Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1535 168. Single Love Song Licking The Black Horn Of The Cow --- Plus More [22/25]

Chapter 1535 168. Single love song of licking the black horn of the cow——Gageng【2225】

"Two barrels of the best spirits for me and my brother!"

In the bloodhoof totem city that was built in the barren land less than three months ago, in the busiest bar in the dock area, an evil voice slapped the table and shouted:

"Bring us good wine without water. If you dare to fool us with rubbish, I'll tear down your shabby bar! I always do what I say. Hiccup~"

The menacing cry culminated in a hilarious belch, drawing laughter from a group of mixed sailors around.

They are all from the South China Sea or Kul Tiras. Some are merchant mariners who were forced to withdraw from the golden sea route due to the increasingly brutal commercial competition in the South Sea. , hired by the great merchants came to this tauren city in the Barrens to see the feasibility of organizing commercial trade.

Some of them are not good people at first glance. From their ferocious appearance while sitting on the drinking table and their miserable posture with missing arms and legs, we can tell that these guys must have lived a life of licking blood before.

But in this emerging and bustling city, no one refuses the arrival of these guys, let alone their lavish consumption.

Although the local bloodhoof tauren just learned to run a seaport city, they have the best teacher in the city of thorn teeth in the barren land, where the goblins rely on the sea at the end of the golden route to eat their mouths full of oil.

The tauren only need to learn how to operate from them, even if they only learn one-tenth of the goblins, it is enough to earn a huge amount of wealth to feed the city.


The big and round tauren bartender was carrying two barrels of wine and placed them by the table in the corner of the lively bar. The young bartender was helping the two guests open the barrels nimbly, while looking at them curiously.

These two faces are very strange.

But the black bull with the antlers must have come from Highmountain.

Chief Kane Bloodhoof has announced that the staghorns are loyal allies of the Bloodhoof. Although the two clans are far apart, they are brothers.

In Bloodhoof Totem, there are some staghorn cattle that are active all the year round.

Therefore, for the sake of this "brother" who came from afar, the young bartender specially brought them good wine without water, which was all good spirits shipped from Pandaria, 100% Grain brewing is a rare high-quality good thing in the sea.

"Hey, what are you looking at?"

The curious look of the young tauren bartender soon aroused the dissatisfaction of the humans sitting with the staghorn bull. The guy said viciously with a pipe in his mouth:

"Do we have flowers on our faces?"

"Uh, no, guest."

The bartender smiled skillfully and said:

"It's just that the two of you are very unfamiliar, so I took a few more glances. Where are you from? What business are you doing with the Bloodhoof Totem?"

"Oh, that's big business."

Bu Laike snorted, drank the strong wine in the tauren-style clay pot glass in his hand, groaned comfortably, and smashed the glass on the table with a bang, then wiped his mouth with a drunken look Appearance boasted to:

"We're coming to this city to wreak havoc! I'm going to sneak into old Kane's tent, break his favorite pipe, and hang and beat his worthless son!

I'm going to rush into Hamuul's lair and burn all the seeds he's worked so hard to collect!

In the end, I will gather the Grimtotem thugs, rush into your city and loot it, and finally make a mess of your city!

Ha, are you scared? "

"Uh, guest, the Grimtotem has been renamed the Tidal Totem, and those land thugs have also switched to become pirates in the North Sea, and their camp in Thousand Needles is empty.

It is said that he made a fortune in the North Sea and plans to build a small island in the sea to become the king. "

The young bartender had also eaten and seen it before, and he knew that these old seals and alcoholics would talk nonsense when they drank too much.

He didn't care about Laike's fierce speech, but politely connected the opened wine barrel to the small faucet, helped the two guests pour the wine, and said:

"The wine is ready, guest, enjoy yourself."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the silent and sad antler brother, shook his head, and turned to greet other guests.

"Hahaha, Gamol, who will meet a terrible fate in my prophecy, now has such a good eloquence."

Bu Laike squinted at the young bartender who was waving among a group of old fur seals. He took a sip from his glass and whispered:

"Sure enough, the environment determines the destiny."

"Are you free enough to predict fate to a bartender?"

Heijiao picked up the wine glass sullenly, raised his head and drank it in one gulp.

Seeing this way of drinking, Bu Laike shook his head. Although tauren are generally good at drinking because they are born strong, but if they drink like Black Horn, he will be able to drink in ten minutes at most.

