Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1522 155. Your Queen Values ​​You Too Much, So She Arranged For You To Study In A Master&#03

Chapter 1522 155. Your queen values ​​you so much that she arranged for you to study in a master's and doctoral degree - plus more [925]

Dean Lanyue said that because of time constraints, the graduation ceremony of the pirates was kept simple.

Bu Laike didn't think it was a big deal, until he saw Dean Lanyue handing him his graduation certificate and badge in front of everyone, the pirates realized that what the dean said "keep everything simple" was this Meaning.


This is not easy anymore!

This means that there is no ceremony at all.

If I knew it was so casual, why did I invite so many spectators and force Windrunner's mother to wear a luxurious evening dress?

Why don't you just give this to me in the office?

Rao Bu Laike has never paid much attention to the scene, and when he saw such a casual ceremony in front of him, he couldn't hold back for a while. Fortunately, the spectators were very face-saving, and everyone applauded enthusiastically to dispel the unhappiness in the hearts of the pirates.

And the sycophancy of the warlock trio tonight also made Laike feel better after being depressed for a few minutes.

Although he has just graduated and joined the Great Wizard's Magic Salon, the bad guy Bu Laike has already started planning to install his forces in this organization that represents the highest level of magic skills in Azeroth.

"You three pack up and go to Argus with me in a while."

Bu Laike touched his graduation certificate, played with the Nazaras graduate badge, and whispered to the warlock trio beside him:

"I'll take you there to open a magic topic 'about the impact of evil energy pollution on the deep corrosion and subsequent transformation of the heart of the world and the ecological system'.

I will help you design experimental ideas, but you have to do the data collection and water papers yourself.

According to my investigation, as long as you do this experiment well, collect the necessary detailed data, organize it into a paper and publish it in the name of the Warlock School, you can use it to apply for the apprenticeship of the Great Wizard Salon.

The current peer review is under the responsibility of Dean Lanyue, and it may be handed over to Kel'Thuzad later, I mean"

"It's a relationship, we understand, Captain."

The orc warlock patted his chest with evil eyes, and said confidently:

"We are very familiar with this matter, and it is wrapped up on us. It must be comfortable for Instructor Kel'Thuzad."

"Yes yes, that guy is only interested in dead bodies and cats."

The giant magician Zarak touched his fangs inlaid with gold and jade, and he winked and said:

"I'm in charge of the corpses, and I just know that that bastard Zhou Zhuo has just discovered an ancient troll pyramid in the Wharton Desert, and there are many mummies born in the time of Emperor Dasa.

It is said that because of the long-term contact with the dark power of G'huun, those mummies have undergone strange changes. I think such a strange corpse will definitely please that damn perverted necrophile in Kel'Thuzad. "

"And cats!"

Wearing a black robe with a gloomy face, Kanrethad stroked the ornaments made by his Eye of Gul'dan, looked around, and whispered:

"I will find time to write a letter to my sister who lives in Stormwind City, I know that in a hidden manor in the Erwin Forest, there is the best 'cat breeder' in this land and even the whole world.

She calls herself the 'Princess Cat'.

Her family is said to have been responsible for taming animals for the kings during the time of Emperor Thoradin, and later switched to breeding different breeds of cats for the nobles.

If you spend a lot of money with her, you will be able to buy a cat that is enough to make Kel'Thuzad's instructor ecstatic. If he has high eyesight, we can also customize a cat breed that only belongs to him.

If he needs it, we can even provide a full range of services for his beloved kittens from shaving to breeding. To be honest, these things that can be done with money are simply too simple.

It's at your fingertips! "

"Well, it seems that you are really strong in this area, and you can already accurately grasp the pain points of the target and achieve precise strikes."

The smelly pirate nodded in satisfaction, and said:

"Then I'll leave it to you. When you go to Argus, you will have some snacks. This is related to your academic career. What I mean is that you can keep your positions in the undead pirates, but you should also pay attention to your image in the future. After all, we have to take the road of scientific research.

In this way, the three of you will develop your power among the lower-level members of the Great Wizard Salon. After my idiot junior sister graduates, I will definitely join this organization. Then I will be active with her at the upper level.

Maybe in a few decades, this powerful organization will also be available to us.

Wonderful! "

"Yes, yes, the captain is worthy of being the number one prophet in the world. This kind of foresight alone is beyond the imagination of ordinary people."

