Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1536 169. I'm Sure I Don't Like Her, But My Body Has A Mind Of Its Own - Gagen【23/

Chapter 1536 169. I'm sure I don't like her, but my body has a mind of its own - Jia Geng【2325】

"Ugh, my head hurts"

Early the next morning, Bo Laike woke up rubbing his head on the big round bed in the captain's cabin of the Nagfar.

When he opened his eyes, he felt a sharp pain in his head, which was obviously a sign of a hangover. He only remembered that he had changed several places to drink with Black Horn yesterday, and finally the host and guest left happily.

But what he did, and how he got back on the Naglfar, he couldn't remember. Well, it seems that the old drunkard's talent also has a limit, once the limit is exceeded, it will be broken.

This really shouldn't be.

Thinking of this, Bu Laike lifted the quilt, and then froze in place.

It's not that there are some girls he doesn't know hidden in his quilt, Laike's self-control is not so low, but there are definitely things in his quilt that don't belong to him.


Bu Laike's eyes twitched, his hands trembled, and he took out a delicate crown from the pile of beautiful things in front of him, and put it in front of his eyes to examine it carefully.

If he remembers correctly, this thing should belong to the crown of the Queen of Stormwind, and there is also the royal emblem of the Stormwind Kingdom on it

But shouldn't this kind of thing be in the Royal Curry in Stormwind?

Why are you here?

and this!

The pirate picked up another Wang Quan rod, which was quite primitive but extraordinarily ornately decorated, and played with it in his hand.

A total of seven loa's heads are engraved on this thing from top to bottom, and the lifelike Devilsaur on the top is also Rezan's emblem. But Rezan is the royal loa of Zandalar, and no one but the King of Gold is entitled to wield its scepter.

In other words, this scepter belongs to the .


Boo Laike punched himself hard on the head.

He looked at the pile of things piled up in his quilt in front of him with a headache. The owners of these things were either rich or noble, and they basically belonged to the kind of treasure that would be locked in the strongest safe if any force got it.

But now, as if they had grown legs, they came to me on their own initiative.


It seems that after the hangover last night, I really did some "terrible" things.


The door of the captain's cabin was suddenly pushed open, which startled the pirate, and with a guilty conscience, he quickly lifted the quilt to cover his treasures.

Although I don't remember how these things came from, but since they are in my hands, I definitely can't return them. I have to find the most secret place to hide them.

Most importantly, this matter cannot be known by anyone.

"Why don't you knock?"

Bu Laike pretended to be frightened and stood up. While taking off his alcohol-smelling coat, he said to Sefiel who walked into the cabin with breakfast on his cold face:

"You scared me, by the way, who sent me back last night?"

"Hehe, don't you remember?"

Seifel, who has always been gentle, seemed to be a different person today. She folded her arms and said in a cold and sarcastic tone:

"That's right, you are drunk like that and you know how to go to show affection to other girls. Seeing the worried look on her face when she sent you back, I thought you and her were doing everything you should and shouldn't be doing. It's over."

"Hey, don't do this!"

The pirate flashed behind Sefiel with a whoosh, and regardless of the chief mate's struggle and screams, he hugged her in his arms and gnawed hard on her lips, which made the first officer quiet down.

He whispered in Sefiel's ear, who was blushing:

"You haven't told me who sent me back? Look at the way you've overturned the jar of jealousy. It should be a lady? Who is it?"

"Who else?"

Seifel snorted and said angrily:

"Of course it's Princess Calia Menethil, who is rightly related to Prince Drake. I heard that Her Majesty Dai Lin has just concluded some secret agreements with King Terenas.

It seems that our Highness Drake will have an extra princess. "

"Hey, I was so drunk last night"

Bu Laike got a headache when he heard this. In order to strengthen his persuasiveness, he pulled Seifel to the bedside, and lifted the quilt to let her see the treasure he "accidentally" got.

He said:

"I really don't know what I did last night. Tell me honestly, nothing happened between me and Calia, right? If something happened, I would have a headache!"


Seeing the pile of inexplicable treasures on the pirate's bed, Sefiel half-believed that Braike had really drunk to pieces. As a pirate's first mate, she had indeed seen a lot of what those alcoholics would do after drinking too much. All kinds of weird things.

But will Boo Laike do the same?

With such doubts, Seifel's tone became a little milder, and she said:

"According to Princess Jialia, you suddenly teleported to her bedroom last night while she was taking a bath, and forced her to go to the seaside of the Whispering Coast, where you talked to her a lot about fate and the future.