Hmm, this guy seems to be an adult pure-blooded black dragon in disguise?

Uh, that's fine.

Even if he drank all the wine in the entire Bloodhoof Totem, he would not get drunk. The drinking capacity of the giant dragons was terrifying, except of course, the idiot Little Xingxing.

Judging by the standards of a pirate, Little Xingxing's drinking capacity is quite good.

But by the standard of the dragon, the little star is an out-and-out weak chicken. According to the statistics of Bo Laike, an average of 22 bottles of wine can knock that guy down.

"I have nothing to do when I have nothing to do. I always consciously exercise my ability to predict. This is probably the way of life that is different from other prophets."

Bo Laike was smoking a pipe, in the rising smoke, he looked at the drunkards around him, and he said:

"But no matter which world you are in, the fate of most people is not good enough. I don't even need to use the prophet's predictions to guess how their lives will develop.

From this point of view, you are really lucky, my dear Noire.

After all you are born strong and live long

Although I have just experienced the pain of losing a relationship, how should I put it, this is also an experience in life, right? "

"Don't use that word."

Black Horn grabbed the wine glass, but found that it was empty.

Depressed today, there was a flame burning in his heart, so he simply threw away the usual elegance of the elders, grabbed the wine barrel at hand, pulled out the faucet, and made tons of wild wins to his mouth.

Even among a group of drunks, such behavior is quite alarming.

At this moment, the whole bar fell silent, no matter what race the old sea dogs were, they all looked at Black Horn, who was holding the barrel and drinking with a stunned and admiring gaze.

Even some drunken fellows applauded the majestic alcoholism of the bold alcoholic.

It took less than ten seconds for Black Horn to show off a barrel of wine under Bo Laike's admiring gaze. He threw the empty barrel away, wiped his mouth, and said to the pirate:

"It wasn't a lovelorn. You know? I felt like I lost something very important in my life, her. That woman who suddenly appeared was like a mystery, and she attracted me in an instant, and I was addicted to it.

I knew from day one that she was faking it.

but i can't resist

It was like instinct, that instinct that hadn't been awakened in 10,000 years was burning wildly in that moment, and I was like. I can't describe it, you have so many lovers, Bo Laike, can you feel that feeling?

That crazy person wants to burn the feeling of giving everything for her, I thought I was crazy, but I am willing, even now, I can't forget her."

"Well, you're drunk, my brother."

Bo Laike looked into Noire's blank eyes, raised his glass and said:

"It seems that a bad mood will indeed affect your drinking capacity. Your drinking capacity shouldn't be so bad, but I can understand the feeling you said. Don't look at me with that suspicious look, you bastard.

Although I am an out-and-out prodigal son in the eyes of others, I know that I am not a sentimental person.

To tell you the truth, I have also encountered some emotional crises recently.

You were abandoned, and I, how can I say it? I probably guessed that maybe in the near future, I will be separated from one of my lovers for a long time."


Black Horn dressed roughly, picked up the barrel of wine from Bu Laike, and once again performed a unique trick, his eyes were red, like an enraged black bull.

He stared at Bo Laike and questioned:

"Why do people who love each other separate? Would you allow this to happen?"

"Probably because of fate?"

The pirate rested his chin on his hand, tilted his head and said:

"But I obviously won't allow it, and I won't accept it. Even if fate is like this, I will definitely cross the barrier of fate and bring her back to me.

You know, a brief separation for a longer companionship.

If we get through the shackles of fate, I think there will be nothing or force that can separate us.

That's what I want to tell you too, my dear Noire.

Although that lady told me to tell you to forget about her and live in Highmountain, she obviously doesn't understand men well enough, at least not those men who are deeply affectionate.

Like you, like me.

We will not choose to give up what we really love in fear of those violent oppressions. Perhaps you should ask yourself, are you really willing to give everything for her?

Would you rather if you don't even know her real name? "


The wine barrel held in the hands of the black horn was crushed by the power of the black bull in the next moment. As the sawdust flew across, the black horn of the big black bull spewed out a scorching air column from the nostrils of the black bull, and even sparks danced.

With red eyes, he said:

"I am willing, I believe in my feelings, I believe in my instincts, I have dedicated 10,000 years to the Gaoling clan, and I have guarded that place for 10,000 years.

