Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1524 157. Good To Die! Da Fan, This Is A Great Sacrifice! ---Add More【11/25】

Chapter 1524 157. Good to die! Da Fan, this is a great sacrifice! ——Add more【1125】

At the same time that Bo Laike walked out of Blue Moon Dean's mage tower, a merchant ship flying the flag of Wharton Trading Company also slowly landed in the harbor of Tol Barad.

The timing was just right, which fully demonstrated the super strength of the fox people in the shipping industry.

Immediately after receiving Bu Laike's order, they sent people to Westfall, reached a cooperation agreement with the Mason Brotherhood with super high efficiency, and invited the leader of the Brotherhood to come to Tol Barad to talk with Bo Laike.

Originally, the pirates also invited the pandaren masons from Pandaria.

Those black people are also amazing in the art of carving, and even surpass the human stonemason brotherhood in terms of stonemasonry attainments.

It's a pity that considering the inside story of this mission, it is not suitable for pandaren who admire nature and regard death as a kind of reincarnation.

The main reason is that the Gun Guns, who have always been self-cultivating, will not be able to accept the cruel truth of the death force for a while. The reincarnation they worship does not exist, and everyone will be subject to arbitration after death to decide which dead world to go to.

Well, judging from their civilized traditions, this matter may really disappoint them to the world.

Fortunately, the members of the Brotherhood of Masons are also very strong. Anyone who has seen New Stormwind City with their own eyes is impressed by the powerful skills, unconstrained imagination and design ability of these masons.

Then again, the Brotherhood of Masons was no stranger to Laike.

Since Silithus showed Pope Faol and the Kaldorei the magic of the Sin Tombstone, orders for tombstones from the Brotherhood of Stonemasons have been pouring in continuously.

At this time, these simple stonemasons thought that there was a war on the side of the elves, so that the sales of the tombstones were so good?

Of course, after a long time, no matter how stupid people are, they will realize that so many custom-made tombstones are definitely not used in the traditional funeral industry.

However, considering that the profits brought by the Sin Stele had made the Stonemasons Brotherhood earn a lot of money, and this matter involved the secrets of the Church of the Holy Light, the stonemasons did not pursue too much.

After all, they are just an organization composed of a group of craftsmen and veterans reporting to the regiment for warmth. Everyone is working to support their families. It is unnecessary to think too much about the secrets of important people except to talk about the mountains after dinner.

If there is that time, wouldn't it be nice to go to the tavern in Yuexi Town for a drink? I hear the new pole dancer there is really hot.

"Thank you for helping me reimburse the boat ticket!"

On the pier in Tol Barad, wearing an architect's uniform, carrying a semi-old suitcase, and accompanied by a gentlemanly and polite leader of the Mason Brotherhood, Mr. Edwin Van Cleef, the great stonemason, crossed the ship's plank vigorously Landing on the trestle, he turned around and waved goodbye to the foxes on the boat behind him heartily.

he shouted:

"The next time you stop at Long Beach, remember to come to Yuexi Town, I'll treat you to a drink, your drink is fully covered by the Stonemason Brotherhood, lively little guys."

The big stonemason's shout immediately caused a burst of enthusiastic cheers and whistles from the vulpe sailors, which meant that this big stonemason who also had business dealings with Wharton Trading Company was a very humane person.

He is shrewd and a qualified leader.

And besides being a highly skilled stonemason and presiding over the rebuilding of Stormwind City with a group of his brothers, this Mr. Van Cleef is also a veteran and a battle hero.

During the period when the Stormwind Kingdom fell, Van Cleef had been leading the soldiers of the Brotherhood to fight guerrillas in the northern border. At least seventeen or eight orcs died under his sword.

For a fighter of ordinary origin, this is already quite a remarkable record.

However, because of the scars left by the battle, the big mason would wear very formal clothes on any occasion. He obviously didn't want others to see his scarred body.

Van Cleef had just stepped out of the pier, and was planning to take a break in the very famous pirate town of Losberg, and then go to meet His Excellency Braike, but before he could get out of the bustling pier, he saw a carriage parked in front of him. roadside.

An orc warlock who was blind in one eye was sitting in the driver's seat, whistling to the passing ladies, and beside him was a giant magician squatting on the ground and eating melon seeds.

And a human warlock with a staff and a gloomy face, playing with a black skull pipe.

