Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1521 154. Pirate's Graduation Ceremony --- Gagen【8/25】

Chapter 1521 154. Pirate's Graduation Ceremony--Gagen [825]

Quel'rinth Lodge, the ranger camp set up by the high elves on the border between Quel'Thalas and the human kingdom, is not a place of great importance either historically or geographically.

It is estimated that this land itself does not know what it is and what it is capable of witnessing such a historic meeting at this historic moment tonight.

This is not only the first official communication between the living and the dead, but also the moment of rebuilding the human empire.

Maybe everything that happened tonight will be highlighted in the history books of later generations, and of course it is even more likely that everything that happened tonight will only be called a "great moment" without any redundant description of the details .

Historians and novelists of later generations can give full play to their imaginations and describe tonight's meeting as heroic or elegant, majestic or dark, full of glory or full of conspiracy and so on.

But anyway, after tonight, this little place is quite famous.

However, at least tonight, this place is not the focus of everyone's attention. There is another important thing happening on the island of Tol Barad, which is far away from the Quellins hut.

The world-renowned great pirate, who just defeated Dai Lin, the pirate leader who ended the old man's era, and the legendary Brad Laike Shaw, who is destined to start a new era of naval warfare, finally ushered in the graduation ceremony he had been thinking about tonight.

This meant that he could finally break away from the days of burying his head in classics and various magical theories.

This represents the culmination of his great career on a new track in his life after a distinguished career in various fields such as pirates, assassins and ranger hunters, as well as the clergy.

This meant that he finally didn't have to be called an "ignorant" spellcaster. Of course, as a warlock, he would still be despised by orthodox spellcasters.

However, this did not affect Bu Laike's happy and satisfied mood at this time.

His graduation ceremony was held on Dean Lanyue's favorite viewing platform. Because it was an internal ceremony, there were not many participants. Apart from the dean himself, only branch deans from other colleges came to join in the fun.

There is also a trio of Little Xing Xing and the old dog licking warlock who slipped back from the battlefield with the dean as spectators.

Of course, the members of the Great Wizard Magic Salon also attended the graduation ceremony with dignity. After all, after Laike's official graduation, he will also become a member of this magic salon.

For Azeroth's top magic forum, every new acquisition is very important.

"Well, look at this little cutie, he's smiling at me without crying or fussing."

Bo Laike, wearing a warlock robe, stood beside the little maid Taresa and the old butler Moros, whom he hadn't seen for a long time. He stretched out his fingers to tease McDivine, who was held in Taresa's arms, uh, maybe this should be My name is Med'an?

I don't know what Ms. Aegwynn fed her little son. This little guy is obviously less than two years old, but he already looks very intelligent.

When Bo Laike reached out to touch his face, he would smile brightly, and even offered his hands to Bo Laike.

Please hug!

"Oh, Captain, Mai Dean is very cold, I have never seen him so warm to anyone."

Taresa, who has been transferred to a full-time maid, happily said to Bo Laike:

"He likes you very much."

"But I dare not like him."

Laike took a step back, politely rejecting the little guy's desire to cuddle. He knew that this little guy would definitely do great or terrible things in the future.

To be honest, although it has been confirmed that Medivh's soul has been "reborn", Bo Laike still cannot confirm whether the original Medivh still has a trace of consciousness left.

Even though the pirate is now a world-renowned great magician, he is still very afraid of the former astral mage Medivh.

It is no exaggeration to say that the only person in this world who can compete with Queen Azshara in the field of spellcasting is the "previous life" of the child in front of me.

"I was afraid that when I hugged him, this little cutie would suddenly throw a ball of lava fire and hit me in the face."

Bu Laike stroked his chin exaggeratedly and said:

"I definitely wouldn't believe it on someone else, but not necessarily this little guy."

"Master Bo Laike is joking again."

Wearing an elegant butler robe, wearing a magic mask to cover his rotten face, and specially spraying men's perfume to set off his identity, Moros, the undead butler, let out a hoarse laugh. He said:

"Although Master Aegwynn has never said it, she is also full of gratitude to you in her heart. It is you who have healed her broken family and given her a second chance to grow up with her child.

To be honest, I have never seen Master Aegwynn so pure and happy, no matter during her lifetime or after her death. These two years are probably the most fulfilling and satisfying time in her life.

Even fumbling around changing her little master's diaper fills her with joy. "

"Well, the former guardian's retirement life is really colorful. Who would have thought that the hands that killed Sargeras' power clone are now used to change the baby's diaper?"

