Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1526 159. Queen Azshara Visits Her Loyal Suramar---【13/25】

Chapter 1526 159. Queen Azshara Visits Her Loyal Suramar——[1325]


The rock pedestal carved by Van Cleef to hold the stone statue was easily smashed apart under the brute force of the newborn stone spirit's claws, and the violent collision amidst the scattered rocks did not damage the newborn degraded stoneborn.

Its strong and sharp claws cut through the rock like cutting tofu, and then under the command of General Carl, it launched a brutal attack on the stone-born assassin who was the "combat tester" in front of him.

Unsurprisingly, however, such a brutal and primitive attack is unlikely to harm a true noble stoneborn.

The assassin knocked down the stone spirit in front of him and completely suppressed it in just a dozen seconds as if playing a game, which proved General Carl's accurate estimation of the fighting power of the stone spirit carved by Da Fan.

No matter in terms of combat effectiveness or appearance, the stone statues carved by mortals are far from the real eternal stone descendants.

This is also normal, just like what the stinky pirates complained before, the Eternal Stoneborn came from a demigod stonesmith who destroyed the world with his own hands when he was alive, and after his death he became the only country of death in Revendres. One of the rulers next to the Great.

And the stone statue in front of him came from an out-and-out mortal.

The creators of each other are so different, and it is understandable that the gap between their respective creations is so obvious.

As for Bu Laike himself, he is actually very satisfied with this result. On the character card in front of him, the character information of this degraded Stoneborn is jumping:

Name: Unnamed Gargoyle

Race: Degenerate Stoneborn/Stone Spirit/Animian Construct

Occupation: Level 20 Gargoyle Guardian Elite

Legendary Occupation: Anima Stoneborn Hunter [Unlocked]

Status: Combat Evolution · Firstborn Hunting

Affiliation: Edwin VanCleef Creations

Character description:

The ancient and powerful Eternal Stoneborn tried to create descendants in the material world, but due to their peculiar existence, the reproduction of Stoneborn can only be completed by highly skilled craftsmen.

Now, the first degenerate stoneborn has been born in Azeroth, and the fire of civilization originating from the dead world is ignited here.

In the disappointment of General Carl shaking his head beside him, the pirate stretched out his hand and threw a shadow spell on the stone spirit who was constantly learning combat skills from the stone-born assassin and was rapidly upgrading. This guy only took less than ten minutes "Brush" his own level to level 20. As long as Da Fan teaches well, this guy can definitely become a great rock hunter.

Laike's magical impact shattered the stone spirit's skin, but the latter quickly entered a gray stone statue state to repair itself. In less than a minute, the damage was healed, leaving an unsightly scar on the rock skin. scar.

The pirate exhaled smoke rings and commented:

"No doubt it has inherited the Stoneborn's invulnerable rock skin and resistance to magic, capable of repairing itself when wounded as you do.

It also has a sense of autonomy, is very aggressive, and can also accumulate experience and grow through battles.

Putting it in the material world is already a very good structure warrior. "


The lich Kel'Thuzad who was invited was also full of interest in the newborn stone spirit at this time. As a master builder, he carefully examined the stone ghost made by Van Cleef.

A few minutes later, he estimated very accurately and said:

"Such a stone statue structure can kill several infantrymen before being driven into a stone statue state in a frontal battle. If flying raid tactics are used, it can even sneak attack a camp under the cover of night to complete the sabotage task.

It does not feel pain, nor is it afraid. It will unconditionally perform the tasks ordered by its master. Apart from the slightly complicated manufacturing process and the need for anima to wake it up, it is a structure with almost no shortcomings. "

"No, you're wrong, Xiao Ke."

The pirate raised his voice, waved his fingers and said:

"It's too bad to be able to awaken a gargoyle with your precious heart. I let you come here to witness this process in the hope that you can improve the way these gargoyles are awakened.

I mean, use the death aura gathered by necromancy instead of anima to give life to the gargoyles.

Since you are already researching obsidian statues, I don't think this job is difficult, right? "

"It's not difficult."

Kel'Thuzad frowned and said:

"Theoretically, it is also completely feasible, but the infusion of death aura will only endow them with weakened intelligence, or even lack of intelligence, which will seriously damage their combat effectiveness."

"So what? The combat effectiveness of degraded stoneborn has an upper limit. Instead of constantly piling up anima to create a powerful aerial predator, it is better to lower the standard and overwhelm the enemy with numbers.

