Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1550 184. Stupid Super Evolution: King Of Stupid... Uh, No! King Of Courage!

Chapter 1550 184. Stupid Super Evolution: King of Stupid Uh, no! King of Courage!

In the throne room of the Hall of Lightning, Maiev looked at Fenna, the idiot who was bathed in the white thunder Loken summoned and brandished double blades to chase down the guardian titan, who had lost all confidence.

The blue divine power entwined in the latter is very similar to Maiev's divine power moon veil when she incarnated as the Moon Night God of War. That power is so active that it doesn't look like an inherited energy, but rather like a certain kind of fighting that Fenner was born with. Same talent.

It has never been more active than it is today.

It doesn't even need Fenner to call, it will actively attach to the weapon or turn it into a barrier to resist damage, just like the anger that the fool warrior has already mastered.

It seems to have become part of Finner's existence.

And the stupid warrior's fierce slashing and her battle roar resounded through the hall, shocking the heroic spirits who came to the throne room, they blocked all the exits like the best spectators, and prepared for themselves Here the warriors shouted.

"Hey, she's not in a normal state anyway, right?"

But Ms. Warden is a genuine God's Chosen after all, she can see more reality through the appearance, she whispered to Bu Laike who was holding the scepter of Sargeras beside her:

"Aren't you worried that the change of Tyr's divine power will affect Fenner's mind?"


Bu Laike complained:

"Give my stupid sister more wisdom? Then I can only ask for it, no kidding, don't worry about Tyr's divine power changing Fenner, after all, she is a guardian who died countless years ago.

The basis of his existence has been wiped out by the explosion of the void, and what exists on Fenner's body is just a reverberation. This may be the last time it appeared in the form of "Tyr's divine power".

After the justice trial it desires is over, it will completely become Fenner's power.

Hmm. It seems like a gift to say so.

Let's put it another way, it is my stupid sister who has shown her courage and strength all year round, and finally won the recognition and follow of this divine power from the Pantheon.

Alas, these high-level powers on the order side are very troublesome. You have to show a certain quality that you are worthy of them, just like a trial.

What a proud force.

See how generous the Void and Fel are, as long as you commit to dedicating yourself to them, they will return your precious power and never owe you money. "

"The gift of the void will turn you into a hopeless lunatic, and the generosity of fel will make you fall into the hell of eternal tyranny. Compared with such a terrible aftereffect that cannot be dispelled, I think it takes time to pass The trial of the power of order is no big deal."

Maiev shook her head, returning her attention to the battlefield, she said:

"All the generosity of fate has a hidden price. In your words, the free things are often the most expensive."

"Well, people who already have strength speak with confidence."

The pirate snorted and said:

"But there are many people in this world who yearn for power for various reasons, but they don't have the good luck like you or me. They can only choose to sell their souls to the devil.

As long as this desire exists, the world will never be free from the threat of fel and the void.

The dark things will not stop invading the beautiful world. "

"Those of us who maintain order will not stop."

Maiev shook her head, ending this little argument. Under the gaze of the two, Fenna, who was wrapped in the burning Tyr's divine power, slashed forward with a thunderous roar and slashed the mighty Enemy Breaker.

The first slash was resisted by Loken's call of magic, but then the second sweep shattered Loken's shield, and the third heavy slash left terrifying scars on the rock titan's body. The final slash severed Loken's left hand from the wrist.

Following the deep and terrifying roar of the fallen King of Wisdom, the evil god he believed in finally responded.

Probably after weighing things up, he felt that he couldn't just give up on a dog like Loken. After all, many facilities in Ulduar still needed this guy to host.

So in the sudden burst of void impact, a dark purple crack suddenly appeared between Fenna, who was about to step forward to make up the knife, and Loken, who was full of despair and joy.

The explosion of a huge amount of void power pushed Fenner back a few steps, and the surrounding heroic spirits roared and rushed up, but they were entangled by the faceless man and flesh and blood monster rushing out of the crack.

Amidst the weird and chaotic murmurs, Loken scrambled and rushed towards the void rift closest to him.

This guy was so embarrassed that he couldn't even utter a harsh word when he ran away, but his confidence and fighting spirit had already been shattered when Tire's divine power burst out on Fenner.

