Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1520 153. May The Dead Be As Brave As The Living---Jiagen [7/25]

Chapter 1520 153. May the dead be as brave as the living--Jiagen [725]

There was silence in the Quellins cabin.

The "reconstruction of the empire" bill initiated by Varian was supported by almost all human kingdoms. This bizarre scene surprised Varian and Lothar at the same time.

Only Dai Lin and His Majesty Faol looked at each other, revealing a fleeting and bewildered smile.

The Big Daddy laughed because he knew his nemesis very well. If that guy dared to hand Varian the sword of the Emperor Stromkar, it meant that he was prepared.

And Faol laughed under the crown, because no matter whether this matter is manipulated by Bu Laike or not, it is of great significance to the current divided human civilization.

In fact, although the old pope has never been involved in politics, he is also a deeply hidden "emperor element".

Especially after experiencing the baptism of the orc war, the old Pope has deeply realized that there is no hope for the rise of human civilization in a mess.

He hopes to see human beings united, so in everything Lothar has done, the old Pope has tried his best to support it.

It's a pity that the idealist Lothar finally fell into the darkness of the power establishment.

This once made His Majesty Fao very disappointed. He once pessimistically believed that he would not see the unity of the empire before his death. This was also an important reason why Fao's physical condition continued to deteriorate during that time.

But now, the old pope sees a precious second hope in Varian.

He couldn't allow this flame of hope to disappear before his eyes.

Therefore, after the other kings and princes expressed their opinions, the old Pope, who had never been involved in politics, leaned on his priest's staff, coughed a few times, and said:

"It is an inspiration from the Light that unites us in this dark hour.

We humans are not as good as elves, not as good as dwarves Kongwu, not as wise as dwarves, not as powerful as orcs, not as prosperous as trolls. At first glance, humans are not inconspicuous in this world, but we also have advantages that other civilizations do not have.

We learn magic from elves, blacksmithing from dwarves, technology from gnomes, union from orcs, and history from trolls.

Our learning ability and our civilization of continuous self-improvement and development are the most precious wealth bestowed upon us by the Creator.

It took us three thousand years to advance our civilization to a point where it took other races many times as long.

This is enough to make us proud.

But a divided civilization is not enough to undertake the responsibility of protecting ourselves and our descendants. Everyone, we have been divided for more than two thousand years, and this division keeps us weak.

The heroic spirit of Emperor Thoradin sighed in the sky, and His Majesty Lothar was very disappointed in us because of this split.

It is we who forsake our own glory.

But we still have help.

Let's start now!

Swear the unity of blood in front of the ancient holy relics, and the great empire will be reborn in your hands. Maybe it was just a formality at first, but if we don't start now, then maybe we won't have the chance to start again. "

The pope's words are very sincere, but with his appeal in human civilization, his speech itself is a kind of "deterrence" to the kings.

In this magical world, the power of faith cannot be desecrated.

As long as the Pope declares Varian Wrynn as the supreme king of mankind today, then tomorrow there will be a large number of pious people from all over the world to enrich the Stormwind Kingdom with their families.

This is a result unacceptable to any king.

Of course, the issue of rebuilding the empire sounds very cumbersome and complicated, and it is impossible to rely on a covenant to implement it smoothly, but as the Pope said, if they don't hurry up and start now, then with the indifference shown by Lothar With the dark prophecy constantly told by Laike, the time left for human beings may really be running out.

However, even in this situation where the overall situation has been decided, there are still some people who want to resist.

"I don't disagree with the rebuilding of the empire, and I really hope to see the legendary great empire re-established on the land of the Eastern Kingdom. But how can such a serious and complicated matter be hastily decided in such a meeting? "

King Tenaris leaned on his scepter and said expressionlessly:

"Actually, I think you guys are a little too immature today for such a serious issue.

This is not a decision that a seasoned politician should make. Apart from other things, the division of the empire's territory and the power system and respective obligations among the joined kingdoms will not lead to results without several months of discussion. of. "

The old king shook his head, he looked at Varian, and asked:

"Then, the young man who proposed the idea of ​​rebuilding the empire, I once regarded you as my own son, and I feel gratified by your growth today.

But let me ask you, what is the relationship between the emperor and the kings in the empire you conceived? How should you balance the governors appointed by you with the laws of each country?

Or I can ask more directly.

My dear Varian, what are you going to do with us old folks of the old days? "

"Please don't use the word 'deal with', which has strong hostile connotations, Your Majesty Terenas."