Anyway, there is never a shortage of people who can fight under the command of natural disasters, what they lack is air superiority. "

The pirate snorted and said:

"Even His Majesty the Lich King, who is generous, can't spend so much anima to infuse the gargoyle army, and that thing is a scarce resource in the material world.

But the death aura is different.

Frostmourne will infuse a huge amount of aura with a single wave, and can instantly create a terrifying number of gargoyle structures for the Scourge.

This makes up for the lack of air power of the undead, and it also opens up a new field for you to study, and you can write several papers, my little Ke. "

"I really think that your understanding of magic knowledge is full of flaws and flaws, perhaps these knowledge that seems wonderful to us are just papers in your eyes.

But that's okay, I don't care anymore about the way other people see the world. "

Kel'Thuzad hugged his cat, and Mr. Bigworth in his arms was also very interested in the ugly gargoyle in front of him, staring at it with rounded eyes.

It seems to be wondering if this guy can be used as a molar stick.

The lich thought for a few seconds, and he replied to Bo Laike:

"Give the psychic school half a month, and we will come up with a specific death aura infusion plan, and send it to Northrend together with the structure diagram of the primary abomination.

Are you still involved in this as an intermediary? "

"No, I'm very busy. How can I have time to help you with these things? Do it yourself."

The pirate waved his hands, pretending to be busy, and said:

"Then I won't see you off? There will be a business in a while."


Kel'Thuzad nodded. Before he left, he looked at Da Fan who was still in a dream, and said to him in a lich's indifferent tone:

"I had some doubts about the proposal of 'Second Class Construct Honorary Mentor' submitted by Your Excellency Laike to the Psychic School, but after seeing your astonishing skills and works with my own eyes, I am very interested in your hands.

After lunch, remember to come to the Institute of Psychicism to collect your instructor certificate and uniform. There will be a special person to negotiate with you on the teaching time. You can propose a reasonable work allowance. Our psychics value talents like you very much .

In addition, I suggest that you must protect these hands when you work in the future, and sign an agreement with us by the way, allowing us to resurrect you as a necromancer after your accidental death.

We'll pay handsomely for this, consider it, sir. "

After finishing speaking, he left Laike's office with a flash spell. After the lich left, General Carl beside the pirate immediately complained:

"Well, look at the liches in this material world, they are just as indifferent, as vile, and as unlikable as the liches in the Madroxus Ritual House.

If this guy goes to the Shadow Realm, he will definitely be able to obtain a title and become a prominent figure in that land of eternal war.

However, to be able to find such a ruthless guy in the material world to supervise the development and growth of the Stoneborn bloodline is surprisingly reassuring. "

"Is that right? That's my choice! Can there be any mistakes?"

The pirate laughed twice, and he looked back at Van Cleef.

The latter was caressing the first gargoyle he had carved with his own hands, and his gargoyle stayed beside the creator docilely, letting Da Fan's hand slide on its rocky skin.

This scene is like a dog lover and his pet dog, full of a different kind of warmth.

But considering that this "dog" can easily shred an adult in a few seconds, this scene is somewhat horrifying.

"Da Fan, you proved that my favor for you was not wrong. You gave me a big embarrassment, which makes me very satisfied, so I want to reward you."

The pirate glanced at General Carl and said to Van Cleef:

"Do you think about what happens after death?"


This question made Da Fan, who was a veteran, immediately vigilant.

His mind was immediately sensed by his own gargoyle creation, who uttered a stone-like roar at Laike and General Carl, and stood in front of Da Fan.

"Don't get me wrong, my great mason, I didn't mean to threaten you, this question is what it seems to be."

The pirate was not angry because of the gargoyle's collision, he said to Van Cleef in a friendly manner:

"You are a person who has experienced war. Your understanding of life and death should be deeper than others. In your spare time, have you really not thought about what kind of journey a person will go through after death?"

"Well, frankly, I've thought about it."

Van Cleef confirmed that Bo Laike didn't want his life, and the veteran replied with a frown:

"In the Burning Plains, I have seen those golden Valkyries with my own eyes, maybe... I can do it after I die."

"No, those Valkyries will only recruit the bravest souls to go to Sky Fortress, that is the highest praise for warriors and all brave men."

The pirate shook his head and said:

"If you are a hopeless villain, you may be spotted by that bastard Hela, and you will be taken to Hell by the soul boat and become a member of the chaos, suffering forever.

You see, the best and the worst have their destinations, and it's embarrassing only for those souls who can't reach the extremes of good and bad.

After you die, you will be brought into the kingdom of death by a group of little blue angels, and will be judged by an emotionless arbitration machine in a magnificent eternal city.

