Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1523 156. The New Task Of The Great Wizards: Let Me Go To Ashes! ---Add More【10/25】

Chapter 1523 156. The new task of the great wizards: let me go to ashes! ——Add more【1025】

Laike's efforts to jump ship ultimately failed.

Although the two Archmages Ansrem Luinvivor and Kargos were resident in Dellano, Antonidas went to the Lich King to "find another job", and after Archmage Mo Della was injured and recuperated, The Council of Six in the Kirin Tor is indeed in short supply.

But Dalaran hasn't lost its mind enough to bring a guy like Laike into its own governing body.

Therefore, facing the pirate's job application and the whimsical idea of ​​"paying for work", the old lich ruthlessly rejected it on the grounds that Laike hadn't finished his studies.

This completely broke Laike's defenses, and there is no doubt that he did not want to accept further "advanced education".

Although knowledge is indeed a good thing, considering Laike's career plan, learning a bunch of knowledge from arcanists really makes him unable to lift his spirits.

And Queen Azshara thoughtfully set the real semester to start more than a year later, obviously to leave enough time for Bu Laike to finish his troublesome things in other fields.

Regarding the Queen's "intimacy" in this regard, the pirate said that you really don't need it.

But things were already like this, looking at the admission notice that could not be shredded or burned, Bu Laike could only sigh, and accepted this damn arrangement with his strong psychological quality.

By the way, he took the paper handed over by Dean Lanyue.

Hey, don't tell me, after not doing papers for such a long time, after a few papers came in suddenly, Bu Laike found in despair that he felt a little eager to try in his heart.

Then he felt a sense of helplessness that was greater than death.

Damn it.

How did I become such a person?

I have really been completely changed, and I am hopeless.

With this kind of mood like going to the grave, in the early morning of the next day, His Excellency Braike Shaw, an excellent graduate of Nassaras who was drunk, was invited to participate in the first session of the Great Wizard Salon held at Nassaras College. meeting.

When he sat in the conference room, he was obviously not sober, but the other members took care of Laike's bad mood, and even Ms. Aegwynn didn't say much.

After the rational greetings, this group of top spellcasters in the world of Azeroth wasted no time and soon began to discuss the most important issues of the meeting.

In this top-secret mage tower belonging to Dean Lanyue, three things were placed on the table in the center of the circular seat.

They are a strange seed combined with arcane magic power and life force, an unfolded scroll, and a triangular crystal bottle filled with a shallow layer of water.

These three things were brought back by Bo Laike himself, but now they need to be combined, but the pirates cannot do it alone.

This is something that requires the cooperation of many spellcasters.

Although as full-fledged members of the Great Wizard's Salon, they have been informed of the uses and origins of these three items in advance, when they actually saw them, even the well-informed former guardian, Ms. Aegwynn, couldn't help but utter was amazed.

"I've only heard their names in myths and legends. I really never thought that I could see and touch them with my own eyes."

The guardian lady raised her hand, and under the force of weak magic power, she lifted three things into the air.

The scroll danced and pulled apart before everyone's eyes, revealing a set of very complicated building structure diagrams, which were almost designed in the shape of a palace, divided into upper and lower parts.

The buildings above the ground can be regarded as covering and protecting the underground shafts, and of course there are thousands of magic runes to stabilize the actual performance of this set of buildings after they are completed.

This is the blueprint for the design of the Well of the Sun, just like the blueprint for the construction of nuclear bombs in the magical world. In theory, if you understand it thoroughly, you can rub magic nuclear bombs with your hands.

Of course, blueprints are important, but without the raw materials, such knowledge is the art of dragon slaying.

It's like every bragging physics teacher who claims to be able to rub a nuclear bomb with his hands, but their attempts often fail when they try to buy centrifuges and enrich uranium.

What really matters is the thin layer of water in that crystal bottle.

Aegwynn reached out and took it in her hand. She looked at the flowing liquid in the bottle in front of her. Under natural light, it could also reflect colorful dazzling lights. Even through the crystal bottle, she could still feel the water contained in the water droplets. the power of.

"So amazing, so pure."