And told her terrible things.

For example, her younger brother Alsace should have assumed the duties of His Majesty Lothar and became the Lich King who destroyed the kingdom. For example, she would die tragically in that terrible disaster, and then resurrected from the dead due to the summoning of the Holy Light, becoming a magical Light forged the undead, leading those Forsaken who were killed by his brother and resurrected by evil forces to rebuild their homes.

You also said that Calia would call herself 'The Pale Lady' in the future.

You advised her not to use that name because it offended the moon god.

He also said a lot of bad things about Kaldorei, including but not limited to the gossip between Tyrande and Illidan, Tyrande's dried bananas, Malfurion and the Green Dragon Queen doing shameful things in dreams, etc.

Oh, right. "

Safiel sighed and said:

"Princess Calia didn't say it directly, but I see her embarrassed look. You should have done something unseemly to her while drunk."

"Damn it!"

The pirate slapped himself hard, and he looked down at his trousers. After confirming that his belt had not been opened, he was relieved.

The last step did not break through.

Fortunately, there is still a chance to redeem this matter.

But soon, Bu Laike discovered the "blind spot" in Seifel's words, and he said in a strange tone:

"You said that I teleported to Calia while she was bathing, that is to say, when I chatted with her on the coast, she was always"

"That's right!"

The first officer gave the stinky pirate a hard look, and said in a low voice:

"I just wore a bathrobe and spent most of the night blowing the sea breeze with you, and I caught a cold, and I'm still on the boat being taken care of by the ship doctor Natalie. I heard that the fever is quite serious.

Why are you so bad! "

"I don't know, it's all the damn Black Horn's fault! It's because he dragged me to drink that things turned out like this."

The pirate gritted his teeth and clenched his fist, shouting:

"Ah, I was tempted by fine wine and sex, look how haggard I have become! Look at the good things I saw, starting today! Quit drinking!"

"Beauty doesn't say anything, right?"

Safiel looked up and down at Bo Laike with contempt, and said:

"Maiev already knew about this, and she didn't react much, but Xalatas will definitely not let you go, just wait and suffer!"

"Hold on, I'm already suffering."

The pirate was very distressed, and he really wanted to go back to last night to slap himself.

But given the way things were, escaping wasn't his style.

So the pirate was going to visit Calia after breakfast. After all, he was dependent on her to take care of him when he was drunk, so he should express his gratitude.

But just as the pirates had just finished eating the Pandaren eight-treasure porridge that nourished their stomachs, the bluffing little Xingxing rushed into the captain's room waving a piece of information about the Uncrowned.

She looked at Bo Laike in shock and exclaimed:

"Hey! What did you do last night? Why did the seven human kingdoms issue your arrest warrant at the same time? And they all raised the bounty several times!

Why even the Zandalari who have a good relationship with you started to want you?

I heard that the Kaldorei have organized an expedition to attack you, and those elves claim that you have humiliated their faith and taken away their precious things."

"Don't ask me, I don't know, I didn't do it."

With a wooden face, Bu Laike picked up a bun made by a pandaren chef and stuffed it into his mouth, saying vaguely:

"They must have made a mistake."

"A mistake? No way?"

Little Xingxing glanced at the information again and said:

"It says that more than eight high-level moon priests saw you break into the Moon God Temple on Mount Hyjal, wreak havoc inside, and even painted a little turtle on the Moon God sculpture.

In addition, when you left, you also hung more than a dozen priests on the eaves of the Moon God Temple, including a highly respected old priest, who is said to be the former mentor of Tyrande

You also took away a lot of druid tree seeds.

Hey, how did they mess with you? "


As soon as Little Xingxing finished speaking, the window of the captain's cabin opened with an impact, and amidst a raging fire, the cold-faced Thisalie Crow landed in front of the pirates.

Miss Black Crow slammed her hands on the table, stared at Bu Laike viciously, and scolded:

"Ganir Mother's Tree! And Asaman's Fang, hand it over! If you don't make trouble for a day, you will feel uncomfortable, right?

You know that because of you, I was just called back to Moonglade to be taught a lesson by a group of old men, but fortunately I gave you a guarantee that you are a friend of nature.


You really pissed me off! "


Bu Laike, who was condemned by a group of people, ate the buns helplessly. He finally stopped arguing, pointed to the treasure protected by Sefiel, and said weakly:

"It's all there, you can find it yourself, I'm tired, I'll talk about it later, okay?"