Xieyan licked flatteringly:

"We are lucky enough to meet you in this life, following you is our greatest luck."

"We will always only have you as the sun in our hearts!"

Kanrethad and Zarak also jumped up and licked hard, which made the pirates very comfortable, but when he saw Dean Lanyue, Ms. Aegwynn and old Merri walking towards him, Laike winked again.

The trio of warlocks immediately understood. They coughed and saluted the dean and senior mages, and then left as if nothing had happened.

Tsk tsk, just this calm acting ability is enough to prove that they are outstanding warlocks, and other warlocks can't act so naturally.

"What conspiracy are you discussing with your evil subordinates?"

The old lich leaned on the staff of Atiesh and said to Bo Laike:

"Are you discussing how to turn our great wizard salon, which is dedicated to studying the truth of magic, into a war machine that belongs only to you?"

"Hey! We're on good terms, you can't spout blood, old Meili!"

Bu Laike immediately complained innocently:

"Don't think that you are my sister's mentor, I can tolerate your slander against me, I am now one of you, you have to maintain the necessary respect for me!

I want to emphasize that this respect is not for me, but for the knowledge I represent! Don't you orthodox spellcasters pay attention to this most?

And it's not fitting that my evil subordinates were discussing evil plots just now.

It's them who are giving me some top-secret information. "

Having said that, the pirate blinked and said to the three powerful mages in front of him:

"Would you like to hear? I can tell you for free, first-hand news from my loyal demons in Mount Hyjal.

Oh, by the way, my demon servant has successfully sneaked into the Sisters of Elune, she is really a mysterious lady who is good at disguising and dealing with other people. "


Aegwynn blinked at Bo Laike's remarks.

As a former guardian, she knew very well how harsh the priests of the Kaldorei moon were on the selection of their compatriots. If what Laike said was true, it meant that the demon servants he arranged were by no means ordinary people.

Ms. Aegwynn thought for a while, then asked:

"You sent the dreadlord? How did you contract the unruly nathrezim and still keep them loyal to you?

This is theoretically impossible, at least the current warlock knowledge theory of Azeroth cannot do this.

Can this knowledge be shared?

If we can pass this knowledge on to the warlocks currently on the rise, we might be able to reverse our scrutiny into the Burning Legion to get first-hand information. "

"Of course, knowledge exists for dissemination, doesn't it?"

The smelly pirate spread his arms with a big smile and said:

"I am more than willing to share the invaluable knowledge of the Contract Dreadlord with my fellow sorcerers who are foolish and vulgar. Provided they can afford it.

Of course, this is not because of my greed as a pirate. Although the money ended up in my pocket, it represents respect for knowledge and the principle of equal value exchange.

This is the rule that casters must abide by.

Based on the preciousness of this knowledge, I think that every person I teach should charge them at least 100,000 gold coins as course money. Hey, don’t think they are too expensive.

At present, among these stars, I am the only warlock who has mastered such a secret method. They think it's too expensive and I don't think it's too expensive.

Poor ghosts should not try to master this kind of high-end skills, krypton gold can become stronger. This is a universal rule in the world, and this kind of knowledge has a certain degree of danger.

I mean, if the soul is not attractive enough, and the third-rate warlocks who are not sinful enough, don't try it.

I am willing to teach, and they cannot learn. "

"One hundred thousand gold coins, right?"

Old Meili didn't even frown, waved and threw a key to Bu Laike, he said:

"This is the key to the Tirisfalm Society's vault at the Goblin Bank in Booty Bay. I don't know how much money is in there, but I think it's okay to arm thirty warlocks.

I will carefully select apprentices to come to you to study in the future, and you must teach them with your heart. "

"Of course, of course."

The pirate played with the goblin key and whistled:

"I will wholeheartedly serve all my benefactors, my dear old Meri, here I suggest that you buy another 'teaching package', I mean to invite the warlocks of Quel'Thalas to organize a group buying.

When I gather fifty people, I will teach together, so as to save trouble.

Hey, Dean, what are you holding in your hand?

Why do I feel so familiar? "

Bu Laike suddenly noticed what Dean Lanyue was holding in his hand. It was very similar to the admission letter of Nazaras College. Stinky Pirates are very familiar with this thing. Before the last school season, he signed many of them by himself. He even stamped his own seal.

But the school season is over, and the last transfer student, Ms. Caitlin Luinvival, is happily "practicing" on a North Sea pirate ship.

