into the eyes of those onlookers.

Seeing that this naval battle had broken through the limits that mortals could imagine, the Quel'dorei elves who were guarding the king in the palace of Silvermoon City looked at each other in blank dismay.

If the two sides are allowed to continue to "display magical powers" like this, it is hard to say who will win and who will lose in today's battle, but the remaining energy aftermath will definitely destroy all the coasts of Quel'Thalas.

What a ghost!

How could the decisive battle between the pirates and the navy even involve the elemental territory?

Hey, you guys are going too far!

Who are you going to ask for help in the next step?

Do you want to call in a few more gods to add to the fun, bastard?

(end of this chapter)

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