Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1551 184. The Bad World In The Eyes Of The Disliked Loken

Chapter 1551 184. The Bad World in the Eyes of the Disliked Loken

When Bu Laike brought Fenner back to the Valagar Fortress, Loken's trial had just begun.

All the commanders of the Hall of Valor were summoned, including the chosen warriors chosen by Odin among mortals, and even the three dragon kings and their clansmen were allowed to watch the trial in human form.

They stood on the circular steps around the big arena in the Hall of Valor, witnessing the end of the ancient grievances between the titan guardians before them today.

Odin, who always paid attention to the majesty of the guardian, did not intend to deal with this matter internally. The Lord of War obviously wanted to ruin Loken, a hateful traitor, before he died.

As a commander, he also needs to use the death of the enemy's forward general to boost morale before the real battle begins!

In Odin's heart, his brother Loken, whom he could trust so much, was already his enemy.

Not only because of the dirty and nasty things Loken had done in the past, but also because the guy betrayed the mission he was born with, and surrendered to the enemies of the titans.

He became a stain and disgrace among the Guardians.

In addition to the original guardians of the "Big Three" and the two former lieutenants of Tyr, there is also a titan who is lost and lifeless and is also in the array of guardians.

Judging from the blue lightning coiled around his body, as well as his peculiarly shaped lightning winged helmet and the thunder gems dotted on his body armor, this guy should be the storm guardian Torto who chose to exile himself many years ago. rim.

"Look, the green light shining from the lightning crown on Lord Thorim's head is really dazzling."

After sending Fenner back to her room in Valhalla to rest, Laike and Maiev mingled with the crowd to watch the Guardian's trial before them.

Holding Maiev's waist, he whispered to Madam Warden:

"As expected of the guardian of the titans, even the shape of the crown of the green hat is completely different from that of ordinary mortals."

"What did you say?"

Maiev glanced at Thorim in surprise, then said to Bo Laike:

"He didn't wear a green hat."

"No, he brought it. It's the most exaggerated green hat in the world. It's just that you're not smart enough to see it. It's a green hat that only smart people can see.

Idiots can't see it. "

Bo Laike squeezed the bottle and let out a weird laugh.

He looked out of the Hall of Valor, even while Loken was being tried, the War Fortress did not stop advancing.

Calculated based on its speed and the remaining distance, it would be time to officially start the fortified battle against Ulduar City after Loken's trial was over.

Calculated based on the strength of both the enemy and us plus Odin Raiden's familiarity with Ulduar City, if everything goes well, the battle will probably end within a day or two.

Well, that's a huge good thing in every sense of the word.


While the pirates were thinking about things, the prisoner, whose whole body was bound by thick chains, was escorted into the arena by several thunder-cast heroic spirits with big arms. Some even threw stones at him to humiliate and mock.

The scandal of Loken has spread throughout Valagar, and all the warriors who are proud to be heroic spirits despise this kind of trash who is obedient to the ancient gods and strikes hard at his own people.

And the moment Loken appeared, the storm guardian Thorim, who was haunted by despondency, also became excited.

This "handsome" guy among all the guardians clenched his fists and smashed the extra-large vrykul drinking horn containing fine wine to the golden ground. With the mellow mead splashing around, Thorim moved towards Loken yelled:

"Tell me! How did my former brother, Sif, die! Why did you do such a thing? Why did you hide it from me?"

"I didn't intend to hide from you, Thorim."

Facing his brother's angry questioning, Loken, who already knew his fate, did not choose to continue to defend himself. On the contrary, he raised his head in a very calm manner, and the stone face was full of sarcasm.

He said:

"When I strangled that dissolute woman with my own hands, I was ready for you to discover all of this, and I have prepared a trap for you that can kill you under the hint of the master.

I just didn't expect you to be so stupid, to be so angry that I lost my mind with a few words.

I told you that it was the Frost titan that killed your beloved Sif, so you believed it, and without any doubt, you drove the storm titan to attack the Frost titan.

He even violated our rules and personally killed the king of Frost Titan.

You and your family are like a pack of vengeful wolves, defeating the Frost Titan. I see that this desperate battle has started like a herd of beasts, and the blood and hatred can no longer be stopped.

I knew then that keeping you was more useful than killing you. "

Loken was like crazy.

He was wearing heavy shackles all over his body. Amidst the insults and scolding of all the heroic spirits, he looked up to the sky and laughed, like a villain who no longer pretended, and decided to announce the good deeds he had done to the whole world before dying.

He yelled:

"Look at the horrors my wit can do when it's darkened, and make the Storm titans, the Ironborn, and the Frost titans eternal enemies with just a few words.

The tens of thousands of years of massacres have brought the civilization of Frost Titan to the brink of collapse, and the storm titan that once spread all over the world has become a rare species.