This strange trio did not look like a good guy at first glance, but such obvious features made Van Klein recognize the three guys immediately.

He had seen these three guys described on page five of the SI7 VIP list.

He still remembered the official description of the Warlock Trio in Stormwind City:

Extremely dangerous, cunning, immoral and shameless, you should pay 12 points of attention and vigilance when dealing with them, and immediately reveal your identity as an agent once you are targeted.

Uh, forgot to mention.

In addition to being a veteran, a mason, Edwin VanCleef was also a senior "hidden stake" in SI7, or, in their lingo, a senior "pinkie".

But unlike other "little thumbs" who can be sacrificed at any time, Van Cleef is a fish in water in this cruel system, and he is now almost one of the leaders of MI7 in the wild west.

Recently, however, Mr. VanCleef is considering whether to withdraw from this official organization that can bring him many benefits, because his wife is pregnant.

Considering that he is about to have a son or daughter, Van Cleef, who has spent nearly ten years on the battlefield, feels that he is really struggling.

"Are the three waiting for me here?"

Van Cleef straightened his clothes, stepped forward and said to the bored trio of warlocks:

"I am Edwin VanCleef, the leader and representative of the Brotherhood of Stonemasons, and I have come to discuss with His Excellency Bo Laike about the renovation of the No. 13 teaching and laboratory building of the Nazaras Academy of Magic."

"Well, it's you."

Xieyan, who was hooking up with an orc female pirate, immediately turned his head when he heard this. He looked up and down Van Cleef with his single eye, and finally showed an evil smile that made the veteran want to draw his sword on the spot.

He pointed to the carriage and said:

"Go in, the boss asked us to take you directly to his office, hehe, this is a big job, you are lucky."

"Hide your little dagger, Mr. VanCleef."

The giant magician Zarak opened the car door for Van Klich, and warned in a low voice:

"The dagger you hide in your boot and the firecracker in your suitcase can't hide from us, I just remind you, don't perform your tricks in front of the boss.

We all know what you did on the border of Gilneas during the war years, but that's not enough to keep your island safe.

But as long as you obey, you are much safer here than in your home. "

Van Cleef raised his eyebrows, shrugged his shoulders, and responded to the troll's warning with a gentle smile, but at the same time he got into the spacious carriage, Kanrethad, who was also a human, also got in.

The skinny boy was sitting on the chair opposite Van Cleef. While Xieyan and Zarak were discussing which damn topic is better, succubus or saboteur, Kanrethad also took out a small box from his bag, Silently handed it to Van Cleef.

The big mason took the box in surprise, opened it, and his eyes were illuminated by a burst of jewels.

Good guy!

A box of cut gemstones has seven pieces of different colors, and they are arranged according to the colors of the rainbow.

With the great stonemason's appreciation ability, he could tell at a glance that these were perfect gemstones cut by the best jewelers. If he could find a gold chain to set them on, he would be able to sell them at a high price in Stormwind City.

"this is?"

The big stonemason looked at Kanresad in astonishment. The latter pulled his hood to cover his eyes, and only showed a weird smile under the hood.

He said in a hoarse voice:

"This is a birth gift from the captain to your soon-to-be-born daughter. The captain said that he would never let his partners suffer, especially an excellent craftsman like you.

You must accept it.

This is also a reward for the Mason Brotherhood's perfect completion of the crime stele carving work in the past period of time, and it is a personal reward for your outstanding leadership. "

The skinny boy paused, and glanced at Van Cleef, whose face changed slightly. He coughed a few times, and said:

"Of course, you can also regard them as an encouragement. The next job the captain will give you is very important. Not only is there the construction of the college's laboratory building, but there is also a private job that needs to be completed by you and excellent stonemasons.

You know the rules. Need I say that again? "

"No, no need."

Van Cleef closed the box and put it in his suitcase.

He couldn't refuse the kindness from Brad Laike Shaw here, it would bring him terrible trouble, and under the bleak gaze of the skinny boy, Lord Van Cleef said softly:

"During the work, don't ask or ask, don't look at what shouldn't, don't touch what shouldn't, don't touch what shouldn't, don't take what shouldn't. Please don't worry, Mr. Bu Laike, our Mason Brotherhood is absolutely professional!"

"very good!"

