Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1525 158. Stoneborn Super Degenerated! ---Add More【12/25】

Chapter 1525 158. Stoneborn Super Degenerated! ——Add more【1225】

As we all know, craftsmen need an uninterrupted environment when they work, so Laike generously gave up his office decorated with many "personal characteristics" to leave Dafan a great working environment.

But after leaving, the pirate realized a problem belatedly.

"Well, I hope that collection of skulls I keep in my office doesn't scare him."

The pirate was smoking a pipe, walking in the teaching area of ​​the Warlock School of Nazaras College, thinking in his heart:

"One of the skulls doesn't seem to be 'good' these days, but with General Carl watching, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Van Cleef is the best stonemason I can find. If he can't complete the carvings required for the birth of stoneborn, then the emperor's idea of ​​​​creating stoneborn in the material world has to be left to the Scourge to slowly accumulate skills. . "

Laike shrugged his shoulders. It was clear from his relaxed look that he was very curious about the work that Van Cleef would present in a few hours, but he didn't have much desire or request.

Degraded Stoneborn might be great as a consumable, but for Laike's fighting style, whether these guys can be born now has little effect on his current power.

With such a mood, Bu Laike strolled past several classrooms.

Like the inspecting class teacher with a pipe in his mouth, he always quietly appeared by the classroom window, looking at the students in the classroom who were fishing for fish with a stern look.

Often in a certain look at each other will startle each other.

But the pirate is advancing this matter with a malicious game method. He actually doesn't care about the future development of these apprentice warlocks.

This industry is not an industry where you can definitely achieve success if you work hard. Mages rely on talent and hard work, but warlocks...maybe rely on luck and tenacious vitality?

"If you don't participate in the peer review of the papers submitted by those spellcasters, what are you doing here?"

Just when Laike was happily imitating the "behavior of the class teacher", a harsh voice sounded beside him. The pirate turned his head, and quicksand swirled on the marble floor, quickly shaping the image of the enlightened master Saqir. stature.

During this time, Laike has been running outside, not paying too much attention to the "career" of old man Sakir. When he appeared this time, the pirates suddenly discovered that old man Sakir had actually changed his body.

Although the head still looks like a luxurious burning skull dotted with various gemstones, and there are flames of fel energy and shadows burning at the joint between the neck and the body, the body carrying the head is obviously younger and more vigorous than the original one.

"Tsk tsk, is this 'fresh'?"

The pirate walked around the old man's "new clothes" several times, and then said in amazement:

"Where did you find the legendary spellcaster of the Draenei? Will Velen just ignore it? Let you consume Draenei's precious population resources like this?"

"Why does he care about me?"

Elder Sa'kiel was leaning on the scythe of Ulthalus Deadwind Harvester, and he replied in a haughty manner:

"Velen can also show his prestige in front of young people, and when facing me, a big man of his age, he still has to take the initiative to say hello to me.

Besides, I didn't find this stronger body casually. I made a special trip to the Shatar ruins in Dellano, where I unearthed the remains of Orthar, a traitor to the Council of Bishops.

It's a pity, that idiot was once one of my best students. After traveling across the stars with Velen, he couldn't resist the fear and desire for power in his heart and chose to join the Burning Legion.

His fel-infused body is just right for a powerful warlock like me. "

Having said that, Sakir looked left and right, and suddenly lowered his voice and said to Bu Laike:

"I just entered the entrance examination period of the Great Wizard Magic Salon not long ago, and I don't know who is reviewing my research paper on the comparison between the magic system of Argus and the magic power of Azeroth.

Lan Yue's upright temper really gave me a headache, and I have no friendship with Meri Dongfeng. Kel'Thuzad is said to be a member of the reviewers, but that guy is only interested in corpses and cats.

All I can rely on is you, Bu Laike.

Hurry up and participate in your work, and then open the door for me. "

Grandpa Sakir let out a weird and evil laugh, and he said with a long voice:

"In the 30,000 years that I have been dead and crazy, I rarely have such a strong desire for a certain organization, but I have to admit that I have witnessed the power of the legion, this magical organization composed of pure researchers, It is indeed the most valuable system I have ever seen.

I was eager to be a part of it, eager to read the valuable knowledge that would bring me closer to the fel force.

You must help me! "

"Hey, you are also the helm of the Argus Mystery Academy after all, can you have some confidence in your academic knowledge?"

Bu Laike squinted and complained:

"Do you think you are a parallel importer?"

"Of course I'm not!"

Sakir sneered twice, pointed to his head again, and said:

"But I've been mad for thirty thousand years, my dear Laike, and my brain may have a 'little opinion' about what I think of myself.

I haven't done formal research in 30,000 years.