Under the appearance of this conspirator who looks very powerful and has a cool appearance, there is a cowardly and timid soul hidden.

Before the civilization of this world was born, he had already betrayed his camp under the temptation of Yogg Saron, and it was he who personally defeated and imprisoned his compatriots in various ways.

That was probably the brightest moment of his so-called wisdom.

And since then, because of the conflict between void and arcane, he has not been blessed by the power of wisdom, and perhaps cursed by wisdom because he knows too much.


Just when Loken desperately wanted to escape into the void rift, a bloody arc shattered the power of the void and whizzed towards Loken with a bang.

The elven sword entwined with anima is inserted into the solid ground. It stands between the fallen guardian and the void gate leading to the Survival Land. There is only one sword, but it is as insurmountable as a mountain.

"I probably guessed that Fenner could handle you by herself, so you might as well guess, besides watching for fun, why do I have to appear here?"

The figure of Bu Laike emerged beside the Saramani war sword, his left hand resting on the hilt, just exposing himself to the void majesty of Yogg-Saron's roar.

Those corrupted void blasts that could instantly conscript mortals into flesh and blood monsters wrapped around him, but were completely unable to change Bo Laike's life form even an iota.

After all, it is the power from the same source.

Regardless of whether it is the corrupted void or the pure void, its power comes from the void force in the stars. A master can't break the trick at all.

"You can try to rush from me and throw yourself into Yogg-Saron's arms, or turn around and finish the trial she must complete with my sister."

The pirate pulled out the Elven Excalibur from the ground with a bang, and made an opening gesture of the Enemy Breaker swordsmanship forward. He said to Loken:

"Give it a try, leave everything to luck, maybe you can really break through my defenses? Hey, you, Yogg Saron, you'd better be quiet, if you disturb me, I'll take my My lover is going to visit you.

Have you confirmed that you are ready to face two punishing messengers sent by the pure void at the same time? "

The second sentence of the pirate was of course addressed to Yogg-Saron.

On the opposite side of the rift in the void, the Demon of Thousand Throats, who was still in the cage and had not yet escaped, should have responded to the provocation of a bold pirate at this time, but it was probably because the ending of C'Thun and G'huun gave Yogg Saron a knock. The alarm bell sounded, and after confirming that Braike appeared here, the Demon of Thousand Throats let out a regretful murmur, and then decisively closed the rift leading to Ulduar.

This scene made Loken completely desperate.

Obviously, Yogg Saron decisively chose the former between avoiding direct conflict with Bu Laike and saving the survival of the waste subordinates.

It should be that it has not made final preparations, and is not willing to start this battle of the void now.

As the rift was quietly closed, the throne room in the Hall of Lightning fell into an eerie dead silence. In the end, Loken did not choose to turn around and have a life-and-death battle with Fenner, who was full of fighting spirit.

He chose to surrender.

Shameful surrender.

He may feel that he can rely on brotherhood to be forgiven when facing Odin and Ra-den, or that the existence of the Titan Guardian cannot be destroyed by mortal hands.

But the pirate didn't care what the guy thought.

When Loken was captured without a fight and was chained and escorted out of the Hall of Lightning by the heroic spirits, Bu Laike had already begun to search for all the books in Loken's throne room.

These large books made of rock and metal are all written in the Titan language, and ordinary spellcasters can't understand them at all, but their research value and artistic value don't need to be elaborated at all.

Thinking about bringing something like this back to Narsalas College and putting it in the exhibition hall for tourists from all over the world to watch, even if this book only records the diary or recipes of this coward Loken, it should be a very interesting one. thing.

Anyway, most tourists don't understand these.

"Huh, huh, I'm so tired, obviously I didn't use much energy when fighting."

In Loken's hall, Fenner, out of breath, sat down on the titan's throne, which was too huge for her, like a metal bed.

Don't look at Fenner's majestic face just now, but now that the battle is over, she is like a salted fish. She leans there, so tired that she can't even hold her weapon.

This exhaustion does not come from the body, but from the relieved spirit.

It is as if a difficult and great task has finally been accomplished today, as if an ancient echo has finally been laid to rest.