Kanrethad nodded in satisfaction, and he took out a pandaren lunch box from the hidden compartment of the carriage like magic, handed it to Van Cleef and said:

"Then take a rest, Mr. Edwin, do you need something to eat? There may be physical work to do in a while."



"Oh, Da Fan is here."

In Bo Laike's office in the Warlock Academy, Bo Laike, wearing a warlock robe, warmly received Edwin VanCleef who had just finished a pirate-style meal.


After a long wait, Warlock Academy finally has its own teaching area, and finally there is no need to teach in the dilapidated watchtower on North Island.

This is a good thing for warlocks who have always been treated unfairly.

However, for this unique title, Mr. Van Cleef could only respond with a wry smile. Although this was the first time he had actually met Lord Laike, the two had exchanged letters before.

Bo Laike was very stubborn to call Van Cleef "Da Fan". The big stonemason corrected him several times but did not change it, so he could only let it go.

But until now, he still doesn't know what the "big fan" of stinky pirates means?

Perhaps a nickname from Kul Tiras?

"Hello, Lord Bo Laike."

Van Cleef saluted Bo Laike, took out another letter from his bosom, handed it to the pirate, and said:

"This is a letter that His Excellency Xiao asked me to forward."

Well, there is no need to disguise one's identity in front of Bu Laike. Anyone in this industry knows that the uncrowned master in front of him is the most skilled person in the whole world.

People even knew that Van Cleek was about to have a child, and they had predicted the gender of the child in advance, which made Van Cleef, a veteran, really unable to stand up to the pirates.

How can a mortal oppose a prophet?

"Oh, come here as soon as you come, and you still have to bring a letter. This Xiao Er is a poor boss. He knows how to torment his subordinates. He is really a bad boss."

Bu Laike complained, threw it on the table without reading the letter, picked up his pipe again, and winked at Xieyan and Zarak standing at the door, and the two warlocks immediately retreated and closed the door.

When only Bo Laike and Van Cleef were left in the large office, the pirate said:

"Have you brought your carving tools?"

"Well, take it, this is the guy who eats."

Van Cleef laughed. He knew that he was reminded by Kanresad before that this time he might be doing a live job. After hearing the pirate's question, Da Fan took off his coat and folded it, and put his own The suitcase opened to reveal a neat collection of carving tools inside.

There are seven stone carving knives of different specifications, and you can tell from the shape and metal texture that these are all fine tools handmade by dwarf masters.

As expected of an officially certified mason, this set of tools alone is expensive enough.

"Okay, carve something for me and let me see your craftsmanship."

Bo Laike picked up the scepter of Sargeras on the side of the table and waved it, and a strange birdman sculpture was teleported to Van Cleef.

Appearing together is a very fine stone that has been cut into a square shape.

The pirate exhaled the smoke ring, pointed to the bird sculpture with tail and horns, and said to the frowning Van Cleef:

"Just carve according to it, you don't need to carve to perfection, just carve with the master craftsmanship of the mason fraternity, and it doesn't have to be exactly the same.

I mean, I'll give you five hours to carve whatever you can in the evening. "

"Uh, your request"

Da Fan does not resist working, but as a craftsman, he has his own ethics.

He shook his head, stepped forward and professionally measured the various parameters of the bird-man stone sculpture with his hands, picked up the blueprint and drew a few strokes, then turned back and said to the pirate:

"Give me ten hours, and I can carve a replica with a reduction rate of over 80%."

"Do not!"

Bu Laike shook his head and refused, saying:

"It's only five hours and you carve as hard as you can.

Don't worry, Dafan, this is not to test your skills, I just need to prove to one of my guests that our Azeroth stonemasons are capable of completing some complicated tasks.

That's all. "

After finishing speaking, the pirate still approached Fan and whispered to him:

"Do it well, it will be beneficial, believe me, this is a real big business, if you can take over this job, the Brotherhood of Stonemasons will become one of the important forces in this world.

Even in the future, like Dalaran, it is not impossible to have their own city.

Speaking of which, I have already prepared an invitation letter for you as a structure instructor of the psychic school, and I am waiting to sign it now. This is a good opportunity to truly reach the sky in one step and cross class barriers

Remember my words, it doesn’t need to be particularly fine, but it must be carved with a ‘spirit’. "

Before leaving, the stinky pirate specifically reminded:

"I know this may be difficult for you to understand, but you must treat them as living creatures, and trust me, it will not do you any harm."

(end of this chapter)

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