The guardian narrowed his eyes and commented:

"If it was me fifty years ago, even if I paid the price of destroying this island, I would definitely get it. It can create a legendary spellcaster out of thin air, and if the essence is gathered, it can benefit a demigod mage endless."

"But that's diluted."

The drunk Bo Laike slumped on his chair in a boneless posture. He blinked his eyes and covered his head, and said in a hangover gesture:

"Only one drop of eternal living water is added to it, which is mixed with thirty times the purest elemental water. It's not that we don't have more, it's just because only such a combination can keep the breath of eternal well water from leaking out.

If it is known that we have a whole bottle of Eternal Water Essence in our hands, all of us here will be arrested in Nazjatar to accept the Queen's "trial of love".

Take it easy, folks.

I know that you all want to witness the power of the Well of Eternity, so open the lid and take a sip. You deserve it, but not too much, such a pure breath of the blood of the world cannot be tolerated by ordinary people.

If you don't want to taint yourself with magic addiction, then you'd better take it easy. "

Under the "encouragement" of the pirates, Mage Aegwynn stretched out his hand and twisted off the lid of the triangular crystal bottle. In the next moment, a stream of pure and gentle magic power burst out from the bottle.

It's not violent, but very, very pure.

It was many times more mellow than the magic power escaping from the Sunwell, and it gathered in Dean Lanyue's mage tower, forming a swirling wind of magic that enveloped everyone.

This feeling is very special for spellcasters.

It's like a person who has lived in the plateau all his life and suddenly came to the plains. After taking a few deep breaths of magic power, he even really feels "drunk".

While my mind is dizzy, my body is doing great!

More full points!

So they had a second bite almost at the same time.

The actions of the old Lich Meri and the Little Lich Kel'Thuzad are the same. They just changed their life forms. They don't need to breathe, but their need for magic power still exists.

The scene before Laike's eyes was like Ms. Aegwynn opened a devil's box, and a devil called magic was tempting all the spellcasters present.

The opened crystal bottle was suspended in front of everyone's eyes, vibrating in the air, waiting for the first person to reach out and hold it in his hand.

The pirate looked at the three people in front of him with a very interested look.

He was very curious who could resist the temptation of magic power and drink up the diluted magic water in the crystal bottle?

But he was quickly disappointed.

The two liches were the first to wake up.

Their unique life forms make them strong-willed and difficult to seduce, and Ms. Aegwynn was a few seconds late, but not because she was seduced by magic.

Instead, she was "analyzing" the power attribute of this mellow magic power with the help of the "slightly drunk" experience just now.

"Derived from the energy gathering of the arcane force, its magical form is something that cannot be born naturally in the material world, no wonder you want to call it 'the blood of the world'.

The magic form of this thing is consistent with the rules that make up the material world, that is, the energy source of the so-called "clergy". "

Aegwynn stroked her hair, reached out and took the crystal bottle in front of her hand, and closed the lid with a bang. She tossed the crystal bottle up and down in her hand and said:

"If such a thing can be born in a world, then it must be in the heart of the world. These eternal waters are definitely the most magnificent and greatest miracles that have ever been born in this world.

But it also made me more curious.

This seed!

It needs to be irrigated with such magical water to grow healthily. What kind of power will it bloom after it matures? Is it just to cure magic addiction? "


Bu Laike blinked, and said in a strange way:

"Ms. Aegwynn is worthy of being the former guardian. The elves have spent 10,000 years to solve the problem. How come you are 'just'?"

"Hey, don't yell at me if you're angry!"

Aegwynn yelled at the pirate without fear. She moved her fingers and held the Alcandor seed in her hand again. She said:

"I didn't say that magic addiction is a simple problem, but if you only pursue a cure instead of a 'perfect cure', that problem is not unsolvable.

Azshara can easily do it with the power of the ancient gods. After all, I have never heard of any Naga who has a magic addiction?

Just one transformation of life form can free the elves from the torture of magic addiction forever. I doubt that Queen Azshara chose to sign the agreement with N'Zoth after she realized that the Well of Eternity exploded. A plan to relieve his subjects from the pain of magic addiction. "

"This is the magic of this seed."