Varian said in a serious tone:

"I admit that what you said is very reasonable, but based on our experience in the orc war, under strong external pressure, various kingdoms will form a set of effective cooperation mechanisms. What we need to do is to strengthen This set of mechanisms will remain in place for a long time.

I have no intention of destroying your control over your respective countries. Even in the era of Emperor Thoradin, there were patriarchs in each territory. As His Majesty Faol said, the structure of the human empire may be lost for a long time in the future. on the surface.

But what I want you to realize is that we don't have to build empires to survive the next demonic war, we have to do so to survive the demonic frenzy.

Building an empire is not my goal!

Protecting the people is what I want to see. "

Varian answered and let Arthas beside the old king cheer loudly. Alsace Menethil, who had already embarked on the path of a warrior and could not turn back, felt more and more that his Varian big brother was the heroic and mighty one he had imagined. Emperor of the Empire.

But his dad apparently sees it differently.

"It's a little too idealistic."

The old king shook his head and said:

"The mutual adaptation and internal chaos of the interim government will not strengthen our combat effectiveness, but will weaken us. Why don't we wait until after the demon war?"

"Your Majesty Terenas!"

Before the old king could finish speaking, the Grand Duke of Undead Scourge Ryan Wrynn, who had been listening to the conversation, interrupted in a cold voice:

"You still don't seem to understand why His Majesty Lothar came here. Even though you have just experienced the Quel'Thalas War, you still think that the demon invasion is just a story from afar, and the dark future that is dying is just a story. A comical prophecy by a mad prophet.

You still regard your Wang Quan as above everything else in this world.

Even after what happened to Count Daval Prestor, you haven't realized that your greed for Wang Quan has seriously affected your once wise judgment.

I might as well make it clear. "

Ryan held the cold sword in his hand, and said in a cold tone:

"The Lich King and the Scourge of the Undead came here today to convey the War Yu Order to you. We have come here with a predetermined goal. Then, King Terenas and His Majesty Solas, please guess, we Who are the two intended targets?"

After Ryan finished speaking, the indifferent Grand Lich Antonidas also said calmly:

"A kingdom in peacetime needs a king, but a people in wartime longs for a steadfast and invincible commander, and if you fail to satisfy their thirst, they will abandon you.

If you fail to meet our expectations, we will destroy you.

You can waste your time on boring games, but Scourge's time is precious. "


As the commander of the death knights, Deathhoof Sister Yrel was more straightforward. The scene in front of her reminded her of the chaotic Draenei before the orc massacre, and she smashed her rune gem hammer on the ground.

Wearing a black full-face helmet, she said in a cold tone:

"Today you either unite as the living! Or unite as the dead! There is no third option for you! Your stubborn divisions have made the Lich King impatient, and your verbal rhetoric will not slay the demons.

In our opinion, perhaps you who are dead are more 'useful' than you who are alive! "

Such a blunt threatening speech made Terenas' royal face turn pale, as if the malice of the whole world had gathered and pressed against him.

As for his traditional ally, His Majesty Thoras Trollbane, this society is being forced into the seat by his "good son", the poor old man is a little short of breath now, let alone supporting Terenas King's proposal.

The old king realized that he had no way out, and his wisdom as a politician made him ready to remain silent and let things develop.

But in the next moment, Dai Lin coughed a few times, and handed a small note to King Terenas in front of everyone. The latter took it in his hand and opened it in surprise, his face flushed red immediately.

Good guy!

This damn Dai Lin is trying to take advantage of the fire!

It would be a disgrace to House Menethil to marry his precious daughter to his bloody pirate son, which is .




The old king's wisdom made him quickly realize Dailin's intention of making this proposal at this time. King Terenas glanced at the Sun King, then at the expressionless Lothar, and finally at Faol Your Majesty.

He narrowed his eyes and began to think.

A few seconds later, he looked at his daughter beside him, his only daughter, Calia Menethil who almost became the "Dragon Knight of the Destroyer".

He handed the note in his hand to Jia Liya, who somehow took it in his hand and opened it for a look, his cheeks turned red.

"You have to promise!"

The old king looked at Dai Lin, and he said to the king of Kul Tiras with burning eyes:

"My grandson or granddaughter will become the joint king of Kul Tiras and Lordaeron! Through this blood connection, the two countries can stand together forever."