Hu En persuaded me to find my destiny before he died, and I always felt that my destiny was to help him look after his blood descendants.

But maybe.

Maybe this is the meaning of Hu En, whom I regard as my father. He hopes that I can live a life of my own without being influenced by him. In the past, I was unwilling because I did not find something worthy of my pursuit.

But now, it's different.

Teach me, Boo Laike, Teach me what to do? "

"Well, good question!"

The pirate laughed and patted the table and said to Noire:

"If you want to know what to do, you have to know who your enemy is, who is preventing you from pursuing the love that has just been sparked between you and that lady.

Let me tell you, it's your father.

The lunatic, the lunatic who called himself the Destroyer, the wretch that Huln Highmountain drove from his lair with your warhammer.

Even if he hides, he doesn't intend to do good things. As long as he exists for a day, you must remain anonymous. That lady left just to protect you.

It is clear that she is not as heartless and cold as she appears.

She just experienced terrible darkness and disasters, so she didn't dare to extravagantly ask for her own beauty. "

Speaking of this, Bu Laike touched his chin and said poetically:

"It's like people who stay in winter for a long time, they don't dare to enjoy the warm spring. If you want to win her heart, you have to defeat your father first. This is also the tradition of your race.

Like a young male lion challenging an old lion king, you must prove that you are stronger than him, so that he can completely end the curse that was infused in his blood because of it

Yes, you must kill it!

Noire! "

There was a cold light in Bu Laike's eyes, and he said:

"You must kill it with me, I have my purpose, and you have your reasons for fighting, we must kill it to ensure that we can all get what we want.

Best of all, you have a weapon against it, and I'm looking for a way to kill it.

Be patient, my brother.

We will finish this matter soon, we will become heroes of salvation, and you can also completely possess that mysterious and elegant high-cold lady and make it your exclusive property.

I believe that she will not refuse again.

Because this is your tradition.

how about it?

Poor lovelorn, what do you want to do with me? "


Noire clenched his fists, probably because he lost control of his drunken emotions, or maybe this was his real thought. In short, facing Bo Laike's request, Noire didn't hesitate at all.

One big and one small held hands together, announcing the establishment of the oath of fighting together.

"Two more casks of wine! Damn it! Gamor, are you so ungrateful? We're out of wine, bring it!"

Bu Laike's loud shouts reverberated in the bustling bar the next moment, the young bartender quickly brought two barrels of wine, and then he saw Black Horn and Bu Laike holding a barrel of wine in the tens of tons Show off the spirits in seconds.

These two guys seem to be fighting for the top, drinking continuously, and there are good people around trying to join in, but how can those alcoholics who are confident in their drinking capacity be the opponents of these two guys?

An hour later, the entire tavern was littered with poured offal, but Laike and Noire's binge continued.

Gamour, the young bartender, was terrified.

He intends to find the city guard to maintain order.

The main reason was that these two alcoholics, who were not simple at first glance, would not pay after drinking, but the small bag of gems thrown by Black Horn completely dispelled Jia Moore's worries.

He began to serve the two honored guests more attentively, and soon, his wine cellar was empty.

But Laike and Blackhorn, who hadn't enjoyed themselves yet, walked out of the tavern side by side. The two drunkards discussed going to Sailor Street in Kul Tiras, and completely drank the life of every bar there before midnight today.

As Blackhorn swung the Hammer of Khazgoros drunkenly, the two escaped into the ground like magic and disappeared into the city of Bloodhoof Totem.

A few minutes later, Gamor, the young bartender who was cleaning up the mess, heard the noise outside the door. He rushed out to see that a team of tauren from the city defense team rushed to the high ground where the chief was.

During their shouting, Jia Moore learned that a thief broke into the chief's tent, broke the chief's favorite pipe, and tied up the chief's son and beat him up.

The lair of Archdruid Hamuul was also broken into, and those precious seeds of Archdruid were burned by the mob.

"Damn it!"

When the young bartender heard this, he immediately remembered the drunken words that Laike had bragged to him just now, damn it! Wasn't that guy joking?

Oh, do I want to go to the city defense army to voluntarily surrender?

Jia Moore touched his pocket, the wine money he just accepted for taking a small bag of gems became hot, how about he run away before the city defense army came to arrest him?

I heard that Tidal Totem has been recruiting tauren pirates.

(end of this chapter)

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