You should do me a favor and be considerate of me, a poor old man with evil energy in his head. "

"Well, you've already said so much, if I don't do it again, it will be unreasonable."

The pirate nodded eagerly, but he rolled his eyes and said again:

"But I can't help this in vain, can I? You know, I will soon go to Argus with a group of guardians. Don't you want to go back to your hometown to see?

The ruins of McKayle's Mystic Palace are still there. I saw it in the prophetic dream, and many of the facilities are still functioning. And I couldn't find anyone more familiar with it than you.

What I mean is, as the current leader of the School of Warlocks, don't you want to find another Holy Land of Warlocks for our school?

There is also Argus' World Sacred Relic 'Crown of the Rulers', we have found the Enlightenment Seal, the Prophet's Eye is in Velen's hands, as far as I know, the crown of knowledge belonging to Kil'jaeden is still in that ancient on the ground.

I may not have time to look for it, but you can do it for me. "

Bu Laike snorted, glanced at the classroom next to him and the apprentices who were trying to learn the knowledge of warlocks, he said:

"Who doesn't want their own school to have a few more sacred objects that can overwhelm the scene? Are you right?"

"Ah, what a terrible request, but I will grant you."

Sakir let out a strange laugh, he said:

"Let me know when you're leaving, I'll go with you on the Path of Stars in Argus, and Archimonde should be there too, I can't wait to 'chat' with my students .

About the past grievances, about the past betrayal, about that despicable assassination and the pain of his imprisoning my soul for 30,000 years, I want to settle these blood debts with him one by one. "

After speaking, the old man gave a very elegant farewell ceremony to Bu Laike, and then disappeared in place as quicksand.

"This guy's madness is getting worse."

The pirate rubbed his head, thinking that this was probably the point of no return for all warlocks.

Sanity is just the process, madness is the result.

Tsk tsk, considering that I am also a warlock, it is really scary to think about it.

He grinned, raised the scepter of Sargeras, tapped it on the ground, and teleported himself from the teaching building of the Warlock School to the laboratory of the Necromancer School.

Kel'Thuzad was stroking the cat without distraction, and when he saw Bu Laike approaching, he didn't express anything. He just nodded to him indifferently, pointed to the stack of papers on the table, and said:

"That's your job. You have to give a reply to each paper and stamp your own personal seal within seven days. I have specially selected papers related to fel energy, void and demons. That is your professional field .”

"very good."

Bu Laike picked up the stack of papers, greeted Mr. Bigworth who was lying on the table meowing at him, and then said to Kel'Thuzad:

"I heard that you are studying obsidian structures recently?"


At this time, Lich Xiaoke's heart is all on his beloved cat. While brushing the fur of the cute kitten, he said without looking back:

"The Abu Bishas and obsidian statues found in the Silithus Desert have the potential to become psychic creations. We are analyzing and trying to shape new structures through psychic methods.

The flesh golem project is also advancing, but now that the entire world is peaceful, it is difficult for us to find enough corpses for in-depth research. "

"I heard you made an abomination?"

Bu Laike said something suddenly, making Xiao Ke's eyes jump, and the Lich turned his head 180 degrees and said:

"This is top-secret news! The battle test of the first abominable structure is not over yet, where did you find out?"

The pirate shrugged and said:

"Don't ask so much, I'm just conveying an 'acquisition invitation' to you on behalf of His Majesty the Lich King, my dear Kel'Thuzad, His Majesty the Lich King is very interested in this powerful war creation.

He hopes to get all the blueprints and knowledge about the creation of the abomination, and he will pay handsomely for it, such as enough corpse research materials and the like.

Speaking of which, do you want to dissect nerubians? "

"I'm going to think about it, and this will have to wait until the combat test of the abominable prototype is completed."

Kel'Thuzad replied indifferently:

"The power of death has become very active recently, and my connection with Maldraxxus has also become vivid and real. The teaching from the Secret Academy of Creation has opened my eyes.

Maybe I can imitate those psychic masters to create my own 'God of War'.

That will be my next research topic. "

"I want a paper on water again, I understand, I understand."

Bu Laike blinked, pointed to his head and said:

"Actually, I have several blueprints of structures directly from Madroxxus, such as Treasure Hunting Ghouls, Potion Devourers, Healing Structures, and several designs of abominations with different functions.

This is sure to be an excellent help for your experiments.

Do you want to? "

Kel'Thuzad was obviously moved. He glanced at Bu Laike and said:

"What do I have to pay?"

"follow me."

The pirate snapped his fingers and said to Kel'Thuzad:

"Don't wear your mouth in a while, just wear your eyes and ears. I need you to keep everything you see next secret, okay?"