Most souls are sorted into four distinct realms of death, and if you have a terrible sin, you go into a realm of punishment to pay for it all.

It is a terrible fate.

But don't be afraid, just because of the amazing skills you showed just now, you have won yourself a supreme award of "Test-Free Entry". "

After finishing speaking, Laike snapped his fingers, and General Carl stepped forward with his arms moving, looking down at Van Cleef.

Her eyes made of gemstones made Da Fan's eyes widen.

It was only after such a close observation that he realized that this strange "bird man" who was indistinguishable from a living life was actually a stone sculpture.

But the skill of carving her was countless times higher than the stone carving skills he was proud of, which made Van Cleef, a craftsman, feel a little shame and expectation.

"Next, General Carl from Revendreth, who is also my defender, will introduce you to the rules and order of that dead kingdom, as well as the way of life there.

My dear Dafan. "

Bo Laike took out his pocket watch to check the time, and said to Van Cleef:

"You don't have to worry about your belongings after death like other boring people, a great force has noticed you.

You can enjoy the rest of your life to the fullest and don't leave any regrets. At the moment your life ends, there will be a call from the land of blood to guide you into a country that can make you a master.

It's not pretty there.

But for you, there should be the best home.

If you can find more stonemasons in the Brotherhood who are as skilled as you, and let them complete the shaping and carving of stoneborn blood independently, then they can enjoy this posthumous life as much as you do, eh? mourning?

Hehe, whatever you want to describe it. "

The pirate coughed a few times and continued:

"I'm leaving, as I said, I need to go on a business trip, you and General Carl continue to talk, I will send a Stoneborn assassin to protect your safety from now on.

But in addition to completing the work of the Brotherhood of Stonemasons, Da Fan, you also have to shoulder new responsibilities. Every week from now on, as long as you are alive, you must carve out an elite anima for the Stone Legion. Gargoyle.

Every month I will send people to receive these excellent guardians and hunters. My Naglfar also needs such excellent air power.

For the sake of our happy cooperation before, don't give me defective products. "

After speaking, Bo Laike grabbed the Sargeras scepter and was about to leave, but before leaving, he glanced at the gargoyle squatting beside Da Fan, staring at him with red obsidian eyes.

He pursed his lips and said:

"You can continue to improve it, this gargoyle sculpted by you is yours, but you'd better give it a name, learn from General Carl by the way, and then patiently teach it how to become a qualified Stoneborn.

After all, it is connected with your soul, and it will go to the kingdom of death with you in the future. "


After finishing the job derived from the stone-born blood, the pirate teleported himself to the coast outside Suramar City. This time he also completed a job for the emperor, but he didn't ask the emperor for a reward.

On the one hand, General Carl told him that there was a change in the Maw, and it should be that the exiles were doing things secretly.

On the other hand, the pirates don't really believe that the fact that their elite stoneborn were cut off was due to bad luck. Perhaps their activities in the material world have attracted the attention of the eternal city of Opolis.

Those nasty servants of God's Order are each true prophets, and Laike doesn't want to deal with them at this time.

He felt that he should not communicate too much with Emperor Denathrius recently, and wait until he finished his work in the material world before thinking about the Shadow Realm.

Just a few minutes after Braike appeared on the coast of Suramar, a throbbing eddy appeared in the sea in front of his eyes. In the abnormal turbulence of the sea, the supreme queen appeared on her territory again. .

But this time, the queen did not choose to appear in the form of a naga, but, like the last time on the coast of Azshara, she applied a camouflage to herself, turning herself back into the image of the light of light.

He even put on a purple dress in the style of high elves for himself.

Uh, this dress can’t be said to be unattractive. As far as Queen Azshara’s temperament and appearance are concerned, she looks good even with a piece of rag on her body. The only problem is that this dress is “empire style”.

As for the style of the empire style.

Well, just look at Elisande's nasty cassock skirt that reveals her panties when she walks.

"My dear majesty, you look radiant today."

Bu Laike tried hard not to look at the empress's cool clothes, he bowed and said:

"I believe that Suramar is ready to welcome you here. Today, this city of ten thousand years will return to the embrace of the empire, which is really touching.

But before that, I have two good things to tell you. "


Azshara is really in a good mood today, she blinked and looked at her head guard, she said:

"It seems to be a good thing to make you so confident. Tell me, I'm listening."

"We found a lost bottle of water from the Eternal Well."

Bu Laike glanced at the wide-eyed queen, and said:

"We also found a way to get you out of the deep sea form and return to the perfect queen, but can only choose one of them."

(end of this chapter)

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