Those Brunhilda vrykul who are sheltered by you are alive and well, but they have also changed from staunch titan warriors to a group of wanton flesh and blood who only desire your favor and caress.

Thorim, my poor brother

I have done a lot of bad things, but believe me, at least half of all the deaths and depravity are related to you! I just opened a door to fall for you.

And what you have done has gone beyond the Fall.

You did a great job killing it!

The defenders left by the sad titans for this world killed each other under your indulgence, leading to the end of the age of gods, and the world finally seized power by shameful mortals.

Oh, by the way, you are asking me why I killed Sif, why did I kill the woman you loved. Let me tell you, Sif has been meeting me in secret since before she became a partner with you.

The most "great" queen born in the history of the Brunhilda clan is nothing but a vanity-loving woman. She worships your strength and my wisdom.

She hopes to have the favor and 'blessing' of both of us at the same time.

Of course I satisfied her.

I admit that for a while, when I learned the terrible news among the stars, I was very depressed and very frightened. I regarded her as a rest for my soul and longed for her company.

But that shameless woman asked to sever the intimate relationship with me at that time, she said that she would devote herself to you faithfully.

So, in anger and jealousy, I accidentally strangled her to death.

sorry my brother.

It wasn't just you who lost a loved one that day.

I, too, lost my lover and my faith, my brother and my persistence. On that day, I degenerated into a shameful criminal.

But that didn't make me feel miserable.

I realized that falling into the dark was not a terrible punishment, that it meant another door opened to me in despair, and I embraced it. "

Loken said he was sorry, but the damned gloomy smile on his face showed that he was provocative, and this cruel fact not only made Thorim's eyes widen and he lost his voice for a moment, but also made everyone around him quiet .

The King of War curled his lips in disdain.

He knew that for the soldiers, redundant feelings are definitely a burden, and the cruel scene in front of him fully proved that Odin's contempt for love is definitely justified.

And those mortals.

Especially a well-informed old sea dog like Dai Lin, at this moment, exchanged glances with the other mortal warriors around him, and they all showed some meaningful and bewildered smiles on each other.

They originally thought how mysterious the world of the guardians was, but looking at it now, these naturally powerful guys are actually no different from ordinary people.

Look at the bloody plot at eight o'clock

Tsk tsk, I didn't expect them to enjoy such explosive gossip before the start of a battle of gods in the eyes of ordinary people. Is this probably the "relaxation" before the war?

"Well, no wonder you say Thorim's crown glows green."

Maiev pursed her lips, and said to Bo Laike, who gave a wicked big smile:

"The relationship between these guardians is also very messy, no wonder Queen Azshara disdains them so much."

"Well, I think the queen's disdain for them doesn't just come from her knowing the secrets of these guardians, my supreme queen has such disdain for anyone.

That is her unique attitude towards life.

She thought that only arrogance could interpret Wang Quan, but obviously, she was wrong, and she realized it herself. "

The pirate explained in a low voice. He looked at Loken who was "exploding himself" in front of him, and said:

"Don't worry, my little dear, this guy who knows he will die will definitely say a lot of amazing things today, and we are all witnesses."

"What a disgrace!"

As soon as the pirate's voice fell, there was a scolding from the crowd, which came from the Red Dragon Queen Laikestraza.

The dragon king angrily yelled loudly:

"The guardian dragon once sacrificed many compatriots because he wanted to mediate the war between the titans. We thought that such sacrifices were necessary, but we didn't realize that the cause of all this was your shameful desire and the cover-up of your sins!

Loken, you are not worthy of the power given to you by the Pantheon!

You shameful degenerate! "

"Ah, look who this is, the dragon king who pretends to be righteous, what right do you have to speak nonsense here?"

Loken turned his head and stared at the angry Red Dragon Queen, he sneered and said:

"You are nothing more than 'pets' domesticated by my brother Tyre out of kindness. Do you really think that we have given you strength, and pets are entitled to kick their noses at their owners?

Although I am imprisoned in the Lightning Hall, I know everything about the outside world like the back of my hand, and I can see all the changes in this world.

Including those stupid things you did.

We give you power on behalf of the gods to help us manage this world, but you are like a group of children who have been given toys, wantonly using authority that you don't even understand.

Shall I repeat here the story of how Dragon Soul was born?

Your brother, how did Deathwing trick you into pouring precious divine power into the creation of a thing of destruction with a poor lie? Hehe, you almost destroyed the world.

In my opinion, the extinction of the blue dragon and the depravity of the black dragon are your own disgrace."

"You bastard!"

Hearing Loken bring up the old story again, he immediately poked the blue dragon's scariest scar.