The lich nodded coldly, hugged his cat and followed the pirate out of the laboratory.

Laike graciously took the time to give Kel'Thuzad what he remembered about Maldraxxus' abominable constructs on a scroll, and discussed the functions of these constructs with him.

Five hours later, he opened the door of his office with the indifferent Lich.

A large piece of stone dust was blowing in front of him, dusting the pirate's "luxury" decorated office, but Laike didn't care.

He looked in front of him, Da Fan, whose whole body was covered with stone chips, was shirtless, no longer paying attention to his body covered with scars, and he was carefully finishing the final touches on his work with the spirit of a craftsman.

It has to be said that the skill of this talented stonemason is really superb.

For other stonemasons, five hours is probably enough to carve out a rough outline, but Da Fan even completed the "finishing" of the carving.

The only regret is that although Bo Laike found a "model" for him, the stone statue carved by Da Fan is completely different from the Stoneborn Assassin who is the "model".

The big stone in front of Da Fan was shaped into a strange creature with bat wings on its back, a slender body, claws and horns, but its face was not as delicate and artistic as the stone-born assassin.

From a distance, it looks like a humanoid bat.

VanCleef also gave it sparkling eyes out of red obsidian, and repaired its sharp teeth.

The thing squatted on the stone base, posing as a guard, much like the stone guards that spellcasters occasionally made, and its shape imitated the appearance of the "gargoyles" placed around the top of the Church of the Holy Light.

"Oh, time is too short."

When Van Cleef saw Bo Laike coming back, he shrugged helplessly and put away the carving tools. He looked at his work, and then at the Stoneborn Assassin as a reference.

He thinks it's a piece of shit.

Not to mention imitating the imposing manner of the exquisite stone statue in front of him, he even imitated the appearance very badly. He felt that he was ashamed in front of the big patron.

But Laike thinks it's great.

He circled Dafan's stone sculpture a few times, nodded in satisfaction, and then stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers.

Under the surprised gazes of Da Fan and Kel'Thuzad, the Stoneborn Assassin who was the "model" blinked his eyes, and moved his body to come back to life from the state of the stone statue.

Luckily for the Lich, he is well-informed.

But Fan himself was terrified.

He didn't expect that the perfect sculpture in front of him was actually a "living creature", and as the window was opened, General Carl, who was hiding in the air, flapped his wings and landed in the office.

"How about it?"

The pirate turned his head and asked General Carl, who looked at Dafan's work with a very critical look, and she said in a human language with a strange accent:

"Generally speaking, compared to the master stone blacksmith's skills, it's just like the mud made by children. It doesn't restore the supreme elegance of our stone descendants at all, and even the charm is very bad.

Such a work would be treated as a defective product in my hometown, and even those lowly mud servants and stone spirits would laugh at it. "

"You compare the skill of a powerful demigod with my stonemason friend?"

Bu Laike said with a drawn out voice:

"Did you drink too much heart energy recently, causing your brain to flood? Can you speak well? I know you are from the Obstinate Stone Legion, and you were sculpted by the Stonesmith himself, so you have noble blood and high vision, but please just talk about the facts .

I think this thing is already very good, it represents the highest craftsmanship of Azeroth stone carvers, you can despise Da Fan's strength, but you can't deny his cooking skills. "

"whispering sound"

The very characterful General Carl pouted.

She no longer complained about Da Fan's poor skills, but stepped forward, took out a ball of blood-colored anima from the stone-born backpack that could store anima, and slapped it on the stone sculpture carved by Da Fan.

A few seconds later, with the crackling sound, the gargoyle, which he had carved for five hours, moved its arms and wings clumsily on the rock base under Da Fan's wide-eyed gaze. Blinking eyes, as if alive.

It moved its head and sniffed like a wild beast, and finally locked its eyes on itself, walked over like a puppy, and rubbed its strong head on Da Fan's arm very affectionately.

This action is full of the goodwill of the Creator to the Creator, but Da Fan was too frightened to move at all.


Seeing this scene, General Carl turned to Bo Laike and said:

"This stonemason's work is imbued with his skill, so that it can be awakened by the heart to become a stoneborn, but I refuse to admit that such an ugly and weak thing is my brethren!

It can be regarded as an alienated stone spirit at best, and its combat effectiveness is also very poor. "

"But it does meet the requirements of you and that lord, right?"

The pirate rolled his eyes and said:

"The reproduction of stoneborn in the material world is on the right track. I decided to hand over this work to my dear Dafan. As a follower of Madroxxus, Kel'Thuzad will be responsible for overseeing this process, brother. It will also inevitably rise because of this.

What do you say? "

(end of this chapter)

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