"Three countries."

Queen Mia beside Dai Lin said coldly:

"Kul Tiras and Gilneas are already brothers, but if we don't survive the demonic invasion, it's all just a dream about the future.

If you continue to be so stubborn, your grandson or granddaughter will lose their grandfather. Don't expect me to shed a tear at your funeral, Your Majesty Terenas.

I haven't forgotten about your infiltration of Gilneas. "

"Do not!"

After Queen Mia finished speaking, King Terenas shook his head and vetoed it. He glanced at Jaina Proudmoore who was present on behalf of Dalaran, and said with emphasis:

"This is the union of four countries. I am too stupid. It turns out that the future I have been longing for is in front of my eyes, but I have been deliberately ignoring it"

King Terenas seemed to have given up all his persistence at this moment. He leaned back on the seat relaxedly, looked at the young Varian with an extremely relaxed expression, and said meaningfully:

"If I could see through all this earlier, perhaps I should be the one to come up with the idea of ​​rebuilding the empire. I am not afraid to tell you that in the near future, the descendants of the Menethil family will surely ascend to the emperor's throne.

This is absolutely no loss for me.


The old king reached out and held his daughter's trembling wrist. He took a deep breath and said loudly:

"Lordaeron supports the rebuilding of the empire! The Menethil family will do their best for this. By the way, I hereby announce that Calia Menethil will be the next Queen of Lordaeron!

If we can survive the disaster of the demon invasion, I welcome everyone to come to my daughter's coronation ceremony."

He glanced at Dai Lin and said:

"And the wedding."

The meaning of the look that the old king threw at Dai Lin is very simple, you old Dai Lin is responsible for persuading your rebellious son to come to be the groom honestly.

If you can't convince, today's decision can be overturned at any time.

For a stubborn old man who regards Wang Quan and family inheritance as the absolute priority in his final life, this agreement between Dai Lin and him is the biggest reason for his determination.

Menethil gave up the present because they bet on the future.

"so be it!"

After all the kingdoms agreed to rebuild the empire, the Lich King, who had been silent all this time, stood up suddenly. He had already seen what he wanted to see, and he no longer planned to waste any more time here.

The Death Fleet still needs to be trained, and it will take a long time to conquer the Nerubian Kingdom, and Zul'Drak's Death Troll Legion also needs to adjust the plan. Is the Lich King's next conquest.

Lothar wasn't lying.

His time is precious, not a single second should be wasted.

"The silent dead watch you from the other side of the world, people of the Empire."

Before leaving, the Lich King held Frostmourne as a farewell and as a warning and said:

"We are the cold guards, we are the vanguards of death, we are the announcements of destruction, and we will watch over the world of the living and the empire of mankind forever.

This is protection and a reminder.

If you are not strong enough to rely on your own glory and strength to protect your realm, the dead will not mind taking your place.

After completing my mission, I will go to the world of the dead to enjoy the leisure of my soul, and my next successor, the second Lich King of the Undead Scourge, will also be born among you.

Only the bravest of the living are worthy to harness the wrath of the dead.

This is the cycle of life and death, and it is also the foundation of the thriving cycle of human civilization.

The emperor of the living will be the witch-king of the dead.

Any talents who are interested in chasing the throne of the emperor, maybe they should think about their ideals and their own choices, and regard this as a contract between life and death.

Just start with me.

Varian Wrynn will be next! "

After finishing speaking, Lothar mentioned Frostmourne, and strode out of the hall of the hut under the gazes of the human kings. When he walked past Varian, Lothar glanced at him, with indifferent approval, and said:

"Very well, you finally learned"

He didn't give Variando a chance to say anything, let alone look at the emperor's sword stuck on the table.

The glorious mission represented by that sword no longer belonged to him.

The Lich King strode away, and Ryan Wrynn, who was following him, reached out and patted his son's shoulder, and he whispered:

"Good job, boy. Your grandpa would be proud of you."

The young king got the approval of the two fathers at this moment, and suddenly felt like crying. He suppressed his emotions, smiled hard, and said to Ryan:

"Anduin, I mean, your grandson will also be proud of his grandpa."

King Lane smiled, without saying anything, followed the Lich King and left the hall, disappearing into the night.

Varian watched them leave, then turned his head and looked at the people in front of him.

He reached back for Strom'kar, leaned on it, and said:

"So, gentlemen, let's talk about the empire."

(end of this chapter)

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