Dean Lanyue, who had been silent all this time, explained at this time:

"It can achieve the 'perfect cure' for magic addiction and all symptoms of magic addiction. According to the description of the ancient walker Farodin who has been taking care of it, the fruit born after the growth of this seed is a balance between magic and life. It In addition to curing the body's thirst for magic power, it can also greatly repair the defects of the body caused by magic power transformation.

In other words, if we can cultivate Arcandor to maturity, not only will the Quel'dorei elves' addiction to magic, which has not exploded on a large scale, be eliminated.

Even the Nightborne who have been transformed by magic can return to the form of normal life.

This is a rare treasure.

Ten thousand years ago, I saw many fruit trees like this in Queen Azshara's court, but I didn't know what it was at that time, I just knew that the queen would send her maids to pick the fruit regularly, Make it into queen cider and distribute it to every resident in Zin-Azshari city.

Perhaps at that time, the queen realized the influence and erosion of the magic power of the Well of Eternity on the body of the elves, and she used the fruit of this magic tree to ensure the health of her subjects.

Unfortunately, the explosion of the Well of Eternity completely destroyed all of these, and the Queen did not have time to save those precious trees before sinking to the bottom of the sea.

Only this one seed has been handed down, and has been guarded by the secretive valley walkers for generations. "

Speaking of this, Dean Lanyue sighed and said:

"Now the three things have been assembled, but our next task is still not easy. The design of the Sunwell is not perfect. We have to refer to the structure of the Nightwell to improve it.

We have to absorb the advantages of the two magic wells and find ways to make up for the shortcomings. After the seeds of Alcandor are planted, Farodin will take care of this, so don't worry.

The biggest question is the dilemma we will face when this magic well comes to light.

The Children of the Night can fight for the Sunwell and the Quel'Dorei, but when the Sunwell has been destroyed, the birth of a new magic well will inevitably lead to competition between the two clans.

They may even fight against each other.

Therefore, we must keep it completely secret until its construction is completed, and in addition, we must give this magic well that is about to be born a tenable claim in legal terms.”

"Don't beat around the bush, Dean, I will help you contact Queen Azshara."

Bu Laike coughed a few times, and said in a tone that couldn't lift his spirits:

"It just so happens that I want to have a good chat with my Queen about how she enrolls me in a class without my permission, but once Queen Azshara knows that we have water from the Eternal Well, she won't give it to her If we don't, we'll all be traitors in her eyes.

How she treated traitors, you have seen in Quel'Danas.

So before I leave, you have to come up with a plan, a plan that can make the queen suppress her anger, and a plan that can make Azshara give up the eternal well.

That's right, I'm talking about the second draft of my upcoming Flesh Reshaping experiment.

As a close vassal of the queen, I know that although the queen never judges people by their appearance, she is a woman after all, and she is very concerned about her appearance.

Although it doesn't hurt her charm to be a naga in my opinion, but she must feel very uncomfortable when the former light of light has turned into the monster she is today.

So, everyone, my research materials have been submitted to you, and it is up to you to help me complete my second draft paper. "

After finishing speaking, Bu Laike stood up, smoking a pipe, and said carelessly:

"That's right, everyone, there's nothing wrong with your ears, I'm just asking you to help me finish my thesis, and I won't pretend this time.

because i'm angry now

I am in a bad mood.

Don't think about it, everyone!

I help you with Azshara, and you help me with my dissertation, which is a fair and reasonable deal, right? "

Several great wizards present at the meeting looked at each other. After a few seconds of silence, Dean Lanyue pushed his glasses and said:

"We can assist you to complete the experiment, but you have to write the paper yourself."

"make a deal."

The pirate waved his hand and said:

"The stonemasons I invited will come soon, and the internal structure of this magic well can be discussed and studied later, but the digging of the foundation and the ashes to cover the surface buildings should start now.

In order not to attract the attention of other forces, no magic power can participate in the magic well until the main body is completed.

You claim to keep the peace without initiating the first signs of chaos, so you guys have to figure out a way to teach the masons how to build this complex building.

In other words, you're all going to be foremen.

In addition, it is absolutely not allowed to deduct the wages of workers.

I don't want to go through a bloody 'fraternity riot' in Tol Barad, though my wives don't get stoned over their heads."

(end of this chapter)

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