The exhausted Malygos angrily wanted to rush into the arena to kill the damned traitor, but was stopped by Ysera and Senegos. This guy is dead today, there is absolutely no need to lose his mind because of his provocation.

"What? You little blue dragon think I'm deliberately mocking you? Hehe, let me tell you something you don't know."

Loken sneered, raised his finger in the direction of the Kalimdor continent amidst the vibration of the chains, and said:

"That tree, the world tree that you blessed the Kaldorei elves, you think it is a kind of blessing to the living beings, you wantonly abused the power given to you by the Pantheon, and turned a civilization with great potential Imprisoned beyond life and death.

You misused the power of life, and you offended death.

You have disrupted the balance of life and death in this world with your own hands, and made Kaldorei trapped in the cage of eternal life because of your "blessing". Let me tell you, every life in this space of stars has a destination after death.

That's part of the cycle and balance.

except kadore

After that tree was planted, there were no dead kingdoms left for them among the stars, and it was a terrible curse that kept their civilization from making any progress for ten thousand years.

This will eventually lead to their extinction in the disaster of eternal life, and they are not even qualified to become lonely ghosts. All of this is because of your misconduct!

You ruined them.

The reason for destruction is favor, praise, and love.

Compared to me, you are the real destroyers of civilization, and you are still talking nonsense in front of me. Sure enough, my brother Odin's evaluation of you is absolutely correct.

Weak and stupid dragons are never worth relying on.

Tyr's vision is as bad as his wit!

This is disgusting! "

Loken's speech revealing the truth made Maiev grab Laike's wrist subconsciously at this moment, and she tremblingly looked at the pirate, who looked at her with regretful eyes and nodded slightly.

"You! And you, what are you laughing at?"

Loken finished spraying the dragon and turned his head to look at the mortal warriors in the crowd. His eyes swept over Dailin and Muradin, and stayed on Val Locke for a moment. He said:

"This race is a bit interesting, but it's a pity that the disease of fel energy is destroying you like a curse. Your little war with humans once aroused my interest, but I finally realized that you are just failures shaped by the afterglow of the Pantheon.

human, dwarf.

A group of bugs that can be defeated with a curse of flesh and blood.

After the end of the age of gods, they thought they had mastered the dominance of this world, and arrogantly declared their dominion over the world at the feet of the titans.

Your stupidity is such that I don't even want to give you a laugh.

I guess my brother Odin must have persuaded you to join this war with seemingly great reasons, but I guess he didn't tell you the cruel truth at all."

"Shut up!"

The Lord of War suddenly stood up, realizing that Loken was about to reveal some dangerous secrets, and took up his lightning spear to execute the mad traitor.

But Odin's wrist was grabbed by the silent Raiden.

The Great Guardian looked at his brother and said:

"Let him say it! Let him tell it all! It's time, we can't be like him, bewitching the warriors with false lies to set foot on the final battlefield with us.

Lies cannot bring victory.

Let him talk.

For him to speak out to the world, and to make all of us aware of the situation we face, the terrible truth that has broken us can inspire true courage. "

Odin fell silent.

He stared at Loken, who had a provocative look on his face.

Probably because he knew that he was bound to die, at this time Loken had nothing to be afraid of, and he wanted to express all his disgust for this world before he died.

At this time, he appeared as a prisoner, shook the prison chain on his body, and shouted loudly:

"I didn't give up this world because I was weak, and I didn't give up my responsibilities because I was tempted. I was once full of hope for this world like you, and I once admired the shapers among the stars.

But they are dead!

Long before life in this world was born, they had already died, dying under the sword of the God of Darkness. This world, the stars are destined to be destroyed, and no one can escape the ending of everything being turned into ashes.

And what Yogg-Saron showed me was another hope.

I didn't want to accept that fallen hope, because I thought the gods who shaped me were omnipotent!

They should be omnipotent!

But they are not.

Sad mortals, sad warriors, your courage and your strength mean nothing, for all hope is long lost.


I'm a loser, I admit it.

But sooner or later you will be like me, I just announced to you the final prophecy of destruction. You will thank Me for revealing to you the truth beneath this false hope.

To die standing?

Or live on your knees?

I give you the right to choose, this is the last blessing I give to this world as the king of wisdom, hehe, you are really lucky, you still have a choice.

Bow down to the void.

It's just a struggle to survive without dignity or right or wrong. "

Loken snorted.

He closed his eyes, as if he had finished his last words.

Let Thorim jump up with a roar, swing his spherical war hammer full of lightning storms, and smash down with a whistling hammer, completely annihilating the traitor's head in a thunderstorm.

At the moment when the thinking circuit was completely shattered, Loken whispered:

"This hopeless world really sucks."


The chapter number of the previous chapter is wrong. . . SORRY~

(end of this chapter)

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