Bu Laike rolled his eyes and said:

"I'm very happy that Ms. Aegwynn has found her own happiness, and I'm honored to be able to personally promote this matter. Well, I remember that I just brought back some beautiful accessories from the Sunwell."

While talking, the stinky pirate looked around in his luggage, and finally took out a jade magic bead made by the high elves for powerful spellcasters, and planned to put it in Mai De'an's hands as a molar stick for him.

As a result, as soon as the magic bead approached the child, it was infused with magic power under the surprised gazes of the three of them, and it floated wobbly, emitting a faint green streamer, and then spun around Mai De'an in Taresa's arms.

The eyes of the two-year-old child flew back and forth with the emerald jade magic bead, and even let out a very cute laugh, reaching out to grab the "new toy".


Bu Laike gasped as if he was terrified, and said:

"Being able to manipulate magic items of this level at such a young age, this child's future is limitless."

"What are you wearing?"

Ms. Aegwynn's voice came from behind him, and the former guardian who was holding a glass of wine flicked his fingers, and the flying emerald magic beads landed in the arms of his precious son, making Med'an happy again giggles.

The guardian stepped forward and kissed the child's forehead, and then ordered Taresa and Moros to take the child to the place where he was staying to rest.

It was too late for the little ones to go to bed.

After watching the child's nanny and her housekeeper leave the observation deck, Ms. Aegwynn took a sip of her wine and looked back at Bo Laike, who had a hippie smile. She snorted and said:

"I didn't intend to give your thesis a high score, especially when I knew that your thesis was written for you by your blue dragon junior, I even felt that you were humiliating us spellcasters.

But what to say.

Although there are various problems, you have indeed successfully designed and completed an extremely difficult magical experiment involving the theory of 'life and death'.

My spellcasting ethics do not allow me to turn a blind eye to such brilliant jewels.

So I give you 99 points. "

Having said that, Ms. Aegwynn curled her lips and said:

"Give one less point because you are afraid of your pride. After all, you also explained it in your paper. This experiment is just the first draft, and you will have even more shocking designs later on.

So I want to leave a bit more room for bragging about your achievements in the future. "

"Uh, let me make sure first."

Bu Laike blinked and asked:

"The full score is 100 points, not 1000 points or 10000 points?"

"If you want, I can help you submit this application at the next paper review."

Aegwynn took a sip of wine and said in a cold voice:

"Old Meili is really kind to you, he gave you full marks, and even thought that you completed the experimental process and theoretical design by yourself, so you can forgive me for ghostwriting.

Alas, the fine magical traditions of Dalaran were destroyed by such bugs.

But speaking of it, Little Xingxing's grammatical level is really amazing. Apart from the fact that she helped you cheat, her thesis itself can be treated as a thesis template for high-level spellcasters.

Low-level spellcasters don't have to consider these.

The thesis they cobbled together for graduation was never really relevant anyway, more boring than toilet paper. Well, but as a new member of the Grand Wizard's magical salon, you always have more responsibility for the organization.

Honor and duty always go hand in hand. "

Having said that, Ms. Aegwynn rolled her eyes, coughed a few times, and said to Bo Laike:

"Recently, many arcanists in Dalaran, Quel'Thalas, and Suramar have submitted their magical research to me in an attempt to obtain academic qualifications recognized by the Grand Wizard Salon.

I've gotten tired of it.

I will inform them to send their papers to you for peer review. You must shoulder our ardent hopes for you and do a good job in this matter. "

"Hey! It's too much!"

Bu Laike complained:

"Next, I'm going to Ulduar to fight the crazy Titan Guardian, where there is an ancient god, and then go to Argus to fight the devil, and save a group of gods by the way!

How can I have the time to help a group of elves revise their papers?

Don't you see that Dean Lanyue is free every day? Why not. Oh, Dean, when did you come? I was talking about you to Ms. Aegwynn. "

The stinky pirate felt the wind blowing behind him, he turned his head with a smile on his face, pretended that nothing happened just now, and said flatteringly to Dean Lanyue:

"I was just saying that you are very busy every day, and I strongly urge Ms. Aegwynn not to burden you any more. I think those peer-reviewed papers can be handed over to Kel'Thuzad.


Anyway, besides taking those psychic apprentices to assemble weird-looking structures every day, he only has cats and cats. He must have enough time to review papers.