"I'm so dizzy, it's like I just hacked a hundred trolls to death, I feel something is leaving me, they are saying goodbye to me, but I can't hear or see.

I can still feel something melting into my being, they are cheering to crown me king. That's weird, smelly brother, come and see, am I sick? "

Fenna leaned on Loken's throne, calling for Bu Laike in a daze.

Her current state is like a bear child who is half asleep and half awake. She is so tired that she can't open her eyes, but she still cries and refuses to fall asleep obediently.

Pirates and Maiev approached Fina, they were curiously observing the stupid warrior in front of them.

Fina herself was very tired, so she didn't realize that the burning Tyr's divine power was being integrated into the warrior's power in a very strange way. To be precise, those blue light spots were flying in the same direction as Fina's tidal anger. Fantastic response.

"Is this a fusion of forces?"

Maiev whispered:

"Arcane and life originate from the pantheon's divine power of order and the fire of anger stirred up by the force of life. It's really a strange change. I haven't heard of such a fusion before her.

With the burst of divine power in front of her, after she wakes up, will she embark on the road of demigod? It may take a long time, but she already has this qualification. "

The pirate didn't answer right away.

He reached out and patted Fenner's head gently, soothing her spirit and helping her fall into a deep sleep. The character card in front of Bu Laike also showed Fenner's current state:

Name: Finna Golden Sword Proudmoore [King of Courage]

Race: [God of Tyr] Half Elf Half-Blood

Occupation: Level 60 Warrior Elite/Level 60 Pirate Elite/Empty

Legendary Occupation: Level 12 Justice · Warlord · Leader / Level 12 Titan Guard · Leader

Mythical Occupation: Level 1 King of Courage

Status: divine power fusion, life enhancement, full activation of Titan gene, priesthood acquisition, promotion

Character description:

The story of Fenna Golden Sword fully proves that intelligence is absolutely unnecessary for warriors, and every warrior can accomplish great things only by sacrificing wisdom.

Of course, the premise is that you have a good brother who can do anything.

"This guy"

Bu Laike squinted and complained:

"She, who is about to become a demigod, has an empty occupation column. If this is revealed, all the legends will definitely vomit blood and die on the spot.

But with her brain, it should be very difficult to find a job in other professions, right?

I don't know if there is a profession called 'stupid' in this world? That should be the most suitable occupation for my sister, and her title can be changed to something like 'King of Idiots' at that time. "

"Have you ever said that about your relatives?

Fenner may be a bit stupid, but she is kind in nature, and in my eyes she is the representative of the best Quel'dorei that can be born in that place of Quel'Thalas.

If she really becomes a villain, it must be taught by you. "

Even Maiev couldn't stand Bu Laike's complaints about Fenner. The warden punched the pirate and said:

"Hurry up and pick her up, let's go, the concentration of void in this place is rising, I suspect that Yogg Saron is going to block this place."

"Let it be blocked, it's just a dying struggle, what's the use?"

The pirate hugged the sleeping Fenner like a princess. The guy was wearing heavy armor, so the pirate said while moving his body:

"The energy node here has been opened, and it can only block the Heroic Spirit Legion in Ulduar, but the problem is that Odin and Raiden didn't intend to escape in a hurry when they came here this time.

Either they, or the ancient gods, in short, one must die.

And for me, who has decided to participate in this war, I really don't think we will lose. "

In the dark purple cloud formed by the exploding roar of void power, Bu Laike hugged Fenner who was snoring slightly, and walked out of the hall with Maiev.

He drew his voice and said:

"Take a step back, so what if we really lose? Thanks to old Brian, the Star Watchers will come to Azeroth in two days.

If that strange thing sees the shocking corruption of Azeroth at this time, it will definitely start the process of destroying the world immediately.

At that time, Yogg Saron will die even if he escapes.

So, the outcome of this war is already doomed. Do you hear me? My dear Demon of a Thousand Throats, our fate may not be sealed yet, but you are definitely doomed.

So, mourn for yourself in advance.

may struggle"

As the shining rainbow bridge engulfed the three of Bo Laike, the pirates left a final, malicious threat:

"You know, for bad guys who like to do bad things, the harder you struggle, the more rewarding it will be when we kill you.

So cry, cry, and die. "

(end of this chapter)

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