Who is this big shot, who can ask Dean Lanyue, who has always been rigorous in his studies, to open the back door for him or her personally?

There are such awesome characters, and Laike really wants to meet them.

Then, he saw Dean Lanyue with a strange smile, handing the very special admission notice to his eyes with both hands.

This is no ordinary admission letter.

Although it has the same layout as an ordinary admission notice, both the format of the text written on it and the seal stamped on it are completely different from those of ordinary students.

The structure of the text alone made the pirates' eyes widen.

This is ancient Salas.

To be precise, it is an ancient language that the Elven Empire only uses in official documents. Even after tens of thousands of years, it is the most formal and complex language among the Salas languages ​​that have undergone many variations as the number of elf factions continues to increase. kind.

Let alone a human mage.

It is estimated that not many people among the Quel'Thalas elves recognize these words. Suramar has always used them, but only in some documents signed by Elisande himself.

And the content of the text made Laike frown even more.

He read:

"Dear Mr. Bo Laike Shaw:

Through the investigation and recommendation of your recommender, the senior magic advisor of the Elven Empire Royal, the queen's honorary magic guard chief, and the senior arcanist of the court wizard group [Alya Blue Moon], in the name of Queen Azshara's court wizard group, We are pleased to inform you that:

You have been approved to continue your studies at the Nazaras School of Magic with the title of [Royal Grand Arcanist].

Please go to Dean Alya Lanyue to go through the enrollment procedures within one month of seeing this letter.

I wish you a happy ten years of further studies.

Queen Azshara looks forward to you, as an excellent spellcaster, dedicating your power to the rise of the empire.

Enclosed is a list of materials required for admission.

Your postgraduate semester is scheduled to officially begin on January 1, 2010 at the Dark Portal.

From the only queen of the Elven Empire: Azshara Light of Light. "

This unique admission notice is also stamped with an ancient seal at first glance, as well as the magical signature handwritten by Queen Azshara. The font shines like the light of the deep sea, revealing the aura that belongs exclusively to Her Majesty the Queen.

This is something no one can imitate.


Bu Laike grabbed the admission notice and tore it to shreds in impotent rage.

But Dean Lanyue didn't stop his disciples from doing such crazy behavior. Less than a second after the stinky pirate tore up the torn paper, there was time magic light dancing to reassemble the scattered paper.

Obviously, Queen Azshara has fully understood the complex character of Bu Laike, so she added time magic to this admission notice in advance.

The pirate held his head, desperately looking at the cruel reality suspended in front of his eyes.

The joy of knocking a sum of money from Dalaran just now was so short-lived that it couldn't even soothe the desperate mood of the stinky pirate at this time. He glanced at Dean Lanyue.

Although the latter has been trying to stay calm, the joy and contentment shining in her beating soul-fire eyes cannot be concealed.

Good guy!

No wonder the dean told him gently that he might need to be more "smart".

It turned out to be waiting for me here.

"The envoy of Queen Azshara handed over this notice to me yesterday, my disciple, obviously, the queen is also aware of your superb spellcasting talent, and she doesn't want to see a talent waste time on boring Looting.

So out of love, she arranged for you advanced knowledge that only court magicians can learn. "

The dean reached out and stroked Bo Laike's hair, explaining:

"These knowledge are the supreme truths that all spellcasters long for. They are the supreme scriptures compiled by the empress herself, and they can lead you into the path of arcane power.

Of course, you're a warlock and you can't use these powers, but that doesn't stop you from learning them to pave the way for your future.

The good news is that you don't need to change your class habits, because the queen is busy, so I will still be in charge of your next class.

Even better news"

Dean Lanyue took out several magic test papers from her bag and put them in Bu Laike's hands. She said gently:

"You can live a fulfilling life again writing several sets of papers a day, and, if you want, I can arrange your lessons with your daughter's and your sister's lessons.

How nice it is that your family can go to class together. "

Bo Laike had a stiff face and tremblingly picked up the pipe, snapped his fingers several times but failed to light the tobacco. He looked back at old Merri in despair, and stuffed the goblin key he just got into the old lich's hand.

He prayed:

"That. Isn't your Council of Six in Dalaran short of people? Can you see me? I don't want money, I can pay you to let me go to work in the Kirin Tor.

Please, Merry, take me out of this intellectual hell. "

(end of this chapter)

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