It took a while, but Laike finally got over the trouble caused by the hangover last night. At least Miss Black Crow promised him when she left with two natural relics that she would convey his apology to Lord Cenarius .

Of course, the anger of the druids may not be appeased, but the pirates don't care anymore.

He returned everything he looted.

For a pirate, this already represented great sincerity, and if the druids were still reluctant, then Laike didn't mind "reasoning" with them.

As for the wanted man from the Seven Kingdoms of Humanity

Tch, who cares?

Ever since Bu Laike overturned the Gilneas fleet in the waters of Khaz Modan, the Seven Kingdoms of Humanity have not stopped looking for him, and now the bounty is doubled, which represents their attitude.

Doesn't anyone really think that such a small bounty will allow the mercenaries to do things for the kings at the risk of offending Laike?

No way no way?

But in addition to these, there are things that really give the pirates a headache, which are waiting for him to deal with in the infirmary of the Nagfar.

Bu Laike changed his clothes, strolled through the noisy phalanx of murloc pirates who were doing "morning exercises", and came to Natalie's ship doctor.

He poked his head outside the door, and was quickly noticed by the black-robed ship doctor.

The latter walked out of the cabin expressionlessly with a blessing staff, and said to Bu Laike:

"What's the matter with you? I used to think that respecting women is one of the few good habits you have, but you actually let a noble princess who is not in good health wear such cool clothes to accompany you for so long in the middle of the night. sea ​​breeze?

If she hadn't been protected by the Holy Light, the cold alone would have killed her."

"I didn't mean to, my doctor, I'm drunk."

Bu Laike lowered his head and sighed:

"Is she all right now?"

"Physically, it's just a small problem. It's a disease accumulated under long-term stress and fatigue. It only needs to be recuperated to restore health. But the mental problem is very serious."

Natalie glanced at the cabin, she whispered:

"You know, Princess Calia has been suffering from psychological shadows after what happened to Count Daval Prestor. She was very strong and did not show this kind of thing, but it does not mean that the psychological pressure does not exist.

That's probably why she resists being too intimate with a man, but I'm surprised she didn't show more anger towards you in the situation last night.

This may be a bad sign. "

The well-informed ship doctor paused and said to Bo Laike:

"Maybe it's because you rescued her from Deathwing's charm, which caused her to have an abnormal closeness to you, but considering her identity and complicated background, my captain, you must handle your relationship with her carefully." relationship issue."

"I try my best."

Bu Laike rubbed his forehead and said:

"I don't really care about her"

"Really not?"

Natalie smiled and said meaningfully:

"There are so many women in this world, and there are many who have a crush on you, but why did you go to her after you drank the fragment? I believe Braike Shaw doesn't have too many complicated emotions for Princess Calia .

You are people from two worlds.

But what about Drake Proudmoore?

You have a double identity, my captain, but you seem to ignore that.

From Drake Proudmoore's point of view, Calia Menethil is your most suitable partner, even more suitable than Maiev and Sephiel.

You have to be careful.

This is my last advice to you. "

After speaking, the ship doctor straightened his clothes and left the infirmary leaning on his staff.

She has been busy in the middle of the night, so she should catch up on sleep now.

Braike was silent at the door for a few seconds, then walked into the cabin, and saw Calia Menethil lying on the bed and sleeping soundly. She was covered with a warm quilt, but from her exposed shoulders and Judging from her arms, her dress last night was really "cool".


The smelly pirate reached out and patted his eyes. He felt that he had done something stupid, but the ship doctor's reminder came just right.

I seem to have been ignoring the needs of the identity of Derek Proudmoore.

Although he can confirm that the will has dissipated long ago, this body probably also has its own preferences, well, Drake is a normal man.

For him, such tentacle play, friendship between life and death, and the fall of the priestess are indeed a bit too deviant. Maybe a human princess like Calia, who is perfect in every sense, is Drake's favorite?

Laike hesitated for a few seconds before finally stepping forward and sitting in front of the hospital bed.

"Hey, don't pretend to be asleep."

The pirate whispered:

"Your suppressed breathing sounds like thunder to the ears of a master assassin like me. I also think it's time for us to talk, Your Highness Calia.

About our complicated relationship, about the future between us, about the future of Lordaeron and your brother, honestly, I am very angry that he has a heart for my sister.

Maybe I should teach him a deeper lesson?

Speaking of which, do you want a well-behaved and sensible sister? I can do it for you. "

(end of this chapter)

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