If there is not enough time, the big deal is to let those apprentices assemble it by themselves. Maybe some young genius has a big brain and can spell out a stupid two-legged flesh and blood monster.

Speaking of which, I just happened to know some blueprints of structures circulating in Madroxxus, do you want me to share them? Such precious knowledge is also very precious in the Great Wizard Salon.

So I want to ask, if I share knowledge, can I get some rewards?

For example, shake people to help me fight for free. "

"First of all, we are a peaceful magic theory research organization, and we don't do such things as fighting. The fight with Queen Azshara is just to further measure the level of Her Majesty's magic manipulation ability."

Dean Lanyue said indifferently:

"Secondly, I won't pretend I didn't hear you talking bad about me behind my back, but today is your big day, so we'll talk about your 'teacher's morality' later.

Come here, prepare your ceremony.

Keeping things simple for the sake of time, but we still have badges and certificates for you, so no problem, right? "

"No, no, it's okay even if there are no medals. I'm not a little star. I love all the badges so fanatically. That child is almost hopeless, you know?"

Bu Laike complained to Dean Lanyue with a smile all over his face:

"She even hinted that the Suramar elves awarded her a 'Peacemaker' badge to reward her outstanding performance in the Battle of Kui Island, tsk tsk, it's a shame for the blue dragon.

But speaking of it, since I passed the test safely this time, Little Xingxing should not be implicated, right? "

"Her graduation was delayed by ten years."

Dean Lanyue said casually:

"In terms of her lifespan, this is just a symbolic punishment. Also, I want to apologize to you, Laike, that the previous suspension of peer review was pushed by me."

Having said that, Dean Lanyue was silent for a moment, she looked at the night outside the window, and whispered:

"I can no longer hide my... mixed feelings for you.

Liresa discussed this matter with me a long time ago, and her life, which was resurrected because of you, will always have some abnormal "closeness" to you at the soul level.

And because of the stubbornness and persistence of undead creatures to obsession, this kind of closeness often turns into terrible feelings.

I don't deny that for a certain period of time in the past, I tried to keep you by my side, just like holding the sand in my hand, but the tighter I hold, the faster you pass away.

During those few minutes on Quay, I felt your real anger, and that was the first time I realized that I might have gone too far.

I'm sorry, my disciple.

I'm too caught up in my possessiveness to ignore your feelings. Maybe I should be smarter. "

"It's okay, Dean, how can I be angry with you as a disciple."

Bu Laike also said generously to save face:

"I have never forgotten that when I was weak, I had to rely on your strength to run amok in this dangerous world. In terms of what you did to me and what I achieved by relying on you, these harsh words can be ignored Understand as 'the way you love me'.

Of course, I am very moved by your apology tonight, which fully proves that the friendship between us as a teacher and student has already surpassed most plastic teacher-student relationships.

I'm really touched, Dean.

You will be my forever mentor.

Let's wrap up tonight's ceremony, we still have a lot to do. "

After finishing speaking, the pirate took out a sealed elf scroll from his arms and handed it to Dean Lanyue. He said:

"This golden blueprint has been obtained. I will go to Suramar in a few days and bring back the blueprint of the Nightwell. We need to invite a group of the best stonemasons in the world to help us complete this matter."

"Mason? You want to hire someone from outside?"

Dean Lanyue put away the scroll, frowned and said:

"It's too risky, maybe we should use magic."

"too slow."

Bu Laike shook his head and said:

"Don't worry, Dean, I have a way to make the stonemasons shut up obediently, and it is definitely not through threats. Magic can indeed do many things, but this kind of 'civil engineering' that emphasizes absolute precision should be left to professionals. .

And don't rush to finalize it. "

Pirates exhorted:

"We're going to have someone who is absolutely at the top of the field to help us redesign our magic well, and it might be a few days before she's free.

Just in time, we can discuss the second draft of the "Flesh and Blood Reincarnation" experimental concept that I want to promote in the Great Wizard Salon.

Although I am very confident in my academic ability, it is no longer something that I can do alone. It requires the efforts of all. "

"Hey, Captain Stinky, come on, turn around!"

Little Xingxing's joyful shout sounded behind Laike, and the pirate turned around and heard a click.

The scene of him standing with Dean Lanyue with a smile on his face, toasting with the high-level spellcasters behind him was captured by the dwarf camera.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment, making Bu Laike's graduation ceremony an eternal memory.

Well, this photo is definitely good for the cover of His Royal Highness Xing Xing's autobiographical extra.

(end of this chapter)

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